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    PHILIPS 3E5 RM Search Results

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    10091790-002LF Amphenol Communications Solutions XCede® High Speed Backplane Connectors, #2-56 x 0.375" Long Philips Panhead Screw w/Square Conical Washer. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10091791-003LF Amphenol Communications Solutions XCede® High Speed Backplane Connectors, #6-32 x 0.625" Long Philips Panhead Screw w/Square Conical Washer. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10091790-003LF Amphenol Communications Solutions XCede® High Speed Backplane Connectors, #2-56 x 0.5" Long Philips Panhead Screw w/Square Conical Washer. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10091791-001LF Amphenol Communications Solutions XCede® High Speed Backplane Connectors, #6-32 x 0.375" Long Philips Panhead Screw w/Square Conical Washer. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10091791-002LF Amphenol Communications Solutions XCede® High Speed Backplane Connectors, #6-32 x 0.5" Long Philips Panhead Screw w/Square Conical Washer. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions

    PHILIPS 3E5 RM Datasheets Context Search

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    SMD Coil Formers and Cores

    Abstract: philips EFD core EFD10 EFD15-3F3-A63S CPHS-EFD15-1S-8P 3f3 ferrite power Indiana general ferrite core indiana general ferrites 95025 philips ferrite core rm4 EFD10 philips
    Text: technical note Philips Magnetic Products SMD Coil Formers and Cores Philips Components SMD Coil Formers and Cores Contents Introduction 3 Ferrite Material Properties 6 Range Overview 7 E5.3/2.7/2 8 E6.3/2.9/2 10 EFD10 12 EFD12 14 EFD15 16 EFD20 18 EP7 20 ER9.5

    EFD10 EFD12 EFD15 EFD20 SMD Coil Formers and Cores philips EFD core EFD10 EFD15-3F3-A63S CPHS-EFD15-1S-8P 3f3 ferrite power Indiana general ferrite core indiana general ferrites 95025 philips ferrite core rm4 EFD10 philips PDF

    RM10 Core Set

    Abstract: RM10 3C85 RM10 RM-10 MT 3360 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 philips 3e5 Rm UM587
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM10/ILP CORE SETS handbook, halfpage Effective core parametersRM10/ILP SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE 24.7 1.1 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.340 mm−1 Ve effective volume 3360 mm3 Ie effective length

    RM10/ILP parametersRM10/ILP MBE869 RM10/ILP RM10/ILP-3E6 RM10 Core Set RM10 3C85 RM10 RM-10 MT 3360 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 philips 3e5 Rm UM587 PDF

    philips 3e5 Rm

    Abstract: 39 0 39 core transformers philips 3e5 3c85 transformer RM4/ILP-3C90 3C85 3C90 philips 3f3 core 3C8* core rm permeability 3c85
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores RM4/ILP CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER handbook, halfpage VALUE UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 1.20 mm−1 Ve effective volume 251 mm3 Ie effective length 17.3 mm Ae effective area 14.5

    MBE864 philips 3e5 Rm 39 0 39 core transformers philips 3e5 3c85 transformer RM4/ILP-3C90 3C85 3C90 philips 3f3 core 3C8* core rm permeability 3c85 PDF

    RM7 CORE

    Abstract: philips 3e5 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 CBW129 philips 3e5 Rm
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM7/ILP CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE 17.2 0 −0.7 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.520 mm−1 Ve effective volume 1 060 mm3 Ie effective length 23.5 mm Ae effective area

    CBW129 RM7 CORE philips 3e5 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 CBW129 philips 3e5 Rm PDF

    philips rm8

    Abstract: philips rm8 3C85 a250 RM-8 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM8/ILP CORE SETS handbook, halfpage Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE 19.7 0.8 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.440 mm−1 Ve effective volume 1860 mm3 Ie effective length 28.7

    MBE867 philips rm8 philips rm8 3C85 a250 RM-8 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 PDF

