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    OKI Semiconductor MSA4709ASS

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    Quest Components MSA4709ASS 213
    • 1 $11.6685
    • 10 $11.6685
    • 100 $9.5941
    • 1000 $9.0755
    • 10000 $9.0755
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    MSA4709 Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MSA4709 OKI Semiconductor Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Scan PDF
    MSA4709A OKI Electronic Components Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Original PDF
    MSA4709ASS OKI Electronic Components Piezo speaker amplifier Original PDF
    MSA4709ASS OKI Semiconductor Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Scan PDF

    MSA4709 Datasheets Context Search

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    ZX 25

    Abstract: cdc ta25 relay IAC24 IL400 MSA4709A MSA4709ASS SDIP30 SN24 30SDIP ZX25
    Text: J2A0032-16-92 ¡ 電子デバイス 作成:1998年 1月 MSA4709A l 前回作成:1996年 9月 MSA4709A PBX用加入者線インタフェース回路(SLIC) n 概要 MSA4709AはPBX用SLIC(Subscriber Line Interface Circuit)で、加入者線への給電(Battery

    J2A0032-16-92 MSA4709A MSA4709A MSA4709APBXSLICSubscriber FeedSupervison24Hybrid -24V-48V -24VVBS -48VVBS 130mW 100mW ZX 25 cdc ta25 relay IAC24 IL400 MSA4709ASS SDIP30 SN24 30SDIP ZX25 PDF


    Abstract: 24v 8 channel Relay driver transistor ZR Equivalent of transistor tip 420 TIP 22 transistor tip 420 transistor pabx transister relay driver circuit using transistor pnp transister symbol
    Text: E2A0032-16-X0 ¡ Semiconductor MSA4709A ¡ Semiconductor This version: MSA4709A Jan. 1998 Previous version: Nov. 1996 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSA4709A is designed to provide BSH functions and to meet PABX transmission performance

    E2A0032-16-X0 MSA4709A MSA4709A SDIP30-P-400-1 24v 8 channel Relay driver transistor ZR Equivalent of transistor tip 420 TIP 22 transistor tip 420 transistor pabx transister relay driver circuit using transistor pnp transister symbol PDF


    Abstract: d2b bus MSM5230 MSM6920 MSM7731-02 2016 RAM MSM66P589 MSM6411 18QFJ 3ch-10bit
    Text: Semiconductor Shortform Catalogue June 1999 Taupo Bay, New Zealand Foreword Strong Partnerships Oki Semiconductor Websites

    99J595RB msm5232 d2b bus MSM5230 MSM6920 MSM7731-02 2016 RAM MSM66P589 MSM6411 18QFJ 3ch-10bit PDF


    Abstract: P-BGA313-3535-1 TBA 931 MsM82C59 MSM66 arm processor msm5299 SSOP20-P-250-0 QFJ28-P-S450-1 MSM65524A
    Text: Datasheet CD-ROM Ver 1.23, July 1999 Bay of Islands, New Zealand Attention Please! People to People Technology 1. Regarding Operation • This is NOT a music CD. Please do not play it on an ordinary music CD player. It may cause damage to your ears and loudspeakers.

    270MB ML670100 D-41460 MSM7731-02 P-BGA313-3535-1 TBA 931 MsM82C59 MSM66 arm processor msm5299 SSOP20-P-250-0 QFJ28-P-S450-1 MSM65524A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSA4709 SUBSCRIBER LINE INTERFACE CIRCUIT GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSA4709 is designed to provide BSH functions and to meet PABX transmission performance requirements. This device can replace the hybrid transformer circuit. FEATURES • B Battery feed , S (Supervision), and H

    OCR Scan
    MSA4709 MSA4709 -24V/-48V) 150KH IV-D-25 IV-D-26 PDF


    Abstract: PABX current rating MSA4709 IVD10 4w-2w hybrid transister IV-D-20 900J2 DQG7512 FREE transisters
    Text: O K I SEMICONDUCTOR GROUP 23E D • O K I semiconductor MSA4709_ b7 2 4 2 4 0 0007512 _ ' ~r-7s-n-n SUBSCRIBER LINE IN TERFACE CIRCUIT G EN ER A L DESCRIPTION The MSA4709 is designed to provide BSH functions and to meet PABX transmission performance

    OCR Scan
    DQG7512 MSA4709 MSA4709 4700pF 12showsatVBB 150Kil IV-D-25 b724240 g007535 IVD12 PABX current rating IVD10 4w-2w hybrid transister IV-D-20 900J2 DQG7512 FREE transisters PDF

    KY2 transistor

    Abstract: transistor ky2 4w-2w hybrid hitachi slic application note transistor bsh 103 zx 55
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSA4709A Subscriber Line interface Circuit GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSA4709A is designed to provide BSH functions and to meet PABX transmission performance requirements. This device can replace the hybrid transformet circuit. FEATURES • B Battery feed , S (Supervision), and H (Hybrid) functions integrated on chip.

