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    7486 FAIRCHILD Search Results

    7486 FAIRCHILD Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    54ABT245/BRA Rochester Electronics LLC Replacement for Fairchild part number 5962-9214801QRA. Buy from authorized manufacturer Rochester Electronics. Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    74F403SPC Rochester Electronics LLC Replacement for Fairchild part number 74F403SPC. Buy from authorized manufacturer Rochester Electronics. Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    54F38/QCA Rochester Electronics LLC Replacement for Fairchild part number 54F38/BCA. Buy from authorized manufacturer Rochester Electronics. Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    93425ADM/B Rochester Electronics LLC Replacement for Fairchild part number 93425ADMQB. Buy from authorized manufacturer Rochester Electronics. Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    54ABT245/B2A Rochester Electronics LLC Replacement for Fairchild part number 5962-9214801Q2A. Buy from authorized manufacturer Rochester Electronics. Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

    7486 FAIRCHILD Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    TTL 7486

    Abstract: 7486 7486 TTL chip 7486 7486 gate 9N86/7486 9n86 TTL 7486 fairchild TTL family 7486 FAIRCHILD
    Text: FAIRCHILD TTL/SSI . 9N86/5486, 7486 QUAD 2-INPUT EXCLUSIVE OR GATE DESCRIPTION - The TTL/SSI 9 N 8 6 /54 8 6 , 7486 is a Quad 2-input Exclusive OR gate designed to perform the function: Y = AB + AB. When the input states are complementary, the output goes to the HIGH level.

    OCR Scan
    9N86/5486, 9N86/7486 9N86/5486 TTL 7486 7486 7486 TTL chip 7486 7486 gate 9N86/7486 9n86 TTL 7486 fairchild TTL family 7486 FAIRCHILD PDF

    CI 74LS08

    Abstract: 7432 TTL fairchild TTL 7421 74LS21 ttl 7432 TTL 74ls32 TTL 7409 TTL 7486 TTL 74ls86 TTL 7432 fairchild
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS D IG IT A L-T T L D16 547408, 54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54/7409, 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 D18 54/7411, 54H/74H11, 54S/74S11, 54LS/74LS11, 54S/74S15, 54LS/74LS15 D17 9S41 1^1 FH [iä| [vii Eòi [T| r»1 Vcc Vcc füi

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 54H/74H21 54LS/74LS21 54S/74S32 54LS/74LS32 54H/74H11, CI 74LS08 7432 TTL fairchild TTL 7421 74LS21 ttl 7432 TTL 74ls32 TTL 7409 TTL 7486 TTL 74ls86 TTL 7432 fairchild PDF


    Abstract: FL 9014 TTL 7409 TTL 7486 74LS32 74ls86 TTL 74s32 74LS08 74LS11 74LS02
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL TTL SSI FUNCTIONS Cont’d X to x n agic/Conne Diagram igh Speed 54H/74H ns/22 mW O IO U) —1 ligh Speed Schottky 54S/74S ns/19 mW CO Std. TTL 54/74 1 ns/10 mW E a> Dw Power Schottky ILS/74LS ns/2 mW ~'c o u c 3 U. 9000 Series ns/10 mW

    OCR Scan
    ns/10 54S/74S ns/19 54H/74H ns/22 ILS/74LS 54LS/74LS02 54S/74S02 54LS/74LS27 Z427 FL 9014 TTL 7409 TTL 7486 74LS32 74ls86 TTL 74s32 74LS08 74LS11 74LS02 PDF

    logic diagram of 7432

    Abstract: CI 7408 TTL 7486 7408 s.i 7408 FL 9014 7486 nor CI 74LS08 7408 fairchild 7432 TTL
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D16 547408, 54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54/7409, 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 D18 54/7411, 54H/74H11, 54S/74S11, 54LS/74LS11, 54S/74S15, 54LS/74LS15 D17 9S41 1^1 FH [iä| [vii Eòi [T| r»1 Vcc Vcc füi Fai np f i ! Föi lyi rn

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 54H/74H21 54LS/74LS21 54S/74S32 54LS/74LS32 54H/74H11, logic diagram of 7432 CI 7408 TTL 7486 7408 s.i 7408 FL 9014 7486 nor CI 74LS08 7408 fairchild 7432 TTL PDF

