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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMI CONDS 43E D B 37bfl5E5 GDl S b ' i f l GEC PLESSEY I SEM IC O ND UC TOR S 4 — PLIB ' T - 5 \-o *\ - 0 'S I 3008 - 1.3 ZN429E8 / ZN429J8 / ZN429D LOW COST 8-BIT D-A CONVERTER The ZN429 is a monolithic 8-bit D-A converter containing an R-2R ladder network of diffused resistors with precision

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    37bfl5E5 ZN429E8 ZN429J8 ZN429D ZN429 37bB522 001270S ZN429 T-51-Q PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 37bfl5EE 0D1B531 4S2 « P L S B GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S CT3550-1.2 August 1992 DC1016 & DC1028A MINIATURE EPOXY PIN DIODES DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS The DC1016 utilises an epoxy encapsulation to give the best combination of power handling and low parasitics. It can

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    37bfl5EE 0D1B531 CT3550-1 DC1016 DC1028A DC1016 30MHz 10MHz) DC1028A 400MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 9Ë GEC PLESSEY F e b r u a r y 1997 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS4468-2.2 P2800 2K x 64BIT MULTI-PORT CONTENT ADDRESSABLE MEMORY The P2800 2K x 64bit Multi-port Content Addressable Memory CAM is designed for address filtering, routing and

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    DS4468-2 P2800 64BIT P2800 OC-12 622MBits PDF

    5 DIGIT dvm

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F G EC PLESSEY 37bflSS2 15 SEMI CONDS DDOÔMÛD 1 A PLESSEY W S em iconductors 'T - S lH 'Q O 'g ’ ZNA216 LOW POWER 3% DIGIT DVM INTEGRATED CIRCUIT T h e Z N A 21 6 D VM IC is a versatile D V M system com ponent which contains all the control logic necessary to

    OCR Scan
    37bflSS2 ZNA216 ZNA216 20kHz 37bfiSSE 5 DIGIT dvm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5Ü GEC PLESSEY MAY 1996 S I' M I C O N I U C T O R S ADVANCE INFORMATION DS4054-2.2 WL100 WLAN INTERFACE CIRCUIT The WL100, together with the DE6003 frequency hopping radio transceiver, im plem ents a wide variety of WLAN applications where NRZ encoding is used.

    OCR Scan
    DS4054-2 WL100 WL100, DE6003 156-25kb/s, 250kb/s, 312-5kb/s, 500kb/s, 625kb/s CRC-32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S i GEC P L E S S E Y APRIL 1994 ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S SL3522 500MHz 75dB LOGARITHMIC / LIMITING AMPLIFIER Supersedes Edition in Professional Products 1C Handbook May 1991 The SL3522 is a monolithic seven stage successive detection logarithmic amplifier integrated circuit for use in the

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    SL3522 500MHz SL3522 100MHz SL3522pad 37bflS22 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: The ARM Processor Family This Data Sheet is one of a series describing the ARM Family of products from GEC Plessey Semiconductors. The table below shows the current range of 32-bit RISC M icroprocessors/M icrocontrollers. GPS Name P ackag e Description 32 bit RISC core with 32 bit address range.

    OCR Scan
    32-bit 100PQFP 144TQFP 160PQFP ser26 FIQ26 1RQ26 upervisor26. 37bfl522 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w t GEC P LESS EY S I M I C O N I I I O K S P1480 LAN CAM 1KX64-BIT CMOS CONTENT-ADDRESSABLE MEMORY (SUPERSEDES SEPTEMBER 1993 EDITIO N The P1480 LAN CAM is a 1K X 64-bit fixed-width CMOS Content-addressable Memory (CAM) aimed at address filtering applications in Local-area Network (LAN) bridges

