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    PC417 SHARP Search Results

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    Abstract: PC417T PC417Z
    Text: PC417 PC417 Compact, Surface Mount Ultra-high Speed Response OPIC Photocoupler • Features ■ Outline Dimensions 1. Mini-flat package 2. Ultra-high speed response t PHL , t PLH : TYP. 0.3 µ s at R L = 1.9k Ω 3. Isolation voltage between input and output

    PC417 PC417 PC417T PC417Z PDF


    Abstract: PC417T PC417Z
    Text: PC417 PC417 Compact, Surface Mount Ultra-high Speed Response OPIC Photocoupler • Features ■ Outline Dimensions 1. Mini-flat package 2. Ultra-high speed response t PHL , t PLH : TYP. 0.3 µ s at R L = 1.9k Ω 3. Isolation voltage between input and output

    PC417 PC417 PC417T PC417Z PDF

    SHARP S201S02

    Abstract: S201S01 s201s02 GP1A01 S201S04 is433 PC818u Sharp is433 SHARP S201S01 PC923 equivalent
    Text: Product Change Notification Type of Notification: Discontinuation ISSUE DATE LAST BUY DATE NOTIFICATION NO. LAST SHIP DATE 25 November 2003 31 December 2003 20031125-01 March 31, 2004 This is to advise you that the following product s have been discontinued.

    GP1A01 GP1A13R GP1A15 GP1A17 GP1A18 GP1A20 GP1A33R GP1A67H GP1A67L GP1A70R SHARP S201S02 S201S01 s201s02 GP1A01 S201S04 is433 PC818u Sharp is433 SHARP S201S01 PC923 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 78l05 sot-23 4N25 PHILIPS 74hc04 oscillator MAX485 equivalent 74HC04 oscillator application note max489 regulator primary center tapped power transformer 74HC04 NOT GATE datasheet 213CT050
    Text: 19-0226; Rev 0; 1/94 Transformer Driver for Isolated RS-485 Interface _Applications _Features ♦ Power-Supply Transformer Driver for Isolated RS-485/RS-232 Data-Interface Applications ♦ Single +5V or +3.3V Supply

    RS-485 RS-485/RS-232 350kHz 200kHz MAX253CPA MAX253CSA MAX253CUA MAX253C/D 127mm 213CT050-3B7 78l05 sot-23 4N25 PHILIPS 74hc04 oscillator MAX485 equivalent 74HC04 oscillator application note max489 regulator primary center tapped power transformer 74HC04 NOT GATE datasheet 213CT050 PDF

    max489 regulator

    Abstract: MAX490 equivalent 4N25 PHILIPS 213CT050 213CT050-3B7 74HC04 NOT GATE datasheet 74HC04 12v center tap transformer MAX253 MAX253CSA
    Text: 19-0226; Rev 0; 1/94 Transformer Driver for Isolated RS-485 Interface _Applications _Features ♦ Power-Supply Transformer Driver for Isolated RS-485/RS-232 Data-Interface Applications ♦ Single +5V or +3.3V Supply

    RS-485 RS-485/RS-232 350kHz 200kHz MAX253CPA MAX253CSA MAX253CUA MAX253C/D 127mm max489 regulator MAX490 equivalent 4N25 PHILIPS 213CT050 213CT050-3B7 74HC04 NOT GATE datasheet 74HC04 12v center tap transformer MAX253 MAX253CSA PDF


    Abstract: 4N25 PHILIPS et 78L05 PC410 equivalent PC357T 74HC04 application note max489 regulator 74HC04 MAX252 74HC04 NOT GATE datasheet
    Text: 19-0226; Rev 2; 4/10 Transformer Driver for Isolated RS-485 Interface _Features The MAX253 monolithic oscillator/power-driver is specifically designed to provide isolated power for an isolated RS-485 or RS-232 data interface. The device

    RS-485 MAX253 RS-232 RS-485/RS-232 MAX253EUA 213CT050-3B7 4N25 PHILIPS et 78L05 PC410 equivalent PC357T 74HC04 application note max489 regulator 74HC04 MAX252 74HC04 NOT GATE datasheet PDF