    3C85 Core

    Abstract: philips RM5 3C85 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 CBW275 CBW286 E83005 philips RM5 former
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM5/ILP CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL Σ I/A handbook, halfpage PARAMETER VALUE core factor (C1) 12.3 0.5 UNIT 0.710 mm−1 Ve effective volume 430 mm3 Ie effective length 17.5

    MBE865 CBW286 CBW275 3C85 Core philips RM5 3C85 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 CBW275 CBW286 E83005 philips RM5 former PDF

    material 3E1

    Abstract: CSV-RM7-1S-8 RM7 CORE core 3E1 philips 3b8 1 a250 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 I-3B8-A160
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM7/I CORE SETS handbook, halfpage Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE 17.2 0.7 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.680 mm−1 Ve effective volume 1325 mm3 Ie effective length 30.0

    MGC065 160for MGC067 material 3E1 CSV-RM7-1S-8 RM7 CORE core 3E1 philips 3b8 1 a250 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 I-3B8-A160 PDF


    Abstract: philips 3e5 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 CBW127 LP 2900 smd 3h3 RM6S/ILP-3C85 RM6S/ILP
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM6S/ILP CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE 14.7 0 −0.6 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.580 mm−1 Ve effective volume 820 mm3 Ie effective length 21.8 mm Ae effective area

    CBW127 CBW171 CBW172 RM6SILP-3C90 philips 3e5 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 CBW127 LP 2900 smd 3h3 RM6S/ILP-3C85 RM6S/ILP PDF


    Abstract: E83005
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM4/I CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER handbook, halfpage VALUE 9.8 0.4 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 1.69 mm−1 Ve effective volume 322 mm3 Ie effective length 23.3 mm

    MBE102 RM4/I-3F3-A100 MBE081 CBW124 CBW123 E83005 PDF

    philips rm10 3C85 a250

    Abstract: RM10 CORE SET 3B8 RM10/I-3E4 RM10 3C85 RM10 Core Set 1 a250 3c85 transformer RM10 RM10/I-3C85-A250 RM-10
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM10/I CORE SETS handbook, halfpage Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.462 mm−1 Ve effective volume 4310 mm3 Ie effective length 44.6 mm Ae effective area

    RM10/I MGC097 RM10/I CPV-RM10/I-1S-12PD CLI/P-RM10/I MGC090 RM10/I. philips rm10 3C85 a250 RM10 CORE SET 3B8 RM10/I-3E4 RM10 3C85 RM10 Core Set 1 a250 3c85 transformer RM10 RM10/I-3C85-A250 RM-10 PDF

    philips RM5 3C85

    Abstract: philips 3b8 philips 3e4 E83005 1 a250 rm5/i 3f3 3C85 3C90 68220 3E27
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM5/I CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER handbook, halfpage VALUE 12.3 0.5 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.935 mm−1 Ve effective volume 574 mm3 Ie effective length 23.2 mm

    MGC050 RM5/I-3B8-A100 MGC121 CBW124 philips RM5 3C85 philips 3b8 philips 3e4 E83005 1 a250 rm5/i 3f3 3C85 3C90 68220 3E27 PDF


    Abstract: RM-14 3c85 transformer philips 3e5 3C85 3C90 transformers rm14
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM14/ILP CORE SETS handbook, halfpage Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE 34.7 1.2 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.250 mm−1 Ve effective volume 10230 mm3 Ie effective length 50.9

    RM14/ILP MBE871 RM14/ILP RM14/ILP-3E5 RM14/ILP-3E6 rm14 RM-14 3c85 transformer philips 3e5 3C85 3C90 transformers rm14 PDF

    ferrite core rm10

    Abstract: RM10 ferrite core philips 3e1 ferrite material RM10 philips ferrite 3C81 philips 3f3 ferrite material RM10/I-3C94-A400 RM10/I-3E4 3C81 MA01
    Text: FERRITE CERAMICS DATA SHEET RM10/I RM cores and accessories Product specification Supersedes data of November 1997 File under Ferrite Ceramics, MA01 1999 Dec 23 Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM10/I CORE SETS handbook, halfpage

