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    44TB2D3 Search Results

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITACH I/ LOGIC/ARRAYS/MEfl ì n j 44Tb2D3 00104L.7 5 J~~ -> HD74HC253 92D 10467 D # Dual 4-to-l-line Data Selectors/Multiplexers with 3-state outputs r * b * 7 " X l - 5 1 T he large ou tp u t drive a n d 3-state features o f this device P IN A R R A N G E M E N T

    OCR Scan
    44Tb2D3 00104L HD74HC253 0D1D315 T-90-20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H I T A C H I ^ L O G I C / A R R A Y S / M E M TS D E j 44Tb2D3 DDlGblO 92D HD74HC4040 # 10610 T - H 5 ~ 3 3 - n 12-stage Binary Counter The HD74HC4040 is a 12 stage counter. This device is incre- | D PIN ARRANGEMENT merited on the falling edge negative transition} of the input

    OCR Scan
    44Tb2D3 HD74HC4040 12-stage HD74HC4040 0D1D315 T-90-20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HN62454 Series 524288-word X 8-bit/ 262144-word x 16-bit CMOS Mask Programmable ROM HITACHI ADE-203-402A Z Rev. 1.0 May. 9,1996 Description T he H N 62454 is a 4-M bit CM O S m ask-P rogram m able R O M o rganized eith er as 262144 w ords by 16 bits or 524288 w ords by 8 bits. R ealizing low p o w er consum ption, this m em ory is allow ed for battery operation.

    OCR Scan
    HN62454 524288-word 262144-word 16-bit ADE-203-402A HN62454P-8 HN62454P-85 HN62454FA-8 HN62454FA-85 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H M 5 1 4 1 O O C /C L S e r i e s Preliminary 4,194,304-word x 1-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI T he H ita c h i H M 514100C is a CM OS dynam ic R A M o rg a n iz e d 4 ,1 9 4 ,3 0 4 w o rds x 1 b its . HM 514100C has realized higher density, higher

    OCR Scan
    304-word 514100C 300-m 20-pin 44TbEG3 HM514100C/CL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: blE D • MM^baG3 G0E32fi0 1T4 ■ H I T 2 H M 5 1 4 1 9 0 , H M 5 1 4 1 9 0 L S e r i e s -262,144-word x 18-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI/ LOGIC/ARRAYS/ NEM The Hitachi HM 514190 are CM OS dynamic RAM organized as 262,144-w ord x 18-bit. HM 514190

    OCR Scan
    G0E32fi0 144-word 18-bit 144-w 18-bit. 400-mil 40-pin 475-mil 400mil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM51441OB/BL Series 1,048,576-word x 4-bit Dynamic RAM The Hitachi H M 51441 OB/BL is a CMOS dynamic R A M o rg a n iz e d 1,0 4 8 ,5 7 6 -w o rd x 4 -b it. H M 5 1441 OB/BL h as re a liz e d h ig h e r d en sity , h ig h e r p e rfo rm a n c e and v a rio u s fu n c tio n s by

    OCR Scan
    HM51441OB/BL 576-word 20pin 20-pin HM514410BS/BLS-7 HM51441OBS/BLS-8 300-mil 20-pin CP-20D) HM514410BHM514410B/BL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    G01341Q 4TLS03 0G13411 HD14070B 1407IB HD14556B HD14558B HD14560B HD14562B HD14072B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56H232 Series 2,097,152-word x 32-bit High Density Dynamic RAM Module HITACHI Description The HB56H232 is a 2M x 32 dynamic RAM module, mounted 4 pieces of 16-Mbit DRAM HM5118165AJ sealed in SOJ package. The HB56H232 offers Extended Data Out (EDO) Page Mode as a high speed access time.

