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    TRANSFORMER ETD44 Search Results

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    WB1040-SML Coilcraft Inc Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc
    AS8426-A Coilcraft Inc Telecom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    B0727-B Coilcraft Inc Telecom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    AS8954-A Coilcraft Inc Telecom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc
    CR7984-CLD Coilcraft Inc Datacom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc

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    Abstract: 3307-T087 etd44 ETD4435 1800Vrms
    Text: General Power Transformer <Pin Type: ETD Series> Type: ETD4435 ◆ Product Description ・45.2x45.2mm Max. L×W , 36.4mm Max. Height. ・In addition to the typical versions of parameters shown here, custom designs are available to meet your exact requirements.

    ETD4435 500kHz 500kHz) 50/60Hz) 3307-T087 1800Vrms/1min. 30709 3307-T087 etd44 ETD4435 1800Vrms PDF


    Abstract: TDA16837 12 pin flyback transformer PHILIPS philips flyback transformer 14 pin flyback transformer philips TOP248Y ETD44 myrra 74070 Diodes S4
    Text: FLYBACK TRANSFORMER • • • • • • SIZE ETD44 • 4 OUTPUTS : 5+12 / 5+12v Primary / Secondary Insulation ≥ 4000V Primary / Auxiliary Insulation ≥ 1500V Creepage distance Primary / Secondary ≥ 8mm Ambient temperature < 50°C Construction conforms to IEC950, IEC335, IEC61558 for reinforced insulation

    ETD44 IEC950, IEC335, IEC61558 UL94-V0 132kHz 265Vrms OP249Y OP248Y TOP249Y TDA16837 12 pin flyback transformer PHILIPS philips flyback transformer 14 pin flyback transformer philips TOP248Y ETD44 myrra 74070 Diodes S4 PDF

    Self-Oscillating Flyback Converters

    Abstract: TV flyback transformer EC35 TRANSFORMER POT3019 EF25 TRANSFORMER EE25 transformer HIGH FREQUENCY Transformer ee19 Self Oscillating Flyback Converters flyback transformer tv Transformer ee19
    Text: Power Transformers OFF-LINE Switch Mode APPLICATION NOTES Converter circuit as a function of S.M.P.S. output voltage Vo and output power (Po) S . M . P . S . Transformers 102 Power Transformers OFF-LINE Switch Mode APPLICATION NOTES Power throughput of different transformer types

    100KHz EFD12 EFD15 EFD20 EFD25 EFD30 EPC13 EPC17 EPC19 EPC25 Self-Oscillating Flyback Converters TV flyback transformer EC35 TRANSFORMER POT3019 EF25 TRANSFORMER EE25 transformer HIGH FREQUENCY Transformer ee19 Self Oscillating Flyback Converters flyback transformer tv Transformer ee19 PDF


    Abstract: 50CS400 transformer ETD34 design CORE N67 ETD49 E55 ferrite core FERRITE TRANSFORMER etd34 EI114 transformer e19 smd transistor e42 ferrite core Etd44
    Text: Tianjin Huigao Magnetics Co., Ltd 6# Taishan Rd. Hexi District. Tianjin China Tel: +86 22 28250366 Fax:+86 22 28306117 High Frequency Transformers Ferrite Core The selection of the ferrite core type for a specific transformer depends on the design parameters and

    P11/7; P14/8 EFD15 ETD29; EFD20 ETD34; EFD25 ETD39; E19 CORE TRANSFORMER 50CS400 transformer ETD34 design CORE N67 ETD49 E55 ferrite core FERRITE TRANSFORMER etd34 EI114 transformer e19 smd transistor e42 ferrite core Etd44 PDF

