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    CL260WA Search Results

    CL260WA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 高輝度白色LED High brightness White Chip LED White LED 世界トップレベルの薄さと 明るさ。 高いコストパフォーマンス を誇る白色 LED。 With the world's thinnest surface and highest brightness, the white LED boasts superb cost performance.

    CL430S CL431S CL432S CL433S CL480S CL430S CL431S CL432S CL433S PDF


    Abstract: LED Selection Guide cl191wb CL432S CL-432S-WF
    Text: 高輝度白色LED 世界トップレベルの薄さと明るさ。 高いコストパフォーマンスを誇る 白色 LED。 With the world's thinnest surface and highest brightness, the white LED boasts superb cost performance. High brightness White Chip LED

    CL430SWF CL431SWF CL432SWF CL434SWF CL480SWE CL430S CL431S CL432S CL434S CL480S CL-191WB LED Selection Guide cl191wb CL432S CL-432S-WF PDF

    LED Selection Guide

    Abstract: CL-191WB 10H350 cl191wb
    Text: 動画用照明 LED / Illumination for time-varying image ● カメラ付 き携帯電話に内 蔵され暗所で静止画 や動画を撮影す る際に、 被写体を照明します。 This can be built into a cellular telephone terminal with a camera to be used

    CL460S CL470S Typ24 CL191WA CL191WB CL270WA CL270WB CL260WA CL260WB CL430SWAD LED Selection Guide CL-191WB 10H350 PDF

    LED Selection Guide

    Abstract: CL-191WB cl191wb CL460SWAD 10H350
    Text: 高輝度白色LED High brightness White Chip LED White LED 世界トップレベルの薄さと 明るさ。 高いコストパフォーマンス を誇る白色 LED。 With the world's thinnest surface and highest brightness, the white LED boasts superb cost performance.

    CL430S CL431S CL432S CL433S CL480S CL430S CL431S CL432S CL433S LED Selection Guide CL-191WB cl191wb CL460SWAD 10H350 PDF


    Abstract: CL-191WB CL432S
    Text: LED / Illumination for time-varying image # This can be built into a cellular telephone term inal w ith a camera to be used fo r illum inating o s u b icct when ta kin g s ta t c im ages or tim e varying im ages under low light conditions. CL-470S The slim package can be easily m ounted on any surface.

    OCR Scan
    CL-470S firin25 CL-480S CL-460S-WA-D CL-43QS CL-430S-WA/WA-D CL-430S-WB-D CL-430S-WB/WB-D CL-431S-WA-D CL-431S-WA/WA-D CL460SWAD CL-191WB CL432S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: £ ! F h s ' 7 L /'* J U < D M i s t W Z t 'o ¡ IlO X N D J - 7 V 7 High brightness White Chip LED « IfS a e L E D o White LED With the world's th in nest surface and h ig h e s t b rig h tn e s s , th e w h ite LED boasts superb co st perform ance. t\z>— LCD iKy

    OCR Scan
    CL-430S CL-431S CL-432S CL-433S CL-480S CL-260 CL-191 CL-260WA CL-270WA CL-191WB PDF