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    VW-1 H ESC Search Results

    VW-1 H ESC Result Highlights (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CEZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, ESC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CEZ6V2 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.2 V, ESC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CEZ6V8 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.8 V, ESC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    VW-1 H ESC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 72585 electronique pratique lancer TI-92II
    Text: Quelques programmes pour TI-92, TI-92+ et TI-89 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Droites asymptotes à la courbe y=f x (89,92,92+) Racines de fonctions (f(x)=0,f '(x)=0,f "(x)=0) (89,92,92+) Trigonométrie circulaire (89,92,92+)

    TI-92, TI-92+ TI-89 TI-89) UDZV 72585 electronique pratique lancer TI-92II PDF

    2551 vn

    Abstract: CXK581120J-15 CXK581120J-12 CXK581120J-17 CXK581120J-20 924i sony aw 15
    Text: 5 4E » 6302303 SO N Y . O O tm S ñ T lb «SO N Y -12/15/20 CXK581120J PRELIMINARY 131,072-WORD X 8-BIT HIGH SPEED CMOS STATIC RAM D ESC R IPTIO N SONY 7 C O R P/C O M PO N E N T PROPS CXK581120J 32 PIN SOJ PLASTIC T he C X K 581120J is a h ig h speed lM -b it CM OS sta tic RAM

    OCR Scan
    CXK581120J 072-WORD 12/15/20ns CXK581120J-12 CXK581120J-15 CXK581120J-20 CXK58U20J 2551 vn CXK581120J-17 924i sony aw 15 PDF


    Abstract: SG153K-12 SG153K-15 SG153K-5 SG253 SG253K-12 SG253K-15 SG253K-5 SG353 SG-253
    Text: ADVANCED DATA SG 153/SG 253/SG 353 SiLicon Generai. Perform ance data described herein represent design goals. Final design specifications are subject to change. LINEAR INTEGRATED C IR CU ITS H IG H CURRENT FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATORS FEATURES D ESCRIPTION The SG153 fam ily of fixed-voltage, three-terminal regulators

    OCR Scan
    SG153/SG253/SG353 SG153 120Hz 5-25V, 18-2BV, 100mA SG153: SG253, SG353K-12 SG153K-12 SG153K-15 SG153K-5 SG253 SG253K-12 SG253K-15 SG253K-5 SG353 SG-253 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C S IL IC O N I Œ N Ë r Âl LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR D ESC R IPTIO N FEA TU RES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixedvoltage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up to 50V

    OCR Scan
    SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800 SG7800C/340 SG78XXAIG/883B SG78XXAIG PDF


    Abstract: CXK581120J
    Text: SONY -12/15/20 CXK581120J 131,072-W ORD X 8-BIT HIGH SPEED CMOS STATIC RAM PRELIMINARY D ESC R IPTIO N The CXK581120J is a high speed lM -bit CMOS static RAM organized as a 131,072-word by 8-bit array. It operates a t 12/15/20ns access tim e from a single 5V power supply,

    OCR Scan
    CXK581120J CXK581120J 072-word 12/15/20ns CXK381120J-12 CXK581120J- CXK581120J-20 690mW 550mW cxk581120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S O N Y -12/15/20 CXK581120J 131,072-WQRD X 8-BIT HIGH SPEED CMOS STATIC RAM PRELIMINARY D ESC R IPTIO N T he C X K 581120J is a h ig h speed lM -b it CM OS sta tic RAM organized a s a 131,072-w ord by 8-bit a rra y . It o p erates a t 12/15/20ns access tim e from a single 5V pow er supply,

    OCR Scan
    CXK581120J 072-WQRD 581120J 072-w 12/15/20ns CXK581120J- 581120J-15 581120J-20 690mW PDF


    Abstract: 0310L
    Text: LmFmrrY LX7001 M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S T h I nfinite P ower T ransi b jt I m m u n e U ndbw oltag e S e n s n g Q I nnovation of P r o d u c t i o n KEY D ESCRI PTI o N The LX7001 is an improved undervoltage sensing circuit specifi­ cally designed for use as a reset

