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    2N917A Search Results

    2N917A Datasheets (16)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2N917A Central Semiconductor Leaded Small Signal Transistor General Purpose Original PDF
    2N917A Central Semiconductor METAL CAN Transistors Scan PDF
    2N917A Central Semiconductor Metal Can Transistors Scan PDF
    2N917A Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Datasheet Library Scan PDF
    2N917A Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    2N917A Unknown Basic Transistor and Cross Reference Specification Scan PDF
    2N917A Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    2N917A Unknown Catalog Scans - Shortform Datasheet Scan PDF
    2N917A Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
    2N917A Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
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    2N917A Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2N917A Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    2N917A Raytheon Selection Guide 1977 Scan PDF
    2N917A Semitronics Metal Can Transistors - Silicon Small Signal Transistors Scan PDF
    2N917A Thomson-CSF Shortform Semiconductor Catalogue 1982 Short Form PDF

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    UHF UHF Transistors

    Abstract: 2N3839
    Text: Small Signal NPN Transistors TO-72 Case TYPE NO. DESCRIPTION VCBO VCEO VEBO ICBO @ VCB hFE V (V) (V) µA) (µ MIN MIN MIN MAX RF/IF OSCILLATOR 30 15 3.0 0.001 2N917A RF/IF OSCILLATOR 30 15 3.0 - 2N918 RF/IF OSCILLATOR 30 15 3.0 0.01 2N998 DARLINGTON 100

    2N917 2N917A 2N918 2N998 2N2857 2N2865 2N34780 UHF UHF Transistors 2N3839 PDF

    UHF UHF Transistors

    Abstract: 2n3478 2n918 low noise transistors vhf PNP UHF transistor UHF pnp transistor 2N917 2N2857 2n918 data sheet 2N918 DATASHEET
    Text: Small Signal NPN Transistors TO-72 Case TYPE NO. DESCRIPTION VCBO VCEO VEBO ICBO @ VCB hFE V (V) (V) µA) (µ MIN MIN MIN MAX RF/IF OSCILLATOR 30 15 3.0 0.001 2N917A RF/IF OSCILLATOR 30 15 3.0 - 2N918 RF/IF OSCILLATOR 30 15 3.0 0.01 2N998 DARLINGTON 100

    2N917A 2N918 2N998 2N2857 2N2865 2N3478 2N3839 2N5179 BFY90 2N917 UHF UHF Transistors 2n3478 2n918 low noise transistors vhf PNP UHF transistor UHF pnp transistor 2N917 2N2857 2n918 data sheet 2N918 DATASHEET PDF

    UHF UHF Transistors

    Abstract: 2N2857 2N3478 2N998 2n5179 2N2865 2N3839 2N917 2N917A 2N918
    Text: Small Signal NPN Transistors TO-72 Case TYPE NO. DESCRIPTION VCBO VCEO VEBO ICBO @ VCB V (V) (V) µA) (µ MIN MIN MIN MAX hFE @ IC @ VCE (V) (mA) MIN (V) MAX VCE (SAT) @ IC (V) (mA) MAX fT Cob (MHz) *Ccb (pF) MIN MAX 2N917 RF/IF OSCILLATOR 30 15 3.0 0.001

    2N917 2N917A 2N918 2N998 2N2857 BFY90 360mW CEN741 CEN832 UHF UHF Transistors 2N2857 2N3478 2N998 2n5179 2N2865 2N3839 2N917 2N917A 2N918 PDF

    2N2369 SOT-23

    Abstract: nec RF package SOT89 2SC934 BSX26 2N5180 2SC389 BFY63 s0918 BSX87 2SC288A
    Text: RF LOW-POWER SILICON NPN Item Part Number Number V BR CEO 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 >= Manufacturer V(BR)CEO fT (V) (Hz) hFE 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 500M 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

    2SC3735 BFR54 BSX20 PH2369 ZTX313 ZTX314 2N2369 2SC389 2N2369 SOT-23 nec RF package SOT89 2SC934 BSX26 2N5180 BFY63 s0918 BSX87 2SC288A PDF