    74HC04 oscillator

    Abstract: 213CT050 213CT050-3B7 74HC04 oscillator application note 74HC04 74HC04 NOT GATE datasheet 74hco4 PC357T SHARP MAX253 max489 regulator
    Text: 19-0226; Rev 1; 8/09 Transformer Driver for Isolated RS-485 Interface _Features The MAX253 is a monolithic oscillator/power-driver, specifically designed to provide isolated power for an isolated RS-485 or RS-232 data interface. It

    RS-485 MAX253 RS-232 RS-485/RS-232 MAX253EUA MAX253 74HC04 oscillator 213CT050 213CT050-3B7 74HC04 oscillator application note 74HC04 74HC04 NOT GATE datasheet 74hco4 PC357T SHARP max489 regulator PDF


    Abstract: MAX253CPA transistor 5ct 12v to 220 v transformer turns ratio MAX253 MAX253CSA MAX480 MAX253EPA MAX253ESA centertapped transformer
    Text: 19-0226; Rev 0; 1/94 Transformer Driver for Isolated RS-485 Interface _Applications _Features ♦ Power-Supply Transformer Driver for Isolated RS-485/RS-232 Data-Interface Applications ♦ Single +5V or +3.3V Supply

    RS-485 RS-485/RS-232 350kHz 200kHz MAX253CPA MAX253CSA MAX253CUA MAX253C/D 127mm 74HC04 MAX253CPA transistor 5ct 12v to 220 v transformer turns ratio MAX253 MAX253CSA MAX480 MAX253EPA MAX253ESA centertapped transformer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAX253 LE AVAILAB Transformer Driver for Isolated RS-485 Interface _Features The MAX253 monolithic oscillator/power-driver is specifically designed to provide isolated power for an isolated RS-485 or RS-232 data interface. The device

    MAX253 RS-485 MAX253 RS-232 RS-485/RS-232 PDF

    PC410 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAX253 LE AVAILAB Transformer Driver for Isolated RS-485 Interface The MAX253 monolithic oscillator/power-driver is specifically designed to provide isolated power for an isolated RS-485 or RS-232 data interface. The device drives a center-tapped transformer primary from a 5V

    MAX253 RS-485 MAX253 RS-232 PC410 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: GP1S525V GP1U27XB GP1U291q GP1U28qp GP1U271R GP3A21 GP3A07 PQ09RD1X pc35* sharp
    Text: Product Change Notification Type of Notification: Product Discontinuation ISSUE DATE LAST BUY DATE NOTIFICATION NO. LAST SHIP DATE 15 January 2003 31 March 2003 20030115-01 30 June 2003 This is to advise you that the following product s have been discontinued.

    BS100G1 GA100T8R1MZ GL430 GL430QAB GL450S GL451VH3 GL481T GL484 GL526J GP1A20 gp1u28xp GP1S525V GP1U27XB GP1U291q GP1U28qp GP1U271R GP3A21 GP3A07 PQ09RD1X pc35* sharp PDF


    Abstract: 5Ct transistor 74HC04 oscillator 78L05 with rectifier zener diode 3.3v 500mw, philips make TL431 5v Application note MAX483 et 78L05 MAX845ESA 74HC04
    Text: 19-0372; Rev 2; 10/95 NUAL KIT MA ATION HEET S A EVALU T A WS D FOLLO Isolated Transformer Driver for PCMCIA Applications _Features ♦ Transformer Driver for Ultra-Thin 5V-µs Transformers _Applications ♦ Isolated DC-to-DC Power Supply for PCMCIA

    450kHz MAX845C/D 21-0036D 101mm 004in. 1-0041A MAX845 5Ct transistor 74HC04 oscillator 78L05 with rectifier zener diode 3.3v 500mw, philips make TL431 5v Application note MAX483 et 78L05 MAX845ESA 74HC04 PDF

    amidon toroid core

    Abstract: et 78L05 78L05 equivalent 74hc04 oscillator 8 Mhz TL431 5v MAX845 REGULATOR IC 79L12 pin configuration 7313 28 pin 5V power supply using bridge rectifier circuit diagram TGM-010P3
    Text: 19-0372; Rev 4; 10/97 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL Isolated Transformer Driver for PCMCIA Applications _Features ♦ Transformer Driver for Ultra-Thin 5V-µs Transformers The MAX845 consists of an oscillator followed by a toggle flip-flop. The flip-flop generates two 50% duty-cycle

