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    CA3079 Rochester Electronics LLC CA3079 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3059 Rochester Electronics LLC CA3059 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3059-G Rochester Electronics LLC CA3059 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    TCM3105NL Rochester Electronics LLC TCM3105NL - FSK Modem, PDIP16 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    AM79865JC Rochester Electronics LLC AM79865 -Physical Data Transmitter Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

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    Abstract: TDA6101BQ SIL9
    Text: bSE D P H I L IP S I N T E R N A T I O N A L • 7 1 1 0 0 2 b Q O b D ö b H öl3 M P H I N Philips Preliminary specification Video output amplifier TDA6101BQ FEATURES • Simple application with a variety of colour decoders

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    711002b TDA6101BQ TDA6101 TDA6101BQ SIL9 PDF


    Abstract: MN4213 MOTORCYCLE IGNITION IGNITION WITH SCR motorcycle scr circuit pulses sensor for motorcycle MOTORCYCLE IGNITION 4 Shanghai FM MOTORCYCLE scr DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER
    Text: _ tæ s B iïïE »fë ia ^ B g ïïH ] SÿtVw S h a n g h a i f m c o . , l t d Ignition Controller of Motorcycle FM4213 is an application specific integrated circuit for electronic ignition system of 125ml cylinder motorcycle. It’s controlled by the pulses generated by the magnetic

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    FM4213 125ml DIP14 MN4213 MN4213 MOTORCYCLE IGNITION IGNITION WITH SCR motorcycle scr circuit pulses sensor for motorcycle MOTORCYCLE IGNITION 4 Shanghai FM MOTORCYCLE scr DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Application Notes Linear Application of the CD54/74HCU04 QMOS Hex Inverter B e c a u s e th e C D 5 4 /7 4 H C U 0 4 , U n b u ffe re d H e x In v e rte r,1 is a Q M O S d e v ic e b a se d o n a 3 - m ic r o n p ro c e s s , it is an e x c e lle n t h ig h -s p e e d d ig ita l s w itc h . Its lin e a r c h a ra c te ris tic s

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    CD54/74HCU04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE 949B Current Ratings, Safe Operating Area, and High Frequency Switching Performance of Power HEXFETl B y S. C L E M E N T E , B.R. P E LLY , R. R U T T O N S H A Summary This application note discusses the current handling capability, safe op­

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    AN-949B AN-949B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N TC T h e rm is to r A ssem b lies Standard and custom assemblies are available in a variety of configurations. The choice of assembly style is dependent on the application. The primary factors which determine the optimum configuration of a thermistor assembly are the operating

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    Abstract: E1037-15-1 HP85 4046 20khz AD7545LN AD7534KN HP-85 AD7534 AD7538 AD7547
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES AN-320B APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 CMOS DACs and Op Amps Combine to Build Programmable Gain Amplifiers Part II b y J o h n W yn n e This Application Note investigates the perform ance of

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    AN-320B HP-85 ADOP-27E E1037-15-1 HP85 4046 20khz AD7545LN AD7534KN AD7534 AD7538 AD7547 PDF


    Abstract: OP27
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES AN-320B APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 CMOS DACs and Op Amps Combine to Build Programmable Gain Amplifiers Part II b y J o h n W yn n e This Application Note investigates the perform ance of

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    AN-320B X1050 HP-85 OP27 PDF

    ZETEX T 1049

    Abstract: ZETEX 1049 zener diode reliability fit 54760 853e 5614 supersot Application Note 19 switch NPN SOT 201 zener diode sot23 e-line 113
    Text: Application Note 19 Issue 2 November 1995 Application Note 19 Issue 2 November 1995 Calculation of Failure Rate Component Reliability Numerous concepts and mathematical models have been proposed to assess t h e r e l i a b i l i ty p e r f o r m a n c e o f

    OT-23 OT-223 ZETEX T 1049 ZETEX 1049 zener diode reliability fit 54760 853e 5614 supersot Application Note 19 switch NPN SOT 201 zener diode sot23 e-line 113 PDF


    Abstract: mhw 592 TC-30AG AN778 ierc heatsink RF 433 RR3 RF Power Modules 814a Aham-Tor SIL 1030
    Text: Order this document MOTOROLA m by AN1040/D SEMICONDUCTOR h m m b APPLICATION NOTE A N 1040 M ounting Considerations fo r Power Semiconductors Prepared by Bill Roehr Staff Consultant, Motorola Semiconductor Sector TABLE OF CONTENTS In tro d u c tio n .