    OCR Scan
    P1480 1KX64-BIT P1480 64-bit 37bflS22 37b6S22 28-LEAD 52-LEAD 37bfiS22 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 7 b f i 522 DD 2 0 1 1 E S 47 H P L S B a i GEC P L E S S E Y FEBRUARY 1994 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS2464 - 4.9 MV6639 POCSAG DECODER Supersedes November 1992 edition - DS2464 - 3.3 The MV6639 POCSAG decoder is capable of operating

    OCR Scan
    DS2464 MV6639 MV6639 PDF

    dilmon 28

    Abstract: transistor DA 218
    Text: be!E D • 37bfi522 DD1770R RflO m P L S B PSLU4I G E C P L E S S E Y GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS2349-2.2 ULA DA SERIES ANALOG/DIGITAL MIXED SIGNAL ARRAY FAMILY Supersedes June 1990 Edition The ULA DA Series is a family of 8 arrays developed to

    OCR Scan
    37bfi522 DD1770R DS2349-2 dilmon 28 transistor DA 218 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS H3E D • 3?bfiS2S 0013b?7 1 H P L S B T 4 S - a .0 S ' GECPLESSEY | S E M I C O N D U C T O R S~] ^ _ _ SP8605 1000MHz + 2 SP86061300MHz 2 The SP8605 and SP8606 are emitter coupled logic dividers

    OCR Scan
    0013b SP8605 1000MHz SP86061300MHz SP8606 600mV 37bflSEE Q013bflG T-45-19-05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY j u l y i 995 ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS4054-1.7 WL100 WLAN INTERFACE CIRCUIT The WL100, together with the DE6003 frequency hopping radio transceiver, implements a wide variety of WLAN applications where NRZ encoding is used.

    OCR Scan
    DS4054-1 WL100 WL100, DE6003 156-25kb/s, 250kb/s, 312-5kb/s, 500kb/s, 625kb/s CRC-32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ag GEC PLESSEY MAY1995 P R E L IM IN A R Y IN F O R M A T IO N S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS402S- 1.7 VP531 NTSC/PAL DIGITAL VIDEO ENCODER The VP531 converts digital Y, Cr, Cb, data into analog NTSC/PAL composite video and S-video signals The outputs are capable of driving doubly terminated 75 ohm

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    DS402S- VP531 VP531 27MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w GEC PLE SS EY OCTOBER 1993 S E M I C O N D U C T O R S MV1442 HDB3 ENCODER/DECODER/CLOCK REGENERATOR Supersedes June 1993 edition The MV1442, along with other devices in the GPS 2Mbit PCM signalling series comprise a group of circuits which will perform the common channel signalling and error detection

    OCR Scan
    MV1442 MV1442, 048Mbit MV1442 37bfl522 37bfl5EÂ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P g jjjJ G E C P L E S S E Y S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3575-3.5 MA28155 RADIATION HARO PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE The MA28155 is a general purpose programmable Input/ O u tp u t d e v ic e d e s ig n e d fo r use w ith th e M AS281 microprocessor. It has 24 I/O pins which may be individually

    OCR Scan
    DS3575-3 MA28155 MA28155 AS281 Mil-Std-883 1x101 1x1015n/cm2 3x10s 37bfi522 QQ2373Q PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: « t a GEC PLES SEY AUGUST 1994 S E M I C O N D U C T O R S A D V A N C E IN FO R M A TIO N DS3475 - 4 3 PDSP16510A STAND ALONE FFT PROCESSOR Supersedes version in D ecem ber 1993 Digital Video & DSP 1C Handbook, H B 3 9 2 3 -1 T he P D S P 1 6 5 1 0 pe rfo rm s F orw ard or Inverse Fast

    OCR Scan
    DS3475 PDSP16510A 37bfl5E2 QQS2b41 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w GEC P LE SS EY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3563-3.3 MAS281 MIL-STD-1750A MICROPROCESSOR The MAS281 Microprocessor is a MIL-STD-1750A Notice 1 , 16-bit Central Processing Unit (CPU). It consists of three CMOS/SOS large-scale integration (LSI) chips: the MA17501

