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    PHILIPS 3F3 MATERIAL Search Results

    PHILIPS 3F3 MATERIAL Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    UE62B46230S021 Amphenol Communications Solutions 1x4 OSFP cage with stainless steel material Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    UE62B46200S021 Amphenol Communications Solutions 1x4 OSFP cage with stainless steel material Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10091790-002LF Amphenol Communications Solutions XCede® High Speed Backplane Connectors, #2-56 x 0.375" Long Philips Panhead Screw w/Square Conical Washer. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10091791-003LF Amphenol Communications Solutions XCede® High Speed Backplane Connectors, #6-32 x 0.625" Long Philips Panhead Screw w/Square Conical Washer. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10091790-003LF Amphenol Communications Solutions XCede® High Speed Backplane Connectors, #2-56 x 0.5" Long Philips Panhead Screw w/Square Conical Washer. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions

    PHILIPS 3F3 MATERIAL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Mt1800 permeability philips 3F3 MBW015 philips 3f3 material MT4000
    Text: Philips Components Material grade specification 3F3 3F3 SPECIFICATIONS SYMBOL CONDITIONS VALUE UNIT µi 25 °C; ≤10 kHz; 0.1 mT 1800 ±20% µa 100 °C; 25 kHz; 200 mT ≈4000 B 25 °C; 10 kHz; 250 A/m ≥400 mT 100 °C; 10 kHz; 250 A/m ≥330 mT 100 °C; 100 kHz;

    MBW024 MBW033 100oC MBW015 MBW048 MBW055 MBW048 Mt1800 permeability philips 3F3 MBW015 philips 3f3 material MT4000 PDF

    SMD Coil Formers and Cores

    Abstract: philips EFD core EFD10 EFD15-3F3-A63S CPHS-EFD15-1S-8P 3f3 ferrite power Indiana general ferrite core indiana general ferrites 95025 philips ferrite core rm4 EFD10 philips
    Text: technical note Philips Magnetic Products SMD Coil Formers and Cores Philips Components SMD Coil Formers and Cores Contents Introduction 3 Ferrite Material Properties 6 Range Overview 7 E5.3/2.7/2 8 E6.3/2.9/2 10 EFD10 12 EFD12 14 EFD15 16 EFD20 18 EP7 20 ER9.5

    EFD10 EFD12 EFD15 EFD20 SMD Coil Formers and Cores philips EFD core EFD10 EFD15-3F3-A63S CPHS-EFD15-1S-8P 3f3 ferrite power Indiana general ferrite core indiana general ferrites 95025 philips ferrite core rm4 EFD10 philips PDF

    tdk pc50

    Abstract: philips 3f3 ferrite toroid Siemens Ferrite N47 philips 3f3 SIEMENS n87 3f3 ferrite smps SAMHWA tdk ferrite cores for smps E-4215A 3f3 ferrite power
    Text: FERRITE MARKETING DPT DC / DC CONVERTERS POWER APPLICATION F2 MATERIAL FOR DC/DC CONVERTERS The new AVX F2 material is ideal for DC/DC converter applications. We are currently producing E, EF and ET cores and have samples available. Next year we will introduce planar cores E, EI and ER cores .

    RM0500B RM0600B RM0800B RM1000B RM1400B tdk pc50 philips 3f3 ferrite toroid Siemens Ferrite N47 philips 3f3 SIEMENS n87 3f3 ferrite smps SAMHWA tdk ferrite cores for smps E-4215A 3f3 ferrite power PDF


    Abstract: philips coil former RM5 philips 3e1 ferrite material philips 3f3 ferrite philips 3f3 ferrite material philips 3e5 Rm philips RM5 former 3C90 3C96 MA01
    Text: FERRITE CERAMICS DATA SHEET RM5/I RM cores and accessories Product specification Supersedes data of January 1999 File under Ferrite Ceramics, MA01 1999 Dec 23 Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM5/I CORE SETS Effective core parameters

    MGC050 CBW361 CBW124 FERRITE RM5 philips coil former RM5 philips 3e1 ferrite material philips 3f3 ferrite philips 3f3 ferrite material philips 3e5 Rm philips RM5 former 3C90 3C96 MA01 PDF

    philips ferrite 3C81

    Abstract: RM8 ferrite core philips 3c91 Philips T coil former philips 3c96 philips 3f3 ferrite 3C91 FERRITE CORE coil former E45329 RM8/I-3F3-A160
    Text: FERRITE CERAMICS DATA SHEET RM8/I RM cores and accessories Product specification Supersedes data of January 1999 File under Ferrite Ceramics, MA01 1999 Dec 23 Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM8/I CORE SETS Effective core parameters

