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    R12G182K Search Results

    R12G182K Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 23G911K R23G 112K R23G tnr 15g 471k 12g 102k tnr 15g 681K 15g561k tnr g 180k 15g122k
    Text: METAL OXIDE VARISTORS TNR M arco n T N R M etal O xide V aristo rs are v o ltag e d ep en d en t, sym m etrical resistors w h ich p erform in a m an n er sim ilar to b ack -to -b a ck zener d io d e s in circu it p rotective fu n ctio n s an d offer ad v an tag es in perfo rm an ce an d econom ics. W hen ex­

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