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    8BIT LATCH 74LS Search Results

    8BIT LATCH 74LS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74LS794N Rochester Electronics LLC 74LS794 - 8 Bit Latch / Register with Readback Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    TCKE800NL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation eFuse IC (electronic Fuse), 4.4 to 18 V, 5.0 A, Latch, WSON10B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCKE812NL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation eFuse IC (electronic Fuse), 4.4 to 18 V, 5.0 A, Latch, Fixed Over Voltage Clamp, WSON10B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCKE712BNL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation eFuse IC (electronic Fuse), 4.4 to 13.2 V, 3.65 A, Latch, Adjustable Over Voltage Protection, WSON10 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCTH022AE Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Over Temperature Detection IC / VDD=1.7~5.5V / IPTCO=10μA / IDD=11.3μA / Push-pull type / FLAG signal latch function Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    8BIT LATCH 74LS Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC74HC595 8-BIT SHIFT REGISTER SERIAL INPUT, 3S PARALLEL OUTPUT WITH LATCHES DESCRIPTION SC74HC595 utilizes advanced CMOS technology, and has 8-bit shift register with serial input, serial/parallel output and 8bit tri-state output flip-latch. The pin configuration is in accord

    SC74HC595 SC74HC595 OP-16-300-1 OP-16-225-1 54LS/74LS 54LS/74LS. SSOP-16-300-0 PDF

    octal Bilateral Switches

    Abstract: MM74HC14M MM74HC138M CD4025BCM MM74HC00M MM74HC74AM MM74HC125M MM74HC04M cd4046bcm cd4052bcm

    MM74HC MM74HC00M MM74HC02M MM74HC04M MM74HC08M MM74HC14M MM74HC32M MM74HC86M MM74HC132M MM74HC74AM octal Bilateral Switches MM74HC138M CD4025BCM MM74HC125M cd4046bcm cd4052bcm PDF


    Abstract: d71054c D71055C lm294oct-12 74c928 7486 XOR GATE interfacing ADC 0808 with 8086 microprocessor 555 7490 7447 7 segment LED display Motorola 74LS76 NEC D71055C
    Text: Integrated Circuits 74LS Series Featuring better performance than standard 7400 series devices, the 74LS series also uses about 1/5th the power. Part# Pins Description 74LS00 74LS01 74LS02 74LS03 74LS04 74LS05 74LS06 74LS07 74LS08 74LS09 74LS10 74LS11 74LS12

    74LS00 74LS01 74LS02 74LS03 74LS04 74LS05 74LS06 74LS07 74LS08 74LS09 lm294oct d71054c D71055C lm294oct-12 74c928 7486 XOR GATE interfacing ADC 0808 with 8086 microprocessor 555 7490 7447 7 segment LED display Motorola 74LS76 NEC D71055C PDF


    Text: SN54/74LS259 8-BIT ADDRESSABLE LATCH The SN54 / 74LS259 is a high-speed 8-Bit Addressable Latch designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. It is a multifunctional device capable of storing single line data in eight addressable latches, and



    Abstract: demultiplexer truth table SN54/74LS259 SN54LSXXXJ SN74LSXXXD SN74LSXXXN
    Text: SN54/74LS259 8-BIT ADDRESSABLE LATCH The SN54/ 74LS259 is a high-speed 8-Bit Addressable Latch designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. It is a multifunctional device capable of storing single line data in eight addressable latches, and

    SN54/74LS259 74LS259 demultiplexer truth table SN54/74LS259 SN54LSXXXJ SN74LSXXXD SN74LSXXXN PDF

    D flip-flop 74175 pin

    Abstract: 74175 D flip flop D134 8-bit ttl latch 93L38 74LS573 ttl 7497 D187 D188 D190
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D187 9397, 7497 D188 93167, 74167 0189 54LS/74LS173 9 10 14 15 k h 12 Ü 13 IE 11 — 0 CE 9 - CP 10— 0 Ez 1 2 - Gy TC OE D190 54LS/74LS375 D194 54LS/74LS390 each half) 15 1 ,1 5 - CPo 4 ,1 2 -

    OCR Scan
    54LS/74LS173 54LS/74LS375 54LS/74LS390 54LS/74LS393 /74LS573 93L34 54LS/74LS259 93L38 54LS/74LS170 54ILS/74LS670 D flip-flop 74175 pin 74175 D flip flop D134 8-bit ttl latch 74LS573 ttl 7497 D187 D188 D190 PDF

    D flip-flop 74175 pin

    Abstract: 74LS78 74LS374 74ls373 93L38 74298 D150 D190 74LS374 74LS373 74ls373 D Flip-Flop
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIG ITAL-TTL D82 54LS/74LS78 D81 54LS/74LS541 Vcc |S5| RSj FSI F7| F»l FS1 j b j j j F5I Fä| FI j j j SD SD J Q J C CP Q — e CP K >— 12 Q Q 5— 9 K CD CD LlI lil LiJ Lil LiTIU LzJ LlI üü bsJ QNO 9 3 4 li 5 D85 54LS/74LS373

