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    Abstract: MC33186DH1 sf transistor 8A SF diode MC33186 motorola automotive transistor MC33186 application note
    Text: MOTOROLA MC33186 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Automotive H-Bridge Driver Datasheet SILICON MONOLITHIC INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Automotive H-Bridge Driver ¥ Operating Supply Voltage 5V to 28V ¥ Overvoltage Protection against Transients up to 40V at Vbat ¥ RDSon = 150mW for each Output Transistor at 25°C

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    A 720 transistor

    Abstract: MGW12N120D
    Text: MOTOROLA -SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance information DataSheet MGW12N120D Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Anti-Parallel Diode N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate This high voltage Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor IGBT is co-packaged with a

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    "A 6N137"

    Abstract: 6N137 A6N137 a 6n137 MC7805ACK motorola opto optocoupler Iso1 6N137 opto motorola transistor 912 68HC908
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Note AN2342/D Rev. 0, 9/2002 Opto Isolation Circuits For In Circuit Debugging of 68HC9 S 12 and 68HC908 Microcontrollers by John Logan Systems Engineering Motorola, East Kilbride Introduction

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    Abstract: MPF102 JFET MPF102 equivalent transistor MPF102 Transistor MPF102 JFET data sheet 2N3797 2N3797 equivalent mpf102 fet mpf102 equivalent P channel 2N4221 motorola
    Text: Order this document by AN211A/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN211A FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE INTRODUCTION There are two types of field-effect transistors, the Junction Field-Effect Transistor JFET and the “Metal-Oxide

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    Abstract: MPF102 equivalent transistor MPF102 JFET mpf102 fet 2N3797 equivalent 2N4221 motorola MPF102 Transistor mpf102 application note P-Channel Depletion Mode FET JFET TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE
    Text: Order this document by AN211A/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN211A FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE INTRODUCTION There are two types of field-effect transistors, the Junction Field-Effect Transistor JFET and the “Metal-Oxide

    AN211A/D AN211A 2N3797 MPF102 equivalent transistor MPF102 JFET mpf102 fet 2N3797 equivalent 2N4221 motorola MPF102 Transistor mpf102 application note P-Channel Depletion Mode FET JFET TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: . - MOTOROLA m~EMlcoNDu~ToR TECHNICAL DATA Advanceinformation DataSheet Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with Anti-Parallel Diode N-Channel Enhancement-Mode MGY25N120D Silicon Gate This high voltage Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor lGB~ is co-packaged with a

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    MPF102 JFET

    Abstract: motorola AN211A 2N3797 MPF102 Transistor 2N4221 MOTOROLA POWER TRANSISTOR 2N4221 motorola JFET with Yos MPF102 circuit application 2N4351 MOTOROLA igfet
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by AN211A/D SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN211A NOTE: The theory in this application note is still applicable, but some of the products referenced may be discontinued. Field Effect Transistors in Theory

    AN211A/D AN211A MPF102 JFET motorola AN211A 2N3797 MPF102 Transistor 2N4221 MOTOROLA POWER TRANSISTOR 2N4221 motorola JFET with Yos MPF102 circuit application 2N4351 MOTOROLA igfet PDF

    "A 6N137"

    Abstract: 6N137 A6N137 6N137 opto a 6n137 68HC908 M68HC908AZ60A circuit debugging opto isolation application note MC7805ACK
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AN2342/D Rev. 0, 9/2002 Opto Isolation Circuits For In Circuit Debugging of 68HC9 S 12 and 68HC908 Microcontrollers by John Logan Systems Engineering Freescale, East Kilbride Introduction Motorola’s HC08 and HC12 MCUs are widely used in ac line powered

    AN2342/D 68HC9 68HC908 "A 6N137" 6N137 A6N137 6N137 opto a 6n137 68HC908 M68HC908AZ60A circuit debugging opto isolation application note MC7805ACK PDF


    Abstract: B37872-K1104-K62 B37941-K0103-K60 GV60 TLE6387GV50 DO3316P-473 TLE6387GV60 AN 6387 BSP296 epcos 336 16v
    Text: Step-Down DC/DC Controller for external N-MOSFETs TLE 6387 G Target Datasheet Features • Input voltage range up to 60V • Fixed output voltages: 5V at version GV50 and 5.8V at version GV60 • Integrated output voltage supervision with over- and undervoltage reset only at version GV50