    -12PD CBW523 CBW522 philips ferrite 3C81 RM8 ferrite core philips 3c91 Philips T coil former philips 3c96 philips 3f3 ferrite 3C91 FERRITE CORE coil former E45329 RM8/I-3F3-A160 PDF

    philips 3e1 ferrite material

    Abstract: material 3E1 philips ferrite core rm4 core 3E1 3C90 3C96 MA01 FERRITE core LOSS DATA MATERIAL philips 3e5 Rm E83005
    Text: FERRITE CERAMICS DATA SHEET RM4/I RM cores and accessories Product specification Supersedes data of November 1997 File under Ferrite Ceramics, MA01 1999 Dec 23 Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM4/I CORE SETS Effective core parameters

    MBE102 CBW361 CBW124 philips 3e1 ferrite material material 3E1 philips ferrite core rm4 core 3E1 3C90 3C96 MA01 FERRITE core LOSS DATA MATERIAL philips 3e5 Rm E83005 PDF


    Abstract: philips 3e1 ferrite material e25 ferrite core E41429 MBG177 EP10-3D3-A40 EP10-3C90 3C81 3C90 EP10
    Text: FERRITE CERAMICS DATA SHEET EP10 EP cores and accessories Product specification Supersedes data of November 1997 File under Ferrite Ceramics, MA01 1999 Dec 23 Philips Components Product specification EP cores and accessories EP10 CORE SETS Effective core parameters

    MBG177 CLA-EP10 SPR-EP10 CLI-EP10 CBW420 CBW419 CLA-EP10. SPR-EP10. CBW421 CLI-EP10. CSHS-EP10-1S-8P-T philips 3e1 ferrite material e25 ferrite core E41429 MBG177 EP10-3D3-A40 EP10-3C90 3C81 3C90 EP10 PDF


    Abstract: ETD 34 3c85 ETD-49 ETD49-3C90 etd49-3c85 CLI-ETD49 CPH-ETD49-1S-20P ETD49-3F3 ETD49 3C85 3C30
    Text: Philips Components Product specification ETD cores and accessories ETD49 CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER handbook, halfpage VALUE 17.7 0.8 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.534 mm−1 Ve effective volume 24000 mm3 Ie effective length 114

    ETD49 MGC270 ETD49 ETD49-3C30 ETD49-3C85 CBW277 20-pins. 20-pins ETD 34 3c85 ETD-49 ETD49-3C90 CLI-ETD49 CPH-ETD49-1S-20P ETD49-3F3 ETD49 3C85 3C30 PDF


    Abstract: ETD54-3C85 etd54-3c30 CPH-ETD54-1S-22P E41613 ETD 34 3c85 3C30 3C85 3C90 ETD-54
    Text: Philips Components Product specification ETD cores and accessories ETD54 CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.454 mm−1 Ve effective volume 35500 mm3 Ie effective length 127 mm Ae effective area 280 mm2

    ETD54 MGC274 ETD54 ETD54-3C30 ETD54- CBW101 22-pins. 22-pins ETD54-3C85 etd54-3c30 CPH-ETD54-1S-22P E41613 ETD 34 3c85 3C30 3C85 3C90 ETD-54 PDF

    philips 3e5

    Abstract: 4C65 philips 4c65 philips ferrite material specifications 3C90 3E25 4A11 CBW313 MA01 PA11
    Text: FERRITE CERAMICS DATA SHEET TN13/7.5/5 Ferrite ring cores toroids Product specification Supersedes data of 1997 Nov 21 File under Ferrite Ceramics, MA01 2000 Apr 20 Philips Components Product specification Ferrite ring cores (toroids) TN13/7.5/5 RING CORES (TOROIDS)

    TN13/7 philips 3e5 4C65 philips 4c65 philips ferrite material specifications 3C90 3E25 4A11 CBW313 MA01 PA11 PDF


    Abstract: philips EFD core EFD10 EFD10 EFD10 philips SMD 3f4 EFD10-3F4 EFD10-3F3-S EFD10-3E5-S SMD .A40 EFD10-3E4-S
    Text: Philips Components Product specification EFD cores and accessories EFD10 CORES Effective core parameters SYMBOL Σ I/A PARAMETER core factor (C1) VALUE UNIT 3.29 mm−1 Ve effective volume 171 mm3 Ie effective length 23.7 mm Ae effective area 7.2 mm2 Amin

    EFD10 MGC338 EFD10 EFD10-3F3-A25-S EFD10-3F3-A40-S CPHS-EFD10-1S-8P MBW128 CPHS-EFD10-1S-8P philips EFD core EFD10 EFD10 philips SMD 3f4 EFD10-3F4 EFD10-3F3-S EFD10-3E5-S SMD .A40 EFD10-3E4-S PDF