    50354 transformer

    Abstract: Class 130(B) transformer high frequency transformer ETD44 bobbin 50354 9001A ETD44 synthite ac 43 Transformer 0.1V ETDE4VTF-50354
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY TRANSFORMER ETDE4VTF-50354 1. CONFIGURATION & DIMENSIONS : B F C A 1 9 9 10 H E 9 18 10 D 1 A B Unit:m/m C D E F H 47.00 Max. 36.00 Max. 54.00 Max. 27.30±0.30 5.00±0.30 4.50±0.50 Ø1.00 Ref. 2. SCHEMATIC : 1.2 18 4.5 17.16 15 13 11.12 10

    ETDE4VTF-50354 ETD44 TW-300 001A/B AC-43 2200uH 50354 transformer Class 130(B) transformer high frequency transformer ETD44 bobbin 50354 9001A ETD44 synthite ac 43 Transformer 0.1V ETDE4VTF-50354 PDF

    synthite ac 43

    Abstract: transformer ETD44 Class 130(B) transformer high frequency transformer ETD44 Transformer 0.1V ETDE4HTF-50773 ETD44 bobbin ETD44 S
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY TRANSFORMER ETDE4HTF-50773 1. CONFIGURATION & DIMENSIONS : B C A 9 9 10 F 1 H E 9 18 10 D 1 Unit:m/m A B C D E F H 51.00 Max. 53.00 Max. 43.00 Max. 35.60±0.50 5.00±0.20 3.30±0.50 Ø1.00 Ref. 2. SCHEMATIC : 6 16 7 17 8 12 9 15 4 13.14 3 10.11

    ETDE4HTF-50773 ETD44 TW-300 ETD44re AC-43 250uH synthite ac 43 transformer ETD44 Class 130(B) transformer high frequency transformer ETD44 Transformer 0.1V ETDE4HTF-50773 ETD44 bobbin ETD44 S PDF

    1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram

    Abstract: 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram smps 500w half bridge SCHEMATIC 1000w Power Semiconductor Applications Philips Semiconductors SCHEMATIC 1000w smps smps circuit diagram 48V SMPS 1000w "Power Semiconductor Applications" Philips BU2508 Transistor 500w SINE WAVE inverter schematic diagram smps 1kW
    Text: S.M.P.S. Power Semiconductor Applications Philips Semiconductors CHAPTER 2 Switched Mode Power Supplies 2.1 Using Power Semiconductors in Switched Mode Topologies including transistor selection guides 2.2 Output Rectification 2.3 Design Examples 2.4 Magnetics Design


    smd transistor e42

    Abstract: smd diode 3s4 SMD IC 3H3 ferroxcube 3E1 3R1 toroid push-pull converter design etd49 3R1 ferrite etd39 core type smps transformer design soft ferrite handbook
    Text: Ferroxcube Soft Ferrites Applications APPLICATIONS Material requirements: Introduction • Low losses • Defined temperature factor to compensate temperature drift of capacitor Soft ferrite cores are used wherever effective coupling between an electric current and a magnetic flux is

    MBW422 smd transistor e42 smd diode 3s4 SMD IC 3H3 ferroxcube 3E1 3R1 toroid push-pull converter design etd49 3R1 ferrite etd39 core type smps transformer design soft ferrite handbook PDF

    3C80 ferrite

    Abstract: philips 3h1 ferrite material 3c80 material Philips Components, Soft Ferrites Data Handbook M PHILIPS toroidal core 3c90 3h1 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 4a11 philips 3C85 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 3c85 PHILIPS ferrite transformer cores
    Text: MAIN MAIN MENU MENU APPLICATIONS Philips Components Soft ferrites Applications APPLICATIONS INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION Introduction Unwanted high frequency signals are blocked, wanted signals can pass. With the increasing use of electronic equipment it is of vital importance to suppress interfering

    MBW422 3C80 ferrite philips 3h1 ferrite material 3c80 material Philips Components, Soft Ferrites Data Handbook M PHILIPS toroidal core 3c90 3h1 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 4a11 philips 3C85 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 3c85 PHILIPS ferrite transformer cores PDF

