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    ROB 709

    Abstract: VOLTAGE DEPENDENT RESISTOR VDR dpi 510 dpi 282 TEA1064A DIP28 UBA1702 UBA1702A UBA1702AT UBA1702T
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET UBA1702; UBA1702A Line interrupter driver and ringer Product specification Supersedes data of 1996 Jan 09 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 1997 Sep 29 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Line interrupter driver and ringer

    UBA1702; UBA1702A TEA1064A) UBA1702 UBA1702A transmission31 SCA55 417027/1200/03/pp24 ROB 709 VOLTAGE DEPENDENT RESISTOR VDR dpi 510 dpi 282 TEA1064A DIP28 UBA1702AT UBA1702T PDF

    verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder

    Abstract: X8978 verilog code of 8 bit comparator 8 bit carry select adder verilog codes UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog SR-4X verilog code for johnson counter asm chart ieee vhdl verilog code for half subtractor
    Text: Xilinx Synthesis Technology XST User Guide Introduction HDL Coding Techniques FPGA Optimization CPLD Optimization Design Constraints VHDL Language Support Verilog Language Support Command Line Mode XST Naming Conventions XST User Guide — 3.1i Printed in U.S.A.

    XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC5210, XC-DS501 verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder X8978 verilog code of 8 bit comparator 8 bit carry select adder verilog codes UNSIGNED SERIAL DIVIDER using verilog SR-4X verilog code for johnson counter asm chart ieee vhdl verilog code for half subtractor PDF

    T-CON BOARD samsung

    Abstract: siren 16C550 FM24653 ISO-14001
    Text: USER′S MANUAL S3F401F 16/32-BIT RISC MICROPROCESSOR November, 2007 REV 1.00 Confidential Proprietary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd Copyright 2007 Samsung Electronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved Important Notice The information in this publication has been carefully

    S3F401F 16/32-BIT 256K-byte 256-byte S3F401F 100-QFP-1420 100-QFP-1420C T-CON BOARD samsung siren 16C550 FM24653 ISO-14001 PDF

    T-CON BOARD samsung

    Abstract: 16x12bit 16C550 FM24653 ISO-14001
    Text: USER′S MANUAL S3F401F 16/32-BIT RISC MICROPROCESSOR November, 2007 REV 1.00 Confidential Proprietary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd Copyright 2007 Samsung Electronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved Important Notice The information in this publication has been carefully

    S3F401F 16/32-BIT 256K-byte 256-byte S3F401F 100-QFP-1420 100-QFP-1420C T-CON BOARD samsung 16x12bit 16C550 FM24653 ISO-14001 PDF


    Abstract: XCS20 PQ208 XCS05 XCS05-3PC84C XCS05-4PC84C XCS10-3PC84C XCS10-4PC84C XCS20-3PQ208C XCS20-4PQ208C XCS30-3PQ208C
    Text: Datum 980917 PRODUKTINFORMATION TEKNISK INFORMATION 020-75 80 20 ORDERTEL 020-75 80 00 ORDERFAX 020-75 80 10 TECHNICAL INFORMATION +46 8 580 941 15 ORDERPHONE +46 8 580 941 01 ORDERFAX +46 8 580 941 11 Vi reserverar oss mot fel samt förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar utan föregående meddelande

    XCS05-3PC84C XCS05-4PC84C XCS10-3PC84C XCS10-4PC84C XCS20-3PQ208C XCS20-4PQ208C XCS30-3PQ208C XCS30-4PQ208C XCS40-3PQ208C XCS40-4PQ208C XCS20 PQ208 XCS05 PDF

    toko rcl 409

    Abstract: k3209 display 16x2 P117 RCL TOKO data rip u4 transistor be p88 xcs05xl XCS10 vq100 XCS05
    Text:  Datasheet Device: SpartanTM Series Release Level: Release Date: Preliminary Product Specification May 31, 1998 Version 1.1 R The Spartan Series Datasheet Xilinx Home Page (WWW): Application Service Centers North America Hotline: Fax: Email: United Kingdom Hotline:

    XCS20XL-3 PQ208C 100oC) PQ208 toko rcl 409 k3209 display 16x2 P117 RCL TOKO data rip u4 transistor be p88 xcs05xl XCS10 vq100 XCS05 PDF


    Abstract: XCS10XL TQ144 Xcs20xl XCS05XL
    Text: Spartan-XL 3.3V FPGA Automotive IQ Product Family R DS107 v1.0 June 17, 2002 Advance Product Specification Introduction The Spartan -XL 3.3V FPGA Automotive IQ product family is a high-volume production FPGA solution that delivers all the key requirements for ASIC replacement up to 40,000

    DS107 XCS20XL XCS05XL XCS10XL XCS30XL XCS40XL VQ100 100-pin TQ144 0041C093h XCS10XL TQ144 PDF


    Abstract: for ic 74ls86 74LS86 pin configuration 74LS86 pin configuration ic msan configuration 74LS163 74LS86 MSAN-124 MT8940 MUR405
    Text: Application Note MSAN-124 MT9171/72 DNIC Application Circuits  ISSUE 5 October 1997 Connection to Line Protection Circuit for the LIN Pin Transformer Selection In a typical application, the LIN pin of the MT9171/72 will be connected to a line through a transformer.

