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    Lux Technology Group BS448

    Lamp, H1, Halogen, 12V, 55W; Supply Voltage:12V; Power Rating:55W; Length:67.5Mm; Lamp Base Type:H1/P14.5S; Reflector Dia:-; Colour Temperature Typ:-; Product Range:-; Svhc:No Svhc (12-Jan-2017); Standard:Bs448; Style Code:H1; Rohs Compliant: Yes |Lux BS448
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    Abstract: Thyratron 3329B thyratron tube operation thyratron tube thyratrons
    Text: E2V Technologies 8503B Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled triode thyratron, positive grid, for pulse operation. A hydrogen reservoir is incorporated. Environmental tests applied to the tube include linear acceleration at 12 g, and

    8503B 8503B, 8503B Thyratron 3329B thyratron tube operation thyratron tube thyratrons PDF

    mdd 2605

    Abstract: HCPL 1458 8 pin opto KS0108 128X64 graphical LCD mdd 2601 transistor chn 952 hitachi INVC 618 Data Vision P135 H4 led smd headlight bulb transistor CHN 64 946 transistor chn 943
    Text: 755 Technical portal and online community for Design Engineers - Optoelectronics, Solid State Illumination & Displays Page Alphanumeric LCD Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903 Alphanumeric LED Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900

    element-14 element14 mdd 2605 HCPL 1458 8 pin opto KS0108 128X64 graphical LCD mdd 2601 transistor chn 952 hitachi INVC 618 Data Vision P135 H4 led smd headlight bulb transistor CHN 64 946 transistor chn 943 PDF


    Abstract: CV6022 MA359 thyratron tube operation Thyratron A1A-8503AF thyratron tube E2V Technologies BS448 thyratrons
    Text: E2V Technologies 8503AF Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Flange mounted hydrogen-filled triode thyratron, positive grid, for pulse operation. A hydrogen reservoir is incorporated. The

    8503AF CV6022 8503AF, 8503AF MA359 thyratron tube operation Thyratron A1A-8503AF thyratron tube E2V Technologies BS448 thyratrons PDF

    thyratron tube operation 6587

    Abstract: thyratron tube operation thyratron tube 6587 thyratron tube thyratron thyratrons CV6022
    Text: E2V Technologies 6587 Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. PULSE MODULATOR SERVICE MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM RATINGS ABRIDGED DATA Absolute values Hydrogen-filled triode thyratron, positive grid, for pulse

    CV6022 MIL-E-1/1046. A4-18) thyratron tube operation 6587 thyratron tube operation thyratron tube 6587 thyratron tube thyratron thyratrons PDF

    thyratron tube 5c22

    Abstract: CV6022 thyratron 5c22 5C22 thyratrons thyratron tube operation Thyratron 5c22 tube thyratron tube E2V Technologies
    Text: E2V Technologies 8503 Service Type CV6022 Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled triode thyratron, positive grid, for pulse operation. A hydrogen reservoir is incorporated. Electrically

    CV6022) thyratron tube 5c22 CV6022 thyratron 5c22 5C22 thyratrons thyratron tube operation Thyratron 5c22 tube thyratron tube E2V Technologies PDF


    Abstract: CX1140 CX114 thyratron tube operation A1A-CX1140 MA360 E2V Technologies thyratron tube thyratron A1A-CX1140L
    Text: CX1140L Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled, fast recovery, tetrode thyratron, specifically designed for operation under medical linac conditions. A reservoir operating from the cathode heater supply is incorporated.

    CX1140L CX1140L, CX1140L CX1140 CX114 thyratron tube operation A1A-CX1140 MA360 E2V Technologies thyratron tube thyratron A1A-CX1140L PDF


    Abstract: Thyratron 5949 5949A Thyratron 5948 CV8563 CX-1140 CX1151 MA179 MA360 thyratrons
    Text: CX1140 Service Type CV8563 Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled tetrode thyratron, featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. Suitable for use at high pulse repetition

    CX1140 CV8563) CX1140 CX1140, Thyratron 5949 5949A Thyratron 5948 CV8563 CX-1140 CX1151 MA179 MA360 thyratrons PDF


    Abstract: FX297 thyratron tube thyratron tube operation hydrogen diode Thyratron MA360 E2V Technologies 8500 cap
    Text: FX297 Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled triode version of the as an inverse or charging diode hydrogen reservoir is incorporated. Peak inverse anode voltage . . . Peak anode current . . . . .

