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    Abstract: 74245 BUFFER IC AD1845JP AD1845JST AD1846 AD1848 CS4231 CS4248 st100 74245 pin diagram
    Text: a Parallel-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec AD1845 FEATURES Single-Chip Integrated ∑∆ Digital Audio Stereo Codec Microsoft ® and Windows® Sound System Compatible MPC Level-2+ Compliant Mixing 16 mA Bus Drive Capability Supports Two DMA Channels for Full Duplex Operation

    16-Bit AD1845 68-Lead 100-Lead AD1848, AD1846, CS4248, CS4231 C2008a AD1845 74245 BUFFER IC AD1845JP AD1845JST AD1846 AD1848 CS4231 CS4248 st100 74245 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Parallel-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec AD1845 a FEATURES Single-Chip Integrated ∑∆ Digital Audio Stereo Codec M icrosoft ® and Window s® Sound System Compatible M PC Level-2+ Compliant M ixing 16 mA Bus Drive Capability Supports Tw o DM A Channels for Full Duplex Operation

    16-Bit AD1845 68-Lead 100-Lead AD1848, AD1846, CS4248, CS4231 AD1845 PDF

    mce 4000 electret microphone

    Abstract: pin diagram of 74245 BUFFER IC 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER data 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC CAPACITOR MICROPHONE mce of 74245 BUFFER IC AD1846jp 74245 buffer 74245 BUFFER IC rx1a1
    Text: a Low Cost Parallel-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec AD1846 It provides a direct, byte-wide interface to both ISA “AT” and EISA computer buses for simplified implementation on a computer motherboard or add-in card. The AD1846 generates enable and direction controls for IC buffers such as the 74_245.

    AD1848 68-Lead 16-Bit AD1846 C1966 mce 4000 electret microphone pin diagram of 74245 BUFFER IC 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER data 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC CAPACITOR MICROPHONE mce of 74245 BUFFER IC AD1846jp 74245 buffer 74245 BUFFER IC rx1a1 PDF


    Abstract: rx2g4
    Text: a Serial-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec AD1847 FEATURES Single-Chip Integrated ⌺⌬ Digital Audio Stereo Codec Supports the Microsoft Windows Sound System* Multiple Channels of Stereo Input Analog and Digital Signal Mixing Programmable Gain and Attenuation

    44-Lead ADSP-21xx 16-Bit AD1847 AD1847 te2025 rx2g4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a AC ’97 SoundPort Codec AD1819A AC '97 FEATURES Fully Compliant AC ’97 Analog I/O Component 48-Terminal TQFP Package Multibit ⌺⌬ Converter Architecture for Improved S/N Ratio >90 dB 16-Bit Stereo Full-Duplex Codec Four Analog Line-Level Stereo Inputs for Connection

    48-Terminal 16-Bit AD1819A 200Hz ST-48) C3261 PDF


    Abstract: SR010 AD1819JST MMV3 AD1819J
    Text: BACK a AC ’97 SoundPort Codec AD1819 AC '97 FEATURES Fully Compliant AC ’97 Analog I/O Component 48-Terminal TQFP Package Multibit ⌺⌬ Converter Architecture for Improved S/N Ratio >90 dB 16-Bit Stereo Full-Duplex Codec Four Analog Line-Level Stereo Inputs for Connection

    48-Terminal 16-Bit AD1819 100nF ST-48) C3097 SR010 AD1819JST MMV3 AD1819J PDF


    Abstract: MPC2 IS1R ibm joystick gpsp material property
    Text: BACK a SoundPort Controller AD1816A FEATURES Compatible with Microsoft® PC 97 Logo Requirements Supports Applications Written for Windows® 95, Windows 3.1, Windows NT, SoundBlaster® Pro, AdLib®/OPL3® Stereo Audio 16-Bit ⌺⌬ Codec Internal 3D Circuit—Phat Stereo Phase Expander

    16-Bit 16-Bit MPU-401 AD1816A 100-Lead ST-100) C2969a AD1816AJS MPC2 IS1R ibm joystick gpsp material property PDF

    tea 1010

    Abstract: AD1848 W04 74 74F646 AD1848K AN1271 DH15 IDT74FCT162646 MACH210
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor AN1271 Freescale Order Number 12/95 Application Note PowerPC  60x Microprocessor to AD1848 CODEC Interface This document describes how to interface the Analog Devices SoundPort Stereo CODEC (AD1848) to the PowerPC 60x local bus. The AD1848 integrates key audio data

