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    everflourish timer manual

    Abstract: everflourish drespa EVERfLOURISH 700 SSL1523 resistor 10 k 1w SSL2101 equivalent components of diode her107 everflourish timer DBLS205G
    Text: R A A A A A FT FT FT FT FT D R R A A FT FT FT FT A A R R D D D D R R A FT FT FT A A R R D D D R A F FT FT A A R R D D User manual D Rev. 00.01 — 28 April 2009 R R R R SSL2101/2102 12 W mains dimmable LED driver D D D D D UM10341_1 D FT FT A A R R D D D R

    SSL2101/2102 UM10341 SSL2101, SSL2102, SSL1523, SSL2101/SSL2102 UM10431 everflourish timer manual everflourish drespa EVERfLOURISH 700 SSL1523 resistor 10 k 1w SSL2101 equivalent components of diode her107 everflourish timer DBLS205G PDF


    Abstract: B64290P0683X010 B64290P0683X038 B64290P0683X046 B64290P0683X057 B64290P0683X065 B64290P0739X038 B64290P0739X057 B64290P0739X065
    Text: Ferrites and accessories Toroids R 3.05, R 3.43, R 3.94 Series/Type: Date: B64290 September 2006 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B64290 B64290P0683 B64290P0739 B64290 B64290P0683X010 B64290P0683X038 B64290P0683X046 B64290P0683X057 B64290P0683X065 B64290P0739X038 B64290P0739X057 B64290P0739X065 PDF


    Abstract: B64290L0657X037 B64290L0674X037 Toroids Epcos B64290L0657X065 B64290L0674 B64290L0048X830 B64290L0058X087 B64290 B64290L0058X830
    Text: Ferrites and accessories Toroids R 30.5, R 34.0, R 36.0 Series/Type: Date: B64290 September 2006 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B64290 B64290L0657 B64290L0058 B64290L067 B64290L0657X037 B64290L0674X037 Toroids Epcos B64290L0657X065 B64290L0674 B64290L0048X830 B64290L0058X087 B64290 B64290L0058X830 PDF

    EPCOS 800 337 o

    Abstract: 3528-12 footprint B450 EPCOS tantalum capacitor markings code
    Text: Tantalum Chip Capacitors Low Profile, Standard and Low ESR Series/Type: Date: B45190E/R, B45192E/R, B45194E/R, B450 July 2006 EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this publication, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS' prior express consent is prohibited.

    B45190E/R, B45192E/R, B45194E/R, EPCOS 800 337 o 3528-12 footprint B450 EPCOS tantalum capacitor markings code PDF

    EPCOS 800 337 o

    Abstract: EPCOS 800 296 "3528-12" footprint EPCOS 800 157 O
    Text: Tantalum Chip Capacitors Low Profile, Standard and Low ESR Series/Type: Date: B45190E/R, B45192E/R, B45194E/R, B450 July 2005 EPCOS AG 2005. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS' prior express consent is prohibited.

    B45190E/R, B45192E/R, B45194E/R, EPCOS 800 337 o EPCOS 800 296 "3528-12" footprint EPCOS 800 157 O PDF


    Abstract: p734 p739 p745 h p745 P709 L638 L652 A711 l626 2.6
    Text: Toroids Ring Cores Overview B64290 R 2,5 through R 202 di h da FUS0017-P Overview of available sizes Page inch Type code (ordering code, block 2) R 0,098 x 0,059 × 0,039 -P35 534 R 2,54 × 1,27 × 1,27 R 0,100 × 0,050 × 0,050 -P734 534 R 3,05 × 1,27 × 1,27

    B64290 FUS0017-P 120sent p733 p734 p739 p745 h p745 P709 L638 L652 A711 l626 2.6 PDF


    Abstract: resistance tolerance calculation 2267.1 1.4934
    Text: SMD NTC Thermistors Standardized R/T characteristics EPCOS AG 2011. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this publication, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS' prior express consent is prohibited. Standardized R/T characteristics

    RT/R25 be7994 B25/100 1.8722 resistance tolerance calculation 2267.1 1.4934 PDF


    Abstract: B64290L0044X087 B64290L0742X087 Toroids Epcos B64290L0044X035 B64290L0044X037 B64290L0044X038 B64290L0044X065 B64290L0044X830 B64290L0742X830
    Text: Ferrites and accessories Toroids R 12.5, R 12.7 Series/Type: Date: B64290 September 2006 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B64290 B64290L0044 B64290L0742 B64290 B64290L0044X087 B64290L0742X087 Toroids Epcos B64290L0044X035 B64290L0044X037 B64290L0044X038 B64290L0044X065 B64290L0044X830 B64290L0742X830 PDF


