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    MOTOROLA IC TRIAC Search Results

    MOTOROLA IC TRIAC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    D1U74T-W-1600-12-HB4AC Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 1600W, Titanium Efficiency, 74 MM , 12V, 12VSB, Inlet C20, Airflow Back to Front, RoHs Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    D1U54T-M-2500-12-HB4C Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2.5KW 54MM AC/DC 12V WITH 12VDC STBY BACK TO FRONT AIR Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-1 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCC433T-K03-004 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-Axis Gyro, 3-axis Accelerometer combination sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    MOTOROLA IC TRIAC Datasheets Context Search

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    nt 101 thermostat

    Abstract: motorola UAA1016B UAA1016B triac BT162 motorola application notes uaa1016b triac analog control for inductive loads BT162-600 thermostat NT 101 bt162 BT162600
    Text: Order this document by UAA1016B/D UAA1016B Zero Voltage Controller The UAA1016B is designed to drive triacs with the Zero Voltage technique which allows RFI free power regulation of resistive loads. It provides the following features: • • • • • •

    UAA1016B/D UAA1016B UAA1016B UAA1016B/D* nt 101 thermostat motorola UAA1016B triac BT162 motorola application notes uaa1016b triac analog control for inductive loads BT162-600 thermostat NT 101 bt162 BT162600 PDF

    nt 101 thermostat

    Abstract: UAA1016B motorola application notes uaa1016b thermostat NT 101 three phase ntc triac heater control motorola UAA1016B
    Text: Order this document by UAA1016B/D UAA1016B Zero Voltage Controller The UAA1016B is designed to drive triacs with the Zero Voltage technique which allows RFI free power regulation of resistive loads. It provides the following features: • Proportional Temperature Control over an Adjustable Band

    UAA1016B/D UAA1016B UAA1016B UAA1016B/D* nt 101 thermostat motorola application notes uaa1016b thermostat NT 101 three phase ntc triac heater control motorola UAA1016B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MAC16C/D s e m ic o n d u c to r te c h n ic a l d a ta M AC16C Series Advance Information TRIACS Motorola preferred devices Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors TRIACS 16 AMPERES RMS 400 thru 800 VOLTS Designed primarily for full wave ac control applications, such as motor

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    MAC16C/D T0-220AB AC16C PDF

    motorola triac

    Abstract: motorola triac driver MLEDC1000 MRDC600
    Text: MOTOROLA H S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MRDC600 Photo Detector C hip Triac Driver Output . designed for use with IRED MLEDC1000 to optically couple logic system s with power triacs to control equipment powered from 120 Vac and 240 Vac lines.

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    MLEDC1000) MRDC600 motorola triac motorola triac driver MLEDC1000 MRDC600 PDF


    Abstract: M0C2A-60 triac arc control
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC2A60-10 M0C2A60-5 Advance Information POWER OPTO Isolator M o to ro la P r « * r r * d O v v ic i« 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to

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    UL508 M0C2A60-5 M0C2A-60 triac arc control PDF

    transistors BC 458

    Abstract: TL431 TL431BCLP TL431BCD TL431ACLP TL431AILP TL431ILP TL431ACD TL431ACP TL431CDM
    Text: g MOTOROLA TL431, A, B Series Programmable Precision References PROGRAMMABLE PRECISION REFERENCES The TL431, A, B integrated circuits are ihree-terminal programmable shunt regulator diodes. These monolithic IC voltage references operate as a low temperature coefficient zener which is programmable from Vref to 36 V

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    TL431, transistors BC 458 TL431 TL431BCLP TL431BCD TL431ACLP TL431AILP TL431ILP TL431ACD TL431ACP TL431CDM PDF

    thyristor tic 44

    Abstract: tic 223
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MAC08BT1 S eries * SO T-223 Triac Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors ' M o to r o la p r e fe rr e d d e v ic e s Designed for use in solid state relays, MPU interface, TTL logic and other light industrial or consumer applications. Supplied in surface mount package for use in

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    T-223 MAC08BT1 thyristor tic 44 tic 223 PDF