    0-9v 500ma transformer

    Abstract: EI30 transformer transformer 230v ac SIM300 RoHS BABT CR 0090 230v to 6v step down transformer transformers 321 464 SIM300 step down transformer 6-0-6 200mA Fuse 187mA 250v
    Text: 2541 Technical portal and online community for Design Engineers - Transformers Audio Frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clamp Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    element-14 0-9v 500ma transformer EI30 transformer transformer 230v ac SIM300 RoHS BABT CR 0090 230v to 6v step down transformer transformers 321 464 SIM300 step down transformer 6-0-6 200mA Fuse 187mA 250v PDF

    3c85 transformer

    Abstract: mains monitor 4n35 3c85 transformer smps bridge 12v 50 A battery charger smps schematic 90w flyback l6561 flyback pfc led 220 ac to 24 dc SMPS charger circuit diagram 40W AC-DC Adapter circuit L6561 AN966 smps L6561
    Text: AN1060 APPLICATION NOTE FLYBACK CONVERTERS WITH THE L6561 PFC CONTROLLER by C. Adragna & G. Gattavari The L6561, controller specifically designed for Power Factor Correction PFC circuits, may be successfully used in flyback converters as well. The excellent performance of the device, along with its characteristics in terms of low current consumption, makes L6561-based flyback converters really attractive in medium-low power applications.

    AN1060 L6561 L6561, L6561-based 3c85 transformer mains monitor 4n35 3c85 transformer smps bridge 12v 50 A battery charger smps schematic 90w flyback l6561 flyback pfc led 220 ac to 24 dc SMPS charger circuit diagram 40W AC-DC Adapter circuit L6561 AN966 smps L6561 PDF

    l6561 flyback pfc led

    Abstract: smps lead acid battery charger schematic stP3NB60FP equivalent 3c85 transformer smps L6561 L6561 AN966 90w flyback OPTO tl431 L6561 application note flyback converter 2A 15V
    Text: AN1060 APPLICATION NOTE FLYBACK CONVERTERS WITH THE L6561 PFC CONTROLLER by C. Adragna & G. Gattavari The L6561, controller specifically designed for Power Factor Correction PFC circuits, may be successfully used in flyback converters as well. The excellent performance of the device, along with its characteristics in terms of low current consumption, makes L6561-based flyback converters really attractive in medium-low power applications.

    AN1060 L6561 L6561, L6561-based l6561 flyback pfc led smps lead acid battery charger schematic stP3NB60FP equivalent 3c85 transformer smps L6561 L6561 AN966 90w flyback OPTO tl431 L6561 application note flyback converter 2A 15V PDF

    smps lead acid battery charger schematic

    Abstract: P4NA60 l6561 flyback pfc led smps lead acid battery charger 12v 50 A battery charger smps schematic Design equations of high-power-factor flyback flyback converter 2A 15V smps 12v,1 amps L6561 application note 90w flyback
    Text: AN1060 APPLICATION NOTE  FLYBACK CONVERTERS WITH THE L6561 PFC CONTROLLER by C. Adragna & G. Gattavari The L6561, controller specifically designed for Power Factor Correction PFC circuits, may be successfully used in flyback converters as well. The excellent performance of the device, along with its characteristics in terms of low current consumption, makes L6561-based flyback converters really attractive in medium-low power applications.

    AN1060 L6561 L6561, L6561-based smps lead acid battery charger schematic P4NA60 l6561 flyback pfc led smps lead acid battery charger 12v 50 A battery charger smps schematic Design equations of high-power-factor flyback flyback converter 2A 15V smps 12v,1 amps L6561 application note 90w flyback PDF

    l6561 flyback pfc led

    Abstract: 12v 50 A battery charger smps schematic uc3843a ac adapter 40W AC-DC Adapter circuit 220 ac to 24 dc SMPS charger circuit diagram l6561 flyback pfc smps isolated 12v output 90w L6561 application note l6561 flyback pfc ac to dc l6561
    Text: AN1060 APPLICATION NOTE  FLYBACK CONVERTERS WITH THE L6561 PFC CONTROLLER by C. Adragna & G. Gattavari The L6561, controller specifically designed for Power Factor Correction PFC circuits, may be successfully used in flyback converters as well. The excellent performance of the device, along with its characteristics in terms of low current consumption, makes L6561-based flyback converters really attractive in medium-low power applications.

