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    TRANSISTOR AL FM Search Results

    TRANSISTOR AL FM Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22V / tf=120ns Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27V / tf=60ns Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XPQR8308QB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 80 V, 350 A, 0.00083 Ω@10V, L-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XPQ1R00AQB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 100 V, 300 A, 0.00103 Ω@10V, L-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TK190U65Z Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 650 V, 15 A, 0.19 Ohm@10V, TOLL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR AL FM Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: UMW5N FMW5 T148 T148 T149 e26w npn transistor w5 7626 transistor
    Text: h7 > y UMW5N/FMW5 £ /Transistors UMW5N FMW5 ;i/ K h 7 > y * £ / D u a l M ini-Mold Transistor NPN Epitaxial Planar NPN Silicon Transistor — / Gener al Sm all S ig n al Am p. • W K ^siS /D im en sio n s Unit: mm 1) “ i- J U 2m<n h - ^ v ^ S r t S t U T i - ' S o

    OCR Scan
    g10mV. S10mV. FMW5 UMW5N FMW5 T148 T148 T149 e26w npn transistor w5 7626 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 150 R 12 KL Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties 0,055 Rthjc DC, pro Baustein / per module DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,11 0,03 pro Baustein / per module 0,06 pro Baustein / per module

    OCR Scan
    R1200 FFrtOR12COKFf> 34032T? D002D45 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 150 R 12 KL Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties 0,055 Rthjc DC, pro Baustein / per module DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,11 0,03 pro Baustein / per module 0,06 pro Baustein / per module

    OCR Scan
    R1200 FFrtOR12COKFf> 34032T? D002D45 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 50 R 12 KL Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte VcES Maximum rated values Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties 0,155 "C/W Rthjc DC, pro Baustein / per module C/W DC, pro Baustein / per module

    OCR Scan
    10-2I-- PDF

    kl2 t1 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 50 R 12 KL Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte VcES Maximum rated values Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties 0,155 "C/W Rthjc DC, pro Baustein / per module C/W DC, pro Baustein / per module

    OCR Scan
    10-2I-- kl2 t1 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 300 R 06 KF 2 Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties 0,05 DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,10 DC, pro Zweig / per arm pro Baustein / per module 0,03 RthCK 0,06 pro Zweig / per arm Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties

    OCR Scan
    3403HT7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 200 R 06 KF 2 Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,08 DC, pro Zweig / per arm 0,16 pro B au stein / per module 0,03 RthCK pro Zweig / per arm 0,06 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties

    OCR Scan
    FF500 PDF

    44t transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FS 15 R 06 KFS Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige W erte V ces Maximum rated values 600 V 15 A lc Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties DC, pro Baustein / per module 2,27 ~*thJC DC, pro Zweig / per arm

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 100 R 12 KF Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties Rthjc DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,075 DC, pro Z w e ig / per arm 0,15 RthCK pro Baustein / per module 0,04 pro Zweig / per arm 0,08 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties

    OCR Scan
    R1200KF PDF

    transistor KF

    Abstract: diode 182
    Text: FF 100 R 12 KF Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties Rthjc DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,075 DC, pro Z w e ig / per arm 0,15 RthCK pro Baustein / per module 0,04 pro Zweig / per arm 0,08 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties

    OCR Scan
    R1200KF transistor KF diode 182 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 200 R 12 KF 2 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Hochstzulässige W erte Maximum rated values V ces Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties DC, pro Baustein / per module 0 ,0 4 8 R th J C DC, pro Zweig / per arm

    OCR Scan
    R1300 FFM0R12KF2 12SPC, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FS 100 R 06 KF 3 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties VcES Maximum rated values 600 V 100 A lc Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties 0,047 :'C /W Rthjc DC, pro Baustein / per module DC, pro Zweig / per arm 0,280 C/W

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 25 R 12 KF Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties Rthjc DC, pro B austein/p e r module 0,25 0,5 DC, pro Zweig / per arm 0,06 RthCK pro Baustein /p e r module 0,12 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties H öchstzulässige W erte

    OCR Scan
    34D32CI7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 200 R 12 KF Therm al properties Therm ische Eigenschaften 0,044 C/W DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,088 C/W DC, pro Zweig / per arm 0,03 °C/W pro Baustein / per module 0,06 °C/W pro Zweig / per arm Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 50 R 06 KF 2 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige W erte Maximum rated values 600 V c es Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,25 R th J C 0,50 DC, pro Zweig / per arm

    OCR Scan
    3M035T7 PDF

    vqe 23 c

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 200 R 12 KF Therm al properties Therm ische Eigenschaften 0,044 C/W DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,088 C/W DC, pro Zweig / per arm 0,03 °C/W pro Baustein / per module 0,06 °C/W pro Zweig / per arm Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: FF200R06KF2 FF200R06KF FF500 15fis Scans-0031044 FF200R06
    Text: FF 200 R 06 KF 2 Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,08 0,16 DC, pro Zweig / per arm 0,03 pro B a u ste in /p e r module 0,06 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties V CES Maximum rated values

    OCR Scan
    00R600 FF20DN FF500 ODD1173 FF200R06KF2 FF200R06KF 15fis Scans-0031044 FF200R06 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 200 R 06 KF 3 Transistor Transistor Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties 0,07 DC, pro Baustein / per moduie RthJC 0,14 DC, pro Z w e ig /p e r arm 0,03 pro Baustein / per moduie RthCK 0,06 pro Zweig / per arm Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties

    OCR Scan
    FF2MR06KF3. PDF

    kf 202 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 100 R 06 KF 3 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige W erte V qes Maximum rated values 600 V 100 A le Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,140 °C/W 0,280 C/W DC, pro Zweig / per arm

    OCR Scan
    12EFC, kf 202 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FS 50 R 06 KF 2 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige W erte Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties Rjhjc DC, pro B a u ste in /p e r module 0,084 °C/W DC, pro Zweig / per arm 0,5 °C/W Maximum rated values

    OCR Scan
    3M032< 25CC PDF


    Abstract: n50t
    Text: FZ 400 R 06 KF 2 Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties Ftthjc DC, pro B a u ste in /p e rm o d u le 0,089 °C/W Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties 0,03 pro Baustein / per module °C/W Maximum rated values VcE S 600

    OCR Scan

    transistor 184

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FS 100 R 06 KF 2 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften 1E lectrical properties Hochstzulässige W erte V ces Maximum rated values 600 V 100 A Ic Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,052 R th J C DC, pro Zweig / per arm

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FF 100 R 12 KF 2 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties 0,095 3C/W Rthjc DC, pro Baustein / per module 0,19 DC/W DC, pro Zweig / per arm 0,04 C/W RthCK pro B a u ste in /p e r module

    OCR Scan
    FF100R12KF2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FS 25 R 12 KF 2 Transistor Transistor Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Hochstzulässige W erte Maximum rated values V Therm ische Eigenschaften Therm al properties Rtwc DC, pro B a u ste in /p e r module 0,104 °C/W DC, pro Z w e ig /p e r arm

    OCR Scan