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    THERM-O-DISC THERMISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ471KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6E3KJ152MN4A Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ101KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ331KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    THERM-O-DISC THERMISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Therm-O-Disc Product Overview As the world’s leading supplier of controls to the appliance and HVAC industries, Therm-O-Disc offers a wide array of general and special-purpose products: Bimetal Disc Thermostats are available in a variety of configurations to control



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTC THERMISTORS: INTRODUCTION Continuous Temperature Sensing Therm-O-Disc NTC Thermistors offer economical, reliable and accurate solutions to those applications requiring more extensive sensing than the one or two temperature points typically offered by a bimetallic thermostat. NTC thermistors provide a change in resistance with temperature



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GLOSSARY OF TERMS Ambient — The typical environmental temperature at which a product is exposed. Approval Agencies — Agencies created to verify the safety and/or functionality of electrical and gas household products. Therm-O-Disc products are typically recognized at the major global



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PACKAGED SENSOR SERIES NTC Thermistor Probes Rugged Assembly Rugged thermistor probe assemblies from Therm-O-Disc can be depended upon to meet tough application requirements. Select from a wide range of standard body designs already available, or work with experienced application engineers to develop a special design to meet exact application



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APPLIANCE/HVAC PROBE SERIES NTC Thermistor Probes 76J1HX Applications • Clothes dryer exhaust • HVAC air duct sensing Operating Temperature Range -40° to 105°C Thermal Time Constant 13-20 seconds typical (25° to 100°C air) Values Available Any of the Therm-O-Disc H-Series thermistors can be used in this body.

    76J1HX) PDF

    tk 2238

    Abstract: THERMISTOR NTC 1D-15 Mil-T-23648 1d111 tk 2238 19 144 ntc 33 0528 Dale Electronics thermistors 1d07 NTC 33 0504 1D110
    Text: A COMPANY M O D E L1D NTC Therm istors OF TECHNO Uncoated Disc, M aterial ‘D’, 25Q to 5,000Q APPLICATIONS Engineered for • Temperature compensation • Temperature measurement • Temperature control • Meter compensation • Voltage regulation Amplitude control

    OCR Scan
    1D120 1D125 1D110 1D111 1D112 1D113 1D115 1D145 1D147 1D165 tk 2238 THERMISTOR NTC 1D-15 Mil-T-23648 tk 2238 19 144 ntc 33 0528 Dale Electronics thermistors 1d07 NTC 33 0504 PDF


    Abstract: 1d153
    Text: A M O D E L1D NTC Therm istors COMPANY OF TECHNO Uncoated Disc, M aterial ‘D’, 25Q to 5,000Q APPLICATIONS Engineered for • Temperature compensation • Temperature measurement • Temperature control • Meter compensation • Voltage regulation •

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    thermistor ntc 45k

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I Disc PTC Thermistors 23% to 35°/o/°C T.C. of R 36 to 120n at 25°C 75° to 115°C Switch Temperature DESCRIPTION Series 662 Therm istors are special designs featuring low cold resistances, high operating voltage ratings, particularly for pulse applications,

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    Midwest Components THERMISTOR

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISC NTC Thermistors Grade 1 Good Power Handling Dielectric Coatings Available Good Heat Dissipation_ 100 Q to 20 KQ Range NTC Grade 1 Disc Thermistors NTC disc th erm isto rs o ffe r a practica , lo w -co st so lu tio n fo r tem perature-sensing and p o w e r

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    D203xx 1D102xx Midwest Components THERMISTOR PDF

    Midwest Components THERMISTOR

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISC NTC Thermistors Grade 2 Good Power Handling Dielectric Coatings Available Good Heat Dissipation_ 10£2 to 2000Q Range_ NTC Grade 2 Disc Thermistors N T " disc th erm isto rs o ffe r a prac­ tical, lo w -co st so lu tio n fo r te m p e rature-sensing and p o w e r

    OCR Scan
    2000Q ODIS0128 2D102XX Midwest Components THERMISTOR PDF

    hy 214 A Display

    Abstract: MIL-R-26 apd 128*128 APD-256M026-1 APD-256M026 APD-480M021-1 irf 346
    Text: A COMPANY OF. A lphabetical Index P roducts Only 7, 8, surface mount, hybrid chip th e rm istors.190 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, NTC therm istors.202 300, printed circuit board connectors.293 IB , uncoated disc thermistors, material "B ". 192

    OCR Scan
    ABG-12205, APD-016M040, APD-064M033, APD-080M025-1, APD-128G128, XO-43B, XO-52B, XO-53B, XO-54B, XOSM-52B, hy 214 A Display MIL-R-26 apd 128*128 APD-256M026-1 APD-256M026 APD-480M021-1 irf 346 PDF

    thermistor 220

    Abstract: Q63022 Q63022-K K220 k 220 thermistor 25 to 50 thermistor
    Text: K 220 S 1/2.5 kQ Measuring therm istor The thermistor K 2 2 0 S 1 /2 .5 k fi is suitable for the solution of measuring problems at low electrical loads. The faces of the therm istor disc are lapped in a plane parallel w a y in order to ensure good therm al contact w hen m ounting the disc in a probe

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    Q63022-K302-S1 fl20-Tol. 30-Tol. 220S1/2 thermistor 220 Q63022 Q63022-K K220 k 220 thermistor 25 to 50 thermistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L SERIES 6 6 0 i Disc PTC Thermistors 5% to 40°/o/°C T. C. o f R 50 to 250CI at 25°C 6° to 105°C Switch Temperature # { $ ‘ % DESCRIPTION i r Series 660 Thermistors span a considerable oper­ ational spectrum, in both thermal and electrical domains. It features a low thermal time constant,

