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    PHILIPS 464 CAPACITOR Search Results

    PHILIPS 464 CAPACITOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    NFM15PC755R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC435R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC915R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ471KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    PHILIPS 464 CAPACITOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: philips kp capacitors KP464 philips 84701 Philips 2222 capacitors Philips film capacitors transistor 13001 philips tin foil marking code KP Philips 2222
    Text: Philips Components Product specification Polypropylene film foil capacitors KP 460 to 464 KP AXIAL EPOXY LACQUERED TYPES handbook, 4 columns DR05301 Fig.1 Simplified outlines. FEATURES • Supplied loose in box, taped on reel or unidirectional. QUICK REFERENCE DATA

    DR05301 philips KP AXIAL EPOXY LACQUERED TYPES philips kp capacitors KP464 philips 84701 Philips 2222 capacitors Philips film capacitors transistor 13001 philips tin foil marking code KP Philips 2222 PDF


    Abstract: Philips KP464 philips KP AXIAL EPOXY LACQUERED TYPES KP462 philips 84701 2222 460 82703 593-BC 2222 2222 107 595 bc
    Text: BC Components Product specification Polypropylene film foil capacitors KP 460 to 464 KP AXIAL EPOXY LACQUERED TYPE handbook, full pagewidth CBA369 Fig.1 Simplified outlines. FEATURES • Supplied loose in box, taped on reel or unidirectional. APPLICATIONS

    CBA369 HQN-384-13/101" KP464 Philips KP464 philips KP AXIAL EPOXY LACQUERED TYPES KP462 philips 84701 2222 460 82703 593-BC 2222 2222 107 595 bc PDF


    Abstract: E12 Series capacitor Philips MKP 378 philips mmkp 376 Philips MKP capacitor MKT Philips Philips MKP 335 Philips MKP 376 Philips MKP 379 capacitor 400 MKT philips
    Text: Film Capacitors Design support Designer's sample boxes A wide selection of designer's sample boxes is available for quick design-in of a Film capacitor into your application. To order this and other support material, please contact your nearest Philips sales office.


    Electronic ignitors for HID lamp circuits

    Abstract: UBA2032 High Voltage Driver IC for HID Lamps full ic 16 pin high voltage diodes HIGH-VOLTAGE HALF BRIDGE DRIVER led headlight UBA2032T SO24 SSOP28
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET UBA2032 Full bridge driver IC Product specification Supersedes data of 2002 Oct 07 2003 Oct 24 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Full bridge driver IC UBA2032 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Full bridge driver circuit

    UBA2032 UBA2032 SCA75 R78/02/pp21 Electronic ignitors for HID lamp circuits High Voltage Driver IC for HID Lamps full ic 16 pin high voltage diodes HIGH-VOLTAGE HALF BRIDGE DRIVER led headlight UBA2032T SO24 SSOP28 PDF


    Abstract: SSOP28 UBA2032 UBA2032T UBA2032TS High Voltage Driver IC for HID Lamps circuit diagram ignitor transistor Bd 575
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET UBA2032 Full bridge driver IC Product specification Supersedes data of 2003 Oct 24 2005 Mar 24 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Full bridge driver IC UBA2032 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Full bridge driver circuit

    UBA2032 UBA2032 SCA76 R79/03/pp21 SO24 SSOP28 UBA2032T UBA2032TS High Voltage Driver IC for HID Lamps circuit diagram ignitor transistor Bd 575 PDF

    PHILIPS 2222 370 capacitors

    Abstract: Philips 2222 136 capacitor philips 154 series aluminium date code IEC 62
    Text: Philips Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Power Ultra Long Life Snap-in 159 PUL-SI FEATURES • Polarized aluminium electrolytic capacitors, non-solid book, 4 columns • Large types, very small dimensions, cylindrical aluminium

    CCA401 CCA804se PHILIPS 2222 370 capacitors Philips 2222 136 capacitor philips 154 series aluminium date code IEC 62 PDF

    Electronic ignitors for HID lamp circuits

    Abstract: full bridge driver adaptive headlight circuit full bridge High Voltage Driver IC for HID Lamps igniter SO24 SSOP28 UBA2032 UBA2032T
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET UBA2032 Full bridge driver IC Preliminary specification 2002 Oct 07 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Full bridge driver IC UBA2032 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Full bridge driver circuit The UBA2032 is a high voltage monolithic integrated

    UBA2032 UBA2032 SCA74 613502/01/pp24 Electronic ignitors for HID lamp circuits full bridge driver adaptive headlight circuit full bridge High Voltage Driver IC for HID Lamps igniter SO24 SSOP28 UBA2032T PDF

    philips mmkp 376

    Abstract: philips capacitor 250V 390n philips kp capacitors IEC 384-17 1600V Philips, 376 KP MMKP Philips 376 KP mMKp Philips Capacitors HQ9238 82123 philips kp
    Text: Philips Components Product specification AC and pulse metallized polypropylene film capacitors KP 376 KP/MMKP 376 KP AND KP/MMKP RADIAL POTTED CAPACITORS PITCH 15/22.5/27.5 mm handbook, full pagewidth P = 22.5 to 27.5 mm P=15 mm DR931960 Fig.1 Simplified outlines.