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    MOS Controlled Thyristor

    Abstract: GTO thyristor 5A, 400V ED-26 diode Pelly AN75 AN-7504 MOS-Gated Transistors MOS-Gated Thyristor ED26 diode
    Text: The IGBTs - A New High Conductance MOS-Gated Device Application Note Abstract /Title AN75 4 Subect The GBTs A ew i h onucance OSated evice Autho ) Keyords Fairhild orpoation, emionuctor, Cretor () DOCI FO dfark Page- May 1992 AN-7504 ALUMINUM A new MOS gate-controlled power switch with a very low onresistance is described. The fabrication process is similar to

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    applications of mos controlled thyristor

    Abstract: MOS Controlled Thyristor Semiconductor Power AN-7504 mosfet controlled thyristor mos Turn-off Thyristor P channel 600v 20a IGBT ED26 diode Pelly 10A fast Gate Turn-off Thyristor transistor Ia 15 rca
    Text: The IGBTs - A New High Conductance MOS-Gated Device Application Note Abstract Title N86 bt he BTs w gh ncce OSted vice utho eyrds terrpoon, minctor, er OCI O frk geode May 1992 ALUMINUM A new MOS gate-controlled power switch with a very low onresistance is described. The fabrication process is similar to


    transistor bt 808

    Abstract: "General Electric SCR Manual" 6th BT thyristor 808 General Electric SCR Manual 6th edition IBJT General Electric SCR components Data Manual TA84-5 AN918 MOTOROLA Severns 7402N
    Text: Parallel Operation Of Insulated Gate Transistors Application Note bt raleran Of ued te antors utho eyrds ter- C IMOS rpoon, minctor, ache ergy ted, itch wer pes, wer itch - RMOD g + VBE ITOT + VCE - - + VDS IBJT ITOT = IMOS + IBJT IBJT = βBJTIMOS VBE + IMOSRMOD = VDS



    Abstract: "General Electric SCR Manual" 6th 7512 low drop ic General Electric Semiconductor General Electric SCR Manual 6th edition Rudy Severns gto 5A 500V TA84-5 AN918 Paralleling Power MOSFETs in Switching Applications D50026
    Text: Parallel Operation Of Insulated Gate Transistors Application Note C IMOS RMOD g + VBE ITOT + VCE - - + VDS IBJT ITOT = IMOS + IBJT IBJT = βBJTIMOS VBE + IMOSRMOD = VDS e FIGURE 1. N-CHANNEL IGT TRANSISTOR STEADY STATE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT To understand the unusual behavior of its temperature coefficient, negative at low current, almost zero at normal current,



    Abstract: AN-IPS-01 230v 5v 2A 10W schematic 2N60 MOSFET SMPS 314 OPTO 8 PINS transistor F 22 fqpf IPS15HC motorola mosfet AN-IPS02 flyback transformer tv
    Text: Synchronizable Flyback Controller IPS16 Preliminary Datasheet Rev. 2 IN-PLUG series Low Cost, High Efficiency, Low Power Synchronizable Flyback Controller IPS16 PRELIMINARY DATASHEET REV2 INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION The IN-PLUG® IPS16 has been designed for low-cost,

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    Abstract: Dual opto coupler IC MOC3023-M 4N26-M MOC306 MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11AA4M 4N32M MOC8050M MOC223M
    Text: Transistor Output These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon phototransistor detector, in a surface mountable, small outline, plastic package. They are ideally suited for high density applications, and eliminate the need for through–the–board mounting.

    MOC211, MOCC215-M MOC223-M MOC3011-M MOC3021-M MOC3031-M MOC3041-M MOC3051-M MOC3062-M MOC3081-M H11D1M Dual opto coupler IC MOC3023-M 4N26-M MOC306 MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11AA4M 4N32M MOC8050M MOC223M PDF

    Opto Coupler 4N36

    Abstract: MOC207R1-M MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11D1M E90700 motorola 4N35 opto - coupler MOC206 "cross reference" Surface wave coupler 4N33 "cross reference" MOC205-M
    Text: Transistor Output These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon phototransistor detector, in a surface mountable, small outline, plastic package. They are ideally suited for high density applications, and eliminate the need for through–the–board mounting.