    OCR Scan
    250CI PDF

    2322 661-91002

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I Disc PTC Thermistors 9% to 75%/°C T.C. of R 30 to 50Q at 25°C +25° to 110°C Switch Temperature 50 Volts maximum DESCRIPTION Series 661 Thermistors offer a range of four well defined, switch temperatures between +25°C and +110°C, and are characterized by a relatively

    OCR Scan

    ntc 2322 642 6

    Abstract: thermistor 2322 642 2322 642 thermistor NTC 2322 642 1 r25 q 2322 642 12
    Text: 2322 640 7 . 2322 642 1 . ASSEMBLY RANGE NTC THERMISTORS screw range TE M P E R A TU R E SENSING A N D CO NTRO L Features o o Easy mounting Rugged construction Q U IC K REFERENCE D A T A 640 7. 642 7. Therm al tim e constant approx. see note 1

    OCR Scan
    025/85-VALUE 1G0000 B2S/85-VALUE ntc 2322 642 6 thermistor 2322 642 2322 642 thermistor NTC 2322 642 1 r25 q 2322 642 12 PDF


    Abstract: thomson lcc PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTC thermistors for degaussing
    Text: iS É ii rp Q ‘TTVVÇ^*, \ ¡5X • Ü H p f X* N ; ; ^ ; ; « & \\ w í. ssêtosss^âsss^s^ssâs^0 » K'XsviV.vN <. xÿ. VAJVM W M \SVM \VM W AW M SyM W Xw'fl<\W rtW M SV/rt\S / vw ^ V. s^N ' .w % i N ••S > s s . » V * \ V Í ^ * ' V *■*. ’.v.’.sv!;

    OCR Scan
    h/155 pb12jn thomson lcc PTC THERMISTOR FOR DEGAUSSING PTC thermistors for degaussing PDF

    philips thermistor 2322 642

    Abstract: varistor 593 ph LM 2222 2222 031 capacitor philips philips thermistor 2322 640 philips resistor CR25 thermistor 2322 662 98 Philips 3188 capacitor 295 v 595 BC varistor varistor 594 ph 460 V
    Text: Series Index Series Description A A .<' a i Ceram ic Cap 24 HRC02 SM D R es s ror 90 PHÜ5U 'A'irev‘«c jn d R e sistof A02Û4 Resisto? 94 H RCH SM D 90 PHQ5V W ii'ew o.tnii R csisiO ’ “9 ACÛ1 W uew ou na Resistor 97 HRC12 SM D R es'sm r

    OCR Scan
    AHT118 AML138 ARC24I AS030 AS031 ASD117 -ELB342 ASHC41 ASH042 ASH043 philips thermistor 2322 642 varistor 593 ph LM 2222 2222 031 capacitor philips philips thermistor 2322 640 philips resistor CR25 thermistor 2322 662 98 Philips 3188 capacitor 295 v 595 BC varistor varistor 594 ph 460 V PDF

    philips NTC thermistor 2322

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SERIES 6 1 0 -0 Disc NTC Therm istor R25 = 4 ohm to 33 ohm 1 Watt 10‘ 1 -25 25 50 75 100 ‘ 126 T 'C | DESCRIPTION The Series 610-0 NTC Thermistor is a leadless disc intended for general use. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dissipation.1 Watt, maximum

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: ntc 2322 640 98004 S004 98004
    Text: 2322 640 9 0 0 0 4 2 3 2 2 640 9 8 0 0 4 ASSEMBLY RANGE NTC THERMISTORS moulded range Features o D esigned fo r harsh e n v iro n m e n ls TE M P E R A T U R E SEN SING A N D C O N TR O L TE M P E R A T U R E CO M PENSATIO N E xce lle n t fo r su rfa ce te m p e ra tu re m ea surem e nt

    OCR Scan
    B25/85-value MS200/50) CCTU-01-01A ntc 2322 640 98004 S004 98004 PDF

    930 ntc

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: v *—*— •V I ■9 V• • »• 2322 611 . NAKED DISC RANGE y v Features • Low price • Proven quality TEMPERATURE SENSING AND CONTROL • Mechanical fixing QUICK REFERENCE DATA Resistance value see Table 1 B 25/85 value see Table 1 Tem perature coefficient

    OCR Scan
    B25/85 MBCS37 B25/85 930 ntc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _307C Overcurrent Thermistors VISHAY Vishay Cera-Mite PTCR Overcurrent Protection FEATURES: A NEW DIMENSION Sizes For Your Application - Hold currents from 5 mA to 1.5 A are available in sizes from 4 to 22mm. The Positive Tem perature C oe fficien t

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N T C /P T C T H E R M IS T O R i•m■ F E N W A L U E L E C T R O N IC S NTC / PTC Thermistors AIR/GAS SENSING HOUSINGS THERMISTOR VS HOUSING Compatibility Chart STANDARD THERMISTOR TYPE Standard Housing Part Num ber 4IAA 41 AG 4IAH 42AA 42A C 42AK 42AR

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N TC/PTC THERM ISTO R • ■ ■ ■ F E N W A L C E L E C T R O N IC S □ NTC / PTC Thermistors SURFACE SENSING HOUSINGS THERMISTOR VS HOUSING Compatibility Chart STANDARD THERMISTOR TYPE Standard Housing Part Number 3IAA 3IAB 31AG 3 IA i 32A4 Small Bead

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: The Ketema Rodan KR series of surface mount thermistors are available in a multitude of resistance values ranging from 250 ohms to 150,000 ohms. Just as with the Ketema Rodan NTC disc thermistors, they are suitable for temperature sensing applications over a wide range of resistance values

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    0805B103K PDF