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    HY51V17804B Search Results

    HY51V17804B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HYM5V64214A Z-Series SO DIMM 2Mx64 bit CMOS DRAM MODULE based on 2Mx8 DRAM, EDO, 2K-Refresh GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HYM5V64214A Z-Series is a 2Mx64-bit Extended Data Out mode CMOS DRAM module consisting of eight HY51V17804B in 28 pin SOJ or TSOP-II and one 2048 bit EEPROM on a 144 pin Zig Zag pin glassepoxy printed circuit board. 0.01µF and 0.1µF decoupling capacitors are mounted for each DRAM.

    HYM5V64214A 2Mx64 2Mx64-bit HY51V17804B HYM5V64214AZG/ATZG 144-Pin 16-bit A0-A10) DQ0-DQ63) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HY51V17804B,HY51V16804B 2Mx8, Extended Data Out mode DESCRIPTION This family is a 16M bit dynamic RAM organized 2,097,152 x 8-bit configuration with Extended Data Out mode CMOS DRAMs. Extended data out mode is a kind of page mode which is useful for the read operation. The circuit and process

    HY51V17804B HY51V16804B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HY51V17804C,HY51V16804C 2Mx8, Extended Data Out mode DESCRIPTION This family is a 16M bit dynamic RAM organized 2,097,152 x 8-bit configuration with Extended Data Out mode CMOS DRAMs. Extended data out mode is a kind of page mode which is useful for the read operation. The circuit and process

    HY51V17804C HY51V16804C PDF


    Abstract: hy51v17804cj
    Text: HY51V17804C,HY51V16804C 2Mx8, Extended Data Out mode DESCRIPTION This family is a 16M bit dynamic RAM organized 2,097,152 x 8-bit configuration with Extended Data Out mode CMOS DRAMs. Extended data out mode is a kind of page mode which is useful for the read operation. The circuit and process

    HY51V17804C HY51V16804C hy51v17804cj PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •H Y U N D A I HYM5V72A414A F-Series Unbuffered 4M x 72-bit CMOS DRAM MODULE with EXTENDED DATA OUT DESCRIPTION The HYM5V72A414A is a 4M x 72-bit EDO m ode CMOS DRAM m odule consisting of eighteen HY51V17804B in 28/28 SOJ or TSOP-II and one 2048 bit EEPROM on a 168 pin glass-epoxy printed circuit board. 0.1 h F and 0.01 nF

    OCR Scan
    HYM5V72A414A 72-bit HY51V17804B HYM5V72A414AFG/ATFG/ASLFG/ASLTFG DQ0-DQ71) 1EC07-10-JAN96 171MIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • H Y UN D A I HYM5V72A414A F-Series Unbuffered 4M x 72-bit CMOS ORAM MODULE with EXTENDED DATA OUT DESCRIPTION The HYM5V72A414A is a 4M x 72-bit EDO m ode CMOS DRAM m odule consisting o f eighteen HY51V17804B in 28/28 SOJ or TSOP-II and one 2048 bit EEPFtOM on a 168 pin glass-epoxy printed circuit b o a rd . 0.1 ^F and 0.01 nF

    OCR Scan
    HYM5V72A414A 72-bit HY51V17804B HYM5V72A414AFG/ATFG/ASLFG/ASLTFG SpeeC07-10-JAN96 1EC07-10-JANM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •HYUNDAI HYM5V64414A F-Series 4M x 64-bit CMOS DRAM MODULE Unbuffered with EXTENDED DATA OUT DESCRIPTION The HVM5V64414A is a 4M x 64-bit EDO mode CMOS DRAM m odule consisting of sixteen HY51V17804B in 28.28 SOJ or TSOP-II and one 2048 bit EEPROM on a 168 pin glass-epoxy printed circuit board. O .luF and 0.01 mF

    OCR Scan
    HYM5V64414A 64-bit HVM5V64414A HY51V17804B HYM5V64414AFG/ATFG/ASLFGASLTFG CA50-CAS7) DQ0-DQ63) 4b750flfl 1EC07-10-JAN96 HY5117804 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •HYUNDAI HYM5V64214A F-Series 2M x 64-bit CMOS DRAM MODULE Unbuffered with EXTENDED DATA OUT DESCRIPTION The HYM5V64214A is a 2M x 64-bit EDO m ode CMOS DRAM m odule consisting of eight HY51V17804B in 28/28 SOJ or TSOP-II and one 2048 bit EEPROM on a 168 pin glass-epoxy printed circuit board. O .I^F and 0.01 nF

