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    BLM15PX121BH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 120ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM15PX181SH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 180ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM21HE802SN1L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0805inch 8000ohm NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM15PX330BH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 33ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    BLM15PX600SH1D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd FB SMD 0402inch 60ohm POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

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    smd transistor marking SG

    Abstract: smd transistor SY transistor smd sG smd marking SG 2SA1832 high hfe transistor hFE CLASSIFICATION Marking
    Text: Transistors IC SMD Type Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type Transistor 2SA1832 SOT-523 Unit: mm +0.1 1.6-0.1 1.0 +0.05 0.2-0.05 +0.1 -0.1 2 +0.01 0.1-0.01 1 +0.15 1.6-0.15 Excellent hFE Linearity : +0.05 0.8-0.05 High Voltage and High Curren :VCEO=-50V,IC=-150mA Max.

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    Motorola transistor smd marking codes

    Abstract: UAF3000 BAR64 spice model parameter PMBFJ620 spice model bf1107 spice model RF LNB C band chipset PIN diode SPICE model BAP50 BSS83 spice model MPF102 spice model 2SK163 spice model
    Text: RF manual 11th edition Application and design manual for RF products December 2008 2008 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract,


    smd transistor H-R

    Abstract: IRF 940 TRANSISTOR transistor smd Catalogue LED050 transistor smd 49 "infrared led" 800 nm IRF 730 TRANSISTOR AG SMD TRANSISTOR Infrared led 940 smd IRB 940
    Text: SMD - SIDE LOOKER LED MINIATUR SMD LED PRELIMINARY CSE 20 SERIES SMD - SIDE LOOKER LED MADE IN GERMANY 09/99 ALL MEASUREMENTS IN mm Optical Reference Tol.: ±0,20 Cap Chip Features Solid State Miniatur Chip LED 0,50 Surface Mounting Device High power and thermal absorbtion



    Abstract: E4 PNP SMD TRANSISTOR transistor P18 FET 1nF, 50V, AVX Corporation c86 sot23 Cap X7R 1210 T4 LTC3706EGN pa1494.242 TMK325BJ475KN 16TQC68M
    Text: QUICK START GUIDE FOR DEMONSTRATION CIRCUIT 888A-C 36V-72VIN, ISOLATED SYNCHRONOUS FORWARD LTC3725/LTC3706 DESCRIPTION Demonstration circuit 888A-C is a high power isolated synchronous forward converter featuring the LTC3725 and LTC3706. When powered from a 3672V input, a single DC888A-C provides an isolated

    88A-C 6V-72VIN, LTC3725/LTC3706 88A-C LTC3725 LTC3706. DC888A-C DC888A 250kHz J1-10 06035C103KAT2A E4 PNP SMD TRANSISTOR transistor P18 FET 1nF, 50V, AVX Corporation c86 sot23 Cap X7R 1210 T4 LTC3706EGN pa1494.242 TMK325BJ475KN 16TQC68M PDF

    transistor P18 FET

    Abstract: PA1954NL KFH-032-6 TEPSLV0J227M c86 sot23 PA0955 transistor SMD p16 PA1382 Q12-Q15 DC888A
    Text: QUICK START GUIDE FOR DEMONSTRATION CIRCUIT 888A-B 36V-72VIN, ISOLATED SYNCHRONOUS FORWARD LTC3725/LTC3706 DESCRIPTION Demonstration circuit 888A-B is a high power isolated synchronous forward converter featuring the LTC3725 and LTC3706. When powered from a 3672V input, a single DC888A-B provides an isolated

    88A-B 6V-72VIN, LTC3725/LTC3706 88A-B LTC3725 LTC3706. DC888A-B DC888A 250kHz P1-10 transistor P18 FET PA1954NL KFH-032-6 TEPSLV0J227M c86 sot23 PA0955 transistor SMD p16 PA1382 Q12-Q15 PDF

    nec 2501

    Abstract: DIODE FS 604 c86 sot23 CRCW12065R10 CAP 10nF 200V 0603 2501-2-00-80-00-00-07-0 transistor P18 FET 2N7002-SOT23 AC Transformer 50A 100V LTC3706
    Text: QUICK START GUIDE FOR DEMONSTRATION CIRCUIT 888A-A 36V-72VIN, ISOLATED SYNCHRONOUS FORWARD LTC3725/LTC3706 DESCRIPTION Demonstration circuit 888A-A is a high power isolated synchronous forward converter featuring the LTC3725 and LTC3706. When powered from a 3672V input, a single DC888A-A provides an isolated