    TTL 7486

    Abstract: FL 9014 TTL 7421 ttl 7432 TTL 7411 TTL 7409 7486 TTL 7411 74LS86 74LS08
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D16 547408, 54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54/7409, 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 D18 54/7411, 54H/74H11, 54S/74S11, 54LS/74LS11, 54S/74S15, 54LS/74LS15 D17 9S41 1^1 FH [iä| [vii Eòi [T| r»1 Vcc Vcc füi Fai np f i ! Föi ly i r n

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 54H/74H21 54LS/74LS21 54S/74S32 54LS/74LS32 54H/74H11, TTL 7486 FL 9014 TTL 7421 ttl 7432 TTL 7411 TTL 7409 7486 TTL 7411 74LS86 74LS08 PDF

    74LS08 Quad 2-Input AND Gates

    Abstract: TTL 74s32 TTL 7408 or 2 input 74Ls32 74LS11 and 74LS32 74ls32 quad 2-input OR gates 54LS TTL 7421 74LS 3-input NOR 74LS11
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL TTL High Speed 54H/74H 6 ns/22 mW High Speed Schottky 54S/74S 3 ns/19 mW Logic/Connection Diagram'2’ E £ Std. TTL 54/74 10 ns/10 mW ~c o o c S U. Low Power Schottky 54LS/74LS 5 ns/2 mW Cont’d 9000 Series 8 ns/10 mW SSI FUNCTIONS 5

    OCR Scan
    ns/10 54H/74H ns/22 54S/74S ns/19 54LS/74LS 54LS/74LS02 54LS/74LS27 54LS/74LS260 74LS08 Quad 2-Input AND Gates TTL 74s32 TTL 7408 or 2 input 74Ls32 74LS11 and 74LS32 74ls32 quad 2-input OR gates 54LS TTL 7421 74LS 3-input NOR 74LS11 PDF

    CI 7408

    Abstract: 74LS series logic gates CI 7402 TTL 7408 7408 and 7408 TTL CI 74LS08 TTL 7486 7408 CI 74LS86
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL TTL Quad 2-Input 9015 3 Triple 3-Input — 4 Dual 4-Input w/Strobe — 5 Dual 4-Input Exp — 6 Dual 5-Input — Logic/Connection Diagram12* 2 High Speed Schottky 54S/74S 3 ns/19 mW — 3 LL High Speed 54H/74H 6 ns/22 mW Quad 2-Input E

    OCR Scan
    ns/10 54LS/74LS 54H/74H ns/22 54S/74S ns/19 54LS/74LS02 54S/74S02 54LS/74LS27 CI 7408 74LS series logic gates CI 7402 TTL 7408 7408 and 7408 TTL CI 74LS08 TTL 7486 7408 CI 74LS86 PDF

    7411 pin diagram

    Abstract: TTL 7408 DS 7409 74LS574 CI 7408 7407 connection diagram 74LS386 TTL 7408 DIAGRAMS 74LS08 PIN CI 74LS08
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL -TTL D93 54LS/74LS379 D94 9386, 74LS266, 54LS/74LS386 D95 54LS/74LS398 r ei fi r E5i r?i n Vcc 1 4 5 12 13 4 5 7 6 14 15 17 16 lOa Ila lo b lib lo c lie lo d lid S CP Qa Qb 2 GND Vcc = Pin 20 GND = Pin 10 Vcc = Pin 16

    OCR Scan
    54LS/74LS379 74LS266, 54LS/74LS386 54LS/74LS398 54LS/74LS399 54LS/74LS574 54LS/74LSS02 O04S09 54LS/74LS11 54H/74H11 7411 pin diagram TTL 7408 DS 7409 74LS574 CI 7408 7407 connection diagram 74LS386 TTL 7408 DIAGRAMS 74LS08 PIN CI 74LS08 PDF

    7476 truth table

    Abstract: 7474 truth table fairchild 9322 se 9315-1 signetics 8281 7474 equivalent 9N73/7473 82S62 signetics 8235 93178
    Text: SELECTOR GUIDE/FUNCTIONAL INDEX MSI MULTIPLEXERS Function Type No. Enable Input Comple­ mentary O u tp ut 9322 93L22 Dual 4 -Input 9309 93L09 93153 X X X X Single 8 -In p u t 9312 93L12 93S12 9313 93151 93152 X X X X X X 93150 X X X X X X X Page No. Data Z