    MSAN-124 MT9171/72 MT9171/72 74LS624 for ic 74ls86 74LS86 pin configuration 74LS86 pin configuration ic msan configuration 74LS163 74LS86 MSAN-124 MT8940 MUR405 PDF

    toko rcl 409

    Abstract: 17S30 display 16x2 xcs05xl XC4000 XCS05 XCS10 XCS10XL XCS20 XCS20XL
    Text: marc Spartan and SpartanXL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays R January 6, 1999 Version 1.4 4 Introduction Preliminary Product Specification • The SpartanTM Series is the first high-volume production FPGA solution to deliver all the key requirements for ASIC

    PQ208 toko rcl 409 17S30 display 16x2 xcs05xl XC4000 XCS05 XCS10 XCS10XL XCS20 XCS20XL PDF


    Abstract: S6699 XC4000 XCS05 XCS05XL XCS10 XCS10XL XCS20 P211A11 XCS30
    Text: marc Spartan and SpartanXL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays R January 6, 1999 Version 1.4 4 Introduction • The SpartanTM Series is the first high-volume production FPGA solution to deliver all the key requirements for ASIC replacement up to 40,000 gates. These requirements

    PQ208 00414093h S6699 XC4000 XCS05 XCS05XL XCS10 XCS10XL XCS20 P211A11 XCS30 PDF

    xc4000 application note

    Abstract: P8202 XCS20 TQ144 XC4000 XCS05 XCS05XL XCS10 XCS10XL 188 p33 Transistor XCS20XL
    Text: Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS060 v1.5 March 2, 2000 Introduction Product Specification • The Spartan series is the first high-volume production FPGA solution to deliver all the key requirements for ASIC replacement up to 40,000 gates. These requirements

    DS060 XCS20XL-4 PQ208C 100oC) xc4000 application note P8202 XCS20 TQ144 XC4000 XCS05 XCS05XL XCS10 XCS10XL 188 p33 Transistor XCS20XL PDF

    4511 gm

    Abstract: TTC 5200 ir 8707 nte 6250 76722 8840 TIC 1260 stoneridge se 5000 x4202 STR G 6352 SG 3425 N
    Text: ülmEE Distributors W I R E L E S S 4 fiC Europe Austria SPO ERL E ELE C TR O N IC Am K ehlerpark 1 6850 D ornbirn Tel: 43 5572 38 65 0 0 -0 Fax: 43 5572 38 65 0 0 -9 0 A rrow D enm ark A/S S m edeholm 13 A 2730 Herlev Tel: 45 44 50 82 00 Fax: 45 44 50 82 03

    OCR Scan

    AXP 209 IC

    Abstract: sem 2105 16 pin AXP 202 AEG T 51 N 1200 77480 48409 IC SEM 2105 Pioneer PA 0016 94-4033 sem 2105
    Text: Tem ic Sales Offices Semiconductors Addresses Europe Poland Sweden TE M IC TELEFU N K EN m icroelectronic Gm bH Theresienstrasse 2 74072 H eilbronn Postfach 3535, PLZ 74025 Tel: 49 7131 67 3737 Fax: 49 7131 672444 TEM IC TE LE FU N K E N m icroelectronic Gm bH

    OCR Scan
    3194621Road AXP 209 IC sem 2105 16 pin AXP 202 AEG T 51 N 1200 77480 48409 IC SEM 2105 Pioneer PA 0016 94-4033 sem 2105 PDF

    str f 6456

    Abstract: str x 6456 SM 5126 BP STR F 6168 str 6668 STR G 6352 STR 6456 str f 6468 321 CJ 7121 AXP 209 IC
    Text: Tem ic Se ni i co n fi li c t ci Sales Offices rs Addresses Europe France TE M IC France Les Q uadrants 3. avenue du centre B.P. 309 78054 S t.-Q uentin-en-Y veL nes Cedex Tel: 33 I 3060 7000 F a x :33 I 3060 V 11 i Germany TE M IC TE LEFU N K EN m icroelectronic G m bH

    OCR Scan
    09-Dec-96 str f 6456 str x 6456 SM 5126 BP STR F 6168 str 6668 STR G 6352 STR 6456 str f 6468 321 CJ 7121 AXP 209 IC PDF

    HT 1000-4 power amplifier

    Abstract: mip 836 ic mip 836 schematic weigh scale AD7730 circuit integrate TB 1226 CN wheelchair motor 24v SCHEMATIC ad7730 1000 watt RMS professional audio power amplifier schematic Circuit ad7730 pcb circuit example electric bicycle dc motor control 36v
    Text: NEW PRODUCT APPLICATIONS - 1 9 9 8 spring edition BOOST vi n O ^ SW ITC H V|N +7V TO +24V ADP3050-5 O V 0UT +5V @ 1A BIAS ON FB GND COMP 1 22|xF 4 k il 1 nF 1 0 0 jlF * V OUT V|N C - Q1 -O h anyCAP LDO TOPOLOGY - | - C COMP N O N IN V E R T IN G W ID E B A N D

