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    KT 0803 K

    Abstract: Sensick Sensors SICK DME 5000 Sick NT-6 din 43651 Sensick DME 2000 DOL-1608-G10MA DOL-0804-G02M DSL-8D04-G02M
    Text: Te c h n i s c h e B e s c h r e i b u n g S ENS ICK Anschluss- und Befestigungstechnik SICK AG • Automatisierungstechnik · Deutschland · Alle Rechte vorbehalten 8 XXX XXX/XX-XX-XX © SICK AG · Automatisierungstechnik · Deutschland · Alle Rechte vorbehalten


    SICK D-79183

    Abstract: manual sick D-79183 SICK PLS SICK D-79183 waldkirch Infra-red obstacle detection project report pilz pnoz 24v 3s 10 D-79183 waldkirch D-79183 AG D-79183 SICK AG D-79183
    Text: 6:58 Uhr Seite 2 Black/Process Black Bogen E C H N I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N 12.07.2001 T 67146 Sick TB PLS GB.qxd Proximity Laser Scanner P LS 67146 Sick TB PLS GB.qxd 12.07.2001 6:59 Uhr Seite 3 (Black/Process Black Bogen) Certification Technical Description

    316/JC79/10-07-01 D-79177 SICK D-79183 manual sick D-79183 SICK PLS SICK D-79183 waldkirch Infra-red obstacle detection project report pilz pnoz 24v 3s 10 D-79183 waldkirch D-79183 AG D-79183 SICK AG D-79183 PDF


    Abstract: DME 2000 DOL-1608-G10MA DOS-1608-GA DOL-0804-G05MC DOS-0606-G DOL-1204-W05MN 7805 8PIN DSL-1204-TOM3 BEF-KHS-C01
    Text: Systems from a single source of supply. Mounting and connection methods, in conjunction with industrial sensors, are an integral part of an all-embracing systems concept. Anyone who adopts a uniform scheme for mounting and connection is at an advantage. SICK offers you this

    DOL-LL1903-02M DOL-LL1903-05M DOL-LL1901-02M DOL-LL1901-05M DSL-8D04-G02M DME 2000 DOL-1608-G10MA DOS-1608-GA DOL-0804-G05MC DOS-0606-G DOL-1204-W05MN 7805 8PIN DSL-1204-TOM3 BEF-KHS-C01 PDF

    elmwood sensors ltd

    Abstract: elmwood thermal switch saft rectifier ABB sensycon SICK OPTEX elmwood sensors Oscillatek abb entrelec relays Litton Electron Devices microwave tubes Anzac Electronics
    Text: S OURCE ESB’ S Last Two Years of M ANUFACTURER N AME C HANGES Specifying and buying parts is hard enough without constant name changes due to manufacturing mergers, acquisitions and company spin-offs. Historically, each regional Electronics Source Book has diligently tracked these changes to save you time and headaches. We're happy to provide this

    BMIC/Ele03 elmwood sensors ltd elmwood thermal switch saft rectifier ABB sensycon SICK OPTEX elmwood sensors Oscillatek abb entrelec relays Litton Electron Devices microwave tubes Anzac Electronics PDF


    Abstract: sick nt
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Power Transistors 2SD2018 Silicon NPN epitaxial planar type darlington For low-frequency amplification Unit: mm 8.0+0.5 –0.1 M Di ain sc te on na tin nc ue e/ d 3.2±0.2 • Features Parameter

    2002/95/EC) 2SD2018 2SD2018 sick nt PDF

    ic cmos 4014

    Abstract: 4bit straight adpcm method m5218 l
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5218 ADPCM Voice Analysis/Synthesis IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM5218 is a complete voice analysis/synthesis IC featuring the Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation ADPCM method of data compression. The MSM5218 contains an analysis stage

    OCR Scan
    MSM5218 MSM5218 MSM5205 10-bit 24-pin M5218 12-bit ic cmos 4014 4bit straight adpcm method m5218 l PDF

