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    SCR 400V Search Results

    SCR 400V Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    P104 Coilcraft Inc Silicon Controlled Rectifier, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    CR05AS-8-T14#F01 Renesas Electronics Corporation 400V - 0.5A - Thyristor Low Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3AS-8UE-A2#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation 400V - 3A - Thyristor Medium Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR02AM-8#BD0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 400V - 0.2A - Thyristor Low Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR5AS-8UE-TL#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation 400V - 5A - Thyristor Medium Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SCR 400V Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: NTE5401 NTE5405 NTE5404 NTE5406 NTE5400 NTE5403
    Text: NTE5400 thru NTE5406 Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR 0.8 Amp Sensitive Gate Description: The NTE5400 through NTE5406 sensitive gate SCR semiconductors are halfwave unidirectional gate controlled rectifiers (SCR–thyristor) rated at 0.8 amps RMS maximum on–state current, with

    NTE5400 NTE5406 NTE5406 NTE5402 NTE5401 NTE5405 NTE5404 NTE5403 PDF


    Abstract: NTE5405 NTE5404 NTE5401 thyristor SCR 600V 8A NTE5406 NTE5400 To92 thyristor datasheet NTE5403
    Text: NTE5400 thru NTE5406 Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR 0.8 Amp Sensitive Gate, TO92 Description: The NTE5400 through NTE5406 sensitive gate SCR semiconductors are halfwave unidirectional gate controlled rectifiers (SCR−thyristor) rated at 0.8 amps RMS maximum on−state current, with

    NTE5400 NTE5406 NTE5406 NTE5402 NTE5405 NTE5404 NTE5401 thyristor SCR 600V 8A To92 thyristor datasheet NTE5403 PDF

    irkv 300

    Abstract: IRKT
    Text: Bulletin I27204 09/05 IRK.PbF SERIES SCR / SCR and SCR / DIODE MAGN-A-pak  Power Modules Features High voltage Electrically isolated base plate 3000 V RMS isolating voltage Industrial standard package 170A 250A Simplified mechanical designs, rapid assembly

    I27204 12-Mar-07 irkv 300 IRKT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONICTECHNOLOGIESCO., LTD FS0203 Preliminary SCR SU RFACE M OU N T SCR  DESCRI PT I ON The UTC FS0203 is a surface mount SCR, it uses UTC’s advanced technology to provide customers with high gate sensitivity, etc.  1 SOT-223 FEAT U RES * High gate sensitivity

    FS0203 FS0203 OT-223 FS0203L-x-AA3-R FS0203G-x-AA3-R QW-R301-020. PDF

    Power thyristor

    Abstract: S402ES s602es 15amp TO-92 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers EIA-468 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers gas ignition "Silicon Controlled Rectifiers" 35 amp "Power thyristor" On semiconductor date Code sot-223
    Text: Teccor brand Thyristors Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Sx02xS EV Series 1.5 Amp Sensitive SCR Description New 1.5Amp sensitive gate SCR series offers high static dv/dt with low turn off time tq through small die planar construction design. All SCR’s junctions are glasspassivated to ensure long term reliability and parametric

    Sx02xS 15Amps OT-223 OT-223) Power thyristor S402ES s602es 15amp TO-92 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers EIA-468 Silicon Controlled Rectifiers gas ignition "Silicon Controlled Rectifiers" 35 amp "Power thyristor" On semiconductor date Code sot-223 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP724 Data Sheet SCR/Diode Array for ESD and Transient Over-Voltage Protection [ /Title SP724 /Subject (SCR/ Diode Array for ESD and Transient OverVoltage Protection) /Autho r () /Keywords (TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, Automotive, Load Dump,

    SP724 SP724 20VDC. 180mm OT-23 EIA-481 PDF


    Abstract: SP724AHT General Electric scr SOT-23 SP724 triggering scr with microprocessor SCR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS SCR C 4458 automotive SCR digital triggering scr sot-23 VX
    Text: SP724 Data Sheet SCR/Diode Array for ESD and Transient Over-Voltage Protection [ /Title SP724 /Subject (SCR/ Diode Array for ESD and Transient OverVoltage Protection) /Autho r () /Keywords (TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, Automotive, Load Dump,

    SP724 SP724 20VDC. 1-800-4-HARRIS SP724AH SP724AHT General Electric scr SOT-23 triggering scr with microprocessor SCR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS SCR C 4458 automotive SCR digital triggering scr sot-23 VX PDF

    battery charging circuit using scr

    Abstract: scr circuit diagram SP724 SCR C 4458
    Text: [ /Title SP724 /Subject (SCR/ Diode Array for ESD and Transient OverVoltage Protection) /Autho r () /Keywords (TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, Automotive, Load Dump, Alternator Field Decay, SP724 Data Sheet SCR/Diode Array for ESD and Transient

    SP724 SP724 20VDC. 1-800-4-HARRIS battery charging circuit using scr scr circuit diagram SCR C 4458 PDF


    Abstract: NTE5437
    Text: NTE5437 & NTE5438 Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR 8 Amp Senstitive Gate, TO220 Description: The NTE5437 and NTE5438 are silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR) in a TO220 type package designed for general purpose high voltage applications where gate sensitivity is required.