    Abstract: TL431ACLP TL431AILP TL431ILP TL431IP TL431ACD TL431ACP TL431CP TL431CDM TL431IDM
    Text: Order this document from TL431/D M MOTOROLA TL431, A, B Series Programmable Precision References The TL431, A, B integrated circuits are three-terminal programmable shunt regulator diodes. These monolithic IC voltage references operate as a low temperature coefficient zener which is programmable from Vref to 36 V

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    Abstract: TL431IJG motorola TO92 triac Scr TL431 TL431CP TL431MJG TL431CLP TL431CJG motorola LED TO-92 TL431
    Text: MOTOROLA SC TELECOM b5E » • b3b7SS3 SEMICONDUCTOR! TECHNICAL DATA T h e TL4 31, A, B in teg rated circ u its are th re e -te rm in a l p ro g ra m m a b le shun t re g u la to r dio d e s. T h e se m ono lith ic IC vo lta g e re fe re n ce s o p e ra te as a low

    OCR Scan
    00fib221 TL431, b3b7253 150uH tl4311 TL431IJG motorola TO92 triac Scr TL431 TL431CP TL431MJG TL431CLP TL431CJG motorola LED TO-92 TL431 PDF

    2594 M-5.0

    Abstract: L431A TL4311JG IC LM 258 tl431 lm tl43 ic TL431IJG TL431 TL431 pac TL431CJ
    Text: MOTOROLA TL431, A, B Series SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Programmable Precision References T h e T L 4 3 1 , A, B in te g ra te d c irc u its are th re e -te rm in a l p ro g ra m m a b le shun t re g u la to r diodes. T h e se m on o lith ic IC v o lta g e re fe re n ce s o p e ra te as a low

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    TL431, 150uH 2594 M-5.0 L431A TL4311JG IC LM 258 tl431 lm tl43 ic TL431IJG TL431 TL431 pac TL431CJ PDF

    diac SBS 14

    Abstract: DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit DIAC 1n5760 DIAC EQUIVALENT SBS thyristor 1N5760 DIAC application MOTOROLA SCR CIRCUITS BY USING 2N6027 DIAC thyristor application
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR r APPLICATION NOTE AN964 T rig g e r D esign Ideas for D iac Replacem ents INTRODUCTION T h e fam ily o f d e v ic e s d e sig n e d for controlling S C R s and triacs are called triggers. T h e m ore c o m m o n trigge rs are unijunction tra n sisto rs, p ro g ra m m a b le unijunction

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    AN964/D AN964/D diac SBS 14 DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit DIAC 1n5760 DIAC EQUIVALENT SBS thyristor 1N5760 DIAC application MOTOROLA SCR CIRCUITS BY USING 2N6027 DIAC thyristor application PDF

    moc3063 application note

    Abstract: moc3061 application note application notes MOC3062 MOC3061 3016 thyristor MOC3062 mercury wetted relay IEC-204 moc3062 inductive VDE0832
    Text: • MOTOROLA m S E M IC O N D U C T O R rt TECHNICAL DATA / M OC3061 M O C3062 M O C 3063 6 -P in D IP O p to is o la to r s Triac Driver Output Th e se devices co n sist of gallium arsenide infrared emitting diodes optically coupled to m onolithic silicon detectors perform ing the functions of Zero Voltage C ro ssin g bilateral

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    MOC304ATING 30A-02 moc3063 application note moc3061 application note application notes MOC3062 MOC3061 3016 thyristor MOC3062 mercury wetted relay IEC-204 moc3062 inductive VDE0832 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC3081 MOC3082 MOC3083 6-Pin D IP O p to iso la to rs Triac Driver Output T h e se d evice s co n sist of g alliu m a rsen id e in frared em itting d io d es op tica lly co upled to m o n o lith ic silico n d etectors p erform ing the fun ctio n s of Zero V oltage C ro ssin g bilateral

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    1N4001; PDF


    Abstract: application notes MOC3062 MOC3Q63 motorola 3062
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC3061 MOC3062 MOC3063 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators Triac Driver Output These devices co nsist o f g a lliu m arsenide in fra re d e m ittin g diodes o p tic a lly c o u p le d to m o n o lith ic silico n d e te cto rs p e rfo rm in g th e fu n c tio n s o f Zero V oltage C rossing bila tera l