    OCR Scan
    ADP3050-5 ADP3603/4/5 ADMC300 ADMC330 ADMC331 HT 1000-4 power amplifier mip 836 ic mip 836 schematic weigh scale AD7730 circuit integrate TB 1226 CN wheelchair motor 24v SCHEMATIC ad7730 1000 watt RMS professional audio power amplifier schematic Circuit ad7730 pcb circuit example electric bicycle dc motor control 36v PDF


    Abstract: ire5
    Text: H D 6 3 1 4 - Universal Pulse Processor UPP Description 24 16-bit universal reg isters (UDR) 16 I/O term in als (8 in tern al reg isters for pulse I/O control are also provided) In terru p ts ca n occur a t th e fallin g or ris­

    OCR Scan
    16-bit 10-bit 1024-byte IRS11 ire5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: flX IU N X Spartan and S p artan X l Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays September 28, 1998 Version 1.2 Preliminary Product Specification Introduction • System level features - Available in both 5.0 Volt and 3.3 Volt versions - On-chip SelectRAM memory

    OCR Scan
    SpartaXCS20XL-4 PQ208C PQ208 PDF

    XCS40 PQ208C

    Abstract: XCS20 TQ144 XCS10 vq100 FPGA Configuration Memory xcs40 XCS20 pin diagram XCS20 PQ208 XCS20 S6699
    Text: Spartan and SpartanXL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays flXIUNX September 28, 1998 Version 1.2 Preliminary Product Specification Introduction • The Spartan Series is the first high-volume production FPGA solution to deliver all the key requirements for ASIC

    OCR Scan
    XCS20XL-4 PQ208C PQ208 XCS40 PQ208C XCS20 TQ144 XCS10 vq100 FPGA Configuration Memory xcs40 XCS20 pin diagram XCS20 PQ208 XCS20 S6699 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D 6 3 1 4 3 - Universal Pulse Processor UPP-m Description Up to 16 functions are programmble from the MPU into the function table (RAM) 24 16-bit universal registers (UDR) 16 I/O terminals (8 internal registers for

    OCR Scan
    16-bit HD63143 Ub/P20~ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MACH-ZEHIMDER MODULATOR DRIVERS JSX Series «ft * f / r ' * ¿ fiS ß i a I I P . JATURES • Specifically designed for fiber optic applications • Standard models for 10,10.7 and 12.5 Gb/s data rates • Product line includes linear and limiting amplifiers

    OCR Scan

    transistor bl p89

    Abstract: bl p78 transistor transistor bl p81 TRANSISTOR BH p75 transistor bl p99 p116l BL P89 S20XL P11Q transistor bl p68
    Text: HXILINX Spartan and Spartan-XL Families Field Programmable Gate Arrays November 25,1997 Version 0.6 Advance Product Specification Introduction • The Spartan Series is the first high-volume production FPGA solution to deliver all the key requirements for ASIC

    OCR Scan
    Individ12 VQ100 TQ144 PQ208 PQ240 BG256 XCS05 XCS10 XCS20 XCS30 transistor bl p89 bl p78 transistor transistor bl p81 TRANSISTOR BH p75 transistor bl p99 p116l BL P89 S20XL P11Q transistor bl p68 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D 6 3 1 4 3 - Universal Pulse Processor U PP-m D escription Up to 16 fu n ction s a re p ro g ram m b le from th e MPU into th e fu n ctio n ta b le (RAM) 24 16-bit universal re g iste rs (UDR)

    OCR Scan
    16-bit HD63143 ------1S2074Â Ug/P20â PDF


    Abstract: HD63140 IRE5 IRE-5 HD63140 CP fnr 10k NL 714 DP-64S HD6301X UDR20
    Text: H D 6 3 1 4 - Universal Pulse Processor UPP Description 24 16-bit universal re gisters (UDR) 16 I/O term inals (8 internal re g isters for p ulse I/O control are also provided) Interrupts can occur a t th e fallin g or ris­

    OCR Scan
    HD63140 10-bit 1024-byte 16-bit IRS12 IRE5 IRE-5 HD63140 CP fnr 10k NL 714 DP-64S HD6301X UDR20 PDF


    Abstract: HD63140 CP IRS15 L2021 006-AD HD63140 IRE20 HD6301X IRE5 XTAL 16Mhz
    Text: H D 6 3 1 4 - U n iversal P u lse P ro ce sso r U P P • • D e s c r ip tio n T h e H ita c h i H D 63140 U n iv e rsa l P u lse P r o c e s ­ so r is a CM O S p e r ip h e r a l LSI c o n s is tin g of

    OCR Scan
    HD63140- HD63140 10-bit 1024-byte 16-bit ADE-502-002) IRE-5 HD63140 CP IRS15 L2021 006-AD IRE20 HD6301X IRE5 XTAL 16Mhz PDF