    Abstract: CEN832 low noise transistors vhf 2n998 OSC20 BFY90
    Text: Small signal Transistors npn TO-72 Case TYPE NO. DESCRIPTION hFE v CBO VCEQ v EBO ICBO @ v CBO ftiA V) (V) (V) (V) @ ic @ vCE (mA) (V) VCE(SAT] @ lc Cob fT (mA) (MHZ) *Ccb (V) (PF) 2N917 2N917A RF/IF OSCILLATOR RF/IF OSCILLATOR MIN MIN MIN MAX 30 15 3.0

    OCR Scan
    2n917 2n917a 2n918 2n998 2n2857 2n2865 2n3478 2n3839 2n5179 bfy90 CEN741 CEN832 low noise transistors vhf OSC20 PDF

    IC HXJ 2038

    Abstract: 1N52398 DB5T tfk 102 cny 70 hxj 2038 rca 40361 transistor rca 40362 TFK 680 CNY 70 Diode Equivalent 1N34A 2n5952 equivalent
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2N270b 2N4135 2N915 2N2708 2N2865 2N4134 2N721 2N916 2N917
    Text: CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR : ' tï F Ë 1 nfl*nt3 D O O O S n 7 f 61C “00219. T ~ 5 l -0 / 1989963 CENTRAL SfcMlLUNÜUCTUK NPN METAL CAN - LOW IMOISE LEVEL AM PLIFIER ContU VCB VCE V EB hpE at •c VCE V V V min max mA V V mA MHz 2N3117 2N4383 2N4384 2N4385

    OCR Scan
    2n3117 to-18 2n4383 2n4384 2n4385 2n4386 CBR30 0000S23 2N859 2N270b 2N4135 2N915 2N2708 2N2865 2N4134 2N721 2N916 2N917 PDF

    TRIAC 97A6

    Abstract: S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C
    Text: Central Semiconductor Corp. Represented iSIGNTBOHICS B y: TORONTO I Regan Road, Unit 13, Bram pton, O ntario L7A 1B8 Tel: 905-846-1100 Fax:905-846-7116 E -m a il: d e s ig n tr< a id ire c t.c o m OTTAW A 21 Pine Bluff Trail, Stittsville, O ntario K2S 1E1

    OCR Scan
    OD-80 OD-323 OT-23 OT-89 OT-143 OT-223 OT-323 TRIAC 97A6 S0805BH 13003 TRANSISTOR TO220 equivalent triacs bt 804 600v Triac bt 808 600C Diode SOT-23 marking 15d zener diode 1N PH 48 6Bs smd transistor Z0409MF equivalent BT 808 600C PDF

    AL102 ATES

    Abstract: 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29
    Text: SECOND BOOK OF TRAISKTIR EQUIVALENTS AIR SPIRTITOTER IT I.I.OMMI BERNARD BABANI publishing LTD The Grampians Shepherds Bush Road London W67NF England. Although every care Is taken with the preparation of this book, the publishers will not be responsible

    OCR Scan
    Trans-611 DT1521 2N2270 BC107-182KS ESC182KAS ESC182KBS ESC1Q8-183KS EiC183KBS 8C183KCS BC109-184KS AL102 ATES 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29 PDF


    Abstract: P3139 BC233A sprague 40d GEX36/7 C4274 s1766 C12712 TC236 GP149
    Text: SPRAGUE THE M A R K O F R E L I A B I L I T Y SEMICONDUCTOR REPLACEMENT MANUAL K -5 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guidelines for Replacing Semiconductors. 1 Specifications, Small-Signal and Power Transistors.

    OCR Scan

    bcy59 equivalent

    Abstract: BC140 equivalent 2N3913 BCY95 bc140-10 2n3019 equivalent 2N2708 2N328A BC109C NPN BCY22
    Text: Discrete Devices Transistors Cont. Choppers Maximum Ratings Polarity PD Ambient h f e @>c VCE V e B Volts Volts Min/Max mA II Type Electrical Characteristics @ 25° C V c E (S a t) @ Ic/lß mA/mA — Vq @Ib mV rd@l B Cob Package pF mA Ohms mA - 14 Max 2N943

    OCR Scan
    2N943 T0-18 2N2004 2N2333 2N2944 2N2945 2N2945A 2N2946 2N2946A 52N329A bcy59 equivalent BC140 equivalent 2N3913 BCY95 bc140-10 2n3019 equivalent 2N2708 2N328A BC109C NPN BCY22 PDF