    NTE5437 NTE5438 NTE5437 NTE5438 PDF


    Abstract: NTE5444 NTE5446 NTE5448
    Text: NTE5442 thru NTE5448 Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR 8 Amp Description: The NTE5442 thru NTE5448 are silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR’s) in a TO127 type package designed for high–volume consumer phase–control applications such as motor speed, temperature,

    NTE5442 NTE5448 NTE5448 NTE5444 NTE5446 PDF


    Abstract: NTE54001 NTE54002 NTE54004 SCR TRIGGER PULSE circuit NTE54000 NTE5400
    Text: NTE54000 thru NTE54004 Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR 55 Amp Description: The NTE54000 thru NTE54004 are half−wave, unidirectional, gate−controlled silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR) packaged in a TO220 type case featuring glass−passivated junctions to ensure long−

    NTE54000 NTE54004 NTE54004 NTE54000 NTE54001 150mA, 200mA NTE54003 NTE54001 NTE54002 SCR TRIGGER PULSE circuit NTE5400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International B Rectifier SERIES IRK.F82 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability E lectrically isolated baseplate 3000 V RMS isolating voltage Industrial standard package

    OCR Scan
    200to PDF

    irkt 132

    Abstract: IRKT THYRISTOR THYRISTOR MODULE irkt 132 12 irkt 40 D267 DIODE
    Text: International H Rectifier SERIES IRK.F72 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability Electrically isolated baseplate 3000 V RMS isolating voltage Industrial standard package

    OCR Scan

    irkt 132 12

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • International SRectffier 4B55452 741 « I N R INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER bSE D SERIES IRK.F72 FAST SCR / DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability Electrically isolated baseplate

    OCR Scan
    4B55452 S545E JDDlb74b irkt 132 12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • International S Rectifier 4Ö554S2 001b?b3 TbO ■ INR INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER bSE » SERIES IRK.F112 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability Electrically isolated baseplate

    OCR Scan
    554S2 4fl55452 10ohm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • International g«R]Rectifier MflSSMSS DDlbô3D MTS ■ INR INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER bSE D SERIES IRK.F200 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR MAGN-A-pak Power Modules Features ■ ■ ■ ■ Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability

    OCR Scan
    10ohm 15-Gate PDF


    Abstract: 18psk NF200 Diode LT 410
    Text: International H Rectifier SERIES IRK.F200 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR MAGN-A-pak Power Modules Features • ■ I ■ ■ Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability Electrically isolated baseplate 3 0 0 0 V rms isolating voltage

    OCR Scan
    18to25 15-Gate VD357 18psk NF200 Diode LT 410 PDF

    diode D284

    Abstract: AV1X
    Text: International BRectifier s e r ie s i r k .f i <?2 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability Electrically Isolated baseplate 3000 V RMS isolating voltage Industrial standard package

    OCR Scan

    6AI diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International IS Rectifier 4Ö5545E Oülb?^ 32fl H I N R SERIES IRK.F152 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability E lectrically isolated baseplate

    OCR Scan
    5545E 4ASS452 10ohm 10ohms- 6AI diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • International [ H Rectifier 4Ö5SMSE QQlbflBE 32T ■ INR international rectifier bSE s e rie s ir k .fis o FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR MAGN-A-pak Power Modules Features ■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability

    OCR Scan
    10ohm 20ohms 15-Gate PDF

    D311 equivalent

    Abstract: DIODE d307 D312 diode JS 684 THYRISTOR OE 90C 2600 diode lt 445 ic "D312"
    Text: International S Rectifier s e r ie s i r k . f i 52 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules F eatu res Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability Electrically isolated baseplate 3000 V RMS isolating voltage Industrial standard package

    OCR Scan
    200to to18NT D311 equivalent DIODE d307 D312 diode JS 684 THYRISTOR OE 90C 2600 diode lt 445 ic "D312" PDF

    dt 7130

    Abstract: SCR 400V 1000A fire angle of scr drive circuit KHF 800
    Text: • International Rectifier 4Ö5S452 0Glbô22 321 ■ INR international re<-tifier s e r ie s ir k .f is o FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR MAGN-A-pak Power Modules Features ■ ■ g g ■ ■ Fast turn-off thyristor Fast recovery diode High surge capability

    OCR Scan
    3000Vrms 20ohms dt 7130 SCR 400V 1000A fire angle of scr drive circuit KHF 800 PDF

    D304 diode

    Abstract: tr/P45/D304 diode
    Text: • International ^R ectifier MÖSSM52 QQlb771 037 ■ INR INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER b5E D SERIES IRK.F132 FAST SCR / DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features F ast tu rn -o ff th y ris to r F a s t re c o v e ry d io d e High su rg e c a p a b ility

    OCR Scan
    SSM52 QQlb771 46S5452 10ohms. D304 diode tr/P45/D304 diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • International H Rectifier 4655452 DGlt.755 ‘m INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER *INR b5E » SERIES IRK.F102 FAST SCR I DIODE and SCR / SCR INT-A-PAK Power Modules Features F a st tu rn -o ff th yristo r F a s t re c o v e ry d io d e H igh s u rg e c a p a b ility

    OCR Scan