    AN1271 AD1848 AD1848) AD1848, tea 1010 W04 74 74F646 AD1848K AN1271 DH15 IDT74FCT162646 MACH210 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AD1849KST Linear ICs CODEC Circuit statusû Military/High-RelN Nom. Supp V 5.0 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)0 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)70 Package StyleQFP Mounting StyleS Pinout Equivalence Code44-171 # Pins44 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN04400171 DescriptionParallel Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo CODEC

    AD1849KST Code44-171 Pins44 NumberLN04400171 16-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Parallel-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec AD1845 FEATURES Single-Chip Integrated ∑∆ Digital Audio Stereo Codec Microsoft ® and Windows® Sound System Compatible MPC Level-2+ Compliant Mixing 16 mA Bus Drive Capability Supports Two DMA Channels for Full Duplex Operation

    68-Lead 100-Lead AD1848, AD1846, CS4248, CS4231 16-Bit AD1845 ST-100) AD1845 PDF


    Abstract: stereo to 5.1 converter circuit diagram Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit ci 555 16 pin FM Stereo Decoder Integrated Circuit 5 in 1 audio system circuit DC PIR CONTROLLER 8 reset AD1816 audio amplifier with volume control DC PIR CONTROLLER
    Text: a SoundPort Controller AD1816 FEATURES Supports Applications Written for Win 95, Win 3.1, SoundBlaster* Pro, AdLib/OPL3† Stereo Audio 16-Bit ⌺⌬ Codec Internal 3D Circuit—Phat Stereo Phase Expander MPC Level-3 Mixer ISA Plug and Play Compatible 16-Bit Address Decode

    AD1816 16-Bit 16-Bit MPU-401 100-Lead ST-100) AD1816JS stereo to 5.1 converter circuit diagram Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit ci 555 16 pin FM Stereo Decoder Integrated Circuit 5 in 1 audio system circuit DC PIR CONTROLLER 8 reset AD1816 audio amplifier with volume control DC PIR CONTROLLER PDF


    Abstract: gpsp material property AD1816A JST LLM MIDI/AUDIO AD1816 AD1816AJS AD1816AJST MPU401 MPU-401
    Text: a SoundPort Controller AD1816A FEATURES Compatible with Microsoft® PC 97 Logo Requirements Supports Applications Written for Windows® 95, Windows 3.1, Windows NT, SoundBlaster® Pro, AdLib®/OPL3® Stereo Audio 16-Bit ⌺⌬ Codec Internal 3D Circuit—Phat Stereo Phase Expander

    AD1816A 16-Bit 16-Bit MPU-401 100-Lead ST-100) C2969a pcr150 gpsp material property AD1816A JST LLM MIDI/AUDIO AD1816 AD1816AJS AD1816AJST MPU401 PDF

    gpsp material property

    Abstract: mip* 552 MPC2 PNPB006
    Text: a SoundPort Controller AD1816A FEATURES Compatible with Microsoft® PC 97 Logo Requirements Supports Applications Written for Windows® 95, Windows 3.1, Windows NT, SoundBlaster® Pro, AdLib®/OPL3® Stereo Audio 16-Bit ⌺⌬ Codec Internal 3D Circuit—Phat Stereo Phase Expander

    16-Bit 16-Bit MPU-401 AD1816A 100-Lead ST-100) C2969a gpsp material property mip* 552 MPC2 PNPB006 PDF


    Abstract: AD1849KP AD1849KP-REEL
    Text: Analog Products - AD1849 ADI Site Navigation ADI Home > AD1849 Package/Price Information For detailed packaging information, please select the Datasheets button. Serial-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec Model Status Package Description Pin Count Temperature

    AD1849 16-Bit AD1849KP-REEL AD1849KP com/pdfs/codec/adi/ad1849 htm6/26/2005 AD1849 AD1849KP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: « FEB 3 ¡333 Parallel-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES Single-Chip Integrated 2A Digital Audio Stereo Codec Supports th e Microsoft W indow s Sound System« M ultiple Channels of Stereo Input and Output Analog and Digital Signal Mixing

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit 68-Lead AD1848JP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: «tue .î t *»• ANALOG DEVICES ai- ^ c o AD 1848 Parallel-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec FEATURES Single-Chip Integrated ZA Digital Audio Stereo Codec Multiple Channels of Stereo Input and Output Analog and Digital Signal Mixing Programmable Gain and Attenuation

