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    ZTX754 Search Results

    ZTX754 Datasheets (2)

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    ZTX754 Zetex Semiconductors Quick Reference Guide (Discrete Semiconductors) 1991 Scan PDF

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    Abstract: ZTX755 IC 3263
    Text: ZTX754 Not Recommended for New Design Please Use ZTX755 ZTX754 ZTX755 ISSUE 2 – JULY 94 FEATURES * 150 Volt VCEO * 1 Amp continuous current * Low saturation voltage * Ptot= 1 Watt TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS td tr tf µs ts µs 0.8 td 0.4 Switching time VCE sat - (Volts)

    ZTX754 ZTX755 ZTX754 IC/10 -10mA, ZTX755 IC 3263 PDF


    Abstract: ZTX755 DSA003775
    Text: ZTX754 ZTX755 ISSUE 2 – JULY 94 FEATURES * 150 Volt VCEO * 1 Amp continuous current * Low saturation voltage * Ptot= 1 Watt TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS td tr tf µs ts µs 0.8 td 0.4 Switching time VCE sat - (Volts) 0.6 IC/IB=10 0.4 0.2 0.001 0.01 0.1 IB1=IB2=IC/10

    ZTX754 ZTX755 IC/10 -10mA, -500mA, ZTX754 ZTX755 DSA003775 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZTX754 Transistors Si PNP Power BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)125 V(BR)CBO (V)125 I(C) Max. (A)1.0 Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)1.0 Maximum Operating Temp (øC) I(CBO) Max. (A) @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition) V(CE)sat Max. (V) @I(C) (A) (Test Condition)

    ZTX754 Freq30M PDF


    Abstract: AD156 AUY10 OC23 AC188-01 2N4106 AD157 ac128 2S8473 ADY20
    Text: POWER GERMANIUM PNP Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 15 20 < NthAmerSemi Germanium See Index Space Power SemieonTech Solid Stine Solid Stine Solid Stine Solid Stine NthAmerSemi ~g~~~ ~ermanlum Germanium NthAmerSemi NthAmerSemi Germanium Germanium NthAmerSemi

    ADY10 2N2786 2N1940 2S8180 2S8466 2S863 2S8467 ADY12 AC188 AD156 AUY10 OC23 AC188-01 2N4106 AD157 ac128 2S8473 ADY20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZTX754 ZTX755 PNP SILICON PLANAR MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTORS _ _ ISSUE 2 - JULY 94 FEATURES * 150 Volt V CE0 * 1 A m p continuous current * Low saturation voltage * Ptot= 1 Watt E-Line T092 Compatible ABSOLUTE M A X IM U M RATINGS. PARAMETER SY M B O L

    OCR Scan
    ZTX754 ZTX755 ZTX755 -100nA, -100V, -125V, -500mA, -50mA* PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PNP Silicon Planar Medium Power High Voltage Transistors ZTX754 ZTX755 FEATURES • • • • • • 1 .5 W power dissipation at T amb = 2 5 ° C * 1A continuous lc Guaranteed hFE specified up to 1A Voltages up to 1 5 0 V Low saturation voltages Complementary types

    OCR Scan
    ZTX754 ZTX755 SE174 SE175 SE176 SE178 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZTX754 ZTX755 PNP SILICON PLANAR MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTORS - - - ISSUE 2 - JULY 94 FEATURES * 150 V olt VCE0 * 1 A m p continuous current * Low saturation voltage * Ptot= 1 W att / E-Line T092 Compatible ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS. PARAMETER

    OCR Scan
    ZTX754 ZTX755 2TX754 0Q1Q354 001G35S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZETEX SEM ICONDU CTOR S IbE D • c^70S7fl 000bfl7fl b ■ ZETB SEMICONDUCTOR DICE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS \ ' Z c\-2-3> NPN HIGH VOLTAGE Dice type VCBO Min VCEO Min Volts Volts •cBO , Max a t VCB nA Volts at M ilt Max v« mA V o lt* V easw ■ at lc

    OCR Scan
    70S7fl 000bfl7fl ZTX657 MPSA42 ZTX656 MPSA43 ZTX655 ZTX455 ZTX454 ZTX654 PDF


    Abstract: MPSA43 ZTX341 ZTX342 ZTX454 ZTX455 ZTX654 ZTX655 ZTX656 ZTX657
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR DICE NPN HIGH VOLTAGE Min. Min. Max. at V CB Volts Volts ZTX657 M PSA42 ZTX656 M PSA43 ZTX655 ZTX455 ZTX454 ZTX654 ZTX342 ZTX341 h FE ICBO V CBO V CEO Dice type 300 300 200 200 150 16 0 140 125 120 10 0 300 300 200 200 150 14 0 120 125 120 100

    OCR Scan
    ZTX657 MPSA42 ZTX656 MPSA43 ZTX655 ZTX455 ZTX454 ZTX654 ZTX342 ZTX341 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TS PLESSEY SENI C O N D / D I SC R E T E 7220533 PLESSEY F Ë Ï 7E50533 000SD7M 7 95D 0 5 0 7 4 SEMICOND/ D IS CRE TE Super E-line transistors TABLE 4 : NPN/PNP HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSISTORS The transistors shown in this table are designed for driving numerical indicator tubes, neon lamps

