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    RN RAN HEN NEC Search Results

    RN RAN HEN NEC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    D12320VTE20V Renesas Electronics Corporation Microcontrollers for General Purpose System Control Applications (Non Promotion), TFQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    D12324SVF25V Renesas Electronics Corporation Microcontrollers for General Purpose System Control Applications (Non Promotion), FQFP, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    D12373RVFQ33V Renesas Electronics Corporation Microcontrollers for General Purpose System Control Applications (Non Promotion), LQFP, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    D12670VFC33V Renesas Electronics Corporation High-end Microcontrollers for Automotive Control and Factory Automation Applications (Non Promotion), FQFP, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DF2111BVT10BV Renesas Electronics Corporation Microcontrollers for Office Equipment Applications (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RN RAN HEN NEC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: CSB640 Tda 403 PD7759 D7759GC D7759 KBR-640B UPD7759
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC blE J> • b M27525 0 Q3 3 3b 2 7 T 4 « N E C E SEC . NEC Electronics Inc. fiPD7759 ADPCM Speech Processor Description Pin Configurations T h e ¡j P D 7759 is a sp eec h p ro c ess in g LSI th a t, w ith an 40-Pin Plastic DIP e x te rn a l R OM , u tilize s a d a p tiv e differen tial pulse-co de

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    uPD7759 /vPD7759 JIPD7759 fiPD7759 m27S2S pPD7759 ns8002 CSB640 Tda 403 PD7759 D7759GC D7759 KBR-640B PDF


    Abstract: AMD-K5 PR100 Block Diagram AMD-K5-PR120ABR AMD-K5-PR133ABQ AMD-K5-PR166ABX AMD-K5-PR90ABQ P54C PR133 AMD-K5 tr-5-t
    Text: AM D3 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION AMD-K5 Processor Data Sheet 18522F/0—Jam 997 1 AMD-K5 Processor Features • Four-issue su p erscalar core w ith six p a ra lle l execution un its arran g ed in a five-stage pipeline ■ 16-Kbyte, dual-tagged, four-way, set-associative instru ctio n

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    18522F/0â Jani997 16-Kbyte, oA-05 AG-37 AM-10 AA-35 AN-09 AM-12 AA-33 AMD-K5-PR133ABR AMD-K5 PR100 Block Diagram AMD-K5-PR120ABR AMD-K5-PR133ABQ AMD-K5-PR166ABX AMD-K5-PR90ABQ P54C PR133 AMD-K5 tr-5-t PDF


    Abstract: XORB eisc oxc7 0B11-R TC292
    Text: W E 32100 M icrop ro c es s o r Description The W E 32100 M ic ro p ro c e s s o r CPU is a h ig h ­ p e rfo rm a n ce , s in g le -c h ip , 3 2 -b it cen tra l pro cessing u n it de sig ned fo r e ffic ie n t o p e ra tio n in a high -leve l la n g u a g e en viro n m e n t. It pe rfo rm s all the system

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    32-bit 32-bit) 16-bit) 225pF) WE32101 XORB eisc oxc7 0B11-R TC292 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •WTELECYNE PHLBRICK 5/isec 12 Bit High Reliability A/D Converter 4189 The 4189 is a new , high speed, 12 bit A/D converter. Its g u aran teed 5/xsec conversion time is achieved using an in tern al clock an d Teledyne Philbrick’s progressive ap ­ proxim ation A/D conversion technique. Unlike some

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    1300mW 500nsec 500nsec) PDF


    Abstract: CDB4 BPF01
    Text: TC8861F/65F-01 -1 • clOci724lì 0025U7U 40=] *T0S3 TOSHIBA CUC/UP 1. L4E D GENERAL T he speaker dependent isolated word recognition device set consists of TC8861F, TC8865F-01 and 64kbit static RAM. T he device set contains the whole circuits and functions necessary to recognize

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    TC8861F/65F-01 i724lì 0025U TC8861F, TC8865F-01 64kbit tc5565pl CDB4 BPF01 PDF

    ic ir 2112 pin layout

    Abstract: 335 for hen nta E20-470 FIN DE COURSE NAIS
    Text: Am 29C 327 Double-Precision Floating-Point Processor FINAL DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • H ig h - p e r fo rm a n c e d o u b le - p r e c is io n flo a tin g - p o in t p ro ce sso r C o m p re h e n sive flo a tin g -p o in t and in teg er in struction

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    Am29C327 ic ir 2112 pin layout 335 for hen nta E20-470 FIN DE COURSE NAIS PDF


