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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L IT E M I J fe. |ff E PBDF151 thru PBDF157 S EM ICO N D UC TO R S 4! 1 1 i « ' * 1» ’ d / L ils L / JV VO LTA G E RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts C U RREN T 1.5 Amperes Ol lililí PBDF .350 8.9 .300 (7.6) FEATURES • Rating to 1000V P R V • Surge overload rating to 40 Am peres peak.

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    PBDF151 PBDF157 E95060 DO-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEW Î I UF1001 thru UF1007 s e m ic o n d u c t o r s VOLTAGE RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT LTRA FAST SW ITCHING RECTIHEF 1.0 Ampere DO-41 FEATURES • Low cost 03 4 8 6 • Ultrafast recovery time• 028 (.71 ) 1.0 (2 5 .4 ) Low leakage • Low forward voltage drop

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    UF1001 UF1007 DO-41 DO-41, MIL-STD-202, DO-15 D0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEM £I SEMICONDUCTORS KBPC15 KBPC KBPC-W T 442 m 23 T 432 11097), o 'MAX> 25.4) _L ' 1.2 M IN. 130.5) Jfc_ 0.04 {1.0) D IA T Y p U H O lS FOR NO. B SCREW 193 <4.9) 0 1 A FEATURES • Rating to 1000V PRV • 300 amperes surge cap ability f i l i l i

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    KBPC15 E95060 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITE:*] : I PR1001L thru PR1007L SEMICONDUCTORS • L o w co st • Diffused ¡unction • L o w leakage • L o w fo rw a rd voltage d ro p .025 .64 .021 { 53) 1.0 (25.4} M IN • H igh c u rre n t ca p a b ility • E a s ily cleaned w ith F re o n , A lc o h o l, C h lo ro th e n e and

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    PR1001L PR1007L DO-15 0201AD PDF

    bta 41 1200 b

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: l i t e s AKBPC2502 thru 2508 : I SEMICONDUCTORS VOLTAGE RANGE 200 to 800 Volts CURRENT 25 Amperes t i r " ' KBPC KBPC-W FEATURES • 1.2 M IN . 30.5 C o n tro lle d A va la n ch e Series w it h 2 5 0 V , H O LE FO R NO. 8 / S C R E W . 193 (4 9) O IA 4 5 0 V , 6 5 0 V , and 8 5 0 V minimum

    OCR Scan
    AKBPC2502 T90IUI, DO-15 0201AD bta 41 1200 b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEW^I SBL1630PT thru 1660PT SEMICONDUCTORS FEATURES TO-3P • Plastic package has U /L • • Flam m ability Classification 94V-0 Exceeds environmental standards o f M IL-S-19500 • • Metal o f silicon rectifier, m a jo rity carrier conduction Low power loss, high efficiency

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    SBL1630PT 1660PT IL-S-19500 D0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEM iJI SEMICONDUCTORS fiitie a iii 1N5391 thru 1N5399 VO LTAG E RANGE 50 to 1000 V o lts CURRENT 1 5 Am peres D< D -1 5 FEATURES • L o w co st .1 4 0 3 .6 • D iffu s e d ju n c tio n 1 0 4 (2 .6 ) • L o w leakage • L o w fo rw a rd vo lta g e d ro p

    OCR Scan
    1N5391 1N5399 D0201A PDF


    Abstract: pbp 205
    Text: BULK PACKAGING DEVICE TYPE PACKAGING SIZE MM BOX Q U A N TIT Y (EA> CARTON APPROX GROSS WEIGHT (KG) BOX CARTON BOX CARTON DO-41 L 196 x 84 x 20 4 5 0 x 2 1 0 x 250 1000 50K 0.38 20 DO-41 DO 15 196 x 84 x 20 450 x 210 x 250 1000 50K 0.38 20 DO-201 AD 305 x 93 x 59

    OCR Scan
    DO-41 DO-201 Ta220 238x235x50 200x200x55 500x250x290 450x210x310 X55205 pbp 205 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEME SEMICONDUCTORS PR3001G thru PR3007G V O L T A G E RANGE 50 to 1000 V olts CURRENT 3.0 Amperes FEATURES • DO-201 AD Low cost • Glass passivated ju n c tio n • Low leakage • Low forw ard voltage drop • High cu rre n t cap ability • • 210 5.3

    OCR Scan
    PR3001G PR3007G DO-201 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEttül SBL1630CT thru 1660CT SEMICONDUCTORS TO-220CT FEATURES • Plastic package has U /L • Flam m ability Classification 9 4 V -0 • Exceeds environm ental standards of M IL -S -1 9 5 0 0 • Metal o f silicon rectifier, m ajority carrier conduction

    OCR Scan
    SBL1630CT 1660CT O-220CT DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UTE ? I SEMICONDUCTORS LT6A01 thru LT6A07 VOLTAGE RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT 6.0 Amperes 6 AMPS. PLASTIC SILICON PEi R-6 FEATURES • 1 Low cost _ • Diffused junction • Low leakage • Low forward voltage drop » 3G 0_ .340 8.6 1.0 M IN . (25.4)

    OCR Scan
    LT6A01 LT6A07 L-STD-202, DO-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS UTE»]¡IP 0WER 1N4001G thriI 1N4007G 1N4001GL 1N4007GL V O LTAG E RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts CURREN T 1.0 Ampere 1N 4000G L 1N 4000G D O -41 A -4 0 5 FEA TU RES • Glass passivated chip T • Low leakage • Low forward voltage drop •1Q7 2.7