    AN1060 L6561 L6561, L6561-based l6561 flyback pfc led 12v 50 A battery charger smps schematic uc3843a ac adapter 40W AC-DC Adapter circuit 220 ac to 24 dc SMPS charger circuit diagram l6561 flyback pfc smps isolated 12v output 90w L6561 application note l6561 flyback pfc ac to dc PDF

    ups transformer winding formula

    Abstract: ups PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram schematic diagram UPS numeric digital 600 plus schematic diagram online UPS schematic diagram of double conversion online UPS smd diode ae c604 d1n4149 dc-ac inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram UC3843 lead acid battery charger application note 3 phase ups PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram
    Text: Single Phase On-Line UPS Using MC9S12E128 Designer Reference Manual HCS12 Microcontrollers DRM064 Rev. 0 09/2004 Single Phase On-Line UPS Using MC9S12E128 Designer Reference Manual by: Ivan Feno, Pavel Grasblum and Petr Stekl Freescale Semiconductor Czech System Laboratories

    MC9S12E128 HCS12 DRM064 ups transformer winding formula ups PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram schematic diagram UPS numeric digital 600 plus schematic diagram online UPS schematic diagram of double conversion online UPS smd diode ae c604 d1n4149 dc-ac inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram UC3843 lead acid battery charger application note 3 phase ups PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram PDF

    EC35 Siemens ferrite core

    Abstract: Siemens Ferrite n67 CORE N67 ETD49 etd59 siemens Siemens Ferrite n67 RM ETD29 siemens Transformer N41 250 CORE N87 ETD44 ETD ferrite core push-pull transformer construction E28 ferrite
    Text: Application Notes 1 Cores for filter applications 1.1 Gapped cores for filter/resonant circuits Basic requirements: L C ● low tan δ ● close tolerance for AL value ● close tolerance for temperature coefficient ● low disaccommodation factor DF ● wide adjustment range

    im10/7 EC35 Siemens ferrite core Siemens Ferrite n67 CORE N67 ETD49 etd59 siemens Siemens Ferrite n67 RM ETD29 siemens Transformer N41 250 CORE N87 ETD44 ETD ferrite core push-pull transformer construction E28 ferrite PDF

    FAN7601 equivalent

    Abstract: FAN7601 lem norma 3000 fairchild 600W buck FAN7601N lem norma 4000 220uF 450v 8 pin IC fan7601 FCP11N60 600w power amplifier PCB layout
    Text: Prototype Report AC/DC Converter Power Supply using FAN7601 Fairchild PWM Controller and FCP11N60 SuperFET • AC European Input Voltage: 185VRMS 265VRMS • Total Output Power: 600W • One DC Output: 2006 Fairchild Semiconductor

    FAN7601 FCP11N60 185VRMS 265VRMS FAN7601 230VRMS. FAN7601 equivalent lem norma 3000 fairchild 600W buck FAN7601N lem norma 4000 220uF 450v 8 pin IC fan7601 600w power amplifier PCB layout PDF

    roederstein eys 07

    Abstract: ITACOIL 15v 60w smps AN1132 equivalent for BC337 90w flyback l5991 3c85 transformer smps bridge transformer itacoil L5991 equivalent
    Text: AN1132 APPLICATION NOTE  90W SMPS FOR MONITORS WITH STANDBY FUNCTION by Claudio Adragna Purpose of this note is to provide a brief summary of the specifications and the functionality of the application board implementing a 90W multioutput SMPS for monitors, based on the L5991, current

