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    NOM 870 B 2NF Search Results

    NOM 870 B 2NF Result Highlights (5)

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    UPA1870BGR-9JG-E1-AT Renesas Electronics Corporation Nch Dual Power Mosfet 20V 6.0A 20.0Mohm Tssop8 Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL95870BHRZ Renesas Electronics Corporation PWM DC/DC Controller with VID Inputs for Portable GPU Core-Voltage Regulator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL95870BIRZ Renesas Electronics Corporation PWM DC/DC Controller with VID Inputs for Portable GPU Core-Voltage Regulator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL95870BHRZ-T Renesas Electronics Corporation PWM DC/DC Controller with VID Inputs for Portable GPU Core-Voltage Regulator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL95870BIRZ-T Renesas Electronics Corporation PWM DC/DC Controller with VID Inputs for Portable GPU Core-Voltage Regulator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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