    OCR Scan
    1N4001G 1N4007G 1N4001GL 1N4007GL 4000G 4000G DO-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lu e :* : i PR1001 thru PR1007 SEMICONDUCTORS FEATURES DO-41 • Low cost .034 .86 .028 (.71) • Diffused junction • Low leakage • Low forward voltage drop 1.0 {25.4) M IN • High current capability • Easily cleaned with Freon, Alcohol, Chlorothene and

    OCR Scan
    PR1001 PR1007 DO-41 DO-41, L-STD-202, DO-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L I T E M E I PB151M thru PB157M s e m ic o n d u c t o r s tr = := ^ 1 .5 A M P S . S I L I C O N B R I D G E « M VO LTAG E RANG E 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT 1.5 Amperes i l i R E G T fF lE R S . PBM FEA TU RES • R a tin g t o 1 0 0 0 V P R V

    OCR Scan
    PB151M PB157M D0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEM BI 1N5400 thru 1N5408 s e m ic o n d u c to r s FEATURES • L o w co st DO-201 AD • D iffu s e d ju n c tio n • L o w leakage • L o w fo rw a r d vo lta g e d ro p .2 1 0 1.0 25.4 M IN L • High current capability • (5.3) .188 (4.8) E a sily cle a n ed w ith F re o n , A lc o h o l, C h lo ro th e n e and

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    1N5400 1N5408 DO-201 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POWER lite :*: i SEMICONDUCTORS SM4001 thru SM4007 VOLTAGE RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT 1.0 Ampere SM-1 S O L D E R A B L E EN D FEATURES • N ew te c h n o lo g y • L o w leakage • L o w fo rw a rd volta g e d ro p • H igh c u rre n t c a p a b ility

    OCR Scan
    SM4001 SM4007 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UTE ? I SEMICONDUCTORS PBPC601 thru PBPC607 V O LTA G E RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts C U R R EN T 6 .0 Amperes PBPC-6 .445 11.3 H O L E FO R -405 (10.3) # 6 SCREW .158 (4.0) .142 (3.6) FEATURES • Rating to 1000V PRV • Surge overload rating to 125 Amperes peak.

    OCR Scan
    PBPC601 PBPC607 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: PBU401 PBU402 PBU403 PBU404 PBU405 PBU406 PBU407 pbu 305 1AV Series
    Text: l i t e :* : i PBU401 thru PBU40/ SEMICONDUCTORS VOLTAGE . — 4 AMPS. SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIERS RANGE 5 0 to 1 0 0 0 V olts CURRENT « V 4 .0 Amperes PBU •280t7.ll FEATURES • • Ideal fo r printed circuit board Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded

    OCR Scan
    PBU401 PBU40/ E95060 inchS14 DO-41 DO-15 D0201AD PBU40 PBU402 PBU403 PBU404 PBU405 PBU406 PBU407 pbu 305 1AV Series PDF


    Abstract: PBL304 PBL305 PBL303 PBL306 PBL301 PBL307 pbl30
    Text: LITE ? I SEM ICONDUCTORS PBL301 thru PBL307 PBL .645 16.38 6 0 5 (15 37) 1 0 M IN , „ FEATURES LEADS • R a tin g to 1 0 0 0 V P R V • S u rg e o v e rlo ad ratin g to 1 5 0 • Id.eal fo r p rin te d c irc u it board SPA C ED ON 2 0 0 (5.1) • R eliab le lo w c o st c o n stru c tio n u tilizin g m o ld e d plastic

    OCR Scan
    PBL301 PBL307 E95060 L-STD-202 DO-41 DO-15 D0201AD PBL302 PBL304 PBL305 PBL303 PBL306 PBL307 pbl30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEM I P R 1501 s e m ic o n d u c t o r s th ru P R 1507 V O LT A G E RANGE .* 50 t o 1000 V olts CURRENT 1.5 Amperes . " DO-15 FEATURES • L o w cost • D iffused ju n c tio n • Low leakage • Low forw ard voltage d rop

    OCR Scan
    DO-15 DO-41, 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i I SEMICONDUCTORS L IT E M 1 N 5 8 2 0 th r u 1 N 5 8 2 2 VO LTAG E 20 to SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERS -.3 A M P S 40 RANGE V o lts CURRENT 3 . 0 A m peres DO-201 AD FEATURES • M e ta l-S e m ic o n d u c to r ju n c tio n w ith gua rd ring • E p ita x ia l c o n s tru c tio n

    OCR Scan
    DO-201 DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITE ? I SEMICONDUCTORS SBL8 SBR8 SERIES TO-220 FEATURES Î3 9 3 531 • P lastic package has U /L • F la m m a b ility C la ssifica tio n 9 4 V -0 • Exceeds e n v iro n m e n ta l standards o f M IL -S -1 9 5 0 0 • M etal o f s ilic o n re c tifie r, m a jo rity ca rrie r c o n d u c tio n

    OCR Scan
    O-220 D0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POWER l it e :*: i SEMICONDUCTORS KBP2005G thru 21OG VOLTAGE RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT 2 AMPS. GLASS PASSIVATED SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIERS & 2.0 A m p e re s FEATURES R atin g to 1 0 0 0 V PR V Surge overlo ad ra tin g to 65 A m peres peak Ideal fo r p rin te d c irc u it board

    OCR Scan
    KBP2005G DO-15 0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LITEM í I s e m ic o n d u c t o r s DF1500M thru DF1510M VO LTAG E RANGE 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT 1.5 Amperes 1.5 AMPS. GLASS PASSIVATED SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIERS ; DF + FEATURES R a tin g to 1 0 0 0 V P R V Surge overload rating to 4 5 A m p e re s peak

    OCR Scan
    DF1500M DF1510M D0201AD PDF