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    lm 2490

    Abstract: 10DF T092 ZR431 ZR431C Regulator t092
    Text: ADJUSTABLE PRECISION ZENER SHUNT REGULATOR M ISSUE 1- FEB 94 FEATURES * Average temperature ‘ Temperature coefficient 50ppmFC compensated full temperature foroperation overthe range * Programmable output voltage ‘ 50~Ato100mA current sink capability *

    50ppmFC Ato100mA lm 2490 10DF T092 ZR431 ZR431C Regulator t092 PDF

    step up DC DC converter out 9V

    Abstract: RX5va overcharge voltage detection ic rx5re RH5RH501 RN5RG30A RN5RG50A RN5RY202A RH5VLSOT-89 L120P
    Text: rin JL POWER MANAGEMENT ICs WORKING TOGETHER TO FIND SOLUTIONS SCiNTEC Behringstraße 10 P o s tfa c h 1421 GMBH 82152 Planegg 82143 Planegg Telefon 0 8 9 /8 9 9 1 4 3 -0 FAX 0 8 9 /8 9 9 1 4 3 -2 7 Ricoh Power Management IC Series Developing Products With

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIN FILM CHIP RESISTORS Fea tures 1. L o w T C R 2. H ig h p re c is io n ± 0 .5 u p % up to ± 0 .0 1 % 3. L o w c u rre n t noise 4. H ig h s ta b ility E le c trica l C h a ra c te ris tic s S ty le Pov/er Rating at 70 C RM T-04 0402 RM T-06 0603

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    1/16W EIA-96 PDF