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    78MOO Search Results

    78MOO Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 78M05 051 78M00 78M05 R 78M15 78M05 78M08 TO 78M24 78M12 78M20
    Text: Signetics Integrated Circuits - Voltage Regulators C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M ¿tA78M Series — Three Terminal Positive Voltage Regulator G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N T he 78MOO series of m onolithic Three Term inal Positive Voltage Regulators em p loys internal current limiting,

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    tA78M 78MOO 500mA 500mA 78m08 78M05 051 78M00 78M05 R 78M15 78M05 78M08 TO 78M24 78M12 78M20 PDF


    Abstract: 78M15C1 15CDB 78M05 R DB78M
    Text: /¿78MOO/78MOOC/78MOOC-DB.U DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 78M00 series of m onolithic Three Terminal Positive VoJtage Regulators em­ ploys internal current limiting, thermal shut down, and safe-area compensation making them essentially indestructible. If adequate

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    A78MOO/78MOOC/SA78MOOC-DB 78M00 500mA 100kHz, V/1000hrs. 120Hz O-220, 78M00C, SA78M00C) mA78M00/78M00C/SA78M00C-DB 78M05C1 78M15C1 15CDB 78M05 R DB78M PDF


    Abstract: 78M05HC 78M24UC 78M05UC 78M00 78M15UC 78M20UC 78M12UC 78M12HC 78M15HC
    Text: Fairchild Sem iconductors 78M00 Series T h ree Term inal V o ltag e Regulators G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The 78MOO series of three-terminal medium current positive voltage regulators are constructed using the Fairchild Planar epitaxial process. Th ese

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    78M00 78MOO 500mA T0220 35906D 78M05UC 35900E 78M15HC 78M06HC TRANSISTOR T0220 78M05HC 78M24UC 78M15UC 78M20UC 78M12UC 78M12HC PDF


    Abstract: SYPM SE5554 ua723 transistor substitution chart regulator 78G cs 550-is MA79G S659 uA78G
    Text: Voltage Regulators INTRODUCTION The wide use of integrated circuits in sys­ tems has frequently led to the power supply and regulator portions taking a dispropor­ tionate share of the volume of the system. The introduction of flexible, high perform­ ance regulator ICs such as the 550 has made

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    2N4906 UA79G SYPM SE5554 ua723 transistor substitution chart regulator 78G cs 550-is MA79G S659 uA78G PDF


    Abstract: 78M00 NJM431U
    Text: 3 -TERMINAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR • Three Terminal Voltage Regulators 78/M/L & 79/M/L 1. Positive Voltage Regulators (7800/78M00/78L00) (1) Therm al Shutdown Circuit W hen the junction tem perature (Tj) of the chip goes up abnorm ally high, the circuit reduces the output voltage

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    78/M/L 79/M/L) 7800/78M00/78L00) 79LOO 78M00 NJM431U PDF


    Abstract: ST 78m05 78M06A 78M05 ST 78m09a T78M05 ML78M00 78M05 LS to-22qf M 78M05
    Text: m ML78M00 £ SERIES w 3-TERM INAL PO SITIVE V O LT A G E R EG U LA TO R The ML78M00 series are 3-Terminal. Medium Current Positive Voltage Regulators. These regulators employ internal current-limiting, thermal—shutdown and safe-area compensation, making them essentially indestructible. If adequate heat

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    ML78M00 ML78M00 500mA 78M05/12/24 78M05 78M09 78M12 78MOO 78m12a ST 78m05 78M06A 78M05 ST 78m09a T78M05 78M05 LS to-22qf M 78M05 PDF


    Abstract: NJM431U NJM79L00 NJU7211U NJU7212U TO-220F torque transistor TA 78L qs sot-89 on 614 power transistor *7201U
    Text: E JR C 3 3-TERMINAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR 1.Protection Circuit 1 Positive Voltage 3-Terminal Regulator (Fig.l) (1-1) Thermal Shut Down Circuit The thermal shut down circuit cuts off the output voltage to drop down the temperature to the safe level when the junc­

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    Abstract: NJM431U NJM79L00 NJU7211U NJU7212U transistor q7
    Text: E JR C 3 3-TERM IN A L VOLTAGE REGULATOR 1.Protection Circuit 1 P ositive V o ltag e 3 -T erm inal R eg u lato r (F ig .l) (1-1) T herm al Sh u t D ow n C ircu it T h e therm al sh u t dow n circu it cuts o ff the output v o lta g e to drop dow n the tem perature to the safe level w hen the ju n c ­

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