Part | ECAD Model | Manufacturer | Description | Download | Buy |
DFE2016CKA-1R0M=P2 | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 1uH 1800mA NONAUTO |
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BLM15PX121BH1D | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | FB SMD 0402inch 120ohm POWRTRN |
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BLM15PX181SH1D | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | FB SMD 0402inch 180ohm POWRTRN |
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MGN1S1208MC-R7 | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | DC-DC 1W SM 12-8V GAN |
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LQW18CN55NJ0HD | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 55nH 1500mA POWRTRN |
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verilog code to generate sine wave
Abstract: verilog code for sine wave generator using cordic vhdl code to generate sine wave CORDIC to generate sine wave fpga verilog code for CORDIC to generate sine wave vhdl code dds VHDL code for CORDIC to generate sine wave vhdl code for cordic algorithm vhdl code for cordic CORDIC to generate sine wave
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vhdl code for cordic algorithm
Abstract: verilog code for cordic verilog code for logarithm verilog code for cordic algorithm cordic algorithm code in verilog vhdl code for cordic verilog code for cordic algorithm sine cosine vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl cordic code verilog code of sine rom
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24-bit IEEE-754 vhdl code for cordic algorithm verilog code for cordic verilog code for logarithm verilog code for cordic algorithm cordic algorithm code in verilog vhdl code for cordic verilog code for cordic algorithm sine cosine vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl cordic code verilog code of sine rom | |
8051 16bit addition, subtraction
Abstract: verilog code for floating point division verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl code for cordic verilog code for floating point multiplication program for 8051 16bit square root vhdl code for cordic multiplication test bench for 16 bit shifter verilog code for cordic
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IEEE-754 16-bit 32-bit 32-bit 8051 16bit addition, subtraction verilog code for floating point division verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl code for cordic verilog code for floating point multiplication program for 8051 16bit square root vhdl code for cordic multiplication test bench for 16 bit shifter verilog code for cordic | |
VERILOG Digitally Controlled Oscillator
Abstract: matlab code to generate sine wave using CORDIC verilog code of sine rom verilog code to generate sine wave QFSK EP3C10F256 verilog code for digital modulation cyclone iii matlab code for half adder CORDIC to generate sine wave fpga VHDL code for CORDIC to generate sine wave
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verilog code for CORDIC to generate sine wave
Abstract: verilog code for cordic algorithm vhdl code for cordic vhdl code for rotation cordic CORDIC to generate sine wave fpga verilog code to generate sine wave vhdl code to generate sine wave verilog code for cordic CORDIC to generate sine wave vhdl code for FFT 32 point
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verilog code for cordic algorithm
Abstract: CORDIC to generate sine wave fpga vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine sin wave with test bench file in vhdl vhdl code for cordic algorithm cordic algorithm code in verilog CORDIC altera matlab code to generate sine wave using CORDIC vhdl code for rotation cordic QFSK
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fsk by simulink matlab
Abstract: VHDL code for CORDIC to generate sine wave VERILOG Digitally Controlled Oscillator vhdl code for cordic algorithm verilog code for cordic algorithm vhdl code to generate sine wave matlab code to generate sine wave using CORDIC verilog code for CORDIC to generate sine wave vhdl code for cordic matlab code for CORDIC to generate sine wave
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verilog code for floating point multiplication
Abstract: vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl code for cordic VHDL code for floating point addition verilog code for floating point division vhdl code for cordic multiplication program for 8051 16bit square root verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication 8051 16bit addition, subtraction CORDIC sine cosine float altera
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DP8051, 32-bit verilog code for floating point multiplication vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl code for cordic VHDL code for floating point addition verilog code for floating point division vhdl code for cordic multiplication program for 8051 16bit square root verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication 8051 16bit addition, subtraction CORDIC sine cosine float altera | |
vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine
Abstract: verilog code to generate sine wave vhdl code to generate sine wave verilog code for CORDIC to generate sine wave CORDIC to generate sine wave qpsk modulation VHDL CODE verilog code for cordic algorithm sine cosine VHDL code for CORDIC to generate sine wave vhdl code for cordic algorithm matlab code to generate sine wave using CORDIC
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verilog code for floating point multiplication
Abstract: vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine vhdl code for 8 bit floating point processor verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication verilog code for cordic verilog code for double precision floating point multiplication 8051 16bit addition, subtraction verilog code for single precision floating point addition DP8051 IEEE 754
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cordic sine cosine generator vhdl
Abstract: cordic vhdl code for cordic algorithm vhdl code for cordic vhdl code for rotation cordic vhdl code for vector cordic verilog code for cordic verilog code for cordic algorithm cordic algorithm code in verilog vhdl code for cordic cosine and sine
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lms algorithm using verilog code
