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    TELEFUNKEN RA 200 Search Results

    TELEFUNKEN RA 200 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VfSMAY _BAW27 ▼ Vishay Telefunken Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode Features • Low forw ard voltage drop • High forw ard current capability Applications High speed sw itch and general purpose use in com p u te ra n d industrial applications

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    BAW27 D-74025 01-Apr-99 IR5H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1N5221 B.1 N5267B ▼ Vishay Telefunken Silicon Z-Diodes Features • Very sharp reverse characteristic • Very high stability • Low reverse current level • Vz-to le ra n c e ± 5% Applications Voltage stabilization Absolute Maximum Ratings Tj = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    1N5221 N5267B D-74025 01-Apr-99 L95M PDF

    temic 0675

    Abstract: MARKING ra BFQ 540 application Telefunken 2360 telefunken ra 100 BFQ 244
    Text: BFQ 81 TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Applications RF amplifier up to 2 GHz, especially for mobile telephone. Features D Small feedback capacitance D Low noise figure D Low cross modulation 1 2 3 94 9280 Marking: RA Plastic case SOT 23

    D-74025 temic 0675 MARKING ra BFQ 540 application Telefunken 2360 telefunken ra 100 BFQ 244 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TZM5221 B.TZM5267B ▼ Vishay Telefunken Silicon Z-Diodes Features • Very sharp reverse characteristic • Very high stability • Electrical data identical w ith the devices 1N5221 B.1 N5267B • Low reverse current level • Vz-to le ra n c e ± 5%

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    TZM5221 TZM5267B 1N5221 N5267B 300K/W, D-74025 01-Apr-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: vS ü y BZX55B. ▼ Vishay Telefunken Silicon Epitaxial Planar Z-Diodes Features • Very sharp reverse characteristic • Low reverse current level • Low noise • Very high stability • Available w ith tig hte r tolerances • Vz-to le ra n c e ± 2%

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    BZX55B. D-74025 01-Apr-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BAV17.BAV21 ▼ Vishay Telefunken Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diodes Applications G e n e ra l p u rp o s e s Absolute Maximum Ratings Tj = 25°C P a ra m e te r T e s t C o n d itio n s P e a k re v e rs e v o lta g e T yp e S ym bol V alue U nit B A V 17

    OCR Scan
    BAV17. BAV21 BAV21 D-74025 -Apr-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: vS ü y TZMB. ▼ Vishay Telefunken Silicon Epitaxial Planar Z-Diodes Features • V e ry s h a rp re v e rs e c h a ra c te ris tic • L o w re ve rs e c u rre n t level • A v a ila b le w ith tig h te r to le ra n c e s • V e ry high s ta b ility

    OCR Scan
    D-74025 01-Apr-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEFUNKEN ELECTRO NIC 17E D • fi^EOO^b 0Q0flb70 ô ■IAL66 TS HA 3400 _ r - w - / 3 IT llU IP IM M iK electronic O m m * lectaotoges GaAlAs Infrared Emitter in ¿ 3 mm T-l) plastic case A pplications: High power ra d ia t io n source in near in fra re d range

    OCR Scan
    0Q0flb70 IAL66 ip-10 00Dfib7E TSHA3400 PDF


    Abstract: Telefunken tubes 7643 tube la 7643 TELEFUNKEN e vb-1139
    Text: Netzröhre für GW-Heizung indirekt geheizt Parallelspeisung TELEFUNKEN DC-AC-Heating indirectly heated connected in parallel IM jjS V ljp r Triode-Pentode mit getrennten Kathoden Triode-Pentode with se p a ra te cathodes Z u v e rlä ssig ke it Der P-Faktor g ib t den voraussichtlichen Röhren­

    OCR Scan
    50/oo E80CF Telefunken tubes 7643 tube la 7643 TELEFUNKEN e vb-1139 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEFUNKEN SA 100 U K W -Diode für M eßzw ecke Technisch e D aten 1. Allgem eine Daten B ra u c h b a r fü r G le ic h ric h te rz w e c k e b i» h e ra b zu W e lle n lä n g e n v o n c a . 10 cm . H e i z s p a n n u n g . 1,9 V

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: ic 4078
    Text: Tem ic U 4078 B TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Tone Ringer Interface with DC-to-DC Converter Description T h e to n e rin g er in terface w ith dc/dc co n v erter U 4078 B is an in te g ra te d circuit realized in b ip o lar technology, w hich allows high efficient pow er transfer.

    OCR Scan
    D-74025 4078B ic 4078 PDF


    Abstract: ec806s telefunken tubes la 12 LA1212
    Text: Netzröhre für GW-Heizung indirekt geheizt Parallelspeisung DC-AC-Heating indirectly heated connected in parallel TELEFUNKEN UHF-Triode Vorläufige technische Daten • Tentative data Zu ve rlässigkeit R e lia bility D e r P -F a k to r g ib t d e n v o ra u ssic h tlic h e n R ö h re n ­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _BYG22 Vishay Telefunken ▼ Super Fast Silicon Mesa SMD Rectifier Features • C o n tro lle d a v a la n c h e c h a ra c te ris tic • G la s s p a s s iv a te d ju n c tio n • L o w re ve rs e c u rre n t • L o w fo rw a rd v o lta g e • S o ft re c o v e ry c h a ra c te ris tic