    OCR Scan
    HYM5V64214A 64-bit HY51V17804B HYM5V64214AFG/ATFG/ASLFG/ASLTFG DQ0-DQ63) 1EC07-10-J PDF


    Abstract: HY51V17804B
    Text: “HYUNDAI HY51V17804B, HY51V16804B 2M x 8-bit CMOS DRAM with Extended Data Out DESCRIPTION ORDERING INFORMATION This family is a 16M bit dynamic RAM organized 2,097,152 x 8-bit configuration with Extended Data Out mode CMOS DRAMs. Extended Data Out mode offers high speed random access of memory cells

    OCR Scan
    HY51V17804B, HY51V16804B HY51V17804BJ HY51V17804BSLJ HY51V17804BT HY51V17804BSLT HY51V16804BJ HY51V16804BSLJ HY51V16804BT HY51V16804BSLT s18r HY51V17804B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 'HYUNDAI HYM5V64214A Z-Series SO DIMM 2M x 64-bit CMOS DRAM MODULE _ with EXTENDED DATA OUT DESCRIPTION The HYM5V64214A is a 2M x 64-bit EDO mode CMOS DRAM module consisting of eight HY51V17804B in 28/28 pin SOJ or TSOP-II and one 2048 bit EEPROM on a 144 Zig Zag Dual pin glass-epoxy printed circuit board. 0.22|iF

    OCR Scan
    HYM5V64214A 64-bit HY51V17804B HYM5V64214AZG/ATZGfASLZG/ASLTZG A0-A10) DQ0-DQ63) 1EC07-10-FEB96 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - H Y U H D f t l * HY51V17804B.HY51V16804B 2Mx8, Extended Data Out mode DESCRIPTION This family is a 16M bit dynamic RAM organized 2,097,152 x 8-bit configuration with Extended Data Out mode CMOS DRAMs. Extended data out mode is a kind of page mode which is useful for the read operation. The circuit and process

    OCR Scan
    HY51V17804B HY51V16804B 15-tcwo A0-A11) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •HYUNDAI HY51V17804B.HY51 V16804B 2M x8, E xten ded Data O ut m ode DESCRIPTION T h is fa m ily is a 16M b it d y n a m ic RAM o rg a n iz e d 2 ,0 9 7 ,1 5 2 x 8 -b it c o n fig u ra tio n w ith E x te n d e d D a ta O u t m od e C M O S D R A M s. E xte n d e d d a ta o u t m od e is a kind o f pa ge m ode w h ich is u se fu l fo r th e read o p e ra tio n . T h e c irc u it and p ro c e s s

    OCR Scan
    HY51V17804B V16804B A0-A11) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • H Y U N D A I _ H Y M 5 V 7 2 A 2 1 4 A F - S e r i e s Unbuffered 2M x 72-bit CMOS DRAM MODULE with EXTENDED DATA OUT DESCRIPTION The HYM5V72A214A is a 2M x 72-bit EDO mode CMOS DRAM module consisting of nine HY51V17804B in 28/28 SOJ or TSOP-II and one 2048 bit EEPROM on a 168 pin glass-epoxy printed circuit board. 0.1 pF and O.OinF

    OCR Scan
    72-bit HYM5V72A214A HY51V17804B HYM5V72A214AFG/ATFG/ASLFG/ASLTFG 004f1 4b75DÃ 1EC07-10-JAN96 HYM5V72A214AFG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • H Y U N D A I HYM5V64214A F-Series 2M x 64-bit CMOS DRAM MODULE Unbuffered with EXTENDED DATA OUT DESCRIPTION The HYM5V64214A is a 2M x 64-bit ED O mode C M O S DRAM module consisting of eight HY51V17804B in 28/28 SO J or TSOP-II and one 2048 bit EEPR O M on a 168 pin glass-epoxy printed circuit board. 0.1 nF and 0.01 nF

    OCR Scan
    HYM5V64214A 64-bit HY51V17804B HYM5V64214AFG/ATFG/ASLFG/ASLTFG DQ0-DQ63) 1EC07-10-JANB6 750flfl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HYUNDAI HYM5V72A214A F-Series Unbuffered 2M x 72-bit CMOS DRAM MODULE with EXTENDED DATA OUT DESCRIPTION The H YM 5V 72A 214A is a 2M x 72-bit EDO m ode C M O S DRAM module consisting of nine H Y51V 17804B in 28 28 SOJ or TSOP-II and one 2048 bit EEPROM on a 168 pm glass-epoxy printed circuit board. 0 ln F and 0.01 uF