    4bit straight adpcm method

    Abstract: 4014PS ic 5218 a MSM5218
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5218 ADPCM Voice Analysis/Synthesis 1C GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM5218 is a complete voice analysis/synthesis IC featuring the Adaptive Differential Pulse Code M odulation ADPCM method of data compression. The MSM5218 contains an analysis stage

    OCR Scan
    MSM5218 MSM5218 10-bit MSM5205 24-pin 5218Reset 4bit straight adpcm method 4014PS ic 5218 a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5218 AD PCM SPEECH ANALYSIS/SYNTHESIS IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION TheM SM 5218 is a com plete speech an alysis/ synthesis LSI featuring the A daptive Differ­ ential Pulse C ode M od u latio n ADPCM m ethod of data com pression. The MSM5218

    OCR Scan
    MSM5218 10-bit 218Reset MSM5218 12-bit MSM5218RS PDF

    csb 384P

    Abstract: MSM5218RS msm5204 ADPCM method speech synthesis LSI sim 5218 MSM5205RS
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5218 AD PCM S P E E C H A N A LY S IS /S Y N T H E S IS IC G E N E R A L D E SC R IP T IO N TheM SM 5218 is a com plete speech an aly sis/ synthesis LSI featuring the A daptive Differ­ ential P ulse C ode M o d u la tio n ADPCM m ethod of d ata com pression. The MSM5218

    OCR Scan
    MSM5218 MSM5218 10-bit 5218Reset csb 384P MSM5218RS msm5204 ADPCM method speech synthesis LSI sim 5218 MSM5205RS PDF


    Abstract: MSM5218RS OKI 5205 MSM4015 msm5204 MSM5205 csb 384P csb 200 4bit straight adpcm method Analysis on the ADC
    Text: O K I Semiconductor 1SM5218 ADPCM SPEECH ANALYSIS/SYNTHESIS IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e M S M 5218 is a com p lete speech a n a ly s is/ synth esis LSI featuring the A d ap tiv e D iffer­ e n tial P u lse C o d e M o d u la tio n A D P C M m eth od of data com pression. The M SM 5218

    OCR Scan
    1SM5218_ MSM5218 10-bit 12-bit MSM4094 MSM4015 MSM5218 MSM5205RS MSM5218RS OKI 5205 MSM4015 msm5204 MSM5205 csb 384P csb 200 4bit straight adpcm method Analysis on the ADC PDF

    scr fir 3d

    Abstract: 1S114 full 18*16 barrel shifter design PD77230 G0331 77P230 UPD77P230 pPD77230
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC LIE D • L.427525 GÜ331S1 DS7 « N E C E fiPD77230A, 77P230 32-Bit Floating-Point Digital Signal Processor NEC Electronics Inc. Description o Eight-level stack accessible to internal bus The pPD77230A Digital Signal Processor DSP is the

    OCR Scan
    uPD77230A uPD77P230 32-Bit pPD77230A PD77230A /L/PD77230AR) /PD77P230R) fiPD77230AR-003) scr fir 3d 1S114 full 18*16 barrel shifter design PD77230 G0331 77P230 pPD77230 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: jW /X V ^ 1^1 M -J NEC Electronics Inc. pPD77230A, 77P230 32-Bit Floating-Point Digital Signal Processor Description □ Eight-level stack accessible to internal bus The juPD77230A Digital Signal Processor DSP is the high-end mem ber of a new third-generation fam ily of

    OCR Scan
    pPD77230A, 77P230 32-Bit juPD77230A The/JPD77230A pPD77230AR) /L/PD77P230R) 49-001d50B PDF

    STK and STR integrated circuits

    Abstract: STK 402 120 Y SICK WT 4-2 TSDW1 ic2398 PD77230 4431b uPD77230A
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC E LECTRON DEVICE À MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT //PD77230A D IG IT A L S IG N A L PRO CESSO R The juPD77230A is a Digital Signal Processor DSP developed fo r digital signal processing requiring high ac­ curacy. This unit processes 32-bit floating-point data or 24-bit fixed-point data at the rate o f 150 ns/instruction.