    Abstract: ETD29 ETD29-3C90 philips 3C85 E45329 CLI-ETD29 CPH-ETD29-1S-13P ETD29-3C30 ETD29-3F3 Philips T coil former
    Text: Philips Components Product specification ETD cores and accessories ETD29 CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.947 mm−1 Ve effective volume 5470 mm3 Ie effective length 72 mm Ae effective area 76 mm2 Amin

    ETD29 MGC259 ETD29 ETD29-3C30 ETD2925 CBW281 13-pins. 13-pins ETD29-3C85 ETD29-3C90 philips 3C85 E45329 CLI-ETD29 CPH-ETD29-1S-13P ETD29-3C30 ETD29-3F3 Philips T coil former PDF


    Abstract: ETD-39 ETD39 3c90 ETD39-3C85 ETD39-3C90 MT 2800 N ETD39-3C30 ETD39 COIL CPH-ETD39-1S-16P MT 2800
    Text: Philips Components Product specification ETD cores and accessories ETD39 CORE SETS Effective core parameters handbook, halfpage SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE 14.2 0.8 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.737 mm−1 Ve effective volume 11500 mm3 Ie effective length 92.2

    ETD39 MGC262 ETD39 ETD39-3C30 ETD39-3C85 CBW279 16-pins. 16-pins ETD-39 ETD39 3c90 ETD39-3C85 ETD39-3C90 MT 2800 N ETD39-3C30 ETD39 COIL CPH-ETD39-1S-16P MT 2800 PDF


    Abstract: ETD59 ferrite philips etd ferrite core part number ETD59-3C90 Philips T coil former etd59 ETD 49 datasheet 3f3 ferrite material ETD 49 ferrite core ETD59-3C90 CORE
    Text: FERRITE CERAMICS DATA SHEET ETD59 ETD cores and accessories Product specification Supersedes data of November 1997 File under Ferrite Ceramics, MA01 1999 Dec 23 Philips Components Product specification ETD cores and accessories ETD59 CORE SETS Effective core parameters

    ETD59 MGC275 ETD59 CBW102 24-pins. 24-pins CPH-ETD59-1S-24P ETD59-3F3 ETD59 ferrite philips etd ferrite core part number ETD59-3C90 Philips T coil former ETD 49 datasheet 3f3 ferrite material ETD 49 ferrite core ETD59-3C90 CORE PDF

    tb 6560

    Abstract: SMD 3f4 CPVS-ER11-1S-10P ER11 CBW095 A160-S E54705 CBW096 CPVS-ER11
    Text: Philips Components Product specification ER cores and accessories ER11 CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER handbook, halfpage VALUE 1.5 +0.15 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 1.23 mm−1 Ve effective volume 174 mm3 Ie effective length 14.7 mm

    CBW095 CBW096 10-solder CPVS-ER11-1S-10P CBW097 CLM-ER11 tb 6560 SMD 3f4 CPVS-ER11-1S-10P ER11 CBW095 A160-S E54705 CBW096 CPVS-ER11 PDF


    Abstract: ETD59 CORE ETD 34 3c85 ETD59-3C90 CORE ETD59-3C85 ETD59-3C90 ETD59-3C30 CORE ETD59-3F3 ETD59-3C30 3C90
    Text: Philips Components Product specification ETD cores and accessories ETD59 CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL Σ I/A PARAMETER core factor (C1) VALUE UNIT 0.378 mm−1 handbook, halfpage 22.5 0.4 31.0 0.2 Ve effective volume 51500 mm3 Ie effective length

    ETD59 MGC275 ETD59 ETD59-3C30 CBW102 24-pins. 24-pins CPH-ETD59-1S-24P ETD59 CORE ETD 34 3c85 ETD59-3C90 CORE ETD59-3C85 ETD59-3C90 ETD59-3C30 CORE ETD59-3F3 ETD59-3C30 3C90 PDF

    EF32 CORES

    Abstract: EF32 polyamide Pa6 CBW039 polyamide Pa6.6 3C30 3C85 3C90 e32 3C85 E41871
    Text: Philips Components Product specification E32/16/9 EF32 E cores and accessories CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT Σ(I/A) core factor (C1) 0.894 mm−1 Ve effective volume 6180 mm3 Ie effective length 74 mm Ae effective area

    E32/16/9 CBW039 E32/16/9 E32/16/9-3C30 CBW040 12-pins. 12-pins CPH-E32/16/9-1S-12P EF32 CORES EF32 polyamide Pa6 CBW039 polyamide Pa6.6 3C30 3C85 3C90 e32 3C85 E41871 PDF

    RM6 transformer 8p

    Abstract: 3f3 ferrite material RM6 3D3 CORE RM6S/I-3F3-A250 philips RM6 coil former RM6S/CSVS-RM6S/LP-1S-8P philips 3c96 philips 3e1 ferrite material 3C81 CBW125
    Text: FERRITE CERAMICS DATA SHEET RM6S/I RM cores and accessories Product specification Supersedes data of January 1999 File under Ferrite Ceramics, MA01 1999 Dec 23 Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM6S/I CORE SETS handbook, halfpage

