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    linear amplifier 470-860

    Abstract: TPV695A bl557a 611104 470-860 BD135 motorola balun
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by TPV695A/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line UHF Linear Power Transistor TPV695A Designed for driver and output stages in band IV and V TV transposers and transmitter amplifiers. The TPV695A uses gold metallized die with diffused

    TPV695A/D TPV695A TPV695A TPV695A/D* linear amplifier 470-860 bl557a 611104 470-860 BD135 motorola balun PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Jziisu<J <Szmi.-dondu.ctoi £Pioduc£i, One. tx The RF Line UHF Linear Power Transistor TPV598 Designed for 4.0 watt stages in Band V TV transposer amplifiers. Gold metallized dice and diffused emitter ballast resistors are used to enhance reliability, ruggedness and linearity.

    TPV598 -60dBIMD TPV598 PDF

    1n4007 mttf

    Abstract: linear amplifier 470-860 1N4007 2N2904 TPV596A uhf linear amplifier 2n2904 motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by TPV596A/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line UHF Linear Power Transistor TPV596A . . . designed for very high output 1.5 V MATV amplifiers up to 860 MHz and 500 mW Band V TV transposer stages. Gold metallization and diffused emitter

    TPV596A/D TPV596A TPV596A/D* 1n4007 mttf linear amplifier 470-860 1N4007 2N2904 TPV596A uhf linear amplifier 2n2904 motorola PDF

    airtronic capacitor

    Abstract: TPV598 airtronic 470 860 mhz application note linear amplifier 470-860 motorola L6 air-tronic motorola 1N4148 1N4148 BD136
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by TPV598/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line UHF Linear Power Transistor TPV598 Designed for 4.0 watt stages in Band V TV transposer amplifiers. Gold metallized dice and diffused emitter ballast resistors are used to enhance

    TPV598/D TPV598 TPV598/D* airtronic capacitor TPV598 airtronic 470 860 mhz application note linear amplifier 470-860 motorola L6 air-tronic motorola 1N4148 1N4148 BD136 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: , One. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212) 227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 TPV595A The RF Line UHF Linear Power Transistor . designed for driver and output stages in band IV and V TV transposes and transmitter amplifiers. The TPV595A uses gold metallized die with diffused emitter ballast resistors to enhance reliability, ruggedness and linearity.

    TPV595A TPV595A -16dB PDF

    Motorola transistors MRF 947

    Abstract: trimpots 3296 transistor C5386 1n4740 2N5591 Motorola 2N5688 CQ 542 Transistor npn motorola equivalent transistor of 2sc3358 HB215/D ic cd 2399 gp
    Text: Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets Amplifier Data Sheets Monolithic Integrated Circuit H Data Sheets mm Case Dimensions Cross Reference and Sales Offices 6 M MOTOROLA RF Device Data This publication presents technical information for the several product families that

    OCR Scan
    2PHX11136Q-17 Motorola transistors MRF 947 trimpots 3296 transistor C5386 1n4740 2N5591 Motorola 2N5688 CQ 542 Transistor npn motorola equivalent transistor of 2sc3358 HB215/D ic cd 2399 gp PDF


    Abstract: atv5030* motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line ATV5030 Linear Pow er Am plifier . . . a solid state Class A am plifier specifically designed for TV transposers and transm it­ ters. This am plifier incorporates microstrip technology and discrete linear push-pull

    OCR Scan
    ATV5030 ATV5030 atv5030* motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA ATV6031 The RF Line Linear Power Am plifier . . . a solid state C la ss A am p lifier s p ecifically d esign ed for T V tran sp o s e rs and transm itters. T h is am plifier incorporates m icrostrip technology and discrete linear

    OCR Scan
    ATV6031 TV05001) ATV6031 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA TPV693 Advance Inform ation The RF Line 1.8 W — 470 to 860 MHz UHF LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR UHF Linear Pow er Tran sisto r . . . d e s ig n e d fo r 2 w a tt sta g e s in B a n d V T V tra n s p o s e r a m p lifie r s . G o ld m e ta lliz e d d ic e

    OCR Scan
    TPV693 TV050011 PDF

    IMD2 transistor

    Abstract: 470-860 mhz Power amplifier w
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line UHF Linear Power Transistor . . designed for very high output 1.5 V MATV amplifiers up to 860 MHz and 500 mW Band V TV transposer stages. Gold metallization and diffused emitter ballast resistors are used to enhanced reliability, ruggedness and linearity.

    OCR Scan
    TPV596A IMD2 transistor 470-860 mhz Power amplifier w PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA TPV596A The RF Line UHF Linear Power Transistor . . . designed for very high output 1.5 V MATV amplifiers up to 860 MHz and 500 mW Band V TV transposer stages. Gold metallization and diffused emitter ballast resistors are used to enhanced reliability, ruggedness and linearity.