    OCR Scan
    7E50533 000SD7M ZTX657 MPSA42 BF393 BF392 ZTX656 MPSA43 BF391 ZTX655 PDF


    Abstract: BF493 BF392 BF393 MPSA92 ZTX558 ZTX658 ZTX757 ZTX758 2N5401 BF391
    Text: TABLE 13 : NPN/PNP HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSISTORS The tra n s is to rs s h o w n in th is ta b le are designed fo r d rivin g num erical in d ica to r tu b es, neon lam ps and o th e r a p p lica tio n s requiring high vo lta g e ca p a b ility. V cbo M ax ICBO

    OCR Scan
    ZTX658 ZTX758 ZTX458 ZTX558 ZTX6575 ZTX757 MPSA425 MPSA92 BF393 BF493 BF493 BF392 MPSA92 ZTX558 ZTX757 ZTX758 2N5401 BF391 PDF


    Abstract: ZTX338 MPSA06 ZTX451 ZTX452 ZTX454 ZTX551 ZTX552 ZTX553 ZTX554
    Text: TABLE 7 : NPN/PNP MEDIUM POWER The transistors shown in this table have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current levels up to 1 amp with power dissipation capabilities of 1 0 0 0 mW at 2 5 ° C ambient temperature. Typical application areas include: Audio Frequency Drivers and Output Stages, Relay S w itching, etc.

    OCR Scan
    1000mW ZTX4555 ZTX555 ZTX454 ZTX554 ZTX453S ZTX553 ZTX452 ZTX552 MPSA06 BF493 ZTX338 ZTX451 ZTX551 ZTX552 ZTX553 ZTX554 PDF


    Abstract: zetex transistors TO92 BF493 ZTX458 ZTX558 ZTX758 BF392 BF393 MPSA92 ZTX658
    Text: SbE » • ^70570 DGDb^M2 GTfl H Z E T B T -'Z /l-O l TABLE 13 : NPIU/PNP HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSISTORS The transistors shown in this table are designed for driving numerical indicator tubes, neon lamps and other applications requiring high voltage capability.

    OCR Scan
    ZTX658 ZTX758 ZTX458 ZTX558 ZTX6575 ZTX757 MPSA42S MPSA92 BF393 BF493 2TX650 zetex transistors TO92 BF493 ZTX558 ZTX758 BF392 MPSA92 PDF

    ZT Ferranti

    Abstract: BF4935P SE-169 TX-550 X752 X449
    Text: ZETEX S E M I C O N D U C T O R S =IS]> D • clci7 Q S 78 0 0 0 S 0 7 S 1 M Z E T B ~T-Tl-Ol Super E-line transistors TABLE 1 : NPN/PNP SUPER E-LINE These devices offer the ultimate performance for TQ-92 style package, they have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current

    OCR Scan
    TQ-92 ZTX752 ZTX751 ZTX749 SO-96 107il/D SE172 ZT Ferranti BF4935P SE-169 TX-550 X752 X449 PDF


    Abstract: PSA42
    Text: TABLE 13 : NPN/PNP HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSISTORS The transistors show n in this table are designed for driving numerical indicator tubes, neon lamps and other applications requiring high voltage capability. Max Type V CBO V CEO M ax V CEIsat 'c V V mA 400 400

    OCR Scan
    ZTX758 ZTX558 ZTX757 PSA92 ZTX756 PSA93 BF491 ZTX755 ZTX555 ZTX754 PSA42 PDF


    Abstract: ztx795a
    Text: SUPER E-LINE TABLE 1: SUPER E-LINE TRANSISTORS Pd = 1 Watt This range of transistors is rated at 1 W a tt and the low saturation voltage and high pulsed current rating m ake th em ideal fo r application areas including audio circuits, autom otive circuits and telecom s

    OCR Scan
    ZTX658 ZTX657 FXT657 ZTX656 ZTX655 FXT655 ZTX654 ZTX653 FXT653 ZTX652 ZTX689 ztx795a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Section 2: Bipolar Transistors _ High V o lta g e T r a n s is t o r s I 0 0 to 5 0 0 V o its E -L in e P N P H ig h V o lta g e V e to up to 5 0 0 V T r a n s is to r s P in o u t Details: 1-C ollector, 2-B ase, 3 -E m itte r

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S EM IC O N D U C TO R DICE NPN HIGH VOLTAGE hFE at 'CBO V CBO VcEO Dice type Min. Min. Max. at VCB ZTX657 MPSA42 ZTX656 MPSA43 ZTX655 ZTX455 ZTX454 ZTX654 ZTX342 ZTX341 Volts Min. Max. Volts Volts nA 300 300 200 200 150 160 140 125 120 100 100 200 100 200

    OCR Scan
    ZTX657 MPSA42 ZTX656 MPSA43 ZTX655 ZTX455 ZTX454 ZTX654 ZTX342 ZTX341 PDF