    AN1132 L5991, L5991 roederstein eys 07 ITACOIL 15v 60w smps AN1132 equivalent for BC337 90w flyback 3c85 transformer smps bridge transformer itacoil L5991 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: Transformer EER25 EER35 EER43 etd39 core type smps transformer design EER-35 etd32 EER28 EER30 EER 40 CORE DATA
    Text: EER42,ETD-core,EER-core,EER40,EER20,EER35,EER cores,EER28,EER30,EER34,EER43,EER45,EER50,ETD cores, HOME PRODUCTS PROFILE CONTACT SITEMAP p EER CORES ETD CORES Description of the “E” patterns The "E" patterns are sought that are easy to assemble, could be interleave to minimize gap effects, and would

    EER42 EER40 EER20 EER35 EER28 EER30 EER34 EER43 EER45 EER50 ETD41 Transformer EER25 etd39 core type smps transformer design EER-35 etd32 EER 40 CORE DATA PDF

    philips 3h1 ferrite material

    Abstract: ferroxcube handbook old ferrite ferroxcube Ee core 3H1 ferroxcube philips ferroxcube 4c65 ferroxcube 3E1 3h1 ferrite material philips 3f3 ferrite philips 3f3 ferrite toroid philips p14/8 3h1
    Text: PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE 2001 A Y AG E O C O M PA N Y List of contents page This Selection Guide offers an overview of the product ranges made by FERROXCUBE It contains short-form data for quick selection by development engineers and offers an overview for



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: INDUCTANCE: 1-9 260uH+/-10% @ 10KHz, 0.1V TURNS RATIO: (1-9:18-10)-9.0+/-3% 1 18 5 1.61 max 10 9 .157+/-0.02 FEATURES: Isolation: @50/60Hz, 2 SEC. WINDING TO WINDING: 2500V WINDING TO CORE: 2500V THT Style SCHEMATIC 0.039 2.01 max

    260uH 10KHz, 50/60Hz, ETD44 TMP60236CT TMD20029 ETD44 PDF

    Selection Guide

    Abstract: FERROXCUBE ferroxcube 31 toroid core SP 5001 IC INVERTER inverter ccfl SP 5001 IC INVERTER ferroxcube handbook old ferrite philips etd34 ferrite part number Rod 3B1 smooth l 7251 3.1 etd29 14 pin vertical bobbins
    Text: PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE 2003 A Y A G E O C O M P A N Y List of contents List of contents continued page page General introduction Application matrix 2 8 Power conversion and Signal processing Materials and applications Bobbins and accessories Integrated Inductive Components (IIC)



    Abstract: philips capacitor 470uF 400V 90w flyback l5991 philips capacitor 63v 10u STTA106 220uF 400V ETD44-3C85 3c85 transformer smps bridge TPS5904
    Text: AN1132 APPLICATION NOTE  90W SMPS FOR MONITORS WITH STANDBY FUNCTION by Claudio Adragna Purpose of this note is to provide a brief summary of the specifications and the functionality of the application board implementing a 90W multioutput SMPS for monitors, based on the L5991, current

    AN1132 L5991, L5991 STP7NB60FI philips capacitor 470uF 400V 90w flyback philips capacitor 63v 10u STTA106 220uF 400V ETD44-3C85 3c85 transformer smps bridge TPS5904 PDF

    T3.15A 250V

    Abstract: BYW100-100 220uF 400V 90w flyback stp7nb60fi equivalent for BC337 Philips Electrolytic Capacitor 22uf 250v 100UF 250V Philips Electrolytic Capacitor 250v smps 10w 5V
    Text: AN1132 APPLICATION NOTE 90W SMPS FOR MONITORS WITH STANDBY FUNCTION by Claudio Adragna Purpose of this note is to provide a brief summary of the specifications and the functionality of the application board implementing a 90W multioutput SMPS for monitors, based on the L5991, current

    AN1132 L5991, L5991 T3.15A 250V BYW100-100 220uF 400V 90w flyback stp7nb60fi equivalent for BC337 Philips Electrolytic Capacitor 22uf 250v 100UF 250V Philips Electrolytic Capacitor 250v smps 10w 5V PDF