    Abstract: 7730BN av ct hen ltv EVAL-AD SR-5st 7730C 4-20 led loop powerd circuit diagram pin configuration 7730 IC
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Bridge Transducer ADC AD7730/AD7730L T h e m o d u la to r o u tp u t is p ro cessed b y a low p a ss program m able d ig ita l filler, allow ing ad jistm e n t o f filte r c u to f f o u tp u t rate an d settling tim e . KEY FEATURES Resolution of 230,000 Counts Pfeak-to-Pfeak

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    RU-24) C3269-8-1/98 7730E 7730BN av ct hen ltv EVAL-AD SR-5st 7730C 4-20 led loop powerd circuit diagram pin configuration 7730 IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: run JL VFM STEP-UP DC/DC CONVERTER R H 5 R l x x 1 B / x x 2 B / x x 3 B SER IES OUTLINE The RH5R1XX1B/XX2B/XX3B Series are VFM Chopper Step-up DC/DC converter ICs w ith u ltra low supply c u rre n t by CMOS process. T heRH SRTX X IBIC consists of an oscillator, a VFM control circuit, a driver tra n sisto r iLx switch), a reference

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES 8 12-Bit DACs in One Package 4-Quadrant Multiplication Separate References Single +5 V Supply Low Power: 1 mW Versatile Serial Interface Simultaneous Update Capability Reset Function 44-Pin PQFP l c 2m o s Octal 12-Bit DAC AD7568

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    12-Bit 44-Pin AD7568 AD7568 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: TSS1J41 TSS16J41S tnr471 TSS1G41 TSS25J41S TSS25J47S TSS16G41 TSS3G44S TSS-2J44S
    Text: 3. RATINGS & METHOD OF USE 3.1 T hyristors 3.1.1 G ate triggering characteristics. Supplying a gate c u rre n t to such th y risto rs as SCRs, TRIA C s, e tc ., sw itches them from the o ff-state to th e on-state. T h y risto r gate characteristics include gate

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    125x125x2m TSS2J2A44S TSS1J41 TSS16J41S tnr471 TSS1G41 TSS25J41S TSS25J47S TSS16G41 TSS3G44S TSS-2J44S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ bq2011 K BENCHMARQ Gas Gauge IC for High Discharge Rates Features General Description >• C o n s e rv a tiv e a n d r e p e a t a b le m easurem en t of available charge in rechargeable batteries The bq2011K Gas Gauge IC is in ­ tended for battery-pack installation to

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    bq2011 bq2011K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM538121A Series Preliminary 262,144-W ord x 4-Bit M ultiport C M OS V ideo RAM • DESCR IPTIO N HM 538121AJ Series The HM538121A is a 1-Mbit multiport video RAM equipped with a 128k-word x B-bit dynamic RAM and a 256-word x 8-bit SAM serial access memory . Its RAM and

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    HM538121A 128k-word 256-word ns/100 ns/25 2000Sierra PDF


    Abstract: d70325 dl-12b
    Text: User’s Manual NEC V25 , V35™ Family 16-/8- and 16-Bit Single-Chip Microcontrollers Instructions Target device V25 V35 V25+™ V35+™ D o cum e nt No. U 1 21 20E J3 V 0U M 00 3rd edition Date P ub lished N o vem b er 1997 N NEC Corporation 1993

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    V25TM, V35TM 16-Bit d70320 d70325 dl-12b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM534251A Series-262,144-W ord x 4-B it M ultiport C M OS V ideo RAM • D ESC R IPTIO N H M 534251A J Series The HM534251A is a 1-Mbit multiport video RAM equipped with a 256k-word x 4-bit dynamic RAM and a 512-word x 4-bit SAM serial access memory . Its RAM and

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    HM534251A Series-----262 256k-word 512-word ns/100 34251A HM534251AZ-10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED TO SH IB A TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CIRCUIT TECHNICAL TA8800N DATA SILICON MONOLITHIC PLL PIF/SIF 1C FOR TV/VTR The TA 8800N is a P IF /S IF 1C b u ilt in a com plete synchronous detection fu n ction w ith PLL circuit. The 1C p a cka ge has its size reduced by em p lo ym en t of

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    TA8800N 8800N TA8800N TA880QN IP24-P-300-1 PDF

    CF RM sot89

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PWM STEP-UP DC/DC CONVERTER R H 5 R H X X 1 A /X X 2 B /X X 3 B SER IES OUTLINE T he RH5RHXX1A/Xx 2B/'x x 3B Series a re PWM Step-up DC/DC converter ICs by CMOS process. T he R H 5R H X X 1A IC consists of a n oscillator, a PWM control circuit, a d river tra n sisto r Lx switch , a refer­