    OCR Scan
    TPV596A 470ut TPV596A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA TPV590 The RF Line UH F Lin e ar P o w e r T ra n sisto r 28 V — 4 7 0 -8 6 0 M H z U H F LIN E A R P O W ER T R A N S IS T O R . . . d e s ig n e d f o r p r e - d riv e r a n d d r iv e r s ta g e s in b a n d IV a n d V T V tra n s p o s e r s a n d t r a n s ­

    OCR Scan
    TPV590 AT7275 PDF


    Abstract: 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR atv5030* motorola 2N5591 MOTOROLA 13001 6D TRANSISTOR BGY41 MHW710-1 construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 7119 amperex bf503
    Text: Volume I Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets 2 Case Dimensions 3 Volume II Selector Guide Amplifier Data Sheets 5 Tuning, Hot Carrier and PIN Diode Data Sheets 6 Technical Information Case Dimensions 8 Cross Reference and Sales Offices 9 MOTOROLA RF DEVICE DATA

    OCR Scan
    1PHX11136Q-14 MHW721A2 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR atv5030* motorola 2N5591 MOTOROLA 13001 6D TRANSISTOR BGY41 MHW710-1 construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 7119 amperex bf503 PDF

    airtronic capacitor

    Abstract: airtronic air-tronic 470-860 mhz Power amplifier w xg transistor 470-860 mhz Power amplifier 5 w linear amplifier 470-860
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line UHF Linear Pow er Transistor Designed for 4.0 watt stages in Band V TV transposer amplifiers. Gold metallized dice and diffused emitter ballast resistors are used to enhance reliability, ruggedness and linearity.

    OCR Scan
    TPVS98 airtronic capacitor airtronic air-tronic 470-860 mhz Power amplifier w xg transistor 470-860 mhz Power amplifier 5 w linear amplifier 470-860 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line UHF Linear Pow er Transistor Designed for driver and output stages in band IV and V TV transposers and transm itter am plifiers. The TPV695A uses gold m etallized die with diffused em itter ballast resistors to enhance reliability, ruggedness and linearity.

    OCR Scan
    TPV695A PDF


    Abstract: airtronic capacitor
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information The RF Line 4 W — 470 to 860 M Hz UHF LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR U H F Linear P o w e r T ra n sisto r . . . d e s ig n e d f o r 4 w a tt s ta g e s in B a n d V T V tra n s p o s e r a m p lifie r s . G o ld m e ta lliz e d d ic e

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: RF TV TRANSMITTER tv transmitter amplifier circuit arco 404 Arco 423 VHF transmitter circuit arco 403
    Text: 4bE D flOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F MOTOROLA • I SEMICONDUCTOR ^ b3b?254 OG'iSBll 4 ■ HOTb T=-53-OB TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line TPV394A VH F Linear Power Transistor . . . d e s ig n e d s p e c ific a lly fo r ban d III T V tra n s p o s e rs a n d tra n s m itte r a m p lifie rs. The

    OCR Scan
    0GT5311 TPV394A TPV394A 244C-01, b3b72S4 T-33-05 RF TV TRANSMITTER tv transmitter amplifier circuit arco 404 Arco 423 VHF transmitter circuit arco 403 PDF

    A5 GNE mosfet

    Abstract: jo3501 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N503 2N5160 MOTOROLA BF431 BFR96 HY 1906 transistor jo2015 kd 2060 transistor
    Text: Volume I Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets 2 Case Dimensions 3 Volume II Selector Guide ^ Amplifier Data Sheets Tuning, Hot Carrier and PIN Diode Data Sheets 6 Technical Information Case Dimensions Cross Reference and Sales Offices 8 9 MOTOROLA

    OCR Scan
    1PHX11136Q-14 A5 GNE mosfet jo3501 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N503 2N5160 MOTOROLA BF431 BFR96 HY 1906 transistor jo2015 kd 2060 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA TPV7025 The RF Line UHF Linear Power Transistor . . . designed for output stages in Band IV & V TV transmitter amplifiers. Internal matching of both input and output along with use of a push-pull package configuration aids broadband amplifier designs.

    OCR Scan
    TPV7025 TPV7025 zt156 PDF


    Abstract: TPV-3100 transistor tpv3100
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA T P V 31 00 The RF Line VHF Linear Power Transistor . . . designed fo r linear, p ush -p u ll a m p lifie rs in VHF Band III. The TPV3100 u tilizes gold m e ta llizatio n , d iffu se d e m itte r ballast resistors and a lo w th e rm a l resistance header to

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    TPV3100 TPV-3100 transistor tpv3100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line ATV7060 Linear P o w e r A m p lifie r _ . . a solid state C la ss A am plifier specifically d e sign e d for T V tra n sp o se rs and tran sm it­ ters. T h is am plifier incorporates m icrostrip te ch n o lo gy and discrete linear p ush-pull

    OCR Scan
    ATV7060 TV05001) atv7060 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line UHF Linear Power Transistor . . . designed for output stages in Band IV & V TV transm itter amplifiers. Internal m atching of both input and output along with use of a p u s h -p u ll package configuration aids broadband am plifier designs.

    OCR Scan
    Junc03 TPV7025 PDF


    Abstract: TPV595A tpv595
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA TPV595A The RF Line U H F Lin ear P o w er Transistor . . . designed for driver and output stages in band IV and V TV transposers and transmitter amplifiers. The TPV595A uses gold metallized die with diffused emitter ballast resistors to enhance reliability, ruggedness and linearity.

    OCR Scan
    TPV595A TPV595A 1N4148 2N2904 TPV-595A tpv595 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information T P V 69 5 A The RF Line U H F L in ear P o w er TVansistor . . . designed for driver and output stages in band IV and V TV transposers and transmitter amplifiers. The TPV695A uses gold metallized die with diffused

    OCR Scan
    TPV695A TV05001 2N5641 PDF