    OCR Scan
    uPD77230A 32-bit 24-bit itPD77230A X68R-100A-1 b427525 D07bfl3S STK and STR integrated circuits STK 402 120 Y SICK WT 4-2 TSDW1 ic2398 PD77230 4431b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC //P D 7 7 2 3 0 ADVANCED SIGNAL PROCESSOR NEC Electronics Inc. March 1988 Description Applications The ¿/PD77230 Advanced Signal Processor A S P is the high-end member of a new third-generation family of 32-bit digital signal processors. This C M O S chip

    OCR Scan
    /PD77230 32-bit //PD77230 55-bit 150-ns NECEL-000608 PDF


    Abstract: m5205 oki MSM6258 FST 460 KBR 6.0 MSM6258V QFP44-P-910-V1K Transistor FST 460 4813b MSM6258VJS
    Text: O K I Semiconductor ISM6258/MSM6258V ADPCM SPEECH PROCESSOR FOR SOLID STATE RECORDER TO CUSTOMERS FOR NEW CIRCUIT DESIGN For a new circuit design, i t is recom m ended to use not the MSM6258, b u t the M SM6388/ MSM6588 as described later. The MSM6258 has an 8-bit AD converter and

    OCR Scan
    ISM6258/MSM6258V MSM6258, MSM6388/ MSM6588 MSM6258 MSM6388/MSM6588 12-bit MSM6388 FST 460 TRANSISTOR m5205 oki FST 460 KBR 6.0 MSM6258V QFP44-P-910-V1K Transistor FST 460 4813b MSM6258VJS PDF

    transistor jcs

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADE-207-007A Feb. 1988 HD81810 D igital Signal Processor D S P -W W ide-T em perature-R ange H ITA C H I The HD81810/HD81A810 is m em ber of th e DSP fam ily of single-chip general-purpose digital signal processors w hich can be u sed in th e w ide-ran ge am bient tem perature. H igh­

    OCR Scan
    ADE-207-007A HD81810 HD81810/HD81A810 D81810 250ns/cycle, 81A810 200ns/cycle) HD61810 transistor jcs PDF

    STK and STR integrated circuits

    Abstract: all stk ic diagram PD77230 stk 200/300 TI42 sick WL AXPD77230A JUPD77230 JUPD77230A A1H10
    Text: DATA SHEET SEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRON DEVICE //PD77230A D I G IT A L S I G N A L P R O C E S S O R The //PD 77230A is a Digital Signal Processor DSP developed fo r digital signal processing requiring high ac­ curacy. This u n it processes 32-bit flo a tin g -p o in t data or 24-bit fix e d -p o in t data at the rate o f 150 ns/instruction.

    OCR Scan
    uPD77230A 32-bit 24-bit LtPD77230A -100A b427S55 STK and STR integrated circuits all stk ic diagram PD77230 stk 200/300 TI42 sick WL AXPD77230A JUPD77230 JUPD77230A A1H10 PDF


    Abstract: SICK WL 25 123 M6258 MSM6295 m5205 oki 4bit straight adpcm method MSC2304
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 6 2 5 8 /M S M 6 2 5 8 V ADPCM Voice Processor for Solid State Recorder TO CUSTOMERS FOR NEW CIRCUIT DESIGN For a new circuit design, it is recommended to use not the MSM6258, but the MSM6388/MSM6588 as described later. The MSM6258 has an 8-bit AD converter and does not have a built-in low pass filter. On the other

    OCR Scan
    MSM6258, MSM6388/MSM6588 MSM6258 12-bit MSM6388 MSM6588. SICK WL 25 123 M6258 MSM6295 m5205 oki 4bit straight adpcm method MSC2304 PDF

    li ion toshiba scheme

    Abstract: TC351 toshiba facsimile tc35 T5645 dsv 11 MPS 1213 Integrated Circuit
    Text: T O S H IB A INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TC35107F CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TECHNICAL DATA TC 35107F 9600BPS M O D E M The TOSHIBA TC35107F is a modem LSI designed for use in Group 3 facsimile machines. The modem is capable of operating over the public