    RM10/I RM10/I CPV-RM10/I-1S-12PD CLI/P-RM10/I MGC090 RM10/I. ferrite core rm10 RM10 ferrite core philips 3e1 ferrite material RM10 philips ferrite 3C81 philips 3f3 ferrite material RM10/I-3C94-A400 RM10/I-3E4 3C81 MA01 PDF

    RM12 Core transformers

    Abstract: RM12 philips 3e5 RM12 Core Set 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 CBW133 RM12 Core
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM12/ILP CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE 29.8 0 −1.1 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.280 mm−1 Ve effective volume 6200 mm3 Ie effective length 42 mm Ae effective area

    RM12/ILP CBW133 RM12/ILP RM12/ILP-3E5 RM12/ILP-3E6 RM12 Core transformers RM12 philips 3e5 RM12 Core Set 3c85 transformer 3C85 3C90 CBW133 RM12 Core PDF


    Abstract: philips coil former RM5 philips 3e1 ferrite material philips 3f3 ferrite philips 3f3 ferrite material philips 3e5 Rm philips RM5 former 3C90 3C96 MA01
    Text: FERRITE CERAMICS DATA SHEET RM5/I RM cores and accessories Product specification Supersedes data of January 1999 File under Ferrite Ceramics, MA01 1999 Dec 23 Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM5/I CORE SETS Effective core parameters

    MGC050 CBW361 CBW124 FERRITE RM5 philips coil former RM5 philips 3e1 ferrite material philips 3f3 ferrite philips 3f3 ferrite material philips 3e5 Rm philips RM5 former 3C90 3C96 MA01 PDF

    philips rm8 3C85 a250

    Abstract: DIL R40 G rm8 a400 3b8 philips 3b8 rm8 RM8/I-3F3-A160 philips RM8 philips 3C85 3c85 transformer transformer rm8 3C81
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM8/I CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER handbook, halfpage VALUE 19.7 0.8 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.604 mm−1 Ve effective volume 2440 mm3 Ie effective length 38.4

    MGC068 CPV-RM8/I-1S-12PD MGC064 CBW283 philips rm8 3C85 a250 DIL R40 G rm8 a400 3b8 philips 3b8 rm8 RM8/I-3F3-A160 philips RM8 philips 3C85 3c85 transformer transformer rm8 3C81 PDF

    philips ferrite 3C81

    Abstract: RM8 ferrite core philips 3c91 Philips T coil former philips 3c96 philips 3f3 ferrite 3C91 FERRITE CORE coil former E45329 RM8/I-3F3-A160
    Text: FERRITE CERAMICS DATA SHEET RM8/I RM cores and accessories Product specification Supersedes data of January 1999 File under Ferrite Ceramics, MA01 1999 Dec 23 Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM8/I CORE SETS Effective core parameters

    -12PD CBW523 CBW522 philips ferrite 3C81 RM8 ferrite core philips 3c91 Philips T coil former philips 3c96 philips 3f3 ferrite 3C91 FERRITE CORE coil former E45329 RM8/I-3F3-A160 PDF

    philips 3b8

    Abstract: philips 3e1 philips 3e4 TB 2929 H 3C85 philips 433-2 philips 3C85 material sa philips 3C90 MA01
    Text: MAGNETIC PRODUCTS DATA SHEET RM7/I RM cores and accessories Product specification File under Magnetic Products, MA01 1997 Nov 21 Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM7/I CORE SETS handbook, halfpage Effective core parameters

    MGC065 philips 3b8 philips 3e1 philips 3e4 TB 2929 H 3C85 philips 433-2 philips 3C85 material sa philips 3C90 MA01 PDF

    A63 SMD

    Abstract: RM6S/I-3C85-A160 philips 3b8 rm6 1 a250 3c85 transformer philips RM6 3C85 CBW125 philips 3e1 SMD 3f4 3C85 A160
    Text: Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM6S/I CORE SETS handbook, halfpage Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE 2.9 ±0.1 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.784 mm−1 Ve effective volume 1090 mm3 Ie effective length 29.2

