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    QCX0001 Search Results

    QCX0001 Datasheets Context Search

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    GE CR2940

    Abstract: CR2940 cr2820b CR2943 CR324 CR2940U202 CR2940U203 ge cr2943 CR7006 GE CR224
    Text: Control Renewal Parts Section 14 Renewal Parts For NEMA Rated 300- and 200-Line Magnetic Contactors and Starters, Sizes For Full-Voltage NEMA Rated Magnetic Contactors, Starters and Relays, Sizes

    200-Line CR2943/2940 GO-11G QCX000143 QCX000144 QCX000165 12-point GE CR2940 CR2940 cr2820b CR2943 CR324 CR2940U202 CR2940U203 ge cr2943 CR7006 GE CR224 PDF

    GE CR2940

    Abstract: CR2940 CR2820B CR2940U202 CR2940U203 CR2810 GE CR224 Cr2943 CR2810A14 CR2940U210
    Text: Control Renewal Parts Section 12: Control Renewal Parts CONTROL RENEWAL PARTS For NEMA Rated 300- and 200-Line Magnetic Contactors and Starters, Sizes 00-7 .12-2 For Full-Voltage NEMA Rated Magnetic Contactors,

    200-Line CR2943/2940 GO-11G QCX000153 QCX000154 QCX000155 12-point GE CR2940 CR2940 CR2820B CR2940U202 CR2940U203 CR2810 GE CR224 Cr2943 CR2810A14 CR2940U210 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HifiM PERFORMANCE ANAlJOS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS EHA2500 Series BUffk SlCW R lt€ Op€V(ltlOTl(ll A.Ttlpllfl€Y F e a tu r e s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • • • • • • E lan tec’s EHA2500 Series of m onolithic high slew rate am plifi­ ers is designed and optim ized for h igh slew rates and wide bandw idths. T hree different types are offered. T he EH A250X series

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    EHA2500 A250X EHA251X A252X A2520/2522/2525 A2500 PDF

    vinco igbt

    Abstract: EL7861CN EL7861CS QCX0002 vinco igbt 200a
    Text: EL7861C élantec HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIPCJITS EL7861C Rising Edge Delay Driver F e a tu re s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • • • • • • • • T he EL7861 provides 1.0A of peak cu rren t for m any driver ap­ plications. T he rising edge of th e o u tp u t can be delayed up to

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    EL7861C EL7861CN -40-Cto MDP0031 EL7861CS MDP0027 EL7861 3121S57 vinco igbt QCX0002 vinco igbt 200a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL4421C/22C/41C/42C/43C/44C r i a n + fr EL4421C/22C/41C/42C/43C/44C Multiplexed-Input Video Am plifiers h ig h p e rfo rm a n cîa n a w sin tk raieo c rc u ts F eatu res G eneral D escrip tion • U nity or + 2-gain bandwidth of 80 M Hz • 70 dB off-channel isolation at

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    EL4421C/22C/41C/42C/43C/44C EL44XX 270ft EL4421, EL4441, EL4443 PDF

    CI 4584

    Abstract: 4584 inverter cd 4584 VCXO reeves-hoffman 301-864 CMOS 4584 L4584 Reeves hoffman video genlock pll soic 8 EL4583
    Text: EL4584C f f X f lH t B C HIGH PtRFORMANCE ANAlÛG iNTÊGRATECCIRCUITS E L 4 5 8 4 C H n r h o n in l! fipnfoc/c *•/x AA,wvt M A U I t á U l l l W F e a tu re s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • 36 M H z , g en eral p u rp o se P L L T h e E L 4584C is a P L L P h a s e L o ck L oop su b sy ste m , d esig n ed

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    EL4584C EL4585 w/EL4583 Informati16 00055L1 CI 4584 4584 inverter cd 4584 VCXO reeves-hoffman 301-864 CMOS 4584 L4584 Reeves hoffman video genlock pll soic 8 EL4583 PDF


    Abstract: EL2252 EL2252C EL2252CM EL2252CN MIL-I-45208A dl244
    Text: EL2252C élantec MC-HPERFORMANCEANALOGINTEGRATEDC'^Cu.TS EL2252C Dual 50 MHz Comparator/Pin Receiver F e a tu r e s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • Fast response—7 ns • Inputs tolerate large overdrives with no speed nor bias current penalties • Propagation delay is relatively

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    EL2252C MIL-STD-883 Packag16 00055L1 22521 EL2252 EL2252C EL2252CM EL2252CN MIL-I-45208A dl244 PDF

    Saronix xtal Oscillator SG-8002DB

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL4584C f f X f l H t B C HIGH PtRFORMANCE ANAlOG iNT66RA7ECCIRCUITS E L 4 5 8 4 C H n r h o n i n ! fip n fo c /c *x •/ AA*wvt MAUI tá U M W l F e a tu re s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • 36 M H z, general purpose P L L • 4 F s c based tim in g use th e

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    EL4584C iNT66RA7ECCIRCUITS EL4585 /EL4583 EL4584C vid008 Saronix xtal Oscillator SG-8002DB PDF


    Abstract: hp 2232 tt 2232 2232-17 DDD2272 EL2020 EL2232CM EL2232CN EL2232J t924
    Text: SSE D • W K 0 ^ 9 m w im L w k W tfw K t HIGHPERFGBSWIiGlMlAUJGIfflfEtifttSDClflGtllTS D0D2272 T4T H E L A EL2232/EL2232C 80 MHz, Fast Settling, Dual Current Mode Feedback Amplifier " elantec : . /" ' P V M ~ Z S > inc F e a tu r e s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n

    OCR Scan
    DDD2272 EL2232/EL2232C 500ft EL2020 QD02265 EL2232/EL2232C EL2232 K3007 hp 2232 tt 2232 2232-17 EL2020 EL2232CM EL2232CN EL2232J t924 PDF