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    TAG AD 203 Search Results

    TAG AD 203 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    LXMSJZNCMH-225 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMS21NCMH-230 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    6178S20P Renesas Electronics Corporation 4K X 4 CACHE TAG RAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71215S10PF8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16K X 15 CACHE BICMOS Cache-Tag SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71215S9PF Renesas Electronics Corporation 16K X 15 CACHE BICMOS Cache-Tag SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TAG AD 203 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Enhanced Mini-ACE 033E-03
    Text: This Preliminary data sheet provides detailed functional capabilities for product currently in prototype production. These specifications are being provided to allow for electrical design, layout and operation. PRELIMINARY BU-65565TX MIL-STD-1553 CompactPCI / PMC CARD

    BU-65565TX MIL-STD-1553 1-800-DDC-5757 65565T BU-61864 Enhanced Mini-ACE 033E-03 PDF


    Abstract: Enhanced Mini-ACE
    Text: This Preliminary data sheet provides detailed functional capabilities for product currently in prototype production. These specifications are being provided to allow for electrical design, layout and operation. PRELIMINARY BU-65565TX MIL-STD-1553 CompactPCI / PMC CARD

    BU-65565TX MIL-STD-1553 1-800-DDC-5757 65565T BU-61864 Enhanced Mini-ACE PDF


    Abstract: TD-501 82378IB 74f199 21071-CA BYPASS INTERVAL TIMER TEST AXP 21071-BA 82375EB 82443 host bridge AXP 188 ba
    Text: DECchip 21071 and DECchip 21072 Core Logic Chipsets Data Sheet Order Number: EC–QAEMB–TE Revision/Update Information: Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts This document supersedes the DECchip 21071 and DECchip 21072 Core Logic Chipsets Data Sheet,



    Abstract: 46247 6.3 x 0.8 16-6AWG siemens ecu wiring diagram 5403 KEMA 02 ATEX 2012 plotter mutoh ip-220 DIN 46249 TERMINALS TS-32 g rail SKN10-17
    Text: Technical information • The information regarding cross sectional area and connection types pertains to unprepared wires without ferrules Ferrules are not necessary for secure connection. • The voltage ratings apply to the terminals in their intended application. When different products are mounted adjacent to


    tag 8534

    Abstract: TAG 8537 ps0001
    Text: MB86860 Series Hardware Manual SPARClite MB86860 Series Hardware Manual Edition 1.1 - Jul. 29, 1999 Fujitsu Ltd Rev.1.1 Jul.29/’99 - Fig 8-3 of Page 8-10 and Fig.8-4 of Page 8-11 DQ32, 33, 33, 34, …, 62 => DQ32, 33, 34, 35, …, 63 - Page 8-12 Note is added.

    MB86860 MB8686x tag 8534 TAG 8537 ps0001 PDF


    Abstract: 21172-CA 82374EB 82375EB ad1413
    Text: Digital Semiconductor 21172 Core Logic Chipset Technical Reference Manual Order Number: EC–QUQJA–TE Revision/Update Information: Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts This is a draft version. April 1996 While Digital believes the information in this publication is correct as of the date of publication,


    Enhanced Mini-ACE

    Abstract: STANAG 3838
    Text: PRELIMINARY This Preliminary data sheet provides detailed functional capabilities for product currently in prototype production. These specifications are being provided to allow for electrical design, layout and operation. BU-62743/62843/62864 PCI ENHANCED MINIATURE ADVANCED COMMUNICATION ENGINE

    BU-62743/62843/62864 32-Bit 33Mhz, 553A/B BU-62743) BU-62843) BU-62864) 1-800-DDC-5757 Enhanced Mini-ACE STANAG 3838 PDF


    Abstract: LM 3117
    Text: February 2001 DP83820 10/100/1000 Mb/s PCI Ethernet Network Interface Controller General Description DP83820 is a single-chip 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet Controller for the PCI bus. It is targeted at highperformance adapter cards and mother boards. The DP83820 fully implements the V2.2 66 MHz, 64-bit PCI bus

    DP83820 DP83820 208-pin 5-Aug-2002] SPD1000 LM 3117 PDF

    STANAG 3838

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY This Preliminary data sheet provides detailed functional capabilities for product currently in prototype production. These specifications are being provided to allow for electrical design, layout and operation. BU-62743/62843/62864 PCI ENHANCED MINIATURE ADVANCED COMMUNICATION ENGINE

    BU-62743/62843/62864 32-Bit 33Mhz, 553A/B BU-62743) BU-62843) BU-62864) 1-800-DDC-5757 STANAG 3838 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: February 2001 DP83820 10/100/1000 Mb/s PCI Ethernet Network Interface Controller DP83820 is a single-chip 10/100/1000 Mb/s Ethernet Controller for the PCI bus. It is targeted at highperformance adapter cards and mother boards. The DP83820 fully implements the V2.2 66 MHz, 64-bit PCI bus