Abstract: lms algorithm using vhdl code ATM machine working circuit diagram using vhdl verilog code for lms adaptive equalizer verilog code for lms adaptive equalizer for audio digital IIR Filter VHDL code 8086 microprocessor based project verilog DTMF decoder qpsk demodulation VHDL CODE verilog code for fir filter using DA
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full subtractor implementation using NOR gate
Abstract: fpga based 16 QAM Transmitter for wimax application with quartus fpga based 16 QAM Transmitter for wimax application with matlab 256POINT vhdl code for rotation cordic WCDMA DUC CORDIC altera cordic sine cosine generator vhdl vhdl code for radix 2-2 parallel FFT for ofdm vhdl code for radix-4 fft
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GSM 900 simulink matlab
Abstract: verilog code for ofdm transmitter fir filter coding for gui in matlab digital IIR Filter VHDL code digital IIR Filter verilog code qpsk modulation VHDL CODE vhdl code for ofdm transmitter vhdl code for ofdm turbo codes qam system matlab code qpsk demapper VHDL CODE
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M-GB-SIGNAL-01 GSM 900 simulink matlab verilog code for ofdm transmitter fir filter coding for gui in matlab digital IIR Filter VHDL code digital IIR Filter verilog code qpsk modulation VHDL CODE vhdl code for ofdm transmitter vhdl code for ofdm turbo codes qam system matlab code qpsk demapper VHDL CODE | |
vhdl code for DES algorithm
Abstract: XAPP921c FLOATING POINT PROCESSOR TMSC6000 pulse compression radar fir filter matlab code LMS adaptive filter simulink model verilog code for lms adaptive equalizer for audio LMS simulink 3SD1800A XILINX vhdl code REED SOLOMON encoder decoder fir filter with lms algorithm in vhdl code
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verilog code for distributed arithmetic
Abstract: verilog code for fir filter using DA vhdl code for FFT based on distributed arithmetic 8 bit Array multiplier code in VERILOG verilog code for fir filter using MAC digital FIR Filter verilog code vhdl code for dFT 32 point vhdl code for FFT 32 point CORDIC system generator xilinx verilog code for correlator
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matlab programs for impulse noise removal
Abstract: verilog code for cordic algorithm for wireless verilog code for CORDIC to generate sine wave block interleaver in modelsim matlab programs for impulse noise removal in image vhdl code for cordic matlab programs for impulse noise removal in imag vhdl code to generate sine wave PLDS DVD V9 CORDIC to generate sine wave fpga
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verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication
Abstract: verilog code for floating point division 80C51 DR80390 DR80390CPU DR80390XP DR8051 DR8051CPU verilog code for TCON IEEE754
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DR8051XP DR8051XP DR8051XP: verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication verilog code for floating point division 80C51 DR80390 DR80390CPU DR80390XP DR8051 DR8051CPU verilog code for TCON IEEE754 | |
verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench
Abstract: ieee floating point alu in vhdl vhdl code for cordic i2c interfacing with 8051 asm code vhdl code for watchdog timer verilog code for cordic algorithm verilog code for implementation of eeprom interfacing 8051 with eprom and ram verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication ta 8268
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DR8051XP DR8051XP: verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench ieee floating point alu in vhdl vhdl code for cordic i2c interfacing with 8051 asm code vhdl code for watchdog timer verilog code for cordic algorithm verilog code for implementation of eeprom interfacing 8051 with eprom and ram verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication ta 8268 | |
verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench
Abstract: verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication 8051 16bit division 80C51 DR80390 DR80390CPU DR80390XP DR8051 DR8051CPU 80C390
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DR80390XP DR80390XP 80C390 DR80390XP: verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication 8051 16bit division 80C51 DR80390 DR80390CPU DR8051 DR8051CPU 80C390 | |
vhdl code for cordic
Abstract: 8051 16bit addition, subtraction vhdl code 64 bit FPU verilog code for cordic verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench verilog code for 32 BIT ALU implementation verilog code for cordic algorithm verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication ieee floating point verilog ieee floating point alu in vhdl
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DR80390XP 80C390 DR80390XP: vhdl code for cordic 8051 16bit addition, subtraction vhdl code 64 bit FPU verilog code for cordic verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench verilog code for 32 BIT ALU implementation verilog code for cordic algorithm verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication ieee floating point verilog ieee floating point alu in vhdl | |
vhdl code for watchdog timer
Abstract: ieee single precision floating point alu in vhdl UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog verilog code for cordic algorithm sine cosine verilog code for floating point division verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication vhdl code for i2c Slave DP80390 verilog code for slave SPI with FPGA DP8051CPU
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DP8051XP DP8051XP DP8051XP: vhdl code for watchdog timer ieee single precision floating point alu in vhdl UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog verilog code for cordic algorithm sine cosine verilog code for floating point division verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication vhdl code for i2c Slave DP80390 verilog code for slave SPI with FPGA DP8051CPU | |
Abstract: No abstract text available
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DP8051XP DP8051XP DP8051XP: | |
verilog code for floating point multiplication
Abstract: verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench ieee single precision floating point alu in vhdl ieee floating point alu in vhdl CORDIC altera APEX20K APEX20KC APEX20KE DP8051XP FLEX10KE
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DP8051XP DP8051XP DP8051XP: verilog code for floating point multiplication verilog code for 32-bit alu with test bench ieee single precision floating point alu in vhdl ieee floating point alu in vhdl CORDIC altera APEX20K APEX20KC APEX20KE FLEX10KE |