    MAX845 450kHz, MAX845EVKIT-MM) 100mA 159mm) 4732mm) MAX845 amidon toroid core et 78L05 78L05 equivalent 74hc04 oscillator 8 Mhz TL431 5v REGULATOR IC 79L12 pin configuration 7313 28 pin 5V power supply using bridge rectifier circuit diagram TGM-010P3 PDF

    12v center tap transformer

    Abstract: amidon toroid core zener diode 3.3v 500mw, philips make 24v center tap transformer 74hc04 oscillator 8 Mhz optocoupler ic 6N136 MAX845 74hc04 oscillator 914 High frequency schottky rectifier DIODE 2N2907 SOT-23
    Text: 19-0372; Rev 3; 8/96 NUAL KIT MA ATION HEET S A EVALU T A WS D FOLLO Isolated Transformer Driver for PCMCIA Applications _Features ♦ Transformer Driver for Ultra-Thin 5V-µs Transformers _Applications ♦ Isolated DC-to-DC Power Supply for PCMCIA

    450kHz MAX845C/D 21-0036D 101mm 004in. 1-0041A 12v center tap transformer amidon toroid core zener diode 3.3v 500mw, philips make 24v center tap transformer 74hc04 oscillator 8 Mhz optocoupler ic 6N136 MAX845 74hc04 oscillator 914 High frequency schottky rectifier DIODE 2N2907 SOT-23 PDF

    pc417 sharp

    Abstract: 417z
    Text: SHARP PC417 PC417 Compact, Surface Mount Ultra-high Speed Response OPIC Photocoupler • Features ■ Outlne Dimensions U n it : m m 1. Opaque, m ini-flat package 2. Ultra-high speed response (tp H L , tpLH : T Y P . 0 .3 / / s at R i.= 1 .9k fl) 3. Isolation voltage betw een input and output

    OCR Scan
    PC417 pc417 sharp 417z PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PC417 SH ARP Compact, Surface Mount Ultra-high Speed Response OPIC Photocoupter PC417 • Features !Outline Dimensions Unit : mm 1. M ini-flat package 2. U ltra-high speed response ( tpHL7 1 plh : TY P. 0 . 3 ( i s at R l = 1.9k£2) 3. Isolation voltage betw een input and output

    OCR Scan
    PC417 370mm PDF


    Abstract: pc906 PC12KI PT4800 PC111L 1 928 403 736 PC101 SHARP GL453 PC8520 PC849 SHARP
    Text: SHARP Model No. List Model No. List Model No. Page • PIN Photodiodes Model No. ■ Phototransistors Page Model No. Page GL360 116 PD49PI GL371 119 PD410PI GL372 119 PD412PI G L380 122 PD480PI 178 PT461F 234 GL381 122 PD480PI1 178 PT465F 234 PD481PI 170 PT480

    OCR Scan
    GL360 GL371 GL372 GL380 GL381 GL390 GL390V GL453 GL454 GL460 gp1u58x pc906 PC12KI PT4800 PC111L 1 928 403 736 PC101 SHARP PC8520 PC849 SHARP PDF

    JIS C 0806

    Abstract: PC817I PC110U PC113U PC817 gull PC922 PC817 4pin PC817P s22md1v PC816 Sharp
    Text: SHARP Lead Forming Type/Taping Reel Type Lead Forming Type/Taping Reel Type • Features I ty p e Lead form ing gull wing type, for surface m ounting VI (W) ty p e Lead form ing type of m ulti-cutting (V type) , for surface m ounting FI ty p e Lead form ing (gull wing) type of wide spaced 0.4" lead form ing type (F type), for