    OCR Scan
    HB56H232 152-word 32-bit 16-Mbit HM5118165AJ) 72-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H M 6 2 W 8 5 1 1 H S e r ie s 524288-word x 8-bit High Speed CMOS Static RAM HITACHI ADE-203-750 Z Preliminary Rev. 0.0 F eb.27,1997 Description The HM62W8511H is an asynchronous high-speed static RAM organized as 512-kword x 8-bit. It achieves high-speed access time (10/12/15 ns) through 0.35 p.m CMOS process and high-speed circuit designing

    OCR Scan
    524288-word ADE-203-750 HM62W8511H 512-kword 400-mil 36-pin ns/12 ns/15 GD34GÃ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary HN624316 Series 16M 1M x 16-bit and (2M x 8-bit) Mask ROM • DESCRIPTION T he H ita c h i H N 6 2 4 3 1 6 is a 1 6 -M e g a b it C M O S M a sk Program mable Read Only M em ory organized as 1,048,576 x 16-bit and 2,097,152 x 8-bit. The high density and high speed provide enough capacity and

    OCR Scan
    HN624316 16-bit) 16-bit 32-bit 42-pin 44-lead 48-lead PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM67S18258 Series 262,144-words x 18-bits Synchronous Fast Static RAM HITACHI ADE-203-661A Z Product Preview Rev. 1 Feb. 21 ,1997 Features • 3.3V ± 5% Operation • LVCMOS Compatible Input and Output • Synchronous Operation • Internal self-timed Late Write

    OCR Scan
    HM67S18258 144-words 18-bits ADE-203-661A M67S18258BP-7 BP-119) 67S18256BP A03404 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56T433D Series 4,194,304-word x 32-bit High Density Dynamic RAM Module HITACHI ADE-203Rev. 0.0 Dec. 1, 1995 Description The HB56T433D is a 4 M x 32 dynamic RAM Small Outline DIMM S.O.DIMM , mounted 8 pieces of 16 Mbit DRAM (HM 5117400BTS/BLTS) sealed in TSOP package. An outline of the HB56T433D is 72-pin

    OCR Scan
    HB56T433D 304-word 32-bit ADE-203Rev. 5117400BTS/BLTS) 72-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM67S36130 Series 131,072-words x 36-bits Synchronous Fast Static RAM HITACHI ADE-203-659A Z Product Preview Rev. 1 Feb. 21,1997 Features • 3.3V ± 5% Operation • LVCMOS Compatible Input and Output • Synchronous Operation • Internal self-timed Late Write

    OCR Scan
    HM67S36130 072-words 36-bits ADE-203-659A HM67S36130BP-7 BP-119) GG344f HM67S36130ng D34511 PDF


    Abstract: HM514170CLJ-8 HM514170CJ7
    Text: HM514170C Series HM51S4170C Series 262,144-word x 16-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI Rev. 1.0 Jul. 21, 1995 Description The Hitachi HM 51 S 4170C are CMOS dynamic RAM organized as 262,144-word x 16-bit. HM51(S)4170C have realized higher density, higher performance and various functions by employing 0.8 p.m CMOS process

    OCR Scan
    HM514170C HM51S4170C 144-word 16-bit 4170C 16-bit. 4170C HM514170CLJ8 HM514170CLJ-8 HM514170CJ7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HN29WT800/HN29WB800 Series 1048576-word x 8-bit / 524288-word x 16-bit CMOS Flash Memory HITACHI ADE-203-537 Z Preliminary - Rev. 0.0 J u n .14,1996 Description The Hitachi HN29WT800 Series, HN29WB800 Series are 1-Mword x 8-bit/512-kword x 16-bit CMOS Flash Memory with DINOR (Divided bitlineNOR) type memory cells, thatrealize programming and erase

    OCR Scan
    HN29WT800/HN29WB800 1048576-word 524288-word 16-bit ADE-203-537 HN29WT800 HN29WB800 8-bit/512-kword PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM5118160BI Series 1048576-word x 16-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI ADE-203-580A Z Rev. 1.0 May. 20, 1996 Description T he H itachi H M 5118160B I is a C M O S dynam ic R A M organized as 1,048,576-w ord x 16-bit. It em ploys the m ost advanced C M O S technology fo r high perform ance and low pow er. T he H M 5118160B I offers

