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    TIC SCR Search Results

    TIC SCR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    P104 Coilcraft Inc Silicon Controlled Rectifier, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    FSASF214E2 Amphenol Communications Solutions Mini SAS, High Speed Input Output Connector, 1X2 CAGE ASSY 0 DEG NO SCR Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    CR08AS-12AET14#B10 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 0.8A - Thyristor Low Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR08AS-12AT14#B10 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 0.8A - Triac Low Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR5FM-12LB#BH0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 5A - Triac Medium Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TIC SCR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GBU6A-GBU6M Silicon Bridge Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 - 1000 V CURRENT: 6.0 A GBU Features 22.3± 0.3 Ideal for printed circuit board 3.7± 0.35 2.2± 0.2 - AC P. TY 94V-O .9 R1 Plas tic m aterrial has U/L flam m ability clas s ification + 1.9± 0.3 plas tic technique

    50mVp-p 0-400V 00-1000V PDF

    TIC 220

    Abstract: D257 D792 TIC1000A
    Text: TIC 1000A High Performance, Value Compound for High-End Computer Processors Features and Benefits • High thermal performance: 0.32°C/W TO-220 thermal test @ 50 psi • Good screenability • Room temperature storage • No post “cure” required

    O-220 D5470 TIC1000A TIC 220 D257 D792 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIC 1000A High Performance,Value Compound for High-End Computer Processors Features and Benefits T YPICAL PROPERT IES OF T IC 1000A PROPERTY Color • High thermal performance: 0.32°C/W @ 50 psi • Good screenability • Room temperature storage • No post “cure”required

    D5470 O-220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS P la s tic F ib e r O p tic T ra n s m itte r D iode P la s tic C o n n e c to r H o u s in g SFH 752 SFH 752V N o t fo r n ew d e s ig n Features • • • • 2.2 mm aperture holds standard 1000 micron plastic fiber No fiber stripping required

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    Q62702-P210 Q62702-P284 SFH752 SFH752V PDF

    Raytheon Company

    Abstract: cathode ray CK1359P radar tube cathode ray tube resolution
    Text: Tech.nical Infox*rn.a,tion TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE CK1359P-A CATHODE RAY TUBE MECHANICAL DATA The type CK1359P—A is a 16—inch e le ctro sta tic focus and magnetic deflection, cathode—ray tube suitable for radar applications. A low—voltage e le ctro sta tic focus lens is employed, designed to

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    CK1359Pâ CK1359P2A CK1359P7A CK1359P-A Raytheon Company cathode ray CK1359P radar tube cathode ray tube resolution PDF

    infrared lamp

    Abstract: Raytheon Company ge company radar tube cathode ray
    Text: Technical In.formation TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE CK1362 CATHODE RAY TUBE MECHANICAL DATA T h e typ e C K1362 is a lo w -v o lta g e e le c tro s ta tic fo c u s, m a gnetic d e fle c tio n ten in ch cath ode ray E xce p t for the phosphor screen c h a ra c te ris tic s ,

    OCR Scan
    CK1362 10WP7A CK1362 infrared lamp Raytheon Company ge company radar tube cathode ray PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1F-E92 P la s tic F iber O p tic B lu e LED D ES CR IP TIO N The IF-E92 is the bright blue LED in Industrial Fiber Optics’ family of low-cost, medium-frequency, short-distance fiber optic emitters and detectors. Each emitter and detect or consists of a PVC housing, an internal active element such

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    1F-E92 IF-E92 1000pm PDF


    Abstract: 2613-15N 2613-20F 2613-20N 2613-25F 2613-25N 2613-45F 2613-45N
    Text: DESCRIPTION FEATURES T he S ig n e tic s 2 6 1 3 is a h ig h s p e e d , 4 0 9 6 b it s ta tic ra n d o m a c c e s s m em ory. U tiliz in g th e S ig n e tic s n -ch a n n e l, s i-g a te M in i-M O S te c h ­ n o lo g y to a c h ie v e h ig h p e rfo rm a n c e a nd

    OCR Scan
    4096x 2613-15F 2613-15N 2613-20F 2613-20N 2613-25F 2613-25N 2613-45F 2613-45N PDF


    Abstract: HM6514 IM6514 IM6514CJN IM6514IJN IM6514IPN IM6514MFN IM6514MJN IM651
    Text: D IN nriraiL W ï ,-s V O ' ,.,a C* IM 6514 4 0 9 6 Bit 1 K X 4 CM OS S ta tic RAM i, # “ ' FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • • • The IM6514 is a high speed, low power CMOS S ta tic RAM organized 1024 words by 4 b ils. Input and three sta te out­

    OCR Scan
    IM6514 HM6514 IM6514IJN IM6514IPN IM6514MJN IM6514MFN IM6514CJN 18-PIN IM6514CJN IM6514IJN IM6514IPN IM6514MFN IM6514MJN IM651 PDF


    Abstract: Am79Q031
    Text: AM DZI Am79Q02/021/031 Quad Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit QSLAC Devices TABLE OF CONTENTS Distinctive C h a ra c te ris tic s. 3

    OCR Scan
    Am79Q02/021/031 Am79Q021VC am79q021 Am79Q031 PDF

    TPS 1028

    Abstract: 3 DG 1008 MBM2011A MIL-883 bubble memory PS512
    Text: MOTOROLA □ A d v a n c e Inform ation GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 M X 1 BIT MAGNETIC BUBBLE MEMORY DEVICE The M BM 2011A is a 1,048,576 2^0 b it m a gn e tic b u b b le m e m ­ o ry device. A ll re qu ire d m a gn e tic co m p o n e n ts, in c lu d in g p er­

