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    WESTCODE SW CXC Search Results

    WESTCODE SW CXC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: C320 CXC320 westcode diodes C-I-70C
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS BSE ^70^=135 D DD02S17 5 • lilESB T - o i - ¿ 3 T E C H N IC A L PU B LIC A T IO N WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DC 320 IS S U E 2 May, 1989 Ceramic Capsule Silicon Diodes Type CXC 320 620 amperes average: up to2400 volts VRRM R A T IN G S

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    ci70c1cà OOOES17 CXC320 to2400 SW22CXC320 C320 westcode diodes C-I-70C PDF


    Abstract: C380 SW22CXC380 westcode diodes SN151JL westcode diode
    Text: l i l ESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE D • TTO^SS 000251^ b ■ I1I E S B 7- 0 / - 2.2 T E C H N IC A L P U B LIC A TIO N $ WESTCODE 0 SEMICONDUCTORS D C 380 IS S U E 2 May, 1989 Ceramic Capsule Silicon Diodes Type CXC380 640 amperes average: up to2400 volts VRRM

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    CXC380 to2400 550Kg SN151JL 1KSAC589 C380 SW22CXC380 westcode diodes westcode diode PDF


    Abstract: CXC635 SW28CXC635 Westinghouse diode WESTINGHOUSE diode DO
    Text: 9709955 de WESTCODE 1^70^55 34C SEMICONDUCTORS □□□m ai 0 1 481 D -T-bi-as 5 Technical Publication W ESTCODE SEM ICONDUCTORS DC635 Issue 1 February 1981 Ceram ic Capsule Silicon Diodes Type CXC635 1420 amperes average: up to 3000 volts V r r m R A T IN G S Maximum values at 160°C, Tj, unless stated otherwise

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    14fll DC635 CXC635 at50Hz 00153932 CXC635 SW28CXC635 Westinghouse diode WESTINGHOUSE diode DO PDF

    a1t diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS SWxxC/DXC26C Capsule Rectifier Diode Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule. Available in industry standard and thin housings. Unless otherwise stated Tj = 175°C Maxim um Limits

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    SWxxC/DXC26C 457902E-02 774867E-05 697693E-03 a1t diode PDF

    westcode sw

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS — oso» Capsule Rectifier Diode Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule. Available in industry standard and thin housings. Ratings Unless otherwise stated Tj = 150°C Maxim um Limits

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    190kTransient westcode sw PDF


    Abstract: SW30CXC820 westcode SW CXC
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS SWxxC/DXC820 Capsule Rectifier Diode Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule. Available in industry standard and thin housings. Ratings Unless otherwise stated Tj = 160°C Maxim um Limits

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    SWxxC/DXC820 0D02fl3fl WESTCODE SW SW30CXC820 westcode SW CXC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÜIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS B^E D • tì 7 0 c]IìS5 DD055bl 5 ■ liJE S B T:^/,^ IAIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS — c Capsule Rectifier Diode Consists of a diffuseci silicon elem ent mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule. Available in industry standard and

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    SWxxC/DXC21C 150444E-03 SW24CXC21C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÙIESTCODE S E M I C O N D U C T O R S 3TE » • ^ 7 0 = ^ 5 5 D D ü S Sb ? b M ü E S B WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Rectifier Diode Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule. Available in industry standard and

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    444524-Telex PDF

    westcode sw

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS £^ d*c« Capsule Rectifier Diode C o n s is ts o f a d iffu s e d s ilic o n e le m e n t m o u n te d in a n h e rm e tic c e ra m ic c o ld w e ld e d c a p s u le . A v a ila b le in in d u s try s ta n d a rd a n d th in h o u s in g s .

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    --55K/W westcode sw PDF


    Abstract: w011
    Text: lilESTCODE SE M I CO N D UC TO R S 3TE V m «ITDnSS ÜOOESbT ÜIESB7 ^ o l - £ 3 T • 1AIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Rectifier Diode Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule. Available in industry standard and

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    c17DcnSS SW10CXC32C w011 PDF


    Abstract: pcn040 21450 SW PCN040 PHN400 SW08PCN012 1520-T CXC16C CXC14C CXC935
    Text: UESTCODE SEMI CONDUCTORS 3TE D • =170^53 □□□2510 T «WESB . Ordering Stud and flat-base diodes are available in both Normal base cathode and Reverse (base anode) polarity. Use N or R respectively in code according to polarity required, e.g. N012 - normal polarity, R 012 reverse

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    SW08PCN012 SW12CXC300 36x30 16UNF 16UNF-2A WESTCODE PHN400 pcn040 21450 SW PCN040 PHN400 SW08PCN012 1520-T CXC16C CXC14C CXC935 PDF