    OCR Scan
    93L22 93L09 93L12 93S12 16-Input Rese406 82S63 82S64 82S90 7476 truth table 7474 truth table fairchild 9322 se 9315-1 signetics 8281 7474 equivalent 9N73/7473 82S62 signetics 8235 93178 PDF

    TTL LS 7407

    Abstract: CI 7407 CI 7402 TTL LS 7402 ls 7408 TTL 74s02 CI 74LS02 74LS27 TTL 7425 TTL 74ls02
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D7 54/7430, 54H/74H30 54S/74S30, 54LS/74LS30 Vcc NC r r r NC r D8 54S/74S133, 54LS/74LS133 D9 54S/74S134 Vcc NC r fi fi Ili ill HI Li Lil lil GND LzJ R R R R F IR R F I E RRRRRRRFl li lli lli lli J lill ill ill iJGND

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H30 54S/74S30, 54LS/74LS30 54S/74S133, 54LS/74LS133 54S/74S134 54S/74S02, 54LS/74LS02, 54LS/74LS28 74LS33 TTL LS 7407 CI 7407 CI 7402 TTL LS 7402 ls 7408 TTL 74s02 CI 74LS02 74LS27 TTL 7425 TTL 74ls02 PDF

    CI 7408

    Abstract: CI 74LS08 TTL 74ls21 74LS21 7407 connection diagram 54LS CI 7413 7432 TTL fairchild 74LS125 7408 and
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS D IG IT A L - T T L D65 54/7413, 54LS/74LS13 Vcc NC R R R fü| FÖI f71 r«l D66 54/74125, 54LS/74LS125 D67 54/74126, 54LS/74LS126 Vcc Vcc äJ QND E D68 54LS/74LS365 j y E D O 3X 5 rn m D O E D D O E D O IPTJ? ~ ? f i r

    OCR Scan
    54LS/74LS13 54LS/74LS125 54LS/74LS126 54LS/74LS365 54LS/74LS366 54LS/74LS367 54LS/74LS368 I4S09 54LS/74LS11 54H/74H11 CI 7408 CI 74LS08 TTL 74ls21 74LS21 7407 connection diagram 54LS CI 7413 7432 TTL fairchild 74LS125 7408 and PDF

    IC TTL 7432

    Abstract: 74LS86 gate diagram 7411 3 INPUT AND gate IC 7432 7411 pin diagram 74LS266 IC 7486 74LS series logic gate symbols FL 9014 TTL 74126
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D16 547408, 54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54/7409, 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 D18 54/7411, 54H/74H11, 54S/74S11, 54LS/74LS11, 54S/74S15, 54LS/74LS15 D17 9S41 1^1FH [iä| [vii Eòi [T| r»1 Vcc Vcc füi Fai np f i ! Föi lyi rn

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 54H/74H21 54LS/74LS21 54S/74S32 54LS/74LS32 54H/74H11, IC TTL 7432 74LS86 gate diagram 7411 3 INPUT AND gate IC 7432 7411 pin diagram 74LS266 IC 7486 74LS series logic gate symbols FL 9014 TTL 74126 PDF

    ALU IC 74181

    Abstract: 74181 ic pin diagram DS 7409 7480 full adder 1 bit 74LS86 full adder IC 74181 7411 3 INPUT AND gate TTL 74ls83 pin diagram of 7411 logic diagram of 7432
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-TTL D16 547408, 54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54/7409, 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 D18 54/7411, 54H/74H11, 54S/74S11, 54LS/74LS11, 54S/74S15, 54LS/74LS15 D17 9S41 Vcc Vcc 1^1FH [iä| [vii Eòi [T| r»1 füi Fai np f i ! Föi lyi rn

    OCR Scan
    54H/74H08, 54S/74S08, 54LS/74LS08 54S/74S09, 54LS/74LS09 54H/74H21 54LS/74LS21 54S/74S32 54LS/74LS32 54H/74H11, ALU IC 74181 74181 ic pin diagram DS 7409 7480 full adder 1 bit 74LS86 full adder IC 74181 7411 3 INPUT AND gate TTL 74ls83 pin diagram of 7411 logic diagram of 7432 PDF

    pin DIAGRAM OF IC 7486

    Abstract: pin diagram of 7486 IC IC 7486 pin diagram IC 7486N 7486N block diagram for ic 7486 function OF IC 7486 function table IC 7486 7486 ic diagram connection diagram IC 7486
    Text: S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm DM7486 Quad 2-Input Exclusive-OR Gates General Description Features This device contains fo u r independent gates each of w hich perform s the logic exclusive-O R function. • Alternate M ilitary/Aerospace device 5486 is available,