    OCR Scan
    BYG22 D-74025 24-Jun-98 SMA BYG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: vtS H Â Y ▼ _BAT54/A/C/S Vishay Telefunken Surface Mount Schottky Barrier Diodes Features • L o w T u rn -o n V o lta g e • F a st S w itc h in g • PN J u n c tio n G u a rd R ing fo r T ra n s ie n t a n d ESD P ro te ctio n

    OCR Scan
    BAT54/A/C/S D-74025 -Apr-99 PDF


    Abstract: telefunken ra 200 telefunken tubes
    Text: Netzröhre für GW-Heizung indirekt geheizt Parallelspeisung DC-AC-Heating indirectly heated connected in parallel ECC803S TELEFUNKEN 6057 N F -D o p p e ltrio d e m it ge tre n n te n K a th o d e n A F-Tw in triod e w ith se p a ra te c a th o d e s Z u v e r lä ss ig k e it

    OCR Scan
    50/oo ECC803S telefunken ra 200 telefunken tubes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VfSMAY _LL4150 ▼ Vishay Telefunken Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diodes Features • L o w fo rw a rd v o lta g e d ro p • H igh fo rw a rd c u rre n t c a p a b ility Applications H igh sp e e d s w itc h a n d g e n e ra l p u rp o s e use in c o m ­

    OCR Scan
    LL4150 D-74025 01-Apr-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VtSHAY S505T/S505TR/S505TRW T Vishay Telefunken MOSMIC for TV-Tuner Prestage with 5 V Supply Voltage M O S M IC - M O S M o n o lith ic In te g ra te d C irc u it E le c tro s ta tic s e n s itiv e d e v ic e . O b s e rv e p re c a u tio n s fo r h a n d lin g .

    OCR Scan
    S505T/S505TR/S505TRW D-74025 20-Jan-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VÎ&NÂY BA979.BA979S ▼ Vishay Telefunken Silicon PIN Diodes Features • W id e fre q u e n c y ra n g e 10 M H z to 1 G H z Applications C u rre n t c o n tro lle d a tte n u a to rs HF re s is ta n c e In a d ju s ta b le Absolute Maximum Ratings Tj = 2 5 ° C

    OCR Scan
    BA979 BA979S D-74025 01-Apr-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V^Ray S503T/S503TR/S503TRW T Vishay Telefunken MOSMIC for TV-Tuner Prestage with 5 V Supply Voltage M O S M IC - M O S M o n o lith ic In te g ra te d C irc u it E le c tro s ta tic s e n s itiv e d e v ic e . O b s e rv e p re c a u tio n s fo r h a n d lin g .

    OCR Scan
    S503T/S503TR/S503TRW D-74025 20-Jan-99 IY21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VtSHAY S504T/S504TR/S504TRW T Vishay Telefunken MOSMIC for TV-Tuner Prestage with 5 V Supply Voltage M O S M IC - M O S M o n o lith ic In te g ra te d C irc u it E le c tro s ta tic s e n s itiv e d e v ic e . O b s e rv e p re c a u tio n s fo r h a n d lin g .

    OCR Scan
    S504T/S504TR/S504TRW D-74025 20-Jan-99 PDF


    Abstract: ef800 tube telefunken ef telefunken ef800 TELEFUNKEN telefunken tubes TELEFUNKEN e tele 539 telefunken EF 12
    Text: Netzröhre für GW-Heizung indirekt geheizt Parallelspeisung DC-AC-Heating indirectly heated connected in parallel o E F 800 u TELEFUNKEN H F /Z F -P e n t o d e R F / IF -P e n t o d e Zuverlässigkeit Reliability D e r P -F a k to r g ib t d e n v o ra u ss ic h tlic h e n R ö h r e n ­

    OCR Scan
    /V-B0501 EF800 ef800 tube telefunken ef telefunken ef800 TELEFUNKEN telefunken tubes TELEFUNKEN e tele 539 telefunken EF 12 PDF

    f 6267

    Abstract: telefunken ra EF806S 6267 tube telefunken ra 200 telefunken ra 100 telefunken ra-100 telefunken ef ef806 kq 330
    Text: Netzröhre für GW -Heizung indirekt geheizt Parallelspeisung TELEFUNKEN DC-AC-Heating indirectly heated connected in parallel o © N F -P e n to d e A F -P e n to d e Z u v e rlä ss ig k e it D e r P -F a k to r g ib t d e n v o ra u ssic h tlic h e n R ö h r e n ­

    OCR Scan
    EF806S f 6267 telefunken ra EF806S 6267 tube telefunken ra 200 telefunken ra 100 telefunken ra-100 telefunken ef ef806 kq 330 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S952T/S952TR/S952TRW Y Vishay Telefunken MOSMIC for TV-Tuner Prestage with 9 V Supply Voltage M O S M IC - M O S M o n o lith ic In te g ra te d C irc u it E le c tro s ta tic s e n s itiv e d e v ic e . O b s e rv e p re c a u tio n s fo r h a n d lin g .

    OCR Scan
    S952T/S952TR/S952TRW D-74025 20-Jan-99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEFUNKEN RG 12 D 2 D uodiode fü r Em pfan gs- u n d M e ß z w e c k e Technische D aten 1. A llg e m e in e Daten B ra u c h b a r fü r G le tch ric h terz w e ck e b is Herab zu \XvelIen la n ge n vo n etw a 1.5 m H e i z s p a n n u n g .12,6 V

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