    MGC083 CBW214 RM6 transformer 8p 3f3 ferrite material RM6 3D3 CORE RM6S/I-3F3-A250 philips RM6 coil former RM6S/CSVS-RM6S/LP-1S-8P philips 3c96 philips 3e1 ferrite material 3C81 CBW125 PDF

    MT 2800 N

    Abstract: EFD12 EFD12-3F4-A100-S SMD 3f4 CPHS-EFD12-1S-8P CBW268 EFD12-3E5-S EFD-12
    Text: Philips Components Product specification EFD cores and accessories EFD12 CORES Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE handbook, halfpage UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 2.50 mm−1 Ve effective volume 325 mm3 Ie effective length 28.5 mm Ae effective area

    EFD12 CBW268 EFD12 EFD12-3F3-A40-S EFD12-3F3-A63-S CPHS-EFD12-1S-8P MBW129 MT 2800 N EFD12-3F4-A100-S SMD 3f4 CPHS-EFD12-1S-8P CBW268 EFD12-3E5-S EFD-12 PDF


    Abstract: ETD44 CLI-ETD44 coil former Etd44 ETD44-3C90 ETD-44 ETD44 CORE E45329 ETD44-3F3 coil former
    Text: Philips Components Product specification ETD cores and accessories ETD44 CORE SETS Effective core parameters handbook, halfpage SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE 16.1 0.8 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.589 mm−1 Ve effective volume 17800 mm3 Ie effective length 103

    ETD44 MGC266 ETD44 ETD44-3C30 ETD44-3C85 18-pins. 18-pins CPH-ETD44-1S-18P ETD44-3C85 CLI-ETD44 coil former Etd44 ETD44-3C90 ETD-44 ETD44 CORE E45329 ETD44-3F3 coil former PDF

    philips 3C85 814E250

    Abstract: E41938 1 a250 A250 philips 3e5 3C81 3C85 3C90 CBW005 6-3C85
    Text: Philips Components Product specification E13/6/6 814E250 E cores and accessories CORE SETS SYMBOL PARAMETER 12.7 ±0.25 handbook, halfpage Effective core parameters VALUE 9.5 ±0.25 3.2 ±0.13 UNIT Σ(I/A) core factor (C1) 1.37 mm−1 Ve effective volume

    E13/6/6 814E250) CBW005 E13/6/6 E13/6/6-3C81-A63 E13/6/6-3C81-A100 E41938 philips 3C85 814E250 1 a250 A250 philips 3e5 3C81 3C85 3C90 CBW005 6-3C85 PDF


    Abstract: 2311TS 1 a250 3c85 transformer 3C81 3C85 MGB615
    Text: Philips Components Product specification PT23/11 2311TS P cores and accessories CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER 13.2 min handbook, halfpage VALUE UNIT Σ(I/A) core factor (C1) 0.470 mm−1 Ve effective volume 1740 mm3 Ie effective length

    PT23/11 2311TS) MGB577 PT23/11 E41938 MGB615 10-pins. 10-pins PT2311 2311TS 1 a250 3c85 transformer 3C81 3C85 MGB615 PDF

    philips 3b8

    Abstract: material 3E1 core 3E1 RM12/I-3F3-A160 RM12 Core transformers I-3B8-A400 3C85 A160 3c85 5500 permeability 3c85 RM12 Core DATASHEET
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM12/I CORE SETS handbook, halfpage Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.388 mm−1 Ve effective volume 8340 mm3 Ie effective length 56.6 mm Ae effective area

    RM12/I MGC103 RM12/I CBW132 CPV-RM12/I-1S-12PD CLI/P-RM12/I MGC104 RM12/I. philips 3b8 material 3E1 core 3E1 RM12/I-3F3-A160 RM12 Core transformers I-3B8-A400 3C85 A160 3c85 5500 permeability 3c85 RM12 Core DATASHEET PDF

    Efd25 core

    Abstract: CSH-EFD25-1S-10P EFD25 EFD25-3F4 EFD25-3C30 EFD25 12 pin E167521 core 3c85 philips EFD coil former EFD25-3F3
    Text: Philips Components Product specification EFD cores and accessories EFD25 CORES Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 1.00 mm−1 Ve effective volume 3300 mm3 Ie effective length 57.0 mm Ae effective area 58.0 mm2 Amin

    EFD25 MGC342 EFD25 EFD25-3C30 MGC343 10-pins. 10-pins CSH-EFD25-1S-10P Efd25 core CSH-EFD25-1S-10P EFD25-3F4 EFD25-3C30 EFD25 12 pin E167521 core 3c85 philips EFD coil former EFD25-3F3 PDF