    OCR Scan
    DM7486 DS006531 5486D 5486FM 5486J, 7486N pin DIAGRAM OF IC 7486 pin diagram of 7486 IC IC 7486 pin diagram IC 7486N block diagram for ic 7486 function OF IC 7486 function table IC 7486 7486 ic diagram connection diagram IC 7486 PDF

    function OF IC 7486

    Abstract: block diagram for ic 7486 connection diagram IC 7486 DIAGRAM OF IC 7486 7486 ic diagram 7486N logic diagram of ic 7486 function table IC 7486 IC 7486N
    Text: S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm DM7486 Quad 2-Input Exclusive-OR Gates General Description Features This device contains fo u r independent gates each of w hich perform s the logic exclusive-O R function. • Alternate M ilitary/Aerospace device 5486 is available,

    OCR Scan
    DM7486 DS006531 5486D 5486FM 5486J, 7486N function OF IC 7486 block diagram for ic 7486 connection diagram IC 7486 DIAGRAM OF IC 7486 7486 ic diagram logic diagram of ic 7486 function table IC 7486 IC 7486N PDF

    IC 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400

    Abstract: TTL IC 7405 7400 logic gate ic IC AND GATE 7408 ic 7400 logic symbol 7408 AND GATE fan in 9N01 IC 7400 nand gate 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 IC 7404 hex inverter
    Text: SSI • GATES, BUFFERS AND INVERTERS LOW POWER tpcj = 20 ns Pd = 2 mW per Gate STANDARD tpd = 10 ns Pd = 10 mW per Gate 0°C to +70° C and -5 5 ° to +125°C 0° to +70° C -5 5 ° t o +125° C 9 L00 9N00/7400 9N00/5400 9N01/7401 9N01/5401 9N03/7403 9N03/5403

    OCR Scan
    9N00/7400 9N01/7401 9N03/7403 9N26/7426 9N10/7410 9N12/7412 9N20/7420 9N30/7430 9N00/5400 9N01/5401 IC 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 TTL IC 7405 7400 logic gate ic IC AND GATE 7408 ic 7400 logic symbol 7408 AND GATE fan in 9N01 IC 7400 nand gate 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 IC 7404 hex inverter PDF


    Abstract: TESLA mh 7400 MH 7404 mh 7400 tesla cdb 838 tda 7851 L 741PC TDB0124DP tda 4100 TDA 7851 A
    Text: m ö lk ^ o e le l-c te n a n il-c Information Applikation RGW Typenübersicht Vergleich Teil 2: RGW M iM U Z A U l KÉD lnrüÖC=SraO Information Applikation HEFT 50 RGW Typenübersicht + Vergleich Teil 2: RGW wob Halbleiterwerk Frankfurt /oder bt r iab im v«b kombinat mikrootektronik

    OCR Scan

    IC 74151 diagram and truth table

    Abstract: 7474 ic 2x4 demultiplexer using ic 74155 EQUIVALENT 9974 GP 7447 BCD to 7-segment APPLICATION NOTES CD 7474 IC IC 7404 7406 truth table bcd vm 170 1p0 8-input 7430 NAND gate with truth table 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder
    Text: TTL DATA BO O K Fairchild Semiconductor TTL Data Book Contents And Section Selector If you know the correct 5400, 7400, 9300 or 9600 device type number, find the correct page in the Numerical Index. If you are trying to choose the best device for your application, consult the

    OCR Scan
    54S/74S) 12-Input IC 74151 diagram and truth table 7474 ic 2x4 demultiplexer using ic 74155 EQUIVALENT 9974 GP 7447 BCD to 7-segment APPLICATION NOTES CD 7474 IC IC 7404 7406 truth table bcd vm 170 1p0 8-input 7430 NAND gate with truth table 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder PDF

    itt 7441

    Abstract: transistor fcs 9012 7446 BCD to 7-segment Fairchild dtl catalog Truth Table 74192 7400 quad 2-input NAND gate truth-table 7449 BCD to 7-segment 7483 truth table Motorola Diode 54H01 semiconductors cross reference
    Text: TTL DATA BOOK Fairchild Semiconductor TTL Data Book Contents And Section Selector If you know the correct 5400, 7400, 9300 or 9600 device type number, find the correct page in the Numerical Index. If you are trying to choose the best device for your application, consult the