    MOC205, E90700, MOC205-M Opto Coupler 4N36 MOC207R1-M MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11D1M E90700 motorola 4N35 opto - coupler MOC206 "cross reference" Surface wave coupler 4N33 "cross reference" PDF

    EE ferrite

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IN-PLUG IPS1 5 Datasheet – Rev.12 - Low cost, High Efficiency, Low Power off-line Switcher IN-PLUG® series: IPS1 5 Low Cost, High Efficiency, Low Power Enhanced Off-line Switcher – REVISION 12 INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION The IN-PLUG® IPS15 is an enhanced off-line

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    Siliconix Handbook

    Abstract: General Electric SCR Manual 6th edition "General Electric SCR Manual" 6th AN918 MOTOROLA Rudy Severns TA84-5 AN918 Paralleling Power MOSFETs in Switching Applications Severns SCR Manual paralleling mosfet
    Text: Parallel Operation Of Semiconductor Switches Application Note /Title AN75 3 Subect Paralel peraion Of emionuctor witch ) Autho ) Keyords Interil orpoation, emionuctor, vaanche nergy ated, witch ng ower uplie , ower witch ng June 1993 In uninterruptable power supplies demands for current handling capability to meet load current In uninterruptable power


    ASIC R2

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IN-PLUG IPS15 Datasheet – Rev.12 - Low cost, High Efficiency, Low Power off-line Switcher IN-PLUG® series: IPS15 Low Cost, High Efficiency, Low Power Enhanced Off-line Switcher – REVISION 12 INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION The IN-PLUG® IPS15 is an enhanced off-line

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    motorola 7513

    Abstract: "General Electric SCR Manual" 6th SCR Handbook, General electric General Electric SCR Manual 6th edition AN918 MOTOROLA AN918 Paralleling Power MOSFETs in Switching Applications Analog/NTP 7513 Parallel operation mosfet Severns TA84-5
    Text: Parallel Operation Of Semiconductor Switches Application Note Title N93 bt raleran Of minctor itch utho eyrds terrpoon, minctor, ache ergy ted, itch wer pes, wer itch June 1993 Figure 1 . The dynamic area is only a fraction of the total waveform, but it is by far the most important when it comes


    MPSU10 equivalent

    Abstract: MPSU10 MPS-U10 CEN-U10 "Silicon Power Transistor"
    Text: Datasheet CEN-U10 W Q lH a U l Semiconductor Corp. NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR 145 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: 631 435-1110 • Fax: (631) 435-1824 JEDEC TO-202 CASE (EBC) Manufacturers of World Class Discrete Semiconductors DESCRIPTION The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CEN-U10 type is a NPN Silicon Power Transistor designed for high voltage

    OCR Scan
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA O rder this docum ent by M TP33N10E/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA D esigner’s Data Sheet MTP33N10E T M O S E-FET™ P o w e r F ield E ffe c t T ra n s is to r Motorola Preferred Device N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate This advanced TMOS E-FET is designed to withstand high

    OCR Scan
    TP33N10E/D MTP33N10E MTP33N10E/D PDF


    Abstract: TD2955V
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MTD2955V/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Designer’s Data Sheet MTD2955V TMOS V™ Power Field Effect Transistor DPAK for Surface Mount TMOS POWER FET 12 AMPERES 60 VOLTS RDS on = 0.200 OHM P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon vaaie

    OCR Scan
    MTD2955V/D 2955V TD2955V PDF


    Abstract: Nippon capacitors A1 GNC 318J
    Text: Order this document by MC33263/D MOTOROLA Advance Information U ltra Low Noise ISO mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulator w ith ON/OFF Control Housed in a SOT23-L package, the MC33263 delivers up to 150 mA where it exhibits a typical 180 mV dropout. With an incredible noise level of

    OCR Scan
    MC33263/D OT23-L MC33263 C33263D 318J-01 Nippon capacitors A1 GNC 318J PDF