    OCR Scan
    AN1040/D MK145BP, RR3-20 2088AB mhw 592 TC-30AG AN778 ierc heatsink RF 433 RR3 RF Power Modules 814a Aham-Tor SIL 1030 PDF


    Abstract: philips c3 PPAP 0805CS TRANSISTOR noise figure measurements BFG400W C327
    Text: H Philips Semiconductors B.V. Report nr. Author Date Department : RNR-45-98-B-0703 : T.F. Buss / J.Bouwman : 28-10-1998 : Development DSC-N 900 MHz Driver with the BFG480W Abstract: This application note contains an example of a driver, designed for a frequency f=900MHz.

    RNR-45-98-B-0703 BFG480W 900MHz. Pout11dBm, OIP325dBm. BFG400W BFG480W philips c3 PPAP 0805CS TRANSISTOR noise figure measurements C327 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VIF/SIF signal processors Video ICs VIF/SIF Signal Processor for Televisions and VCRs BH7370FS T h e B H 7370F S is a V IF /S IF signal processor that supports the M mode used in the U.S. and Japan . An application of circuit, internal tank circuit and filter circuit are all adjustm ent-free.

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    BH7370FS 7370F 002230b XP+45.75M+CAPACITOR PDF


    Abstract: 1RF9532 AN-948A IRF9532 equivalent 948a IRF532 equivalent
    Text: APPLIC A T IO N NO TE 948A Linear Power Amplifier @ Using Complementary HEXFETs By Peter Wilson Introduction The class A B amplifier described in this application note uses a com­ plementary pair of H EXFET devices as the output stage. This feature offers performance improvements

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    100kHz, 100kHz 47Kft 100kHz 25kHz 1RF532 IRF9532 AN-948A 1RF9532 AN-948A IRF9532 equivalent 948a IRF532 equivalent PDF

    transistor 415

    Abstract: diode 500A transistor working principle STTA806D AN-603 STTA2006P transistor 600v 500a transistor 2N2
    Text:  APPLICATION NOTE TURBOSWITCH TM IN A PFC BOOST CONVERTER B. Rivet 1.INTRODUCTION 2.PARAMETERS DEFINITION SGS-THOMSON offers two families of 600V ultrafast diodes TURBOSWITCH”A” and ”B” having different compromises between the forward c h a ra ct e ris t ic s a n d t h e re v e rs e re c ov ery



    Abstract: AN459 D980 F133 Fc-300K
    Text: AN459 M EASUREMENT R ESULTS FOR Si4430-B A N D 9 5 0 M H Z ARIB STD-T96 C OMPLIANCE 1. Introduction This application note demonstrates the compliance of the Si4430-B1 RFIC with the regulatory requirements of ARIB STD T96 V1.0, dated June 6th 2008 . The spurious emission performance measurements are conducted in

    AN459 Si4430-B STD-T96 Si4430-B1 E4432 AN459 D980 F133 Fc-300K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA B UH 100 D esigner’s Data Sheet POW ER TRANSISTOR 10 AMPERES 700 VOLTS 100 WATTS S W ITC H M O D E NPN S ilicon P lan a r P o w er T ran sisto r The BUH100 has an application specific state-of-art die designed for use in

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    BUH100 BUH100 PDF

    EM- 546 motor

    Abstract: APEX pa19
    Text: B R U S H T Y P E D C M O T O R D R IV E W IT H P O W E R O P E R A T IO N A L A M P L IF IE R S APPLICATION NOTE 24 - M I c Ro T E c h N o L o e r H T T P : / / W W W . A P EX M IC R 0 T EC H .C0 M 1.0 AMPLIFIER SELECTION One of the most entertaining moments as a power op amp applica­

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    546-APEX AN24U EM- 546 motor APEX pa19 PDF

    lambda power supply

    Abstract: OPTOCOUPLER voltage output TR 1 FUSE RM100 RM50 80G60
    Text: 1 L a m b d a 's new R M S eries o f P ow er M odules are id e a lly d e s ig n e d f o r T e le c o m m u n ic a tio n s and N etw o rk a p p lica tio n s, w here h ig h efficiency and low profile are critical. Application Note RM Series of Power Modules