    DP83820 DP83820 DP83820VUW NVUW208A mrmd PDF

    scr 106d

    Abstract: SCR bt 107 27-600R C 106D scr scr tag 12 BS9-04A tag br 203 BT106A TAG 92 bstb0226
    Text: f l ✓ SCR IN METAL PACKAGE TO -3 9 T O - 18 0 ,6 A 15V 2N876 2N884 30V 2N877 2N 8 8 5 0 ,8 A RMS 2N3001 2N3005 TAG 0 ,8 A RMS 06Y BR 203 50V v v DRM RRM B L O C K IN G V O LT A G E 60V 2N878 2N886 2N3002 2N 3006 TAG 0 6 Y Y 100V 2N879 2N 887 2N 3 0 0 3 2N 3007

    OCR Scan
    to-18 2n876 2n884 2n877 2n885 2n3001 2n3005 2nw121 tag520f tag521f scr 106d SCR bt 107 27-600R C 106D scr scr tag 12 BS9-04A tag br 203 BT106A TAG 92 bstb0226 PDF


    Abstract: BT100A BSTC0540 BSTB0226 bt 2328 BTW 600 BT106A BS9-04A 27-600R TAG106D
    Text: MANUFACTURERS T E C H N IC A L DATA SHOULD TAG nearest Equivalent Type TAG nearest Equivalent Type AA AA AA AA AA 107 108 109 110 111 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N BRX BRY BRY BRY BRY 66 54-100 54-200 54-300 54-400 BRX TAG TAG TAG TAG 66 611-100 611-200 611-300 611-400 AA

    OCR Scan
    55-500M 55-600M 55-700M 55-800M 2-800RU 92-1000RM 92-1000RU 16N-400DM 16N-400DU 16N-600DM BSTB0246 BT100A BSTC0540 BSTB0226 bt 2328 BTW 600 BT106A BS9-04A 27-600R TAG106D PDF

    scr tag 2 200

    Abstract: scr 106d 27-600R SCR bt 107 SCR BRX 49 BSTB0246 BTX30-200 scr 106B bt 151 600 scr bt 138
    Text: iTïïffi SCR IN METAL PACKAGE TO-39 •7 ? 1, 6 A RMS A r>M C IM M O h T A n DUC IM 'W 15V 2N2322 2N2322A BTX30- 50 2N2323 2N2323A BTX30-100 2N2324 2N2324A 2N2325 2N2325A 2N2326 2N2326A 2N2327 2N2327A 25V 50V 60V 100V 150V vDRM 200V V 250V RRM BLOCKING VOLTAGE

    OCR Scan
    2N2322 2N2322A BTX30- 2N2323 2N2323A BTX30-100 2N2324 2N2324A TAG611-100 TAG612-100 scr tag 2 200 scr 106d 27-600R SCR bt 107 SCR BRX 49 BSTB0246 BTX30-200 scr 106B bt 151 600 scr bt 138 PDF

    TRIAC TAG 280 600

    Abstract: TAG 6 600 BT100A 27-600R BSTB0246 TRIAC TAG 626 400 TRIAC TAG 92 TRIAC btw 92 triac TAG bstb0226
    Text: flffli] TR IA C IN METAL AND PLASTIC PACKAGE ^ y TC-220AB TO-66 o ij a r~\ n k ic in i i*j 12 A A RMS A NEW 30V 5 OV­ V k TAG TAB ! 1 DMC SALES TAG 240 IS O LA TED TYPE 241 P A D ESIG N ATIO N TAG 1Ç DMQ A PMC. FOR 245 TAG 246 IO 0V T A G 2 6 0 - 1 00 TAG261-100

    OCR Scan
    O-220AB TAG260-100 TAG261-100 TAG265-1 TAG266-1 TAG420-100 TAG425-100 TAG426-100 TAG260-200 TAG261-200 TRIAC TAG 280 600 TAG 6 600 BT100A 27-600R BSTB0246 TRIAC TAG 626 400 TRIAC TAG 92 TRIAC btw 92 triac TAG bstb0226 PDF

    diac kr 206

    Abstract: LT 8521 ND4700 ND4700-BRG LT 5219
    Text: Big Dipper R4400/R4600/R4700 PCI Bus Bridge ND4700-BRG Chapter 1. Overview Cache tag SRAM Interface ND4700-BRG Big Dipper is a CPU local bus and PCI bus controller chip designed for use with MIPS Cache & tag SRAM test Interface R4400/R4600/R4700. Its main function is as follows.

