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    AM27LS18 Search Results

    AM27LS18 Datasheets (15)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    AM27LS18 Advanced Micro Devices 256 Bit Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18 Advanced Micro Devices 32 x 8 TTL PROM Memory Scan PDF
    AM27LS185 Advanced Micro Devices 8,192-Bit (2048x4) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18DC Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18DCB Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18DM Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18DMB Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18FM Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18FMB Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18LC Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18LCB Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18LM Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18LMB Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18PC Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF
    AM27LS18PCB Advanced Micro Devices 256-Bit (32 x 8) Bipolar PROM Scan PDF

    AM27LS18 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: NEC D2716D novatek nt68f63 nt68f63 NEC D2732D D2716D 16V8H-25 ATMEL 220 24C16 D2732D 16V8H-15
    Text: LabTool-48 Version 4.67 <ALL> Device List Page 1 of 20 ACTRANS AC29LV400B *44PS AC29LV400B *48TS AC29LV400T *44PS AC29LV400T *48TS ALi M6759 M6759 *44 M6759 *44Q M8720 Alliance AS29F040 AS29LV800T *48TS AS29LV800B *44PS AS29LV800B *48TS AS29LV800T *44PS Altera

    LabTool-48 AC29LV400B AC29LV400T M6759 M8720 AS29F040 Device-List NEC D2716D novatek nt68f63 nt68f63 NEC D2732D D2716D 16V8H-25 ATMEL 220 24C16 D2732D 16V8H-15 PDF

    NEC D2732D

    Abstract: nt68f63 novatek nt68f63 d2716d NEC D2716D atc 93lc46 D2732D CIRCUIT NEC D2716D TMS87C510 16V8H-25
    Text: Dataman-48 Version 4.30 <ALL> Device List ALi M6759 M6759 *44 M6759 *44Q M8720 AS29LV800B *44PS AS29LV800B *48TS AS29LV800T *44PS Altera EP1210 EP220 EP312 EP330 EP900 EP910-T EPC1064 EPC1213 EPC1441 as 1213 EPM3064A *44 EPM5192 @84 EPM7032AEas7032 *44

    Dataman-48 M6759 M8720 AS29LV800B AS29LV800T EP1210 EP220 NEC D2732D nt68f63 novatek nt68f63 d2716d NEC D2716D atc 93lc46 D2732D CIRCUIT NEC D2716D TMS87C510 16V8H-25 PDF

    atc 93lc46

    Abstract: 25LV512 39SF020A 25LV010 49LF040 25LF020A 95p08 89lpc932 nt68f63g 39vf020
    Text: LabTool-48XP Version 5.60 <ALL> Device List Page 1 of 23 ACTRANS AC29LV400B *44PS AC39VF080 *40TS AC29LV400B *48TS AC39VF088 *48TS AC29LV400T *44PS AC39VF800 *48TS AC29LV400T *48TS ALi M6759 M6759 *44 M6759 *44Q M8720 Alliance AS29F040 AS29LV800T *48TS AS29LV400B *48TS

    LabTool-48XP AC29LV400B AC39VF080 AC39VF088 AC29LV400T AC39VF800 M6759 atc 93lc46 25LV512 39SF020A 25LV010 49LF040 25LF020A 95p08 89lpc932 nt68f63g 39vf020 PDF


    Abstract: rtd2122l n25q128a13 cFeon EN25T80 EN25T80 wt61p8 A25L5120-F WT6702F pm25w020 GD25Q40
    Text: Page 1 of 69 Dataman-48XP/48UXP Version 8.10 <ALL> Device List ACTRANS AC25LV010 *8SO AC29LV400B *44PS AC29LV400T *44PS AC39LV010 *32PLCC AC39LV020 *32PLCC AC39LV040 *32PLCC AC39LV080 *40TS AC39LV512 *32PLCC AC39LV800 *48TS SDP-UNIV-16SO SDP-UNIV-44PS SDP-UNIV-44PS