    OCR Scan
    TC35107F 35107F 9600BPS 27ter 300bps. CTV-XJ96X) T96FX-A2> li ion toshiba scheme TC351 toshiba facsimile tc35 T5645 dsv 11 MPS 1213 Integrated Circuit PDF


    Abstract: SICK RM pd77230
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC Tfi 6427525 N E C D e J LME75B5 OOlt.343 T ELECTRONICS INC 980 16343 D //P D 7 7 2 3 0 ADVANCED s ig n a l p ro c e s s o r N E C Electronics Inc. Z ' o r M a rc h 1988 Description Applications T h e /UPD77230 A d v a n c e d S ig n a l P ro c e s s o r A S P is

    OCR Scan
    LME75B5 uPD77230 /UPD77230 b427525 642752S SICK RM pd77230 PDF


    Abstract: MSM6258 MSM6295 MSM4069 MSM6258V msm5840 OT31 m5205 oki lm 398- SAMPLE AND HOLD
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6 2 S8 /MSM6 2 5 8 V AOPCM Voice Processor for Solid State Recorder TO CUSTOMERS FOR NEW CIRCUIT DESIGN For a new circuit design, it is recommended to use not the MSM6258, but the MSM6388/MSM6588 as described later. The MSM6258 has an 8-bit A D converter and does not have a built-in low pass filter. On the other

    OCR Scan
    MSM6258, MSM6388/MSM6588 MSM6258 12-bit MSM6388 MSM6588. m6258v MSM6295 MSM4069 MSM6258V msm5840 OT31 m5205 oki lm 398- SAMPLE AND HOLD PDF

    FST 460 transistor

    Abstract: 80c85 UTM RESISTOR 210-9 sc2305 Transistor FST 461 QFP44-P-910-V1K Transistor FST 460 MSM6258
    Text: O K I Semiconductor ISM6258/MSM6258V ADPCM S P E E C H P R O C E S S O R FO R SO LID ST A T E R E C O R D E R TO C U S T O M ER S FO R NEW C IR C U IT DESIGN For a new circuit design, it is recommended to use not the M SM 6258, but the M SM 6388/ M SM 6588 as described later.

    OCR Scan
    ISM6258/MSM6258V 6388/M 12-bit MSM6258 MSM6588. 7542M0 MSM6258/MSM6258V MSM80C85 b7E4240 FST 460 transistor 80c85 UTM RESISTOR 210-9 sc2305 Transistor FST 461 QFP44-P-910-V1K Transistor FST 460 PDF

    transistor fst 239

    Abstract: MSM6258V m6258
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6258/MSM6258V A D P C M S P E E C H P R O C E S S O R FOR SOLID STATE R E C O R D E R G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION The M SM 6258 is a complex and highly inte­ grated ADPCM speech processor, im ple­ mented in CM OS technology for low power

    OCR Scan
    MSM6258/MSM6258V MSM80C85 transistor fst 239 MSM6258V m6258 PDF

    UM1 L1 2A

    Abstract: 8 bit modified booth multipliers 82811 S2811 sincos S2811-10 S2811-12 S2811-15 modified booth circuit diagram crystal oscillator 20mhz
    Text: S2811 AMERICAN MICROSYSTEMS, INC.| SIGNAL PROCESSING PERIPHERAL F eatures □ Programmable for D igital Processing of Signals in Voice-Grade Comm unications S ystem s and Other A pplications w ith Signals in the Audio Frequency Range □ On-Chip 12-Bit Parallel M ultiplier One Cycle

    OCR Scan
    S2811 12-Bit 256x17) 256x16) 300ns 20MHz) S2811 UM1 L1 2A 8 bit modified booth multipliers 82811 sincos S2811-10 S2811-12 S2811-15 modified booth circuit diagram crystal oscillator 20mhz PDF