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    28XVCC Search Results

    28XVCC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y TC74HC4060AP/AF 14-STAGE B I N A R Y COU NT ER /O SC ILA T OR T he TC74HC4060A is a h ig h sp eed CMOS 14-STAGE BINARY COUNTER fabricated with silicon gate C 2 MOS technology. It achieves th e h ig h speed o p e ra tio n s im ila r to equivalent L ST T L w hile m a in ta in in g th e CMOS low

    OCR Scan
    TC74HC4060AP/AF 14-STAGE TC74HC4060A TC74HC4060AP/AF-3 TC74HC4060AP/AF-4 TC74HC4060AP/AF-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC74HC4060AP/AF 14-STAGE B IN A R Y COUNTER/OSCILATOR T he TC74HC4060A is a h ig h speed CMOS 14-STAGE BINARY COUNTER fabricated with silicon gate C 2 MOS technology. I t achieves th e h ig h speed o p e ra tio n s im ila r to eq u ivalent L S T T L w hile m a in ta in in g th e CMOS low

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    TC74HC4060AP/AF 14-STAGE TC74HC4060A 14-STAGE X-10R TC74HC4060AP/AF-4 TC74HC4060AP/AF-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 .P R O D U C T O U T L I N E OF T H E TC74AC SERI ES 3 -1 Features High Speed Operation: Same as Bipolar Schottky TTL Low Power Dissipation: Same as standard CMOS series uVI Output Drive Capability: Symmetrical Output Impedance. |I o h |, I o l at least 24mA.

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    TC74AC 28XVcc 14XVoc 150/200/300mil 200mil AC-10 PDF