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    1-800-LAMBDA-4/5 RM100 lambda power supply OPTOCOUPLER voltage output TR 1 FUSE RM50 80G60 PDF

    uA709 application

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O P E R A T IO N A L A M P L IF IE R B A S IC S APPLICATION NOTE 31 p o w e r o p e r a t io n a l a m p lif ie r » i n o t E c H N L o c ï H T T P : / / W W W . A P E X M I C R 0 T E C H . C0 M 800 546-APEX (800) 546-2739 HISTORY The performance and shape of operational amplifiers has changed

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    546-APEX uA709 uA709 application PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Optical disc ICs 2-channel Reversible-motor Driver BA6191 T h e B A 6191 is a tw o-chann el m otor driver for C D p layer chan gers and electric v olu m e sw itches, a m o n g other ap­ plications. Because it uses a negative pow er supply, this IC uses the pow er supply of application products efficient­

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    BA6191 PDF

    intel 2116

    Abstract: ICS1735 ACHI IR 6000 Intel AP-22 446905 604 LEM LS 74145 LV-EZ 745875 2116 ram
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE AP-22 020100010201020101010001020100010201000100 . C * H>* • >/ r/ t IC'M» , „ l !^ 1 ' w 4 ^ r ^ n j ' . * ' >• jifv J»i? l-il :.U?' ?-• -~.?1 - ,4't '^ ’v • R’ fT "’* :;■« -^ ''^ ¿ ,* ’3 '' u * 3 V * r In te l C o r p o r a tio n assum es no re s p o n s ib ility fo r the use of any c irc u itry o r s o ftw a re o th e r th an c ir c u itr y o r s o ftw a re e m b o d ie d in an In te l p r o d u c t. N o o th e r c ir c u it p a te n t licenses are im p lie d .

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    AP-22 intel 2116 ICS1735 ACHI IR 6000 Intel AP-22 446905 604 LEM LS 74145 LV-EZ 745875 2116 ram PDF


    Abstract: FC4012D 9504-13-0-0 fc4102d M22520/FC4010D MC4102D MC4010D MC4104D MCC4102D Positronic* fcc4102d
    Text: Catalog C-039 Rev. NC1 Power Connection Systems MIXED DENSITY POWER CONNECTORS Positronic Industries TEMPERATURE RISE CURVES HIGH CONDUCTIVITY CONTACT MATERIAL 100 90 90 80 80 70 60 PLB10W2 STANDARD CONTACTS 50 40 30 20 PLC16W4 STANDARD

    C-039 PLC16W4 PLB10W2 PLBH10W2 PLCH16W4 UL1977. PLB10W2F9300A1 PLB10W2M0000 MC4008D RNG2103 FC4012D 9504-13-0-0 fc4102d M22520/FC4010D MC4102D MC4010D MC4104D MCC4102D Positronic* fcc4102d PDF

    capacitor poliester 100nf

    Abstract: CAPACITOR 5D 3KV 5d 3kv kje y4 capacitor 100nF poliester Thomson csf ceramic capacitor IEC-384-9 capacitor poliester 10nf Carimbo ceramic capacitor 5OQ322MAEAA
    Text: Contents Page • Selection Guide 02 • Manufacturing process 03/04 • General specifications 05 • Temperature Coefficient curves 06 • Packaging 07 TPCAM0198 • Marking 08 • Taping specifications 09/10 • How to order 11/12 • Class I and SL specifications

    TPCAM0198 5OKB10 B-1050 capacitor poliester 100nf CAPACITOR 5D 3KV 5d 3kv kje y4 capacitor 100nF poliester Thomson csf ceramic capacitor IEC-384-9 capacitor poliester 10nf Carimbo ceramic capacitor 5OQ322MAEAA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Stereo zoom microphone amplifier for camcorders I BA7780KV The BA7780KV is a microphone amplifier developed for use in camcorders. The iC features an electronic volume circuit for presetting the curve required for the stereo zoom function, a microphone element power supply regulator, a windnoise rejection fitter, a current limiti ng circuit for external accessory power supplies, and an input for externa! microphone

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    BA7780KV BA7780KV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RPS 250 Vishay Sfernice Power Resistor for Mounting onto a Heatsink Thick Film Technology FEATURES • High power rating: 250 W • High overlowead capability up to 4 times nominal power see energy curve • Easy mounting • Low thermal radiation of the case

    2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. JS709A 02-Oct-12 PDF