    OCR Scan
    HYM5V72A214A 72-bit 17804B A0-A10) 1EC07-10-JAN96 5V72A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: As of ’96.3Q TYPE SIZE 8 -Byte 8M B DESCRIPTION. 1M x 64 EDO.SL D IM M PART HO. HYM5V64104AR/ATR SPEED REF. 60/70/80 4K H Y 51 V I6164BJ/BT x 4 IK HY51V18164BJ/BT x 4 IK HY51V18164BJ/BT x 4 HYM5V64124AR/ATR 1M x 72 Unbuffered EDO,SL,ECC HYM5V72A124AR/ATR

    OCR Scan
    HYM5V64104AR/ATR HYM5V64124AR/ATR HYM5V72A124AR/ATR HYM5V64204AR/ATR HYM5V64214AF/ATF HYM5V64224AR/ATR I6164BJ/BT HY51V18164BJ/BT HY51V4404BJ/BT HYM5V64414 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •HYUNDAI H Y 5 1 V 1 7 8 0 4 B ,H Y 5 1 V 1 6 8 0 4 B 2Mx8, Extended Data Out mode DESCRIPTION This family is a 16M bit dynamic RAM organized 2,097,152 x 8-bit configuration with Extended Data Out mode CMOS DRAMs. Extended data out mode is a kind of page mode which is useful for the read operation. The circuit and process

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • H Y U N D A I H Y M 5V 64214A Z -S e r ie s SO DIMM 2M X 64-bit CMOS DRAM MODULE _ with EXTENDED DATA OUT DESCRIPTION Ttie HYM5V64214A is a 2M x 64-bit EDO mode CMOS DRAM module consisting of eight HY51V178046 in 28/28 pin SOJ or TSOR-II and one 2048 bit EEPROM on a 144 Zig Zag Dual pin glass-epoxy printed circuit board. 0.22pF

    OCR Scan
    4214A 64-bit HYM5V64214A HY51V178046 HYM5V64214AZG/AT2G/ASLZGiASLTZG 1EC07-1O-FEB96 HVM5V64214AZG HYM5V64214ASLZG PDF


    Abstract: HY5118164 HY514260 HY51V65400 HY51V17804CJ
    Text: «HYUNDAI DRAM ORDERING INFORMATION ORGANIZATION 1M bit 256Kx4 2M bit (256x8) 2M bit (128Kx16) 4M bit (4Mx1) 4M bit (1 Mx4) Note : FP PART NUMBER HY534256AJ HY534256ALJ HY512800J HY512800LJ HY512800SLJ HY512264JC HY512264LJC HY512264SLJC HY512264TC HY512264LTC

    OCR Scan
    256Kx4) 256x8) 128Kx16) HY534256AJ HY534256ALJ HY512800J HY512800LJ HY512800SLJ HY512264JC HY512264LJC HY51V18164 HY5118164 HY514260 HY51V65400 HY51V17804CJ PDF


    Abstract: HY5118160 HY5116160 HY5117404 HY51V65400 HY511616
    Text: •'HYUNDAI — • TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS Index 2. PRODUCT QUIC REFERENCE DRAM Part Numbering Ordering Information 3. DRAM DATA SHEETS 1M-bit DRAM Page HY531000A. 1M x1-bit, 5V, F P .

    OCR Scan
    HY531000A. HY534256A. 256Kx4-bit, HY512260. 128KX16-bit, HY514260 HY5118160 HY5116160 HY5117404 HY51V65400 HY511616 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • H jjjH DRAM MODULE 5V SIMM TYPE SIZE 72 Pin 32MB As of '96.3Q DESCRIPTION. 8M X 32 SIM M 8M X 36 K PART NO. SPEED REF. DEVICE USED EDO.SL H Y M 532814A M /A T M 6 0 /7 0 /8 0 2K HY5117404AJ/AT x 16 FPM.SL H Y M 532810A M /A T M 5 0 /6 0 /7 0 2K HY5117400AJ/AT x 16

    OCR Scan
    32814A 32810A 536A804AM HYM536A814AM 36810A HY5117404AJ/AT HY5117400AJ/AT HY5116404AJ HY5117404AJ PDF


    Abstract: HYM5V72A404 HY514404BJ HY5117404A

    OCR Scan
    HYM564124AR/ATR HYM572A124AR/ATR HYM564224AR/ATR HYM564214AF/ATF HY5118164BJC/BTC HY514404BJ/BT HY5117804BJ/BT HY5118164BJC HYM5V72A404 HY514404BJ HY5117404A PDF