    Abstract: B64290L0062X046 B64290 B64290L0038X037 Toroids Epcos B64290L0062X065 B64290L0062X087 B64290L0038X038 B64290L0038X087 B64290L0062X035
    Text: Ferrites and accessories Toroids R 9.53, R 10.0 Series/Type: Date: B64290 September 2006 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B64290 B64290L0062 B64290L0038 B64290L0038X830 B64290L0062X046 B64290 B64290L0038X037 Toroids Epcos B64290L0062X065 B64290L0062X087 B64290L0038X038 B64290L0038X087 B64290L0062X035 PDF


    Abstract: Toroids Epcos B64290L0623X038 B64290L0743X087 B64290L0743X038 B64290L0623X035 B64290L0623X037 B64290L0623X065 B64290L0623X087 B64290L0623X830
    Text: Ferrites and accessories Toroids R 15.0, R 15.8 Series/Type: Date: B64290 September 2006 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B64290 B64290L0623 B64290L0743 B64290 Toroids Epcos B64290L0623X038 B64290L0743X087 B64290L0743X038 B64290L0623X035 B64290L0623X037 B64290L0623X065 B64290L0623X087 B64290L0623X830 PDF


    Abstract: B64290L0615X065 B64290L0618X038 B64290L0616X830 B64290L0618X087 Toroids Epcos B64290L0615X087 B64290 B64290L0647X830 B64290L0615X830
    Text: Ferrites and accessories Toroids R 25.3, R 29.5 Series/Type: Date: B64290 September 2006 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B64290 B64290L0618 B64290L0615 B64290L0615X037 B64290L0615X065 B64290L0618X038 B64290L0616X830 B64290L0618X087 Toroids Epcos B64290L0615X087 B64290 B64290L0647X830 B64290L0615X830 PDF


    Abstract: B64290 B64290L0626X035 B64290L0651X087 B64290L0638X037 B64290L0638X038 B64290L0638X065 B64290L0638X087 B64290L0638X830 B64290L0719X087
    Text: Ferrites and accessories Toroids R 22.1, R 22.6 Series/Type: Date: B64290 September 2006 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B64290 B64290L0638 B64290L0719 B64290L0638X035 B64290 B64290L0626X035 B64290L0651X087 B64290L0638X037 B64290L0638X038 B64290L0638X065 B64290L0638X087 B64290L0638X830 B64290L0719X087 PDF


    Abstract: B64290L0696X037 EPCOS 1786 B64290L0696X087 B64290L0730X037 B64290L0696X065 B64290L0696X830 B64290L0730X065 B64290L0730X087 B64290L0730X830
    Text: Ferrites and accessories Toroids R 68.0, R 87.0 Series/Type: Date: B64290 October 2007 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2007. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B64290 B64290L0696 B64290L0730 B64290 B64290L0696X037 EPCOS 1786 B64290L0696X087 B64290L0730X037 B64290L0696X065 B64290L0696X830 B64290L0730X065 B64290L0730X087 B64290L0730X830 PDF

    VARISTOR k275

    Abstract: capacitor S14 k275 varistor s14 k420 varistor k35 S14 K275 k275 VDR SURGE ARRESTER EPCOS 230 07 0 capacitor S14 k275 08 18 07 k275 varistor VARISTOR s14 K30
    Text: US_aussen_BD.qxd 20.12.2007 13:33 Uhr Seite 1 EPCOS Data Book 2008 SIOV Metal Oxide Varistors b y E P C O S A G • C o r p o r a t e C e n t e r Edition 11/2007 · Ordering No. EPC:62006-7600 · Printed in Germany · DB 11078. 2008 P u b l i s h e d SIOV Metal Oxide Varistors



    Abstract: B64290L0043X830 B64290 B64290L0042X037 B64290L0699X065 n30 transformer B64290L0040X037 B64290L0040X065 B64290L0040X087 B64290L0043X037
    Text: Ferrites and accessories Toroids R 58.3, R 63.0 Series/Type: Date: B64290 September 2006 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B64290 B64290L0043 B64290L0040 B64290L0040X830 B64290L0043X830 B64290 B64290L0042X037 B64290L0699X065 n30 transformer B64290L0040X037 B64290L0040X065 B64290L0040X087 B64290L0043X037 PDF

