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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: National Semiconductor , , May 1989 54LS367A/DM54LS367A/DM74LS367A Hex TRI-STATE Buffers General Description This device contains six independent gates each of which performs a non-inverting buffer function. The outputs have the TRI-STATE feature. When enabled, the outputs exhibit

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    54LS367A/DM54LS367A/DM74LS367A 54LS367A/DM54LS367A/DM74LS367A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm DM74LS126A Quad 3-STATE Buffer Buffer Connection Diagram Dual-ln-Line Package V cc C4 A4 Y4 C3 A3 Y3 DSOO6388-1 Order Number DM74LS126AM or DM74LS126AN See Package Number M14A or N14A Function Table Y = A Inputs Output A C L H L

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    DM74LS126A DM74LS126A 14-Lead DM74LS126AM DM74LS126AN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: National Semiconductor , , May 1989 54LS368A/DM54LS368A/DM74LS368A Hex TRI-STATE Inverting Buffers General Description This device contains six independent gates each of which performs an inverting buffer function. The outputs have the TRI-STATE feature. When enabled, the outputs exhibit the

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    54LS368A/DM54LS368A/DM74LS368A 54LS368A/DM54LS368A/DM74LS368A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS240 LS241 NATIONAL SENICOND Î L O G I O 31E D • tSDUHa GGbWG T ■ National Semiconductor 54LS240/DM54LS240/DM74LS240, 54LS241/DM54LS241/DM74LS241 Octal TRI-STATE Buffers/Line Drivers/Line Receivers Genera! Description These buffers/line drivers are designed to Improve both the

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    LS240 LS241 54LS240/DM54LS240/DM74LS240, 54LS241/DM54LS241/DM74LS241 DM54LS DM74LS 667il LS240 LS241 54LS240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S-THOnSON 07E D I f t ri: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS T74LS348 fl 3 7 I LOW POWER SGHOTTKY 1 j ' f I-, H. I 7151237 D a i ,3 ia T -6 6 -P 1 -R 7 67C 1 6 4 4 1 PRELIMINARY DATA 8-INPUT PRIORITY ENCODER <0 DESCRIPTION The T54LS/T74LS348 is an 8-input priority enco­

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    T74LS348 T54LS/T74LS348 PDF

    TOP 244 gn

    Abstract: T74LS240 S16C
    Text: S G S-THOfISON D7E D | 7 ^ 2 3 ? DDlbÈGS b | ."'.1 LOW POWER SCHOTTKY INTEGRATED & riY T 5 4 L $ 2 4 0 /2 4 1 /2 4 4 ; p n V;T74LS240/241/244| U l K O t. U I I O _ 67C 1 6 3 3 4 , . D I . , . T - 52.-&7_ OCTAL BUFFER/LINE DRIVERS W ITH 3-STA TE OUTPUTS

    OCR Scan
    T74LS240/241/244| 54LS/T74LS240/241/244 TOP 244 gn T74LS240 S16C PDF


    Abstract: HD74LS365A
    Text: • Hex Bus Drivers with three-state outputs I PIN ARRANGEMENT I CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC (Top View) I ABSOLUTE M A X IM U M RATINGS Symbol Item R atin g s Supply voltage 7 .0 Vcc Input voltage V,„ 7.0 O utput voltage (O ff-s ta te ) Vo (»//I 5 .5 O peratin g te m p eratu re range T.,'

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    QQ14CI14 DG-14 06max 20-IU8 OG-16 DG-24 74LSOO HD74LS365A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1989 Semiconductor & 54LS365A/DM54LS365A/DM74LS365A Hex TRI-STATE Buffers General Description This device contains six independent gates each of which performs a non-inverting buffer function. The outputs have the TRI-STATE feature. When enabled, the outputs exhibit

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    54LS365A/DM54LS365A/DM74LS365A 54LS365A/DM54LS365A/DM74LS365A PDF


    Abstract: 8303 DP7304BJ B304B D-20 DP7303J DP7304BJB DP8303J DP8303JB DP8304BJ
    Text: Am73/8303Am73/8304B Octal Three-State Bidirectional Bus Transceivers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION • 8-bit bidirectional data flow reduces system package count • 3-state inputs/outputs for interfacing with bus-oriented systems

    OCR Scan
    Am73/8303 Am73/8304B -1-15V 300pF 20-pin MIL-STD-883 DP7303JB 8303 DP7304BJ B304B D-20 DP7303J DP7304BJB DP8303J DP8303JB DP8304BJ PDF