    Abstract: PT8740 transistor pt4544 PT8828 RF Transistor S10-12 2N6095 SD1076 MRF510 MM1669 2N3563 REPLACEMENT
    Text: cross reference liste d'équivalence THOMSON-CSF THOMSON-CSF pro d u ct line for RF pow er tran sisto rs has su cce ssfully cross referenced m any co m p e titive tran sisto r products. In m ost cases, these replacem ent tran sisto rs d ire ctly replace the co m p e titive pa rts for DC and RF p a ram eters in a ctu al operating system s. It is possible,

    OCR Scan
    BAM20 2N5642 B25-12 2N6082 2N6084 MSC2304 TH2304 PT8809 SD1134 2N5689 PT8811 PT8740 transistor pt4544 PT8828 RF Transistor S10-12 2N6095 SD1076 MRF510 MM1669 2N3563 REPLACEMENT PDF


    Abstract: 2N760 2N327B 2N2511
    Text: LOW LEVEL AMPLIFIERS Electrical Characteristics @ 25 C M axim um Ratings Type NPN Pd Am bient mW PNP NF @ f V C E Sat @ l c / lß VcB V o lts VcE V olts V eb V o lts mA M in /M a x Case V o lts Geometry & Character­ ization Applicable Letter MOT. 2N327A

    OCR Scan
    2N327A 2N327B 2N328A 2N328B 2N329A 2N329B 2N760 2N760A 2N929 2N929A 2N2708 2N2511 PDF


    Abstract: 2n907 2N936 2N797 2N706 2N906 2N777 2N945 2N964 2N555
    Text: DIGITRÔN ELECTRONIC CORP 3bE D • 2ñ4St.D7 OOGOOGS 7 ■ • qj DGE'-p Page t,6Î - DIQITRON ELECTRONIC« #2 CORE 110 Hillside Avenue • Springfield, New Jersey 07081 • 201-379-9016 • 201-379-9019 Fax J O H N J. S C H W A R T Z

    OCR Scan
    204EbD7 2N497AI 2N539 2N696A 2N728 2N871 2N922 2N498 2N539A 2N697 2N65s 2n907 2N936 2N797 2N706 2N906 2N777 2N945 2N964 2N555 PDF

    UHF UHF Transistors

    Abstract: CEN832 2N5179 CEN741 RF Power Transistors 2N3478
    Text: Small signal npn Transistors TO-72 Case TYPE NO. DESCRIPTION v CBO VCEQ V (V) h FE v EBO tCBO @ v CBO (V) (V) (HA) @ic 9 VCE (m A) (V) VCE(SAT] @ >C *T Cob (V) (m A) (MHZ) *Cc t> MAX MIN (PF) 2N917 RF/IF OSCILLATOR MAX 3.0 0.001 15 . 20 15 20 RF/IF OSCILLATOR

    OCR Scan
    2n917 2n917a 2n918 2n998 2n2857 2n2865 2n3478 2n5179 bfy90 360mW UHF UHF Transistors CEN832 CEN741 RF Power Transistors 2N3478 PDF

    2N1256 S P

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR : ' tï F Ë 1 nfl*nt3 D O O O S n 7 f 1 9 8 9 9 6 3 C E N T R A L SfcMlLUNÜUCTUK 6 1 C “0 0 2 1 9 . T~ 5 l ~ 0 / NPN METAL CAN - LOW IMOISE LEVEL AM PLIFIER ContU VCB 2N3117 2N4383 2N4384 2N4385 2N4386 60 40 40 40 40 V V V hpE min

    OCR Scan
    2N3117 2N4383 2N4384 2N4385 2N4386 CBR10 CBR25Ser/es CBR12 CBR30 C1000SE3 2N1256 S P PDF

    amplifier CV 203

    Abstract: 2N2708 2n3424 2N3423 2N918 JAN 2n917 die raytheon npn 0100BSC 254BSC 2n2857
    Text: RA YTHEON/ SE MI CO NDUCT OR 75 97360 RAYTHEON» SEMICON DU CT OR hi ]>F| 75T73bD ODDSDfli 66C 05081 D T~- 3 l~ O Product Specifications Small Signal V NPN Raytheon Ultra High Frequency Oscillator and

