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    2NS870 Search Results

    2NS870 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: transistor mje29 MJE30 2N5190 MOTOROLA MJE31 mje29 MJE4918 Motorola transistors 2N5192 MJE32 2N6122 transistor
    Text: MOTOROLA SC -CDIODES/OPTO]- 6367255 MOTOROLA "Ï4 SC DE | b 3 t . 7 5 S S DIODES/OPTO 34C O D a ? 1^ 37933 SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR DICE (continued) 2C5192 DIE NO. — NPN LINE SOURCE — PL500.E248 NPN 2C5195 DIE NO. — PNP LINE SOURCE — PL500.E249 /

    OCR Scan
    PL500 2C5192 2C5195 2N5190 2N5191 2N5192 2N5869 2NS870 2N6121 MJE2370 transistor mje29 MJE30 2N5190 MOTOROLA MJE31 mje29 MJE4918 Motorola transistors 2N5192 MJE32 2N6122 transistor PDF