    OCR Scan
    MSA4709A MSA4709A 30-pin SDJP30-P-4bb 2SB1061 2SD1502 4AE11 KY2 transistor transistor ky2 4w-2w hybrid hitachi slic application note transistor bsh 103 zx 55 PDF

    JAM transister

    Abstract: A4709A
    Text: E2A0032-16-XO O K I Semiconductor MSA4709A This version: Jan. 1998 Previous version: Nov. 1996 S ubscriber Line Interface Circuit G ENERAL DESCRIPTION The MS A4709A is designed to provide BSH functions and tomeetPABX transmission performance requirements.

    OCR Scan
    E2A0032-16-XO MSA4709A A4709A SDIP30-P-400-1 JAM transister PDF

    mark 74w npn

    Abstract: Line Input AC to DC Conversion and Input Filter Capacitor Selection IAC24 tip 420 transistor PNP Relay Driver tip darlington pnp AL24 IL400 MSA4709A MSA4709ASS
    Text: E2A0032-16-XO O K I Semiconductor P rev io u s version: N ov. 1996 M SA 4709A Subscriber Line Interface Circuit GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSA4709A is designed to provide BSH functions and to meet PABX transmission performance requirements. This device provides two-wire to four-wire conversion function Hybrid .

    OCR Scan
    E2A0032-16-XO MSA4709A MSA4709A SDIP30-P-400-1 mark 74w npn Line Input AC to DC Conversion and Input Filter Capacitor Selection IAC24 tip 420 transistor PNP Relay Driver tip darlington pnp AL24 IL400 MSA4709ASS PDF

    kyl 1020

    Abstract: Darlington transister A4709A 1l400 MSA4709ASS MSA4709 darlington tip pnp transister symbol AL24 MSA4709A
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSA4709A Subscriber Line Interface Circuit G EN ER A L DESCRIPTIO N The MSA4709A is designed to pro v id e BSH functions a n d to m eet PABX transm ission perform ance requirem ents. T his device can replace the h y b rid tran sfo rm et circuit.

    OCR Scan
    MSA4709A MSA4709A 30-pin 2SB1061 2SD1502 4AE11 72m2md b72M24G kyl 1020 Darlington transister A4709A 1l400 MSA4709ASS MSA4709 darlington tip pnp transister symbol AL24 PDF


    Abstract: IVD10 4709 bt bt 4709 hitachi slic application note 48V 2w zener diode SCR SN 100
    Text: O K I sem iconductor M SA 4709 / SUBSCRIBER LINE INTERFACE CIRCUIT GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M5A4709 is designed to provide BSH functions and to m eet PA B X transmission perform ance requirements. This device can replace the hybrid transform er circuit. FEATURES

    OCR Scan
    M5A4709 150KH 2SB1061 2SD1502 PABX-MSA4709 IVD12 IVD10 4709 bt bt 4709 hitachi slic application note 48V 2w zener diode SCR SN 100 PDF


    Abstract: cordless phone Transceiver IC fsk 1200 bps modem dtmf fsk converter fsk modem 1200 FSK modulator and demodulator modem mk5089 DTMF fsk modem 300 v.23 fsk 1200 bps modem 18 PIN IC for power supply
    Text: O K I Semiconductor Typical Characteristics Typical Characteristics Modem Applications Type-Number Function Features Packages Operating , Power Voltages V Single Chip FSK ITU-T V.21, Modem 300 bps Full Modulator, Demodulator, Filters Duplex 28-Pin DIP 44-Pin QFP

    OCR Scan
    MSM6926 MSM6948-3V MSM6948 MSM6948V MSM7545 MSM7555 56-Pin MSM7557 MSA4709A MK5089 cordless phone Transceiver IC fsk 1200 bps modem dtmf fsk converter fsk modem 1200 FSK modulator and demodulator modem mk5089 DTMF fsk modem 300 v.23 fsk 1200 bps modem 18 PIN IC for power supply PDF