    OCR Scan
    54LS/74LS541 54LS/74LS78 54LS/74LS168, 54LS/74LS169 54LS/74LS490 54LS/74LS373 54LS/74LS374 54LS/74LS256 /74LS573 93L34 D flip-flop 74175 pin 74LS78 74LS374 74ls373 93L38 74298 D150 D190 74LS374 74LS373 74ls373 D Flip-Flop PDF

    MUX 74157

    Abstract: 74157 mux 74153 mux mux 74153 74298 quad 2 in mux ttl 74157 TTL 74153 MUX 74151 pin diagram of 74153 74153 8bit
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL -T T L D154 54/74170, 54LS/74LS170, 54LS/74LS670 12 15 1 2 3 H I M Ew Dl Ü2 D156 54/74298, 54LS/74LS298 D155 9309, 93L09 12 11 10 D3 9 4 5 6 7 3 1 3 - So 5 - Ra 3 - Si 6 o o o ec UJ 7 N N 14 15

    OCR Scan
    54LS/74LS170, 54LS/74LS670 93L09 54LS/74LS298 93L22, 54S/74S157, 54LS/74LS157, 54S/74S158, 54LS/74LS158, 54S/74S257 MUX 74157 74157 mux 74153 mux mux 74153 74298 quad 2 in mux ttl 74157 TTL 74153 MUX 74151 pin diagram of 74153 74153 8bit PDF


    Abstract: 7400 TTL 74LS327 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 80C96 74251 multiplexer 74C923 equivalent Flip-Flop 7473 74LS324 equivalent 74C08 equivalent
    Text: N T E ELECTRONICS INC 17E H ^3125=1 G0G513S Q B - o S V. ! - TRANSISTOR-TRANSISTOR LOGIC INCLUDES SERIES 74C CMOS NTE TYPE NO. •DESCRIPTION . 7214 7400 74C00 74H00 74LS00 74S00 3-State Sel/Mlpx Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos

    OCR Scan
    G0G513S 74C00 74H00 74LS00 74S00 74H01 74LS01 74C02 74LS02 74S02 74LS324 7400 TTL 74LS327 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 80C96 74251 multiplexer 74C923 equivalent Flip-Flop 7473 74LS324 equivalent 74C08 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 259 54LS/74LS259 CONNECTION DIAGRAM PINOUT A OH I I 0> 8-BIT ADDRESSABLE LATCH DESCRIPTION — The '259 is a high speed 8-bit addressable latch designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. It is a multi­ functional device capable of storing single line data in eight addressable

    OCR Scan
    54LS/74LS259 93L34 54/74LS 74LS259PC PDF


    Abstract: 74LS549 SN74LS549 SN54LS548 SN54LS549 SN74LS548 SN54LS549JS
    Text: 8-B it Two-Stage Pipelined Reg is te r/ Latch SN54/74LS548 SN54/74LS549 Feature/ Benefits • Two 8-bit high-speed registers/latches • Faster than other LS-TTL registers/latches the outputs Y7-Y0. This multiplexer is controlled by the OUTSEL line, and allows either the first o r second register/latch data to be

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS548 SN54/74LS549 24-pin 1N916 1N3064. 74ls548 74LS549 SN74LS549 SN54LS548 SN54LS549 SN74LS548 SN54LS549JS PDF


    Abstract: SN74LS548 74LS549 sh54
    Text: 8-Bit Two-Stage Pipelined Register/Latch SN54/74LSS48 SN54/74LS549 Feature/Benefits • Two 8-bit high-speed registers/latches • Faster than other LS-TTL registers/latches • Three-state outputs drive bus lines • 24-pin SKINNYDIP saves space • 8-bit data path matches byte boundaries

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LSS48 24-pin SN54/74LS549 SN54LS548 SN74LS548 SNS4LS549 SN74LS549 24-pin. SN54/74LS548 74LS548 74LS549 sh54 PDF


    Abstract: SN54LS793 SN54LS794 SN74LS793 SN74LS794J
    Text: 8-B it Latch/Register with Readback SN54/74LS793 SN54/74LS794 Ordering Inform ation Features/ Benefits • I/O port configuration enables output data back onto input bus PART NUMBER PKG TEMP POLARITY TYPE POWER • 8-bit data path matches byte boundaries • Ideal for microprocessor interlace

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS793 SN54/74LS794 LS793/4, LS793 LS794 SN74LS794 SN54LS793 SN54LS794 SN74LS793 SN74LS794J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LOGIC SYMBOL 5 4 /7 4 2 5 9 — See 9334 54LS /74LS 259 Prelim inary data DESCRIPTION FEATURES The “259" is an 8-Bit Addressable Latch with these control inputs; three Address in­ puts (Aq, A i , A2 ), an active LOW Enable input (E) and an active LOW Clear input

    OCR Scan
    /74LS PDF


    Abstract: SN54LS793 SN54LS794 SN74LS793 SN74LS794 74LS793
    Text: 8-B it Latch/Register with Readback SN54/74LS793 SN54/74LS794 Ordering Information Features/ Benefits • I/O port configuration enables output data back onto input bus PART NUMBER PKG TEMP POLARITY TYPE POWER • 8-bit data path matches byte boundaries • Ideal for microprocessor interlace