    OCR Scan
    75T73bD 2N917 2N918/JAN 2N2608 2N2857 Fj7S173tO O-116) 14-Lead 100BSC 548SC amplifier CV 203 2N2708 2n3424 2N3423 2N918 JAN 2n917 die raytheon npn 0100BSC 254BSC 2n2857 PDF

    9033 transistor

    Abstract: PT8828 2N4932 PT8740 BLW27 BLX66 sd1315 BLY94 MM1669 PT8811
    Text: 0.75. 4.2 GHz microwave transistors for class C operation O transistors hyperfréquences, classe C TYPE TH 1002 TH 1005 TH 1010 TH 2001 TH 2003 TH 2005 TH 2302 TH 2304 TH 2307 TH 3000 TH 3001 TH 3003 TH 3005 TH 4200 TH 4201 2 IM 4428 2N 4429 2N 4430 2N 4431

    OCR Scan
    302N6082 BM80-12 SD1416 MM1601 MRF631 SD1144 PT8549 SD1214 N5054 2N3553 9033 transistor PT8828 2N4932 PT8740 BLW27 BLX66 sd1315 BLY94 MM1669 PT8811 PDF


    Abstract: PT8811 replace for 2N918 PT9780 mrf245 THOMSON-CSF PRODUCTS transistor pt4544 PT9788 PT8710 PT8828
    Text: 4 0. 900 MHz class A linear for CATV/MATV applications f\ TYPE POLARITY classe A linéaire pour amplificateurs d'antenne PACKAGE @ V BR CEO min. (V) (M Hz) le Im A) C l2e C22b* (pF) l\IF @ (dB) BFX 89 BFY90 BFR 99 BFR 38 N N P P TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72

    OCR Scan
    T8710 SD1238 2N5126 2N918 2N5642 BM100-28 MM1603 MRF633 SD1145 PT8717 PT8740 PT8811 replace for 2N918 PT9780 mrf245 THOMSON-CSF PRODUCTS transistor pt4544 PT9788 PT8710 PT8828 PDF


    Abstract: 2N2708 2N4135 2N859 2N915 2N3117 2N4383 2N4384 2N4385 2N4386
    Text: NPN METAL CAN - LOW NOISE LEVEL AMPLIFIER Cont'd. TYPE NO. VCB 2N3117 2N4383 2N4384 2N4385 2N4386 • 60 40 40 40 40 V VCE V EB hpE at •c Vce mA V V mA MHz 1.0 10 10 10 10 60 VcE(s) at V V min max 60 30 30 30 30 6 ■ 5 5 250 100 100 40 500 500 500 500

    OCR Scan
    2N3117 2N4383 2N4384 2N4385 2N4386 2N915 2N916 CBR10 CBR25 CBR12 2N217 2N2708 2N4135 2N859 2N3117 PDF

    LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics

    Abstract: free transistor equivalent book 2sc NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE KIA 4318 transistor cs 9012 Til 322A sx3704 diode d.a.t.a. book 1N1007
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

    OCR Scan
    3186J LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics free transistor equivalent book 2sc NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE KIA 4318 transistor cs 9012 Til 322A sx3704 diode d.a.t.a. book 1N1007 PDF

    hep 154 silicon diode

    Abstract: zy 406 transistor motorola HEP 801 hep 154 diode hep R1751 triac zd 607 2sb337 RS5743.3 F82Z hep 230 pnp
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR This guide has been prepared by the Motorola HEP technical staff to provide a cross-reference for the Hobbyist, Experimenter, and Profes­ sional service technician. The information contained herein is based on an analysis of the published specifications of each device listed. This

    OCR Scan
    MY110B Z0206 Z0208 Z0210 Z0211 Z0212 Z0214 Z0215 Z0217 Z0219 hep 154 silicon diode zy 406 transistor motorola HEP 801 hep 154 diode hep R1751 triac zd 607 2sb337 RS5743.3 F82Z hep 230 pnp PDF


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

    OCR Scan

    y51 h 120c

    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    500MA 500MA 240MWF 240MWF y51 h 120c bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711 PDF