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    00D7243 Search Results

    00D7243 Datasheets Context Search

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    DIODE ITT 310

    Abstract: CM75E3Y-12E CM75E3Y-12 00D7243 75e3y
    Text: CM75E3Y-12E Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 412 925-7272 Chopper IGBTMOD E-Series Module 75 Amperes/600 Volts Description: CM75E3Y-12E Chopper IGBTMOD™ E-Series Module 75 Amperes/600 Volts Powerex Chopper IG B T M O D ™

    OCR Scan
    CM75E3Y-12E Amperes/600 CM75E3Y-12E 000754b DIODE ITT 310 CM75E3Y-12 00D7243 75e3y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: brooktree b3E J> m 1L455TS 0007215 SOD corp Interface Specification IS-360.21 T - l P rim ary R ate Fram er Part # UGA-360 M arch, 1993 Brooktree Brooktree Corporation 9950 Barnes Canyon Road San Diego, CA 92121 USA 619-452-7580 619-452-1249 fax 383596 (telex)

    OCR Scan
    1L455TS IS-360 UGA-360 000730b 5M-1982. UGA-360-v, PDF