    OCR Scan
    DS3563-3 MAS281 MIL-STD-1750A MAS281 MIL-STD-1750A 16-bit MA17501 MA17502 MA17503 64-pin PDF


    Abstract: air variable capacitor plessey sl5067 MP20 SL5067 DIODE and other AM MODULATOR
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S SL5067 MULTI - STANDARD VIDEO MODULATOR The SL5067 is a video up converter, capable of operating at frequencies up to 900MHz. It is compatible with both PAL and NTSC, accepting baseband video and sound inputs and

    OCR Scan
    SL5067 SL5067 900MHz. 900MHz 37bflS25 D025242 BFL522 air variable capacitor plessey sl5067 MP20 DIODE and other AM MODULATOR PDF

    GP2015 plessey

    Abstract: AN4533 bandpass filter for GPS L1 front end GEC Plessey m ds4004 FP48
    Text: 5Ë GEC P L E SS E Y OCTOBER 1996 S L M I l O \ D U C T O K !» DS4374 • 2.4 GP2015 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM RECEIVER RF FRONT END (Supersedes edition in August 1996 Global Positioning Products Handbook, HB4305- 1. 0 The GP2015 is a small format RF Front-end for Global

    OCR Scan
    GP2015 ds4374 HB4305-The GP2010 TheGP2015 42MHz) 37bfl522 0027ci5b GP2015 plessey AN4533 bandpass filter for GPS L1 front end GEC Plessey m ds4004 FP48 PDF

    GPS Builder

    Abstract: signo 723 epoch t14 "gps builder" utc 3845 D 2n1024 80186 addressing P60ARM T1483 utc 3845
    Text: 9 i GEC PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S GP2021 GPS 12 CHANNEL CORRELATOR WITH MICROPROCESSOR SUPPORT FUNCTIONS The GP2021 is a 12 channel C/A code baseband correlator for use in NAVSTAR GPS and GLONASS satellite navigation receivers. The GP2021 complements the GP2015 and

    OCR Scan
    S4077 GP2021 GP2015 GP2010 ARM60 GPS Builder signo 723 epoch t14 "gps builder" utc 3845 D 2n1024 80186 addressing P60ARM T1483 utc 3845 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC P L E S S E Y j a n u a r y i 996 SEM IC OND UCT OR S DS4273-2.3 TF447.A FAST SWITCHING THYRISTOR KEY PARAMETERS v DRM 1200V I 470A T RMS 5000A ^TSM 200V/|XS dV/dt 500A/(iS dl/dt 20jis APPLICATIONS • High Power Inverters And Choppers. ■ UPS. ■

    OCR Scan
    DS4273-2 TF447. 20jis TF44712A TF447 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3163-2 0 MA8112 DIGITAL SWITCH MODULE DSM The M A 8112 is a CMOS device providing digital switching for up to 256 8-bit channels as used in PCM or data systems 8-bit w ords are received and transmitted at 2 048 Mb/s on

    OCR Scan
    DS3163-2 MA8112 37bB522 PDF

    inverter 12v to 220 ac mosfet based

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC P L E S S E Y a i OCTOBER 1996 S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3988-2.1 MSC60028 POWER FACTOR CONTROLLER The MSC60028 Power Factor C ontroller allows the construction of a high performance, low-cost off-line regulator with the following advantages:- 1 Vd d C

    OCR Scan
    DS3988-2 MSC60028 MSC60028 37bflS52 inverter 12v to 220 ac mosfet based PDF


    Abstract: hs 8109 IC HS 8109
    Text: 9K GEC PLESSEY J U L Y 1995 ADVANCE INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS4 0 1 5 - 2 5 SL6609A DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER This device is an advanced direct conversion receiver for operation up to 470MHz. The design is based on the SL6609 receiver and is a pin for pin product upgrade. The device

    OCR Scan
    SL6609A 470MHz. SL6609 BEL 100N TRANSISTOR PIN DIAGRAM hs 8109 IC HS 8109 PDF