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    Mini-Circuits ZYSW-2-50DR+

    Reflective Spdt, Solid State Switch, Dc - 5000 Mhz, 50Ohm, Connector Type: Sma |Mini-Circuits ZYSW-2-50DR+
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    YSW250DR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: spdt switch SPDT switches switch SPDT
    Text: RF Reflective Switch SPDT YSW-2-50DR+ Typical Performance Data INSERTION LOSS ISOLATION dB (dB) RF (MHz) VSWR (:1) RF IN-RF1 RF IN-RF2 RF IN-RF1 RF IN-RF2 RF IN (ON1) RF IN (ON2) RF1 (ON) RF2 (ON) 0.5 0.52 0.51 83.71 83.01 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.0 0.54 0.53

    YSW-2-50DR+ ysw-2-50dr spdt switch SPDT switches switch SPDT PDF


    Abstract: 2014C
    Text: Switches Spdt, YSW-2-50DR+ YSW-2-50DR DC to 5 GHz PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES PORT RF IN RF OUT 1 RF OUT 2 Control +5V -5V NOT USED GND EXT.    ef 4 12 14 2 19 7 9,17 All other pins high isolation, 67 dB typical at 5 MHz low video break thru, 30 mV P-P typical.

    YSW-2-50DR+ YSW-2-50DR 2002/95/EC) M111708 ED-6349/1 YSW250DR ysw-2-50dr 2014C PDF

    SPDT switches

    Abstract: ysw-2-50dr spdt switch switch SPDT
    Text: RF Reflective Switch SPDT YSW-2-50DR Typical Performance Data INSERTION LOSS ISOLATION dB (dB) RF (MHz) VSWR (:1) RF IN-RF1 RF IN-RF2 RF IN-RF1 RF IN-RF2 RF IN (ON1) RF IN (ON2) RF1 (ON) RF2 (ON) 0.5 0.52 0.51 83.71 83.01 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.0 0.54 0.53

    YSW-2-50DR SPDT switches ysw-2-50dr spdt switch switch SPDT PDF


    Abstract: profile wave soldering KKK155 TT100 ysw-2
    Text: Practical Considerations For Attaching Surface-mount Components The photos included illustrate some of these components soldered to circuit boards. What automated soldering methods can be considered for Mini-Circuits surface-mount components? There are two basic methods: reflow and wave soldering. Generally, reflow

    TT100, KKK155 200oC 72-inch AG191 275oC. ysw-2-50dr profile wave soldering KKK155 TT100 ysw-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF Reflective Switch SPDT YSW-2-50DR+ Typical Performance Curves Isolation Insertion Loss 100 1.8 RF IN-RF1 90 RF IN-RF1 1.6 RF IN-RF2 80 RF IN-RF2 Isolation dB 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 70 60 50 40 0.6 30 0.4 20 0.2 10 0.0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

    YSW-2-50DR+ YSW-2-50DR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF Reflective Switch SPDT YSW-2-50DR Typical Performance Curves Isolation Insertion Loss 100 1.8 RF IN-RF1 90 RF IN-RF1 1.6 RF IN-RF2 80 RF IN-RF2 Isolation dB 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 70 60 50 40 0.6 30 0.4 20 0.2 10 0.0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

    YSW-2-50DR YSW-2-50DR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPDT/SP4T GJ Mini-Circuits GaAs, reflective and dc to 5 GHz case style selection see case style outline drawings VSW A VSW FREQ. GHz YSW A YSW INSERTION LOSS, dB ldB COMPRESSION, dBm FREQUENCY BAND A B C * MODEL NO. Typ. Min. Typ. Min. Typ. Min. Typ. Min.

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    GSWA-2-30DR) PDF

    LC 7995

    Abstract: KCAP-1 LRMS-860 STRM-50 YSW-2-50dR
    Text: designers kits Mini-Circuits offers a w id e range of plug-in a nd surface-m ount c o m p o n e n t kits to a id the engineer during the e valua tio n, design, a nd p ro to typ e stages. In a d a itlo n , there are kits offe re d to provide co m p on e nts for use in the testing laboratory, These kits co n ta in a carefully-selected gro up o f m odels

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    K-860" T13-1T, T16-6T T16-1H LC 7995 KCAP-1 LRMS-860 STRM-50 YSW-2-50dR PDF

    Mini-Circuits Model SAT-3

    Abstract: SWA250 K4-PS STRM-50
    Text: designers kits Mini-Circuits offers a w ide range of plug-in and surface-mount com pon ent kits to aid the engineer during the evaluation, design, and prototype stages, in addition, there are kits offered to provide components for use in the testing laboratory. These kits contain a carefully-selected group of models that

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    K-860* -11LH, TUA-2-50DR KSW-2-46, KSWA-2-46, KSWHA-1-20, YSW-2-50DR, YSWA-2-50DG ZFSW-2-46, ZFSWA-2-46 Mini-Circuits Model SAT-3 SWA250 K4-PS STRM-50 PDF

    4503 transformer

    Abstract: YSW2-50DR
    Text: Mini-Circuits/ TECHNICAL SECTION practical considerations for attaching surface-mount components The photos included illustrate some of these components soldered to circuit boards. What automated soldering methods can be considered for Mini-Circuits surface-mount components? There are two basic

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    KKK155 72-inch AG191 332-46c 800-654-794C 4503 transformer YSW2-50DR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Switches GaAs 500 Surface M ountJ Spdt/S p4T WITH TTL Drivers DC to 5 GHz GSWA FREQ. A ft ft GHz ••ft. f1 O L ft E C t T f 1 INSERTION LOSS, dB Id B COMPRESSION, dBm YSWA YSW |geeRF/lF GSWA-4-30DR DC-3 FRDSKJiMCY BAND FRiQ yiN O YftA N !* M W IC Y ftA N D

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    GSWA-4-30DR YSW-2-50DR YSWA-2-50DR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Mini-Circuits/TECHNICAL SECTION practical considerations for attaching surface-mount components The photos included illustrate some of these components soldered to circuit boards. What automated soldering methods can be considered for Mini-Circuits surface-mount components? There are two basic

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    72-inch AG191 YSW-2-50dR PDF


    Abstract: YSW250 2-50DR A2-50DR YSW-2-50DR YSWA2-50DR ECRE VSWA-2-50DR V/YSW-2-50DR
    Text: SCIENTIFIC/ MINI-CIRCUITS Ô D b û a i l □OQlT'ìfl TI? • SCC 4°1E D □ Mini-Circuits SPDT GaAs, reflective and absorptive dc to 5 GHz case style selection s ee c a s e style outl i ne drawi ngs YSWA YSW VSWA VSW INSERTION LOSS, dB FREQUENCY BAND MODEL

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    2-50DR AG191 VSWA-2-50DR YSW-2-50DR KKK-155YSWA-2-50DR ZZ-121 ZYSWA-2-50DR YSWA-2-50DR: 20dBM YSW/A-2-50DR A250D YSW250 A2-50DR YSWA2-50DR ECRE V/YSW-2-50DR PDF

    K155 SOT

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Practical Considerations for Attaching Surface-Mount Components Mini-Circuits manufactures many RF/IF signal processing components in packages suitable for surface mounting: SURFACE-MOUNT MODELS M ODEL-N O. PREFIXES OF EACH PRODUCT TYPE, AVAILABLE IN THE SURFACEMOUNT CASE STYLES SHOWN

    OCR Scan
    72-inch K155 SOT PDF