    DR931960 philips mmkp 376 philips capacitor 250V 390n philips kp capacitors IEC 384-17 1600V Philips, 376 KP MMKP Philips 376 KP mMKp Philips Capacitors HQ9238 82123 philips kp PDF

    quartz KONY hc49s

    Abstract: SCHEMATIC POWER SUPPLY dvbt DVB-T Schematic set top box BS4 siemens TDA6651 capacitor 476 10k 719 SMD KONY crystal KONY DVB-T Terrestrial Schematic dvbt diagram schematic
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE - TDA6650/51TT 3-BAND MIXER/OSCILLATOR AND LOW NOISE PLL FOR DIGITAL AND TERRESTRIAL TUNERS AN01014 _4 Philips Semiconductors TDA6650/51TT 3-band mixer/oscillator and low noise PLL for digital and terrestrial tuners Application Note AN01014_4

    TDA6650/51TT AN01014 TDA6650/51TT AN01014 25-Feb-04 quartz KONY hc49s SCHEMATIC POWER SUPPLY dvbt DVB-T Schematic set top box BS4 siemens TDA6651 capacitor 476 10k 719 SMD KONY crystal KONY DVB-T Terrestrial Schematic dvbt diagram schematic PDF

    DCS foxboro

    Abstract: transistor 2n2222 Philips Electrolytic Capacitor 2200uf gsm signal amplifier NPN transistor 2n2222 C5 MARKING TRANSISTOR gsm circuit diagram philips Trimmers transistor 2N2222 PHILIPS TRANSISTOR 2n2222 p1
    Text: Application Note Using the BLF1820-90 LDMOS Transistor for PCS band GSM and EDGE GSM Applications AN10229_1 Philips Semiconductors TPAN02_02W97 Philips Semiconductors Using the BLF1820-90 LDMOS Transistor for PCS band GSM and EDGE GSM Applications Application Note

    BLF1820-90 AN10229 TPAN02 02W97 DCS foxboro transistor 2n2222 Philips Electrolytic Capacitor 2200uf gsm signal amplifier NPN transistor 2n2222 C5 MARKING TRANSISTOR gsm circuit diagram philips Trimmers transistor 2N2222 PHILIPS TRANSISTOR 2n2222 p1 PDF

    Philips Components, Soft Ferrites Data Handbook M

    Abstract: philips vidicon PHILIPS capacitors Vidicon 4806 Philips Components, Piezoelectric Ceramics vidicon philips Fxc 3 b
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors North American Sales Offices, Representatives and Distributors PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTORS 811 East A rq ue s A venue P.O. Box 3409 Sunnyvale, C A 9 4088-3409 A LA B A M A Huntsville Philips Semiconductors Phone: 205 464-0111 Elcom, Inc.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SERIES 703E1 ty p e kp r~ Polypropylene Film & Foil Conformal Coated Capacitors (Philips 2222-460 Thru 464 Series) DESCRIPTION Polypropylene and foil capacitors consist of low inductive wound cells of metal foil and a poly­

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    703E1 FK623 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Variable Capacitors QUICK REFERENCE INDEX PHILIPS CO M PO NENTS PART NUMBER TYPE CAPACITANCE RANGE DIELEC TR IC MATERIAL 2800C/K (808) 1.5pf-5pf to 7pf-100pf 2800D/E/M (809) 0.6pf-2pf to 7 pf-150pf Polypropylene Polycarbonate Polyethylene PTFE Teflon" PTFE Teflon "

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    2800C/K 7pf-100pf 2800D/E/M pf-150pf PDF

    Philips KS capacitors 443

    Abstract: Philips KS capacitors Philips polystyrene capacitors 719C1
    Text: SERIES 719C1 TYPE KS Polystyrene & Foil Capacitors (Philips 2222 443 Series) * DESCRIPTIO N Series 719C1 polystyrene and foil capacitors consist of low-inductive wound cells of metal foil with polystyrene capacitor grade film. Encased in a rectangular epoxy encapsulated flame retard­

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    719C1 719C1 Philips KS capacitors 443 Philips KS capacitors Philips polystyrene capacitors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Film Capacitors D e s ig n e rs s a m p le kits Designers sample kits A w id e s e le c t io n of d e s ig n e r s s a m p le b o x e s is a v a ila b le for q u ic k d e s ig n -in of a film c a p a c i t o r into y o u r a p p lic a tio n . To o r d e r this and o th er s u p p o r t m aterial, p le a s e c o n t a c t

