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    DSA00293741.pdf by Sharp

    • SF/OPTO/1108 Contacts Where to find out more about Sharp's OPTO-electronic technology? Just contact us and our specialist consultants will be glad to help in any way. Liaison Offices Sharp Micr
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    "dvd pickup" 20KV triac 3V REGULATOR SOT89 smd 4413 smd alarm system for a house pyroelectric sensors analogue devices bus Automated Teller Machine CD laser pickup assembly cmos IMAGE SENSOR global shutter HD cmos SENSOR "global shutter" HD coffee vending machine coffee vending machine circuit dust sensor DVD focus detection DVD Laser pickup DVD laser pickup assembly DVD optical pick-up assembly DVD optical pickup unit DVD pickup assembly embedded system coffee vending machine application human detection IR sensors circuit human detection sensors igbt based welding machine igbt trigger by opto induction motor speed control used triac based infrared sensor car detection infrared transmission distance sensor IR DETECTING UNITS FOR REMOTE CONTROL Laser Diode for dvd Recording laser pickup dvd microprocessor coffee vending machine optical devices in dvd pick-up OPTICAL DVD PICK-UP optical pickup unit sharp CD DVD optical smoke sensor optical steering angle sensor opto 0507 OPTO switch SHARP opto triac angle phase control photo couplers sharp phototriac design solutions PhotoTRIAC welding pyroelectric sensor elements RC5 encoder rc6 Infrared remote control remote control for home appliances RS485 SOP8 Servo motor based mobile robot control sharp cmos IR sensor sharp ir sharp ir sensor sharp LED boost sharp opto sensor smart dust technology sme IGBT Smoke Sensor ICs sop-8 smd type Transmissive Optical Sensor 3 pin triac gate control circuits TVS RS422 wireless infrared transmission distance sensor Wireless Smoke Detector
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