    88A-A 6V-72VIN, LTC3725/LTC3706 88A-A LTC3725 LTC3706. DC888A-A DC888A 250kHz J1-10 nec 2501 DIODE FS 604 c86 sot23 CRCW12065R10 CAP 10nF 200V 0603 2501-2-00-80-00-00-07-0 transistor P18 FET 2N7002-SOT23 AC Transformer 50A 100V LTC3706 PDF

    SMD transistor UY

    Abstract: smd optocoupler cop 200 transistor irf 630 transistor smd CR gy 615 smd 152,GY CR50TEA dual led 660 940 red infrared smd transistor GY smd rgb
    Text: LIGHT EMITTING CHARACTERISTICS ELCOS GmbH, well known as the first manufacturer of SMD components in Optoelectronics, has now completed it’s portfolio from the smallest single colour-package the CERLED onto the “semicustom” multichip package (the EUROLED). Regarding Standard Products the policy of ceramic substrates and moulded encapsulation gave the


    very simple walkie talkie circuit diagram

    Abstract: blf278 models walkie talkie circuit diagram simple walkie talkie circuit diagram SiGe HBT GAIN BLOCK MMIC AMPLIFIER N6 BF245c spice model smd TRANSISTOR code marking 8K MOBILE jammer GSM 1800 MHZ BSS83 spice model smd TRANSISTOR code marking 7k sot23
    Text: Experience high-performance analog NXP’s RF Manual makes design work much easier NXP’s RF Manual – one of the most important reference tools on the market for today’s RF designers – features our complete range of RF products, from low to high power.

    TFF1007HN TFF11070HN TFF11073HN TFF11077HN TFF11080HN TFF11084HN TFF11088HN TFF11092HN TFF11096HN TFF11101HN very simple walkie talkie circuit diagram blf278 models walkie talkie circuit diagram simple walkie talkie circuit diagram SiGe HBT GAIN BLOCK MMIC AMPLIFIER N6 BF245c spice model smd TRANSISTOR code marking 8K MOBILE jammer GSM 1800 MHZ BSS83 spice model smd TRANSISTOR code marking 7k sot23 PDF


    Abstract: walkie talkie circuit diagram very simple walkie talkie circuit diagram smd TRANSISTOR code marking 8K smd m5 transistor 6-pin walkie talkie Transceiver IC mesfet lnb toshiba smd marking code transistor blf574 BLF578
    Text: Experience high-performance analog NXP’s RF Manual makes design work much easier NXP’s RF Manual – one of the most important reference tools on the market for today’s RF designers – features our complete range of RF products, from low to high power.

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    smd transistor code SG

    Abstract: IP78M05J MV622 IP140M IP140MA IP78M00 IP78M00A sg smd code
    Text: IP140MA SERIES IP140M SERIES IP78M00A SERIES IP78M00 SERIES  0.5 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR ! 2 1 3 FEATURES Pin 1 – VIN Pin 2 – VOUT Case – Ground Pin 1 – VIN Pin 2 – Ground Pin 3 – VOUT H Package – TO–39 • OUTPUT CURRENT UP TO 0.5A

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IP140MA SERIES IP140M SERIES IP78M00A SERIES IP78M00 SERIES  0.5 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR ! 2 1 3 FEATURES Pin 1 – VIN Pin 2 – VOUT Case – Ground Pin 1 – VIN Pin 2 – Ground Pin 3 – VOUT H Package – TO–39 • OUTPUT CURRENT UP TO 0.5A

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    NPN transistor 8050d

    Abstract: 8050d transistor he 8050d 8050D W83972D greatek W83791SD W55FXX W83791SG W83791D
    Text: W83791SD/ W83791SG WINBOND H/W MONITORING IC -I- Publication Release Date: January 18, 2005 Revision 1.1 W83791SD/W83791SG Revision History PAGES DATES 1 n.a. 2 n.a. 01/Jan 3 n.a. 4 n.a. VERSION VERSION ON WEB MAIN CONTENTS n.a. All version before 0.50 are for internal use.

    W83791SD/ W83791SG W83791SD/W83791SG 01/Jan 02/Apr 05/Jan NPN transistor 8050d 8050d transistor he 8050d 8050D W83972D greatek W83791SD W55FXX W83791SG W83791D PDF

    he 8050d

    Abstract: c 8050d 8050d transistor c8050d W55FXX w55f108 greatek W83972D
    Text: W83791SD/ W83791SG WINBOND H/W MONITORING IC -I- Publication Release Date: April 14, 2005 Revision 2.0 W83791SD/W83791SG Table of Contents1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION . 1