    Dataman-48XP/48UXP AC25LV010 AC29LV400B AC29LV400T AC39LV010 32PLCC AC39LV020 AC39LV040 A25L020AO-F rtd2122l n25q128a13 cFeon EN25T80 EN25T80 wt61p8 A25L5120-F WT6702F pm25w020 GD25Q40 PDF


    Abstract: kontron module M900B International Microsystems M910 prom 32x8 AM27LS18DM PA16-6 l201 b kontron mpp
    Text: Am27LS18Am27LS19 L o w -P o w e r S c h o ttk y 2 5 6 -B it G e n e ric S e rie s B ip o la r P R O M DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION • • The A m 27LS18 and Am 27LS19 are high speed electrically program m able Schottky read only m em ories. O rganized in

    OCR Scan
    Am27LS18 Am27LS19 256-Bit AM27LS18LC AM27LS18LCB AM27LS19PC AM27LS19PCB AM27LS19DC MPP-80 kontron module M900B International Microsystems M910 prom 32x8 AM27LS18DM PA16-6 l201 b kontron mpp PDF

    kontron mpp

    Abstract: MPP-80
    Text: Am27LS18Am27LS19 Low -Pow er Schottky 256-Bit Generic Series Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION • High Speed - 55ns max commercial range access time • Excellent performance over full MIL and commercial ranges • Highly reliable, ultra-fast programming PlatinumSilicide fuses

    OCR Scan
    Am27LS18 Am27LS19 256-Bit only27LS18LMB AM27LS19DM AM27LS19DMB AM27LS19FM AM27LS19FMB kontron mpp MPP-80 PDF


    Abstract: 27s19 programming 27S18 af000170 am27s19 AM27s19 programming 27S19SA 27LS18/19
    Text: Am27S18/19 256-Bit 32 8 Bipolar PROM X Low-current PNP inputs High-current open collector and three-state outputs Fast chip select GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Am27S18/19 (32-words by 8-bits) is a Schottky TTL Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM) microprogrammable controls, mapping functions, code con­

    OCR Scan
    Am27S18/19 256-Bit 32-words Am27S18 Am27S19 MIL-STD-883, 27s19 27s19 programming 27S18 af000170 AM27s19 programming 27S19SA 27LS18/19 PDF


    Abstract: MIL-STD-803 27LS185 AM27LS185
    Text: Am2 7S184/185/PS185 Am27S184/185/PS185 8,192-Bit 2 0 4 8 x 4 Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • Ultra-fast access time "A " version (35 ns Max.) — Fast access time Standard version (50 ns Max.) — allow tremendous system speed improvements

    OCR Scan
    7S184/185/PS185 192-Bit Am27S184/185/PS185 Am27S184/185 2048-words MIL-STD-083, 27s185 MIL-STD-803 27LS185 AM27LS185 PDF


    Abstract: MMI 6330 1M5610 MB7051 DM8578 27LS08 MB7056 63S080 mmi 6331 mmi 63S080
    Text: - 6 3 3 0 X m tt ft ft A 'V % US Ta=25°C à t¡/m tu * / » s i e VC) ë « st « agìE TAAC max (ns) TCAC max (ns) TOH sax (ns) TOE TOD wax max (ns) (ns) V D D or V C C (V) 1 DD typ (ibA) I DD max CiaA) I IL/VIIL max (mA/V) VIL max (V) VIH Ci rain max

    OCR Scan
    63LS080 63LS081 63S080 63S081 82S23 82S23A MB7112E B7112E-W MB7112H 16PIN M54730 MMI 6330 1M5610 MB7051 DM8578 27LS08 MB7056 mmi 6331 mmi 63S080 PDF


    Abstract: 27S18
    Text: A m 27Sl8/19 Am27S18/19 256-Bit 32 x 8 Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • • Ultra high speed Highly reliable, ultra-fast programming Platinum-Silicide fuses High-programming yield Low-current PNP inputs High-current open collector and three-state outputs