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit 68-Lead AD1848 XTAL20 PDF


    Abstract: rx-1a ic
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Low Cost Parallel-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Sereo Codec ADI 846 I t provides a d irect, byte-w ide in terlace to both ISA "AT " and E ISA com p u te r b u s s fo r sim p lified in piem e n ta tb n on a com p uterm otherboard o r add-in card . T h e AD 1 8 4 6 gen erates e n ­

    OCR Scan
    AD1848 68-Lead BBU RRU rx-1a ic PDF


    Abstract: L20XC RKM 24 sm transistor rkm 21 transistor IA30R rkm 34 transistor rkm 35 transistor
    Text: Serial Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES Single-Chip Integrated SA Digital Audio Stereo Codec Supports the Microsoft Windows Sound System" Multiple Channels of Stereo Input Analog and Digital Signal Mixing Programmable Gain and Attenuation

    OCR Scan
    44-Lead ADSP-21xx AD1847 AD1847JST 05MINJ0 15MAX. D1847 L20XC RKM 24 sm transistor rkm 21 transistor IA30R rkm 34 transistor rkm 35 transistor PDF


    Abstract: AD1849KP AD1849KST ADI849K API849K CS4215 ANA PIO
    Text: □fllbBOO 0D42320 T5S • ANA ANALOG ► DEVICES Serial-Port, 1 6-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec AD1849K FEATURES Single-Chip Integrated SA Digital Audio Stereo Codec Multiple Channels of Stereo Input and Output Digital Signal Mixing On-Chip Speaker and Headphone Drive Capability

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit AD1849K 44-Lead ADSP-21xx CS4215 sin90 004234b AD1849KP AD1849KST ADI849K API849K CS4215 ANA PIO PDF

    sr16 700

    Abstract: AD1819 AD1819JST ADI819 csi se4
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES AC '97 SoundPort Codec ADI819 AC ’97 FEATURES Fully C o m p lia n t AC '97 A n alo g I/O C o m p o n e n t 4 8 -T e rm in a l TQFP Package M u ltib it X A C o n v e rte r A rch ite c tu re fo r Im p ro ved S /N R atio >90 dB 16 -B it S tereo F u ll-D u p lex Codec

    OCR Scan
    ADI819 48-Terminal 16-Bit AD1819 ADSP-21xx ST-48) sr16 700 AD1819JST csi se4 PDF


    Abstract: L9145 VOICE C EZ 707 ibm joystick
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES SoundPort Controller AD1816 A FEATURES C o m p a tib le w ith M icrosoft® PC 97 Logo R e q u ire m e n ts S u p p o rts A p p lic a tio n s W ritte n fo r W indow s® 95, W in d o w s 3.1, W in d o w s NT, S oundBlaster® Pro, AdLib®/OPL3®

    OCR Scan
    MPU-401 AD1816 100-Lead S-100) T-100) 24C02J L9145 VOICE C EZ 707 ibm joystick PDF


    Abstract: 74245 BUFFER IC DCA307 of 74245 BUFFER IC dca300
    Text: f ANALOG DEVICES Low Cost Parallel-Port 1 6-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec AD1846 FEATURES Low Cost, Pin* and Register-Compatible Alternative to AD1848 Single-Chip Intag ratad ZA Digital Audio Stereo Cod«« Supports tha Microsoft Windows Sound System* Multipla Channels of Stereo input end Output

    OCR Scan
    AD1848 08-Lead 64-Lead AD1846 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC 74245 BUFFER IC DCA307 of 74245 BUFFER IC dca300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s i 2 1993 Serial-Port, 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES Single-Chip Integrated 2A Digital Audio Stereo Codec Multiple Channels of Stereo Input and Output Digital Signal Mixing Programmable Gain and Attenuation On-Chip Signal Filters

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit 44-Lead ADSP-21xx CS4215 CS4215 PDF


    Abstract: RX-2-G
    Text: Serial-Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo Codec ANALOG DEVICES ADI 847 FEATURES Single-Chip Integrated SA Digital Audio Stereo Codec Supports the Microsoft W indow s Sound System * M ultiple Channels of Stereo Input Analog and Digital Signal Mixing Programmable Gain and A ttenuation

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit 44-Lead ADSP-21xx 16-Bit RX2g RX-2-G PDF