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    smd transistor SY

    Abstract: smd transistor 2300 sy 171 WU-M-359-SO TRANSISTOR SMD 2300 4959 diode sy 104 diode sy 171 Vossloh-Schwabe transistor 359 A k
    Text: A New Lighting Experience • extrem biegbares Linienmodul mit SMD-LEDs • in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich • geringe Einbauhöhe LEDLine Flex SMD High Brightness WU-M-359 • minimale Wärmeentwicklung • selbstklebende Rückseite • bleifrei gelötet

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    smd transistor LY

    Abstract: BUK206-50X SOT426 BUK202-50X
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors TOPFET high side switch SMD version of BUK202-50X DESCRIPTION QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYM BOL PARAMETER II Nominal load current ISO SYM BOL PARAMETER Monolithic temperature and overload protected power switch based on MOSFET technology in a

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    Abstract: lg smd transistor
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification TOPFET high side switch SMD version of BUK202-50Y BUK206-50Y For maintenance only. Do not use for design-in. DESCRIPTION QUICK REFERENCE DATA Monolithic temperature and overload protected power switch based on MOSFET technology in a

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    BUK202-50Y BUK206-50Y TRANSISTOR SMD 613 lg smd transistor PDF

    smd transistor bq

    Abstract: smd transistor H F BQ 20 smd transistor buk202-50y
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification TOPFET high side switch SMD version of BUK202-50Y QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYMBOL PARAMETER •l Nominal load current ISO SYMBOL PARAMETER APPLICATIONS Continuous off-state supply voltage Continuous load current Continuous junction temperature

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    BUK202-50Y BUK206-50Y smd transistor bq smd transistor H F BQ 20 smd transistor buk202-50y PDF

    SMD diode sg 46

    Abstract: BUK201-50X BUK205-50X TOPFET high side switch 5 PIN
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors TOPFET high side switch SMD version of BUK201-50X DESCRIPTION QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYM BOL PARAMETER II Nominal load current ISO SYM BOL PARAMETER Monolithic temperature and overload protected power switch based on MOSFET technology in a

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    BUK205-50X BUK201-50X wiBUK205-50X OT426 SMD diode sg 46 BUK201-50X BUK205-50X TOPFET high side switch 5 PIN PDF


    Abstract: BUK201-50Y buk201
    Text: This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer Product specification Philips Semiconductors TOPFET high side switch SMD version of BUK201-50Y BUK205-50Y LIMITING VALUES Limiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System I EC 134 SYMBOL

    OCR Scan
    BUK201-50Y BUK205-50Y OT426 BUK205-50Y BUK201-50Y buk201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG1524B/SG2524B/SG3524B SILICON REGULATING PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR LINEAR IN TEGR ATED C IRCUITS D E S C R IP T IO N FEATURES The SG1524B is a pulse width modulator for switching power supplies which features improved performance over industry standards like the

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    SG1524B/SG2524B/SG3524B SG1524B SG1524. 20-PIN SG1524BL/883B SG1524BL PDF


    Abstract: 100-P BUK200-50Y SMD RNA
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors TOPFET high side switch SMD version of BUK200-50Y DESCRIPTION Monolithic temperature and overload protected power switch based on MOSFET technology in a 5 pin plastic surface mount envelope, configured as a single

    OCR Scan
    BUK204-50Y BUK200-50Y OT426 BUK204-50Y 100-P BUK200-50Y SMD RNA PDF

    transistor smd JR

    Abstract: BUK201-50Y SMD W3E 205-50Y
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification TOPFET high side switch SMD version of BUK201-50Y BUK205-50Y For maintenance only. Do not use for design-in. DESCRIPTION Monolithic temperature and overload protected power switch based on MOSFET technology in a

    OCR Scan
    BUK201-50Y BUK205-50Y transistor smd JR BUK201-50Y SMD W3E 205-50Y PDF

    smd transistor kn

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD KN transistor SMD 624
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification TOPFET high side switch SMD version of BUK203-50Y BUK207-50Y For maintenance only. Do not use for design-in. DESCRIPTION QUICK REFERENCE DATA Monolithic temperature and overload protected power switch based on MOSFET technology in a

    OCR Scan
    BUK203-50Y BUK207-50Y smd transistor kn TRANSISTOR SMD KN transistor SMD 624 PDF


    Abstract: 2700ic
    Text: SG1524B/SG2524B/SG3524B SILICON GENERAL REGULATING PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR LINEAR IN TEG R ATED CIRCUITS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG1524B is a pulse width modulator for switching power supplies which features improved performance over industry standards like the

    OCR Scan
    SG1524B/SG2524B/SG3524B 100Hz 400KHz 100mA SG1524B SG1524. 20-PIN SG1524BL/883B SG1524BL 3524B 2700ic PDF