    OCR Scan
    APP-161 1-of-16 12-lnput itt 7441 transistor fcs 9012 7446 BCD to 7-segment Fairchild dtl catalog Truth Table 74192 7400 quad 2-input NAND gate truth-table 7449 BCD to 7-segment 7483 truth table Motorola Diode 54H01 semiconductors cross reference PDF

    dy 255

    Abstract: 74s405 H R C M F 2J 225 Fairchild 9960 nixie driver 9614 line driver ci 8602 gn block diagram FJH211 Fairchild msi cul9960 variable frequency circuit diagram using IC 555
    Text: IN THE, BOSTON - 6 17- 4 4 * A SUBSIDiA) ./ OF DUCOMMUN INCORPOfiATED S, MASS vw . JU N E 1 97 S Fairchild Semiconductor TTL Data Book Contents And Section Selector If you know the correct 5400, 7400, 9300 or 9600 device type number, find the correct page in the

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 1N52428 zener SFC2311 78M12HM 21L02A 54175 IRS 9530 transistor 10116dc BB105G 962PC
    Text: Contents Fairchild Semiconductors Ltd. Solid State Scientific Inc. Diodes Ltd. Thomson C. S. F. B Ashcroft Electronics Ltd. Sprague Electric UK Ltd. Precision Dynamic Corp. B&R Relays Schrack Relays Heller mann Electric B Foreword We are pleased to present the latest edition of the BARLEC Catalogue, which

    OCR Scan
    301PT1115 302PT1115 303PT1115 311PT1110 312PTI110 319PTI110 327PTI110 351PT1115 353PT1115 1n52408 1N52428 zener SFC2311 78M12HM 21L02A 54175 IRS 9530 transistor 10116dc BB105G 962PC PDF

    Fairchild dtl catalog

    Abstract: johnson and ring counter using ic 7495 equivalent of transistor 9014 NPN 4 bit bcd adder pin diagram and truth table using ic 7483 MIL-STD-806 alu 9308 d Fairchild 9300 NL940 Fairchild msi full subtractor circuit using ic 74153 multiplexer
    Text: FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR THE TTL APPLICATIONS HANDBOOK THE TTL APPLICATIONS HANDBOOK Prepared by the Digital Applications Staff of Fairchild Semiconductor Edited by Peter Alfke and lb Larsen FAIRCHILD S E M IC O N D U C T O R 464 Ellis Street, M ountain View, California 94042

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 5401DM Fairchild dtl catalog fsa2719m 4727BPC FCM7010 FCM7004 937DMQB fairchild rtl FSA2501
    Text: FAIRMONT ELECTRONICS PTY. LTD. TE L.48-6421 4 8 -6 4 8 1 /2 /4 C AB LES ' FAIRTRONICS' C R A IG H A L L T E L E X 8-3227 S A . P O .BOX 41102, C R A IG H A LL 2024. I ouani v-ox 39! 262Bramley 2018 FAIRCHILD 464 Ellis Street, M ountain View, C alifornia 94042

    OCR Scan
    262Bramley orporation/464 962-5011/TWX 19-PIN 100414DC 5401DM Fairchild dtl catalog fsa2719m 4727BPC FCM7010 FCM7004 937DMQB fairchild rtl FSA2501 PDF

    MSD 7818

    Abstract: MN9106 information applikation 7490 N TDA 5700 information applikation mikroelektronik udssr hefte 143KT1 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation K 176 LE, K 561 LN
    Text: In n in ik ü r Q fâ lI Information Applikation RGW Typen­ übersicht + Vergleich TeiM UdSSR JitfÆÊL JUUUUUUL&JJJUL i m i n i ^ r ^ c z l c i c b p o n Information Applikation , 9 H E F T 4 9 * R G W T y p e n ü b e r s i c h t + V e r g l e i c h Teil 1

    OCR Scan
    6250b MSD 7818 MN9106 information applikation 7490 N TDA 5700 information applikation mikroelektronik udssr hefte 143KT1 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation K 176 LE, K 561 LN PDF