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS793 SN54/74LS794 LS793/4, LS793, 74LS794 SN54LS793 SN54LS794 SN74LS793 SN74LS794 74LS793 PDF


    Abstract: 0iah
    Text: <g MOTOROLA SN54/74LS259 8-BIT ADDRESSABLE LATCH The SN 54/74LS 259 is a high-speed 8-Bit Addressable Latch designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. It is a multifunctional device capable of storing single line data in eight addressable latches, and

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS259 54/74LS 74LS259 0iah PDF


    Abstract: SN74LS548
    Text: 8-B it Two-Stage Pipelined R egister/ Latch SN54/74LS548 SN54/74LS549 F e a tu re /B e n e fits • Two 8-bit high-speed registers/latches • Faster than other LS-TTL registers/latches the outputs Y7-Y0. This m ultiplexer is controlled by the OUTSEL line, and allows either the first o r second register/latch data to be

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS548 SN54/74LS549 24-pin 74ls548 SN74LS548 PDF


    Abstract: 74L5374 74LS373 PIN CONFIGURATION AND SPECIFICATIONS 74LS374 pin configuration 74LS374 74LS373 74LS373 pin configuration 74S373 745373 74S374
    Text: Signetics 74LS373, 74LS374, S373, S374 Latches/Flip-Flops '373 Octal Transparent Latch With 3-State Outputs '374 Octal D Flip-Flop With 3-State Outputs Logic Products Product Specification FEATURES • 8-bit transparent latch — '373 • 8-bit positive, edge-triggered

    OCR Scan
    C006830S 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 74L5373 74L5374 74LS373 PIN CONFIGURATION AND SPECIFICATIONS 74LS374 pin configuration 74LS374 74LS373 74LS373 pin configuration 74S373 745373 74S374 PDF

    74LS series logic gate symbols

    Abstract: 74ls gate symbols
    Text: 8 -B it Latches, 8 -B it Registers w ith Inverting Outputs SN54/74LS533 SN54/74S533 SN54/74LS534 SN54/74SS34 Ordering Inform ation F ea tu res / Benefits • Inverting outputs • Three-state outputs drive bus lines • 20-pin SKINNYDIP saves space • 8-bit data path matches byte boundaries

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS533 SN54/74S533 SN54/74LS534 SN54/74SS34 20-pin SN54/74LS373/4 SN54/74S373/4 54LS533 74LS533 54LS534 74LS series logic gate symbols 74ls gate symbols PDF

    74ls gate symbols

    Abstract: 74LS534 74LS533 74LS series logic gate symbols 74LS53 am290l memorias 74S533 54S534 SN54/74S533
    Text: 8 -B it Latches, 8 -B it Registers w ith Inverting Outputs SN 54/74LS533 SN S4/74LS534 SN 54/74S533 SN 54/74S534 O rdering Inform ation F e a tu re s / Benefits • Inverting outputs • Three-state outputs drive bus lines • 20-pin SKINNYDIP saves space

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS533 SN54/74S533 SN54/74LS534 SN54/74S534 20-pin SN54/74LS373/4 SN54/74S373/4 54/74LS, 50ftand: 54/74S, 74ls gate symbols 74LS534 74LS533 74LS series logic gate symbols 74LS53 am290l memorias 74S533 54S534 PDF


    Abstract: 8bit latch 74ls
    Text: Signetics 74LS259 Latch 8-Bit Addressable Latch Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Combines demultiplexer and 8-bit latch • Serial-to-parallel capability • Output from each storage bit available • Random addressable data entry • Easily expandable

    OCR Scan
    74LS259 SO-16 N74LS259N N74LS259D 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 74LS259 8bit latch 74ls PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics 74LS259 Latch 8-Bit Addressable Latch Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Combines demultiplexer and 8-bit latch • Serial-to-parallel capability • Output from each storage bit available • Random addressable data entry • Easily expandable

    OCR Scan
    74LS259 SO-16 N74LS259N N74LS259D 500ns 500ns 1N916, 1N3064, 74LS259 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O TO ROLA D E S C R IP T IO N — The S N 54LS/74LS259 is a high-speed 8-Bit Addressable Latch designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. It is a multifunctional device capable of storing single line data in eight addressable latches, and also a 1 -of-8 decoder and

    OCR Scan
    54LS/74LS259 74LS259 PDF


    Abstract: Demultiplexer - Ge
    Text: 74LS259 Signetícs Latch 8-Bit Addressable Latch Product Specification Logic Products FEATURES • Combines demultiplexer and 8-bit latch • S e ria l-to -p a ra lle l c a p a b ility • O u tp u t fro m e a c h s to ra g e bit a va ila b le TYPE TYPICAL PROPAGATION

    OCR Scan
    74LS259 SO-16 N74LS259N N74LS259D 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 74LS259 Demultiplexer - Ge PDF