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    ANSCHIU31ANGE Search Results

    ANSCHIU31ANGE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Kontakt-Maße OJ M— OJ _ •H«*. 1_ C i . Qj QJ ' t í c OJ Q j n c; QJ <T3 1X1 C e x 2 =12 OJ c_ QJ 53 M— QJ O í á Pos i t i on _ position Re i he row a Mit Rechte Vorbehalten/ ill rights reserved Re i he row K ontaktb elegung contact loading

    OCR Scan
    308poI. AnschIu31ange 308pol. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Kontakt-Maße aj M_ a j -c : _ i— C i. cu <u * 0 4x 2 = 8 a a j dJ r~ i 2 C: a.i M ' —• c= C i. aj c_ a .i M_ aj rrf| ac. i I Re i he row P o s i t i on _ — e a p o s it io n Mit Rechte Vorbehalten/ ill rights reserved Re i he Kontaktb elegung

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    AnschIu31ange 220pol. X202 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Kontakt-Maße contact dimensions 4x 2 = 8 Kontakt-Typ pin type — C1J _ ABC G H J N P Q K L M R S T • — QJ C QJ ex. Q i Q j _Q OJ ISJ Œ. QJ e_ OJ e= M— C1J O í " ta iL I I I Re i he — e c a row d b -T -T S t e c k b e r e i ch: length for mating:

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    AB-25 AnschIu31ange 125pol. D-32339 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Kontakt-Maße aj M— cu _ i_ c*. Qj QJ c. cu r* \ 5x 2 = 1 0 Qj c; QJ M *-— » c. cu c_ cu 55 cu J? n O í Á Pos i t i on _ p o s itio n Re i he row a Mit Rechte Vorbehalten/ ill rights reserved Re i he row K ontaktb elegung contact loading e — c —

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    AnschIu31ange 232pol. PDF

    til 308

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Kontakt-Maße Po s i t i on _ a position Mit Rechte Vorbehalten/ ill rights reserved Re i he ro w K ontaktb elegung contact loading 2:1 e— c — EEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE a— Lochbi Id board d r i l l i n g s ii P o s i t i o n * po s i t i o n I Re i he

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    308poI AnschIu31ange 308pol. 29t24 til 308 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Kontakt-Maße aj M— cu _ i_ c*. Qj 2 =1 2 QJ c . cu Qj r-y c; QJ hsl *-—» C . C i. CU c_ cu 55 n cu J ? O í Á Re i he row Po s i t i on _ a position Mit Rechte Vorbehalten/ ill rights reserved Re i he row Kontaktbelegung 2:1 contact loading k e —

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    308poI AnschIu31ange 308pol. PDF

    kc 308

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Kontakt-Maße a j u— a j _ •H«*. i_ C i. Qj aj 't í c. QJ Q j r-i c ; QJ <T3 hsl C. ex QJ £_ QJ 53 2 =12 QJ J ? O í á Re i he row Mit Rechte Vorbehalten/ ill rights reserved K ontaktb elegung contact loading e— c— a— Lochbi Id board d r i l l i n g s

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    308poI. AnschIu31ange 308pol. kc 308 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Kontakt-Maße aj M— aj _ •H«*. i_ C i . Qj aj 't í c. QJ r-i contact dimensions qj M— Kontakt-Typ p in type — 4x 2 = 8 QJ ABC G H J K L M N P Q _ 1_ R S T QJ C. QJ r*\ QJ Qj c; QJ QJ O í C i. C. QJ ex £_ QJ Qj c; hsl *-—» hsl C. QJ

    OCR Scan
    AnschIu31ange 220pol. PDF