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    Abstract: DAC370-18 MP370 MP9331-16 9331-16 pml 003 am
    Text: CMOS M MICRO drxFG POWER SYSTEMS 16-Bit Storage Register, MDAC 18-Bit Storage Register, MDAC M P370/M P9331-16 FEATURES • • • • • • • • 16-Bit 0.0008% Linearity Dual Chip Construction Input Data Registers 28-pln/24-pin Double Wide DIP Low Power Consumption

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    16-Bit 18-Bit MP370/MP9331-16 16-Bit 28-pin/2 MP370 MP9331 MP5507 DAC370-18 MP9331-16 9331-16 pml 003 am PDF

    nec DI 308

    Abstract: uPD16320A rn ran hen nec NEC JAPAN D 309 PD16320A UPD16320
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD 16320A 48-BIT PARALLEL-OUTPUT DRIVER T h e /iP D 1 6 3 2 0 A is a driver IC chip w hich serial-in p u ts e ig h t-b it or o n e -b it data and p a ra lle l-o u tp u ts 48-bit data, tt consists o f eight six-bit shift registers, a 48-b it latch, and h ig h -w ith stan d -vo ltag e D M O S drivers. Eightbit or o n e -b it data can be in p u t to th e shift register. T his m ic ro co m p u ter p eripheral chip is best su ited fo r use

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    6320A 48-BIT VP16-00-1 IR30-00-1 nec DI 308 uPD16320A rn ran hen nec NEC JAPAN D 309 PD16320A UPD16320 PDF

    2104 RAM

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Low Cost DSP Microcomputers A36F-2104/ASF-2109 SUM M AR Y 16-Bit Fixed-Point DSP Microprocessors w ith On-Chip M em ory Enhanced Harvard Architecture for Three-Bus Performance: Instruction Bus & Dual Data Buses Independent Com putation Units: ALU, M ultiplier/

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    16-Bit 2104/ADSP- SP-2104K SP-2109K -2104L SP-2109LK P-68A 2104 RAM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Preliminary Technical Data FEATURES 16-bit Resolution +1 LSB DNL +1, or +4 LSB INL 2mA Full Scale Current + 20%, with V Quad, Current-Output Serial-Input,16-Bit PAC AD5544 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM REF =10V 2|as Settling Time BIAS for reduced Zero Scale Error @Temp

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    16-bit AD5544 SSOP-28 16-bit, 28-Lead RS-28) MIL-M-3BS10 P421T PDF

    BT 1840 PA

    Abstract: OPB 125-A
    Text: TfjZm HEW LETT mlHM P A C K A R D ATM Multimode Fiber Transceivers for SONET OC-3/SDH STM-1 in Low Cost 1x9 Package Style Technical Data Features • Full Compliance with ATM Forum UNI SONET OC-3 Multimode Fiber Physical Layer Specification • Multisourced 1 x 9 Package

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    HFBR-5203/-5203T HFBR-5204/-5204T HFBR-5205/-5205T 5963-5774E 5965-9729E BT 1840 PA OPB 125-A PDF


    Abstract: DP-64S HD6305X2 HD6305X2F HD6305X2P HD63A05X2 HD63A05X2F HD63A05X2P HD63B05X2 HD63B05
    Text: HD6305X2, HD63A05X2, HD63B05X2 CMOS MCU Microcomputer Unit T h e H D 6 3 0 5 X 2 is m e m o ry e x p a n d a b le v e rs io n s o f the H D 6 3 0 5 X 0 , w h ic h is C M O S 8 - b it s in g le c h ip m ic ro c o m p u te r. A C P U , a c lo c k gen era tor, a 128-byte R A M , I/O te rm in a ls , tw o

    OCR Scan
    HD6305X2, HD63A05X2, HD63B05X2 HD6305X2 HD6305X0, 128-byte HD6305X2. HD6305X0 HD63B05X2P DP-64S HD6305X2F HD6305X2P HD63A05X2 HD63A05X2F HD63A05X2P HD63B05X2 HD63B05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: rui UNITRODE _ bq2054 Lithium Ion Fast-Charge 1C Features General Description >* S a fe charge o f L ith iu m Ion b a t­ tery pack s T h e b q 2 0 5 4 L i t h i u m Io n F a s t C h arge IC is d esign ed to optim ize c h a r g in g o f lith iu m ion L i-Io n

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    bq2054 bq2054 regulat11 16-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOS H IB A UC/UP 54E J> m TGTTSm 0D53Ö31 TO SH IB A 1. TbB TMP68442 INTRODUCTION TLCS-68000 microprocessors utilize state-of-the-art MOS technology to m axim ize performance and throughput. The TMP68442 extended dual-direct memory access controller (EDDMA) is designed to com plem ent the perform ance and a rch ite ctu ral

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    TMP68442 TLCS-68000 TMP68442 TMP68450) EDDMA-109 PDF