    Toroids Epcos

    Abstract: B64290L0697X038 B64290L0697X830 B64290L0632X037 B64290L0632X065 B64290 B64290L0632X087 B64290L0632X830 B64290L0697X035 B64290L0697X037
    Text: Ferrites and accessories Toroids R 18.4, R 20.0 Series/Type: Date: B64290 September 2006 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B64290 B64290L0697 B64290L0632 Toroids Epcos B64290L0697X038 B64290L0697X830 B64290L0632X037 B64290L0632X065 B64290 B64290L0632X087 B64290L0632X830 B64290L0697X035 B64290L0697X037 PDF


    Abstract: B64290L0696X037 Toroids Epcos B64290L0696X065 B64290L0696X087 B64290L0696X830 B64290L0730X037 B64290L0730X065 B64290L0730X087 B64290L0730X830
    Text: Ferrites and accessories Toroids R 68.0, R 87.0 Series/Type: Date: B64290 September 2006 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B64290 B64290L0696 B64290L0730 B64290 B64290L0696X037 Toroids Epcos B64290L0696X065 B64290L0696X087 B64290L0696X830 B64290L0730X037 B64290L0730X065 B64290L0730X087 B64290L0730X830 PDF

    NTC thermistor K164

    Abstract: K164/2
    Text: EPCOS NTC Thermistors Thermistor for temperature compensation and measurement, e.g. in transistor circuits Lacquer-coated disk Temperature range Rated temperature Type r R M 25 - 55 °C . + 125 °C + 25 °C O r d e r in g c o d e M in . q ty . M ax. q ty .

    OCR Scan
    K164/100 K164/470 B57164-K102-J B57164-K222-J B57164-K472-J B57164-K682-J B57164-K103-J B57164-K153-J B57164-K223-J B57164-K333-J NTC thermistor K164 K164/2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPCOS P T C T h e rm is to rs T h erm isto r for m oto r protection <bOL7 — H -1 0 CJ ' E m 520max ^NAT fip T C I ’n a t - 5 K =c O r d e r in g c o d e U PTC < 2 , 5 V _a M in . q ty . M ax. q ty - ! I ’n a t ' i + 5 K a i I V * = 30 V, R r < 100 Q

    OCR Scan
    520max 59100-M 080-A 100-A 120-A 130-A 150-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPCOS S u r g e A r r e s te r s M e ta l-c e ra m ic 0 8 x 6 1 0 k A /1 0 A N8160+4 6 ,0 5 + 0 ,2 Type ^sdcN O r d e rin g c o d e M in . q ty . M ax. q ty . Q69-X488 Q69-X493 Q69-X492 10 0 2500 2500 2500 V N81-A90X N81-A230X N81-A350X 90 230 350 10 0 10 0

    OCR Scan
    N8160 Q69-X488 Q69-X493 Q69-X492 N81-A90X N81-A230X N81-A350X A8160 RAB0021 A80-C90X PDF


    Abstract: Q69-X78
    Text: EPCOS Surge Arresters Mini button Metal-ceramic 0 5 x 5 2,5 kA/2,5 A M51- 60+4 OO : L - - H t_ ^ Type CNl 5+0,2 o £ ^sd cN O r d e r in g c o d e RAB0030-E M in . q ty . M ax. q ty . 100 100 2500 2500 2500 2500 O r d e r in g c o d e M in .

    OCR Scan
    0030-E Q69-X72 Q69-X88 Q69-X66 Q69-X81 Q69-X78 M51-C90 M51-A230X M51-A350X M51-A600X Q69-X468 Q69-X78 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPCOS Ultracapacitors Double-layer capacitors Prismatic cell r Solder pins Al case, fully insulated r Rated voltage V R Surge voltage Vs Operating temperature 2,3 V 2,7 V - 3 0 . + 70 °C Life time 25 °C; VR Life time, cycles 90 000 h > 500 000 ~ n r1 L

    OCR Scan
    KAL0490-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPCOS Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Single-ended capacitors S e rie s/T y p e : Date: B 43890 D e c e m b e r 20 10 Œ P C O S AG 2010. R eproduction, publication and dissem ination o f th is publication, enclosures hereto and the inform ation contained therein w ithout EPC O S' prio r express consent is prohibited.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPCOS Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Single-ended capacitors S e rie s/T y p e : Date: B 41022 D e c e m b e r 20 10 Œ P C O S AG 2011. R eproduction, publication and dissem ination o f th is publication, enclosures hereto and the inform ation contained therein w itho u t EPC O S' p rio r express consent is prohibited.

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