    OCR Scan
    PC110L PC111L PC112L PC113L PC120 PC120F PC121 PC121F PC123 PC123F JIS C 0806 PC817I PC110U PC113U PC817 gull PC922 PC817 4pin PC817P s22md1v PC816 Sharp PDF


    Abstract: E64380 PC111LY pc906 pc100 sharp PC922 PC113LY 6690 AS LR63705 s2010h
    Text: SHARP Tables of Models with Safety Standard Approval Tables of Models with Safety Standard Approval • Photocouplers Business Dealing No. UL UL1577 As of August, 1094 VDE t Uv B Sl B S415 BSI B S7002 5E M K 0 El DEMKO EMK0-TUE 74 DK203 [EMK0-TUE (74IDK202Ì

    OCR Scan
    UL1577 E64380 E64380* PC111LY pc906 pc100 sharp PC922 PC113LY 6690 AS LR63705 s2010h PDF


    Abstract: PC906 Ip255
    Text: PHOTOCOUPLER ☆ - A : Under application Model No. Internal connection diagram Features Package UL TÜV ON/OFF delay circuit built-in type, high speed DC input PC906 O Ta=25°C O: Approved Electro-optical characteristics*1 Absolute maximum ratings Approved

    OCR Scan
    PC906 16-pin PC915 PC918X PC906 Ip255 PDF


    Abstract: pc817 Photocoupler pc817 circuit PC817 analog PC910 sharp Photocoupler PC357NT coupler pc910 Photocoupler high speed Photointerrupter Photointerrupter
    Text: SHARP T^gical_Models_b^^ggjiCTtíon Typical Models by Appfication • Audio Visual Field Audio Visual Equipment Camcorder Applications Model No. Audio Visual Equipment Photointerrupter for GP1A67H GP1A67L automatic iris GP1S27 GP1S37 Photointerrupter for tape remaining detecd on /R eel rotation

    OCR Scan
    GP1A67H GP1A67L GP1S27 GP1S37 GP2S22 GP2S24 GP2S26 GP2S27 GP1S50 GP1S52 PC817 pc817 Photocoupler pc817 circuit PC817 analog PC910 sharp Photocoupler PC357NT coupler pc910 Photocoupler high speed Photointerrupter Photointerrupter PDF


    Abstract: PQ2WZ51 LT024MD GP1F31T s202t02 GP1U801X LT022 GP2L20L GP1U78R PQ05DZ51
    Text: SHARP Model No. List Model No. List • Infrared Emitting Diodes Model No. GL1F20 GL380 QL381 GL382 GL390 GL390V GL453 GL454 GL480 GL480Q GL4S3Q GL4800 GL460 GL461 GL4600 GL4610 GL4100 GL4200 GL4910 GL496 GL513F GL514 GL560 GL561 GL533 GL537 GL538 GL550 GL551

    OCR Scan
    GL1F20 GL380 QL381 GL382 GL390 GL390V GL453 GL454 GL480 GL480Q LT1560ED PQ2WZ51 LT024MD GP1F31T s202t02 GP1U801X LT022 GP2L20L GP1U78R PQ05DZ51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0226; Rev 0; 1/94 Transform er D river for Iso lated RS-485 In te rfa c e The SD pin puts the entire device into a low-power shutdown state, disabling both the power switches and oscillator. _ Applications Features ♦ Power-Supply Transformer Driver for Isolated

    OCR Scan
    RS-485 RS-485/RS-232 350kHz 200kHz MAX253 MAX253 RS-232 213CT050-3B7, S-485 132CT PDF


    Abstract: 213CT050-3B7 4N25 applications max489 regulator S485
    Text: A lilX IA I 19-0226; Rev 0; 1/94 Transform er D river for Iso la te d RS-485 In te rfa c e The MAX253 consists of a CMOS oscillator driving a pair of N-channel power switches. The oscillator runs at double the output frequency, driving a toggle flip-flop to ensure 50% duty cycle to each of the switches.

    OCR Scan
    RS-485 MAX253 S-232 tw4-1430 4732mm) ax253 213CT050-3B7 4N25 applications max489 regulator S485 PDF