    OCR Scan
    LX7001 LX7001 150ft 10kft. LEVB 0310L PDF


    Abstract: PD16302 UC494 nais st
    Text: USER’S MANUAL ßPD 1 6 3 0 0 SERIES NEC EL DISPLAY DRIVER ICs 1. INTRODUCTION This manual explains the structure and the principle of luminescence of electroluminescence EL displays — flat displays of soiid-state luminescence — and introduces a panel drive circuit that uses EL drivers AiPD16302 and

    OCR Scan
    uPD16302 uPD16306 PS2007B. PS2007B PD16302 UC494 nais st PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M52336SP WAVEFORM GENERATION FOR PROJECTION TV CONVERGENCE D ESC R IPT IO N The M52336SP integrated circuit is used with projection television displays having a cathode-ray tube. It generates convergence aligning waves. PIN C O N FIG U RA TIO N (T O P V IE W )

    OCR Scan
    M52336SP M52336SP SG135 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT / ffP P 4264165, 4265165 64 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 4 M-WORD BY 16-BIT, HYPER PAQE MODE EDO , BYTE READ/WRITE MODE D escription The /iPD4264165,4265165 are 4,194,304 words by 16 bits CMOS dynamic RAMs with optional hyper page mode

    OCR Scan
    16-BIT, uPD4264165 50-pin jjPD4264165-A50 jjPD4265165-A50 /jPD426416S-A60 iPD4265165-A60 -60-7JF PD4264165, 426St65 BIPD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ A ADVANCED DATA 503509 Silicon General. P erfo rm an ce d ata d escrib e d herein represent d e sig n g oals. F in a l d evice s p e c ific a tio n s are s u b je c t to change. LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AIR FAULT DETECTOR 3 D E S C R IP TIO N FEATURES

    OCR Scan
    100mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S-TH0I1S0N UYL !> | 7131237 0015131 8 I LOW POWER SCHOTTKY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS T74LS24 _ 67C D 15056 3 -/5 PRELIMINARY DATA QUAD 2-INPUT SCHMITT TRIGGER NAND GATE D ESC RIPTIO N The T54LS24/T74LS24 contains four 2-input NAND Gates which accept standard TTL input signals and

    OCR Scan
    T74LS24 T54LS24/T74LS24 PDF


    Abstract: 161NE
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT / jtfP D 4 2 S 1 6 4 0 5 , 4 2 1 6 4 0 5 16 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 4M-WORD BY 4-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE EDO D escrip tio n The /iPD 42S 18405,4219406 are 4,104,304 words by 4 bits C M O S dynam ic R A M s with optional hyper page mode

    OCR Scan
    uPD42S18405 uPD4219406 iPD42S16405 PD42S16405, 26-pin jiPD42S16405-50 /iPD42Scesses: VP15-207-2 s2603 161NE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HA16688MP Read/W rite Circuit D escription T h e H A 16688M P is a low -noise, 8-channel read/w rite circuit developed for use w ith sm all hard disk drives. F u nctions • R ead am plifier • W rite d riv er • W rite fault d etecto r • Fixed w rite cu rren t select

    OCR Scan
    HA16688MP 16688M PDF

    SMD transistor MARKING CODE wsr

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: That H E W L E T T m iltim P A C K A R D Dual Channel Line R eceiver H erm etic Optocoupler Technical Data HCPL-1930 HCPL-1931 HCPL-193K 5962-89572 Features Applications D escription • Dual Marked w ith Device Part Number and DSCC Standard Microcircuit Drawing

    OCR Scan
    HCPL-1930 HCPL-1931 HCPL-193K MIL-PRF-38534 QML-38534, 16-pin MIL-PRF-38534. SMD transistor MARKING CODE wsr PDF


    Abstract: AVW smd transistor HP 2602 optocoupler marking WMG marking code H2E SMD optocoupler NAND SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 1D TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE B7 HCPL-1930 HCPL-1931
    Text: M gI H EW LETT mUttm P A C K A R D Dual Channel Line Receiver Hermetic Optocoupler Technical Data HCPL-1930 HCPL-1931 HCPL-193K 5962-89572 F eatu res A pplications D escrip tion • Dual Marked w ith Device Part Number and DSCC Standard Microcircuit Drawing