    CBW125 MGC083 CBW214 A63 SMD RM6S/I-3C85-A160 philips 3b8 rm6 1 a250 3c85 transformer philips RM6 3C85 CBW125 philips 3e1 SMD 3f4 3C85 A160 PDF

    RM6 transformer 8p

    Abstract: 3f3 ferrite material RM6 3D3 CORE RM6S/I-3F3-A250 philips RM6 coil former RM6S/CSVS-RM6S/LP-1S-8P philips 3c96 philips 3e1 ferrite material 3C81 CBW125
    Text: FERRITE CERAMICS DATA SHEET RM6S/I RM cores and accessories Product specification Supersedes data of January 1999 File under Ferrite Ceramics, MA01 1999 Dec 23 Philips Components Product specification RM cores and accessories RM6S/I CORE SETS handbook, halfpage

    MGC083 CBW214 RM6 transformer 8p 3f3 ferrite material RM6 3D3 CORE RM6S/I-3F3-A250 philips RM6 coil former RM6S/CSVS-RM6S/LP-1S-8P philips 3c96 philips 3e1 ferrite material 3C81 CBW125 PDF

    3C80 ferrite

    Abstract: philips 3h1 ferrite material 3c80 material Philips Components, Soft Ferrites Data Handbook M PHILIPS toroidal core 3c90 3h1 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 4a11 philips 3C85 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 3c85 PHILIPS ferrite transformer cores
    Text: MAIN MAIN MENU MENU APPLICATIONS Philips Components Soft ferrites Applications APPLICATIONS INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION Introduction Unwanted high frequency signals are blocked, wanted signals can pass. With the increasing use of electronic equipment it is of vital importance to suppress interfering

    MBW422 3C80 ferrite philips 3h1 ferrite material 3c80 material Philips Components, Soft Ferrites Data Handbook M PHILIPS toroidal core 3c90 3h1 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 4a11 philips 3C85 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 3c85 PHILIPS ferrite transformer cores PDF

    philips 3E5

    Abstract: CBW184
    Text: Philips Components Product specification Ferrite ring cores toroids TC2.5/1.3/0.8 RING CORES (TOROIDS) Effective core parameters SYMBOL PARAMETER VALUE Σ(I/A) core factor (C1) 13.4 mm−1 Ve effective volume 2.3 mm3 Ie effective length 5.53 mm Ae effective area

    CBW184 philips 3E5 CBW184 PDF

    philips 3h1 ferrite material

    Abstract: 3h1 ferrite material ferrite material 3c85 philips 3h1 ferrite philips ferrite 4b1 philips 3e1 ferrite material philips 3C85 ferrite material application Mg-Zn Ferrites Philips Components, Soft Ferrites 3C11 ferrite 3h1
    Text: MAIN MAIN MENU MENU SOFT FERRITE MATERIALS Philips Components Soft Ferrites Properties specified in this section are related to room temperature 25 °C unless otherwise stated. They have been measured on sintered, non ground ring cores of dimensions ∅25 x ∅15 × 10 mm which are not


    philips 3h1 A630

    Abstract: p30/19-3b7 philips 3b8 philips rm10 3C85 a250 RM10-GREY P30/19-3B7-A1000 ADJ-P30 P30/19 19-3C81-A315 P30/19-3B7-A1000/N
    Text: Philips Components Product specification P cores and accessories P30/19 CORE SETS Effective core parameters SYMBOL 20.5 handbook, halfpage PARAMETER VALUE 0.5 UNIT Σ I/A core factor (C1) 0.330 mm−1 Ve effective volume 6190 mm3 Ie effective length 45.2

    P30/19 MGC133 P30/19 MGC137 MGC138 MBE214 philips 3h1 A630 p30/19-3b7 philips 3b8 philips rm10 3C85 a250 RM10-GREY P30/19-3B7-A1000 ADJ-P30 19-3C81-A315 P30/19-3B7-A1000/N PDF