    Abstract: CXK7701J-30 CXK7701J-35 CXK7701J-45
    Text: CXK7701J SONY» - 30 / 35/45 High-Speed Latched Cache-SRAM Description The CXK7701J is a 131,072-bit high speed latched Cache-SRAM suitable fo r use in high speed cache co n fig u ra tio n s and low power applications. Organized as 81 9 2 word X 1 6 -b it or 4096

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    CXK7701J CXK7701J 072-bit 16-bit 25MHz, 20MHz) CXK7701J-30 CXK7701J-35 CXK7701J-45 CXK7701 82385 CXK7701J-45 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S-THOrïSON D7E D g 7 1 2 T 2 3 7 LOW POWER SCHOTTKY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS _ 67C 1 55 12 T-5 Z-07 OCTAL BUFFER/LINË DRIVERS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS DESCRIPTIO N The T54LS/T74LS540/541 are Octal Buffers and Line Drivers. Although they have the same func­

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    T54LS/T74LS540/541 LS240 LS241, T74LSXXX T54LSXXX JT54LS PDF


    Abstract: 74LS654 L8651 74LS653 LS652 SN74LS654 SN54LS651JS
    Text: 8 -Bit Bus Front-Loading-Latch Transceivers SN54/74LS652 SN54/74LS654 SN54/74LS651 SN54/74L.S653 Ordering Information Features/Benefits • Bidirectional bus transceivers and registers • Independent registers tor A and B buses PART NUMBER PKG TEMP POLARITY OUTPUTS POWER

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS651 SN54/74LS652 SN54/74LS653 SN54/74LS654 24-pin LS653/4 LS651, LS652) LS653, LS654) 74ls652 74LS654 L8651 74LS653 LS652 SN74LS654 SN54LS651JS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS257A DN74LS257A m u n s i* Quad 2 - l i n e to 1 -lin e Data S e l e c t o r s / Multiplexers with 3 -s ta t e Outputs • D escription P -2 D N 74LS257A contains four 2-line to 1-line data selector/m ulti­ plexer circuits w ith 3-state outputs.

    OCR Scan
    DN74LS DN74LS257A 74LS257A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S-THOfISON 07E D | 7T5T237 O Olba^? 4 LOW POWER SCHQTTKY I T54LS299 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS T74LS299 fe * _ 67C16426 T - 4 6 - 6 ? ~ o 5 ' _ PRELIMINARY DATA 8-B IT SHIFT/STO RA G E REGISTER W ITH 3-STA TE OUTPUTS DESCRIPTION The T54LS299/T74LS299 is an 8-Bit Shift/Stora­

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    7T5T237 T54LS299 T54LS299/T74LS299 67C16426 T74LS299 7T5T237 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS647 74LS646 ls646 74LS646 buffer 74LS649 buffer sn74ls649ns 74LS649 SN74LS649 SN74LS647
    Text: 8 -B it Bus Front-Loading-Latch Transceivers SN54/74LS646 SN54/74LS648 SN54/74LS647 SN54/74LS649 O rdering Inform ation F e atu res /B e n efits • Bidirectional bus transceivers and registers PART NUMBER • Independent registers for A and B buses • Real-time data transfer or stored data transfer

    OCR Scan
    SN54/74LS646 SN54/74LS647 SN54/74LS648 SN54/74LS649 24-pin LS646, LS648) LS647, LS649) LS646/647 74LS648 74LS647 74LS646 ls646 74LS646 buffer 74LS649 buffer sn74ls649ns 74LS649 SN74LS649 SN74LS647 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: National DP8307A 9 Semiconductor DP8307A 8-Bit TRI-STATE Bidirectional Transceiver (Inverting General Description Features The DP8307A is a high speed Schottky 8-bit TRI-STATE bidirectional transceiver designed to provide bidirectional drive for bus oriented microprocessor and digital communi­

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    DP8307A DP8307A DP8303A DP7304e TL/F/8794-5 0074CHD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: National ÆÜ Semiconductor 54LS37/DM74LS37 Quad 2-Input NAND Buffers General Description This device contains four independent buffer gates each of which performs the logic NAND function. Connection Diagram Dual-ln-Llne Package Order Number 54LS37DMQB, 54LS37FMQB, 54LS37LMQB,

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    54LS37/DM74LS37 54LS37DMQB, 54LS37FMQB, 54LS37LMQB, DM74LS37M DM74LS37N DM74LS DM74LS 667il PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: , , May 1989 Semiconductor 54LS368A/DM54LS368A/DM74LS368A Hex TRI-STATE Inverting Buffers General Description This device contains six independent gates each of which performs an inverting buffer function. The outputs have the TRI-STATE feature. When enabled, the outputs exhibit the

    OCR Scan
    54LS368A/DM54LS368A/DM74LS368A 54LS368A/DM54LS368A/DM74LS368A PDF