    OCR Scan
    HM5118160BI 1048576-word 16-bit ADE-203-580A 5118160B 576-w 16-bit. ns/70 ns/80 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM51W17800 Series 2,097,152-word x 8-bit Dynamic RAM HITACHI ADE-203-664C Z Rev. 3.0 Feb. 24,1997 Description The Hitachi HM51W17800 is a CMOS dynamic RAM organized 2,097,152-word x 8-bit. It employs the most advanced CMOS technology for high performance and low power. The HM51W17800 offers Fast

    OCR Scan
    HM51W17800 152-word ADE-203-664C 28-pin ns/60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM514405C Series Preliminary 1,048,576-word x 4-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI The H itachi H M 514405C is a CMOS dynam ic RA M o rg a n iz e d 1 ,0 4 8 ,5 7 6 w ords x 4 b its. HM514405C has realized higher density, higher performance and various functions by employing

    OCR Scan
    HM514405C 576-word 514405C HM514405C 300-mil 26-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56H164EJ Serie 1,048,576-word x 64-bit High Density Dynamic RAM Modul HITACHI ADE-203-697A Z Rev. 1.0 Dec. 27, 1996 Description The HB56H164EJ belongs to 8 Byte DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module) family, and has been developed as an optimized main memory solution for 4 and 8 Byte processor applications. The

    OCR Scan
    HB56H164EJ 576-word 64-bit ADE-203-697A 16-Mbit HM5118165) 16-bit 74ABT16244) PDF


    Abstract: GD234
    Text: b lE H M D 5 1 1 6 4 1 0 • S MMTbPOB e r ie s 0023404 BBT H IT A C H I/ ■ H I T S l o g i c /A R R A Y S / M E M 4,194,304-word x 4-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory T he H M 5116410 is a CM OS d y n am ic RAM organized 4,194.304 words x 4 bits. It employs the

    OCR Scan
    304-word ref441bS03 GG23t2b L06IC/ARRAYS/HEM HM5116410 HM5116410Series L06IC/ARRAYS/HEf! 00534 GD234 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM5216808C Series HM5216408C Series 1,048,576-word x 8-bit x 2-bank Synchronous Dynamic RAM SSTL-3 2,097,152-word x 4-bit x 2-bank Synchronous Dynamic RAM (SSTL-3) HITACHI ADE-203-617 (Z) Preliminary Rev. 0.0 Jul. 10, 1996 Description A ll inputs and outputs are referred to the rising edge of the clock input. The HM5216808C Series,

    OCR Scan
    HM5216808C HM5216408C 576-word 152-word ADE-203-617 Hz/100 Hz/83 7777K\ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H B 5 6 U W 1 6 7 3 E - 6 A /7 A 16777216-word x 72-bit High Density Dynamic RAM Module HITACHI ADE-203-575A Z Rev. 1.0 Dec. 24, 1996 Description The HB56UW1673E belongs to the 8-byte DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module) family, and has been developed as an optimized main memory solution for 4- and 8-byte processor applications. The

    OCR Scan
    16777216-word 72-bit ADE-203-575A HB56UW1673E 18pieces 64-Mbit HM5165405ATT) 16-bit 74LVT16244) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM514405C Series Preliminary 1,048,576-word x 4-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI The Hitachi HM 514405C is a CMOS dynamic RAM o rganized 1,048,576 w ords x 4 bits. HM514405C has realized higher density, higher performance and various functions by employing

    OCR Scan
    HM514405C 576-word 514405C HM514405C 300-mil 26-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56A272E-5/6/7 2,097,152-wordx72-bit High Density Dynamic RAM Module HITACHI A D E -2 0 3 -7 4 3 A Z R ev. 1.0 F e b .2 0 ,1 9 9 7 Description The HB56A272E belongs to 8 Byte DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module) family, and has been developed as an optimized main memory solution for 4 and 8 Byte processor applications. The HB56A272E is a 2M

    OCR Scan
    HB56A272E-5/6/7 152-wordx72-bit HB56A272E 16-Mbit HM5117800) 16-bit 74ABT16244) 168-pin PDF