    FX297 CX1140 FX297, FX297 thyratron tube thyratron tube operation hydrogen diode Thyratron MA360 E2V Technologies 8500 cap PDF


    Abstract: CX1159 CX-1159 CX155 MA179 MA360 MA92 thyratron tube thyratron BS448
    Text: CX1159 Service Type CV9080 Deuterium Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled tetrode thyratron, featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. Suitable for use at high pulse repetition

    CX1159 CV9080) CX1159, CX1551 CX1159 CX-1159 CX155 MA179 MA360 MA92 thyratron tube thyratron BS448 PDF


    Abstract: CX1140LD cx1140 thyratron tube operation MA360 thyratron tube 4316A 1bg23 thyratron Thyratron recovery time
    Text: CX1140LD Deuterium Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled, fast recovery, tetrode thyratron, specifically designed for operation under medical linac conditions. A reservoir operating from the cathode heater supply is

    CX1140LD CX1140LD, CX1551 CX1140LD cx1140 thyratron tube operation MA360 thyratron tube 4316A 1bg23 thyratron Thyratron recovery time PDF

    crt tube 14 pin

    Abstract: 12 pin crt pin out 30E2 30C2 siemens mma crt tube siemens tube cathode ray Scans-0017393
    Text: MAZDA 30C2 C A T H O D E RAY T U B E -A L L ELE C TR O STA TIC 5|" Dia. Indirectly heated high grade precision measurement cathode ray tube with a polished flat face RATING Hester Voltage volts Heater Current (amps) Maximum 1st Anode Voltage Maximum 2nd Anode Voltage

    OCR Scan
    100/V BS446) crt tube 14 pin 12 pin crt pin out 30E2 30C2 siemens mma crt tube siemens tube cathode ray Scans-0017393 PDF


    Abstract: Mazda company cathode ray Scans-0017395
    Text: MAZDA 30.E.6 CATHODE RAY TUBE-ALL ELECTROSTATIC 12* Dia. For measurement purposes RATINO H eater V oltage v o l ts Vb 4 .0 H e a te r C u rren t (amps) Ih 0.72 Maximum 1 s t Anode V oltage ( v o l ts ) V al(max) 600 Maximum 2nd Anode v o lta g e ( v o lts )

    OCR Scan
    900/V 30E6/P1 s0-60 BS448) BS448 Mazda company cathode ray Scans-0017395 PDF


    Abstract: Mullard vga 6205
    Text: SP EC IA L Q U A L IT Y R.F. P EN T O D E Special quality r .f. pentode for use in equipment where high ambient temperatures, mechanical vibration and shocks are unavoidable and where statistically controlled major electrical characteristics are required.

    OCR Scan
    Inoperatives16 level10 tolO-16 BS448, BS448 Mullard vga 6205 PDF


    Abstract: I960 Mullard
    Text: S P E C IA L Q U A L IT Y V.H.F. D O U B L E T R IO D E M808I Special quality double triode for use in equipment where mechanical vibration and shocks are unavoidable and where statistically controlled major electrical characteristics are required. This data should be read in conjunction with G E N E R A L N O T E S S P E C IA L Q U A L IT Y V A L V E S which precede this section of the hand­

    OCR Scan
    M808I Fixed00 Inoperatives16 BS448, BS448 I960 Mullard PDF

    MPF 740

    Abstract: BS448 I960 mullard
    Text: S P E C IA L Q U A L IT Y O U T P U T PENTODE Special quality output pentode for use in equipment where m echanical vibration and shocks are unavoidable and where statistically controlled major electrical characteristics are required. M8082 This data should be read in conjunction with the G E N E R A L N O T E S S P E C IA L Q U A L IT Y V A L V E S which precede this section of the handbook,

    OCR Scan
    M8082 MPF 740 BS448 I960 mullard PDF


    Abstract: BS448 Mullard
    Text: S P E C I A L Q U A L I T Y D O U B L E D IO D E M82I2 Special quality double diode with separate cathodes and internal screening between sections for use in equipment where mechanical vibrations and shocks are unavoidable and where statistically controlled major electrical characteristics are required.

    OCR Scan
    M82I2 MO-275 BS448 Mullard PDF


    Abstract: I960 Mullard
    Text: S P E C IA L Q U A L IT Y R.F. PO W ER TRIO D E M8080 Special quality power triode for use as an r.f. power ampli­ fier or oscillator in equipment where mechanical vibration and shocks are unavoidable and where statistically controlled major electrical characteristics are required.

    OCR Scan
    M8080 Inoperatives16 500kil BS448 BS448 I960 Mullard PDF


    Abstract: bsk 45 A001 B3662 40216 Mullard anode clip
    Text: QY5-800 R.F. P O W ER T E T R O D E P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A QUICK REFERENCE D A T A Radiation and convection cooled tetrode intended for use as o linear amplifier in single side band suppressed carrier applications. C la s s ‘C telegraphy 30 5.5 800

    OCR Scan
    QY5-800 BS448 bsk 45 A001 B3662 40216 Mullard anode clip PDF