    OCR Scan
    R4400/R4600/R4700 ND4700-BRG R4400/R4600/R4700. R4400/R4600/ R4700 ND4700-MEC. 32-bit arbite5-77 ND4700LQF-BRG diac kr 206 LT 8521 ND4700 ND4700-BRG LT 5219 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADE-203-498 Z HB66D3264BA Series 32k x 64-bit Synchronous Fast Static RAM Module with TAG, Burst Counter and Pipelined Data Output Prelimimary u ita p h i n I I • ■ I R e v00 December 29, 1995 Description The HB66D3264BA has been developed as an optimized

    OCR Scan
    ADE-203-498 HB66D3264BA 64-bit HM62D3232FP) 256Kbit UM61256FS PDF


    Abstract: d1272
    Text: AS7M64T3256A AS7M64T3512A AS7M64T3256B AS7M64T3512B B Cache Modules Async Async Burst Burst Low Voltage 256/512 KByte Cache Modules with Tag PRELIMINARY ASYNCHRONOUS VERSIONS FEATURES 64-bit 3.3V asynchronous data PIN D I A G R A M a s y n c • 5V tolerant I/O specification

    OCR Scan
    64T3256A AS7M64T3256A AS7M64T3512A AS7M64T3256B AS7M64T3512B 64-bit T00344c us8k d1272 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADE-203-460A Z HB66C3264BA Series 32k x 64-bit Synchronous Fast Static RAM Module with TAG, Burst Counter and Pipelined Data Output HITACHI Rev. 1.0 December 29, 1995 Description The HB66C3264BA has been developed as an optimized • Internal input registers (address, data, control)

    OCR Scan
    ADE-203-460A 64-bit HB66C3264BA HM62C3232FP) 256Kbit UM61256FS 61256FS PDF


    Abstract: H05U E22M UltraSPARC ii SME2411
    Text: P r e li m in a n 7 SM E1040 S un M i c r o e l e c t r o n i c s Ju ly 1997 UltraSPARC -lli D ATA SHEET H ig h ly Integrateci 64-Bit RISC Processor, PCI Interface F u n c t io n a l D e s c r ip t io n U ltra S P A R C - II/ SM E1 0 4 0 is a h ig h ly- in teg ra te d 64-bit S P A R C V 9 su p e rsca la r processor. A n o p tio n a l A P B ™

    OCR Scan
    E1040 64-Bit E2411) SME1040BGA-266 SME1040BGA-300 300MHz 805-0086-02 H05U E22M UltraSPARC ii SME2411 PDF


    Abstract: 21164-PI
    Text: 8 Internal P r o c e s s o r Registe rs This section describes the 21164 microprocessor i n te rn a l processor registers IPRs . It is organized as follows: • In struction fetch/decode u n it and b ran ch u n it (Ibox) IPRs • M em ory address tran s latio n u n it (Mbox) IPRs

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QED RISCMark RM5270™ 64-Bit Superscalar Microprocessor FEATURES: • • Dual Issue su p e rsca la r m icro p ro ce sso r - can issue one integer and one floa ting -point in stru ction pe r cycle — 150, 200 M Hz opera ting frequ en cies — 260 Dhrystone2.1 M IPS

    OCR Scan
    RM5270TM 64-Bit R4600, R4700 R5000 DS-5270, RM5270 PDF

    4116 DRAM 16Kx1

    Abstract: 82C206 82C558
    Text: 82C556/82C557/82C558 Figure 2-3 82C557 SYSC Block Diagram I R ES ET PW RG D CLK ECLK LCLK HA[31:3] BE[7:0]# M /IO # D/C# W /R # /IN V /D IR TYO AD S # BRDY# NA# KEN #/LM EM # EADS#/(W B/W T#) HITM # CACHE# SM IACT# EC D OE# O C D O E# ECAWE#/CACSOO# OCAW E#/CACS1 O#

    OCR Scan
    82C556/82C557/82C558 82C557 4116 DRAM 16Kx1 82C206 82C558 PDF


    Abstract: ysd 2-11 invr 054
    Text: m DECchip 21071-AA, 21072-AA Core Logic Data Sheet m A p ril 1994 21071-AA, 21072-A A Features: • Supports the entire fam ily of the DECchip 21064 Alpha AXP m icroprocessors • DECchip 21071-AA: 128-bit cache/64-bit memory • DECchip 21072-AA: 128-bit cache/128-bit

    OCR Scan
    21071-AA, 21072-AA 1072-A 21071-AA: 128-bit cache/64-bit 21072-AA: cache/128-bit 21071-AA ysd 2-11 invr 054 PDF

    AXP 188 ba

    Abstract: 21071-DA 2mb1100 AXP 188 IC 5188b RSAD 5111 1M 21071-BA 82378IB 21071AA d327c
    Text: m DECchip 21071-AA, 21072-AA Core Logic Data Sheet m A p ril 1994 21071-AA, 21072-A A Features: • Supports the entire fam ily of the DECchip 21064 Alpha AXP m icroprocessors • DECchip 21071-AA: 128-bit cache/64-bit memory • DECchip 21072-AA: 128-bit cache/128-bit

    OCR Scan
    21071-AA, 1072-A 128-bit cache/64-bit 21072-AA: cache/128-bit 32-bit parity/32-bit 21072-AA AXP 188 ba 21071-DA 2mb1100 AXP 188 IC 5188b RSAD 5111 1M 21071-BA 82378IB 21071AA d327c PDF