    OCR Scan
    MBM2011A 16-pin MIL-883B, MIL-STD-883B, TPS 1028 3 DG 1008 MIL-883 bubble memory PS512 PDF

    m33 tf 130

    Abstract: 1001 fba hybrid
    Text: Am79C02/03/031 A A M D ÎI Dual Subscriber Line Audio ProcessingCircuit (DSLAC ) Devices TABLE OF CONTENTS Distinctive C h a ra c te ris tic s .2-7

    OCR Scan
    Am79C02/03/031 79C02 79C031 79C03 Am79C031 m33 tf 130 1001 fba hybrid PDF

    tube 6x8

    Abstract: bose B6-63 radar tube cathode ray Scans-0017255
    Text: SaYTHEOn^ TECHNI CAL I N F O R M A T I O N CATHODE RAY TUBE TYPE £J- jLLie-n—<L-e- 10UP7A 10U P Î4A The type 10U P— is a 10 inch alum inized e le ctro sta tic focus and magnetic d e flection cathode — ray tube suitable for radar applica tio ns. A lo w -v o lta g e e le ctro sta tic focus lens is employed, d e ­

    OCR Scan
    10UP7A 10UP14A B6-63) tube 6x8 bose B6-63 radar tube cathode ray Scans-0017255 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Commutating Capacitors <7< in m u tali n q App tic at i on s Typo'S CRN Type SCRN capacitors are designed for SCR silicon controlled rectifier) commutating applications requiring high peak currents and low inductance. PerfoF met net* Highlights • • •

    OCR Scan
    EIA401 000-Hour, SCRN201 SCRN202 SCRN203 SCRN204 SCRN205 PDF

    radiall vfo FR

    Abstract: vfo radiall
    Text: VFO-MP series CONTENTS r SYSTEM OPTABALL VFO General . 5 -6 Performance / c h a ra c te ris tic s . 7 Polishing option id e n tific a tio n .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PH F:LiîvllNAR S Am79Q02/021/031 AMD£I Quad Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit QSLAC Devices TABLE OF CONTENTS Distinctive C h a ra c te ris tic s . 2 - 5 3

    OCR Scan
    Am79Q02/021/031 79Q031 PDF

    1712-TYPE erbium

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: group Data Sheet Addendum August 1998 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations 263-Type 0.98 ¡urn Pump Laser Module Optoelectronics Documentation Update T h e T able o f E le c tric a l/O p tic a l C h a ra c te ris tic s in th e 2 6 3 -T y p e L a s e r d a ta s h e e t D S 9 8 -2 0 7 L W P has b ee n

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    263-Type 1712-TYPE erbium PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Direct Mount Terminals Feed Through Dtmsnslons W idth/Length/Height Insulation stripping length Tactm fealdata Rated voltage/rated current/Wire size Torque Clamping screw O nM n gdM a Ta« btock/Pta*tic rivat/tnsulattng stom a M arkins strips VM dm Oller 3/19

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 256K 32K x 8-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM MODULE I ,DT7M856S Integrated D eviceTechnology. Inc DESCRIPTION: FEATURES: T h e ID T 7 M 8 5 6 is a 2 5 6 K (3 2 ,7 6 8 x 8 - b it) h ig h - s p e e d s ta tic R A M • H ig h - d e n s ity 2 5 6 K (3 2 K x 8 - b it) C M O S s ta tic R A M m o d u le

    OCR Scan
    DT7M856S IDT7M856S IL-STD-883, 7M856 idt7m856 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA MBM2256 Advance Information G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N 256 K x 1-BIT MAGNETIC BUBBLE MEMORY DEVICE The M B M 2256 is a 262,144 2 ^ 1 b it m a gn e tic b u b b le m e m o ry device. A ll re q u ire d m a g n e tic co m p o n e n ts in clu d in g the p e rm a ­

    OCR Scan
    MBM2256 MBM2256 16-pin 1024-bits MIL-STD-883B, MIL-883B, IL-883B, IL-883, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EDI88512CA-RP Hi-REUÄBiUTY PRODUCT 512Kx8 Plastic Monolithic SRAM CMOS FEATURES • ■ W E D C 's a ru g g e d ize d p la s tic 5 1 2 K x8 S R A M th a t a llo w s th e u se r to c a p ita liz e on th e c o s t a d v a n ta g e of u sin g a p la s tic co m p o n e n t

    OCR Scan
    EDI88512CA-RP 512Kx8 MIL-STD-883 PDF


    Abstract: B6-63 Raytheon Company radar tube cathode ray cathode ray tube resolution 12ABP7A
    Text: TECHNICAL IN FO RM ATIO N CATHODE RAY TUBE TYPE 5LL jsJ -L .e -S L . T h e ty p e 1 2 A B P — is a 12 — inch e le c tro s ta tic focu s and m agnetic d e fle c tio n cathode —ray tube s u ita b le for radar a p p lic a tio n s * A l o w —v o lta g e e le c tro s ta tic focu s lens is em ployed, desig ned to

    OCR Scan
    12ABPâ 12ABP19A, 12ABP7 12ABP7A 12ABP14- 12ABP14A 12ABP19A B6-63) Scans-0017262 B6-63 Raytheon Company radar tube cathode ray cathode ray tube resolution PDF


    Abstract: 5AHP19A radar tube cathode ray CATHODE RAY TUBE
    Text: TECHNICAL IN FO R M A T IO N RAYTHEON CATHODE RAY TUBE -c-e.J-Le. The ty p e 5 A H P — TYPE £JL is a 5 in c h e le c tro s ta tic focu s and m a gnetic d e fle c tio n cathode ray tube s u ita b le fo r radar a p p lic a tio n s . A low —v o lta g e e le c tro s ta tic fo cu s lens is em ployed, designed

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    000VAC 180-MYY-1XYRYYY 180-MYY-11YRYYY PDF