    OCR Scan
    27Sl8/19 256-Bit Am27S18/19 32-words Am27S18 Am27S19 Am27LS18/19 BD006140 27S19 27S18 PDF


    Abstract: XB102 1024X4 AM27S30
    Text: Bipolar PROM Bipolar PROM Functional Index and Selection Guide Part Number Access Time Icc COM'L/MIL COM'L/MIL Organization Max Max Output Number of Pins Packages 80/80 oc 16 D.P.F.L d ,p , f ,l AIH27LS181 32x8 A m 27LSl91 32x8 50/65 80/80 3S 16 Am 27Sl8 32x8

    OCR Scan
    256x4 512x4 512x8 AM27lS08 XB102 1024X4 AM27S30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am2 7S184/185/PS185 Am27S184/185/PS185 0,192-Bit 2 0 4 8 x 4 Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Ultra-fast access time "A " version (35 ns Max.) — Fast access time Standard version (50 ns Max.) — allow tremendous system speed improvements

    OCR Scan
    7S184/185/PS185 192-Bit Am27S184/185/PS185 Am27S184/185 2048-words Am27LS185 BD006320 27S184A 27S185A 27S1B4 PDF

    74LS189 equivalent

    Abstract: 74LS200 AmZ8036 Z8104 74LS300 AM9511 Am2505 27s13 54S244 27LS00
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Condensed Catalog 1981 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Advanced Micro Devices reserves the right to make changes in its products without notice in order to improve design or performance characteristics. The company assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits described herein.

    OCR Scan
    AMD-599 LM101 SN54LS01 132nd 74LS189 equivalent 74LS200 AmZ8036 Z8104 74LS300 AM9511 Am2505 27s13 54S244 27LS00 PDF

    triac tag 8518

    Abstract: 70146 DS3654 X2864AD 7 segment display RL S5220 TC9160 la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt philips ecg master replacement guide vtl 3829 A-C4 TCA965 equivalent
    Text: 1985 0 / 0 / CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction to IC MASTER 3 Advertisers’ Index 8 Master Selection Guide Function Index I0 Part Number Index 40 Part Number Guide 300 Logo Guide 346 Application Note Directory 349 Military Parts Directory 50I Testing 506 Cross Reference

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: am27s18 27S19SA
    Text: Am27S18/19 256-Bit 32 x 8 Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • Ultra high speed Highly reliable, ultra-fast programming Platlnum-Silicide fuses High-programming yield • • • Low-current PNP inputs High-current open collector and three-state outputs

    OCR Scan
    Am27S18/19 256-Bit 32-words Am27S18 Am27S19 MIL-STD-883, 27S19SA PDF


    Abstract: DM87S185 63LS840 63LS841 63PS841 63S840 63S841 63S841A 82S185 82S185A
    Text: - 28 - 6 3 8 4 0 X A K K H m. t, ít £ CC -i -, i- y TAAC max ns) TCAC max (ns) y ft & TOH TOE (ns) (ns) € ilf. TOD max (rs) V D D or V C C (V) (Ta«25’ C) À I DD typ OnA) IDD max (mA) I IL/VIIL max (niA/V) -h/m I VIL max (V) Ü ft - h / m Hî €

    OCR Scan
    63LS840 63LS841 S3PS840 63PS848 MB7128E-W MB7128H 048X4) 18PIN 63PS840/841 HM7684/85 AJB2 DM87S185 63PS841 63S840 63S841 63S841A 82S185 82S185A PDF


    Abstract: 27S184 Am27LS185 Bipolar PROM programming
    Text: Am2 7S18 4 /1 85/PS185 Am27S184/185/PS185 0,192-Bit 2 0 4 8 x 4 Bipolar PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Ultra-fast access time " A " version (35 ns Max.) — Fast access time Standard version (50 ns Max.) — allow tremendous system speed improvements

    OCR Scan
    7S184/185/PS185 192-Bit 2048x4) Am27S184/185 2048-words Am27LS185 27S184A 27S184 27S185A 27S185 27S185 27S184 Bipolar PROM programming PDF