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    SANREX QF20AA60 Search Results

    SANREX QF20AA60 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TR A NSISTO R MODULE three phases bridge type QF20AA40/60 QF20AA is a six pack Darlington power transistor module which has six transistors connected in three phase bridge configuration. Each transistor has a reverse paralleled fast recovery diode. The

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    QF20AA40/60 QF20AA 400/600V 7T11243 00021b3 QF20AA PDF


    Abstract: QF20AA40 SANREX QF20AA60
    Text: TRANSISTOR M O D U L E t h r e e p h a s e s b r id g e t y p e QF20AA40/60 Q F 2 0 A A is a six pack Darlington power transistor module which has six transistors connected in three phase bridge configuration. Each transistor has a reverse paralleled fast recovery diode. The

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    QF20AA40/60 QF20AA 400/600V 7niS43 QF20AA60 QF20AA40 SANREX QF20AA60 PDF