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    BUZ216 Search Results

    BUZ216 Datasheets (3)

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    BUZ216 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    BUZ216 Siemens Power Transistors Scan PDF
    BUZ216 Siemens main ratings Scan PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BUZ216 Transistors N-Channel Enhancement MOSFET Military/High-RelN V BR DSS (V)500 V(BR)GSS (V) I(D) Max. (A)4.4 I(DM) Max. (A) Pulsed I(D) @Temp (øC) IDM Max (@25øC Amb) @Pulse Width (s) (Condition) Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)75 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)

    BUZ216 PDF


    Abstract: BUY46 BUW32 BUS13A BUV21 ISO BUZ171 equivalent BUY22 BUT51P BUX23 BUT13P
    Text: STI Type: 2N5050 Notes: Polarity: NPN Power Dissipation: 40 VCBO: 125 VCER: 125 ICBO: 125 ICBO ua: 500 hFE: 25 hFE A: 1.0 VCE: 1.0 VBE: 1.2 IC A: .75 COB: 250 fT: 10 Case Style: TO-213AA/TO-66 Industry Type: 2N5050 STI Type: 2N5052 Notes: *BVCEO Polarity: NPN

    2N5050 O-213AA/TO-66 2N5052 2N5055 O-206AA/TO-18: 2N5056 2N5101 BUY46 BUW32 BUS13A BUV21 ISO BUZ171 equivalent BUY22 BUT51P BUX23 BUT13P PDF

    transistor buz 36

    Abstract: A1301 transistor Z346 z309 A3206A A1306A z326 A1320A A1610-A2 Z22A
    Text: IEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF 03E D • 7 ^ 3*7-0/ ô23StQS QOlSbBS ö « S I E G Leistungstransistoren Power Transistors N-Kanal Anreicherungstypen im Kunststoffgehäuse T0-220 AB N channel enhancem ent types in plastic package TO-220 AB Typ Type ^DS max V A

    OCR Scan
    23StQS T0-220 O-220 BUZ10S2 Z72AL Z73AL O-218 transistor buz 36 A1301 transistor Z346 z309 A3206A A1306A z326 A1320A A1610-A2 Z22A PDF

    PA 0016 PIONEER

    Abstract: Pioneer PA 0016 transistors br 6822 MPF104 I9951D Johnson motor 2 607 022 013 2SK109 equivalent V01000J DG5043CK IRF4431
    Text: CT^Siliconix in c o rp o ra te d Introduction Siliconix designs and manufactures semiconductor products that bridge the interface gap between real-world analog signals and the digitally operated microprocessor. Depending on the application, Siliconix provides both discrete

    OCR Scan
    J-23548 K28742 PA 0016 PIONEER Pioneer PA 0016 transistors br 6822 MPF104 I9951D Johnson motor 2 607 022 013 2SK109 equivalent V01000J DG5043CK IRF4431 PDF