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    8204to PDF

    Philips KS capacitors

    Abstract: Philips polystyrene capacitors Philips KS 40 f63 443 2222 443 Philips KS capacitors 443 S3V55 Philips film capacitors polystyrene Philips KS capacitors 41622 polystyrene film
    Text: Philips Components Maintenance type Polystyrene film foil capacitors KS 443 KS RADIAL POTTED CAPACITORS o DP041C1 >0 o\ 0s o o 2_ Fig.1 Simplified outlines. FEATURES • 2.54 to 7.62 mm lead pitch QUICK REFERENCE DATA VALUE DESCRIPTION • Supplied loose and taped on reel

    OCR Scan
    100pF 55/085/5G Philips KS capacitors Philips polystyrene capacitors Philips KS 40 f63 443 2222 443 Philips KS capacitors 443 S3V55 Philips film capacitors polystyrene Philips KS capacitors 41622 polystyrene film PDF

    f63 443

    Abstract: Philips KS capacitors F63 443 KS Philips polystyrene capacitors 2222 443 iec 61133 polystyrene film Philips KS capacitors date code 442-22 41213
    Text: n~o\ Philips Components Maintenance type Polystyrene film foil capacitors KS 443 KS RADIAL POTTED CAPACITORS DF04101 Fig.1 Simplified outlines. FEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATA • 2.54 to 7.62 mm lead pitch DESCRIPTION VALUE • Supplied loose and taped on reel

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    DF04101 100pF 63V55/0B5/5G 000b274 f63 443 Philips KS capacitors F63 443 KS Philips polystyrene capacitors 2222 443 iec 61133 polystyrene film Philips KS capacitors date code 442-22 41213 PDF


    Abstract: 2807C00215MJ SERIES2800CIK
    Text: SERIES2800CIK 808 Film Dielectric Trimmer Capacitors For Commercial And Industrial Applications Variable Capacitors 5mm T h e van es of th e trim m er are sta cke d on a sturdy p la s tic b a s e , th e c o lo r of w h ic h in d ic a te s th e m axim um c a p a c ita n c e . T h e d ie lec tric is a film of

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    SERIES2800CIK SERIES2800C/K 2807C00210MJ 2807C00215MJ SERIES2800CIK PDF

    STR G 6753

    Abstract: STR 6756 SHINYEI CAPACITOR STR 6753 str x 6756 nikko LM 3957 LM 3117 nikko 390 la 7511
    Text: Accessories electrolytic capacitors - PYR 5008 and 7511 resistors For voltage balancing and/or discharge of electrolytic capacitors

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    -R26E S-563 S-391 STR G 6753 STR 6756 SHINYEI CAPACITOR STR 6753 str x 6756 nikko LM 3957 LM 3117 nikko 390 la 7511 PDF

    TT 2222

    Abstract: philips 390nj 250v Philips e 72 376 KP376 mMKp Philips Capacitors philips kp capacitors philips mmkp 376
    Text: Philips Components Product specification AC and pulse KP 376 metallized polypropylene film capacitors_ KP/MMKP 376 KP AND KP/MMKP RADIAL POTTED CAPACITORS FEATURES • 15.0 to 27.5 mm lead pitch • Supplied loose in box and taped on reel. PITCH 15/22.5/27.5 mm

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    5 j 100 4v

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors BUK107-50DL PowerMOS transistor Logic level TOPFET For maintenance only. Do not use for design-in. DESCRIPTION Monolithic overload protected logic level power MOSFET in a surface mount plastic envelope, intended as

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    BUK107-50DL 5 j 100 4v PDF


    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 2 x 40 W /2 12 stereo BTL car radio power amplifier with diagnostic facility TDA8563Q FEATURES • Thermally protected • Requires very few external components • Reverse polarity safe • High output power • Electrostatic discharge protection

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    ECL 100151

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips C o m p o n e n ts -S ig n e tic s 100151 Docum ent No. 8 5 3 -0 6 2 2 E C N No. 99800 D ate of Issue June 14, 1990 Status Product Specification Hex D-Type Master-Slave Flip-Flop EC L Products IEC/IEEE SYMBOL PIN DESCRIPTION FEATURES •Typical propagation delay: 1.7ns

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    137mA ECL 100151 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components 100151 Document No. 853-0622 ECN No. 99800 Date of Issue June 14, 1990 Status Product Specification Hex D-Type Master-Slave Flip-Flop ECL Products FEATURES PIN DESCRIPTION •Typical propagation delay: 1.7ns ee : 137mA IEC/IEEE SYMBOL DESCRIPTION

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    137mA PDF