    OCR Scan
    HCPL-1930 HCPL-1931 HCPL-193K MIL-PRF-38534 QML-38534, 16-pin HCPLS04 74LSOOQUAD HCPL-2602 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1d AVW smd transistor HP 2602 optocoupler marking WMG marking code H2E SMD optocoupler NAND SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 1D TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE B7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R evisions D esc ri ptio n/A pproved/D ate Tolerances A p p ro ve d Date M .H . 1- 20= + / - 0.2 0 4 /0 6 /0 2 Date C h e cked 0 4 /0 6 /0 2 M .H . 20-30=+/-0.3 30-40=+/-0.4 D ra w n Date 0 4 /0 2 /0 2 K .R .E . 40-50=+/-0.5 50-100=+/-0.75 NO TES plating thickness

    OCR Scan
    MIL-P-19468 QQ-B-626 QQ-P-35 QQ-S-764 QQ-C-53D PDF

    U 1504

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: k-ñ B DATE is f t REV. 8 9 6 0 0 m s * Ä ft » DON NO. ài M DR. D ESCRIPTIO N U aAPPD. w à £ CHK. * APPD. -ON 0 N I M V B Q # # B & A P P L I C A B L E P.C.B. DIMENS I ON ( R E F .) Â ' â ' * « - * * C♦ = » ) 2- ±0. 05 <t> 2 . 6 (LANDSI) (LAND

    OCR Scan
    JAHL-1504 U 1504 PDF


    Abstract: nlpin
    Text: iN E m p R O D u m im m m i HB56G132CC- x x S Series 1,048,576-WordX 32-Bit High Density Dynamic RAM Card Rev.l Dec. 08,1992 0 H IT A C H I D escrip tion The IIB56G132CC-X X S is a 1MX 32 dynamic RAM Card, m ounted 8 pieces of 4M bit DRAM HM51S4800ALTT sealed inTSO P package.

    OCR Scan
    HB56G132CC- 576-WordX 32-Bit IIB56G132CC-X HM51S4800ALTT) 88-pin IIB56G132CC- HB56G132CC-X D4104 nlpin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S P A R C Business STP3Û30 T ech rd o g y N ovem ber 1994 ST P 3030 DATASHEET Monochrome LCD Controller D escription The STP3030 Monochrome LCD Controller provides the interface between the flat panel displays used in SBus-based computing portables and the CG3 LSI pn L64825 . The STP3030 allows the CG3 to

    OCR Scan
    STP3030 L64825) 1152x900 16-bit/ S06-1-894 PDF


    Abstract: cf 455 SELIC
    Text: NEL SELIC NLB6210 Dual 4 fan-out Buffer D escription Pin Assignm ent Top View Ceram ic The NLB6210 is an ultra high-speed monolithic dual 4 fan-out Buffers. Q1c Q1c Q1bQ1b Vw a Q1a Q1aVc« V cca Features • Typical AC characteristics Data rate up to 4 Gb/s.

    OCR Scan
    NLB6210 NLB6210 190ps 200ps cf 455 SELIC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TDA1579 TDA1579T DECODER FOR TRAFFIC WARNING VWF RADIO TRANSMISSIONS G E N E R A L D ESCRIPTIO N The TDA1579 decoder is fo r radio transmissions having 67 kHz amplitude-moculated subcarriers as used in the German 'Verkehrs W arnfunk' (VWF) tra ffic warning system.

    OCR Scan
    TDA1579 TDA1579T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MFf / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT / pPD780955 A 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION ,uPD780955(A) is a 78K/0 series product, which supports super-low pow er consum ption and is ideal for meter control. For th e details of fu n ctio n al d escrip tio n, refer to th e follow ing u s e r’s m anual.

    OCR Scan
    pPD780955 uPD780955 78K/0 PD780955 12326E PDF

    AWM 20251

    Abstract: H904 R 2.8 no pinout 4
    Text: n 2| 3 P /N : h ° -3 I/O 9 11 I 1“ , 9P I/O PLUG PCMCIA UL pinout R J — 11 I 1 1 |A A re f j 1 2 1 1 AB I 1 3 1 1 AC 1 1 4- 1 1 ad 1 5 1 1 AE II- 1 6 1 1 AF 1 1 7 1 1 AG 1 1 8 1 1 ah 1 9 1 1 ba BERG P / N : 9 3 5 9 1 -0 9 0 1 8 0 PARTS LIST Pos. D escription

    OCR Scan
    CFR47, H90485 H60730 H70329 H70349 AWM 20251 H904 R 2.8 no pinout 4 PDF