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    30A-02 MQC3062 application notes MOC3062 MOC3Q63 motorola 3062 PDF


    Abstract: moc3063 application note MOC3062 moc3062 inductive MOTOROLA SCR driver motorola triac driver VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 VIOC3041
    Text: MOTOROLA •i SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC3061 MOC3062 MOC3063 6-Pin DIP Optoisolators Triac Driver Output These devices co n sist o f g a lliu m arsen id e in fra re d e m ittin g d io d e s o p tic a lly c o u p le d to m o n o lith ic silico n d e te cto rs p e rfo rm in g th e fu n c tio n s o f Zero V o lta g e C rossing b ila te ra l

    OCR Scan
    VIOC3041 30A-02 MOC3061 moc3063 application note MOC3062 moc3062 inductive MOTOROLA SCR driver motorola triac driver VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MRDC600WP Ph oto D e te cto r C h ip Triac Driver Output T h e M R D C 6 0 0 W P is d e s ig n e d f o r u s e w it h IR E D {M L E D C 1 0 0 0 } t o o p t ic a lly c o u p le lo g ic s y s t e m s w it h p o w e r t r ia c s to c o n t r o l e q u ip m e n t p o w e r e d f r o m 1 2 0 V a c a n d 2 4 0 V a c lin e s .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: universal motor speed control wash "universal motor speed controller" universal motor speed controller motor controller with TDA1085 TDA1085 Triac TDA motorola triac phase angle controller full wave triac speed controller closed loop universal motor SPEED
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA UNIVERSAL MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER T h e T D A 1 0 8 5 A has all th e necessary fu nctio ns fo r th e speed control o f universal ac/dc m o tors in an o p e n or closed loop co n fig u ratio n . A d d itio n a lly it has th e facility-for d efinin g th e initial

    OCR Scan
    TDA1085A TDA1085A universal motor speed control wash "universal motor speed controller" universal motor speed controller motor controller with TDA1085 TDA1085 Triac TDA motorola triac phase angle controller full wave triac speed controller closed loop universal motor SPEED PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Photo Detector Chip T ria c D river Output . . . d e s ig n e d fo r use w ith IRED M LED C1000 to o p tic a lly c o u p le lo g ic sy s te m s w ith p o w e r tria cs to co ntro l e q u ip m e n t p ow ered fro m 120 V a c and 240 V a c lines.

    OCR Scan
    C1000) PDF

    moc3081 application note

    Abstract: moc3081 moc3083 application MOC3083 MQC3082 MOC3082 led driver 800 volts triac scr schematic MOC3081 MOTOROLA MOC3031
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC3081 MOC3082 MOC3083 6-P in D IP O p to is o la to rs T ria c D river O utput T h e s e d e v ic e s c o n s is t o f g a lliu m a r s e n id e in fr a r e d e m it tin g d io d e s o p t ic a lly c o u p le d to m o n o lit h ic s ilic o n d e te c to rs p e r f o r m in g th e f u n c tio n s o f Z e ro V o lta g e C r o s s in g b ila te r a l

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    MOC3031 30A-02 moc3081 application note moc3081 moc3083 application MOC3083 MQC3082 MOC3082 led driver 800 volts triac scr schematic MOC3081 MOTOROLA PDF


    Abstract: scr optoisolator motorola triac driver moc3031 Application triac triggering circuit VDE01 MOC3031 MOC3032 VDE0160 VDE0832
    Text: MOTOROLA wmSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M O C3031 M O C 3032 M O C 3033 6-Pin D IP O p to iso la to rs Triac Driver Output T h e se d e v ice s co n sist of g a lliu m a rse n id e in frare d e m ittin g d io d es o p tica lly co u p led to a m o n o lith ic silico n d etector p erfo rm in g the fu n ctio n o f a Ze ro V o lta g e c ro ssin g b ilate ral

    OCR Scan
    30A-02 m0c3031 scr optoisolator motorola triac driver moc3031 Application triac triggering circuit VDE01 MOC3031 MOC3032 VDE0160 VDE0832 PDF

    motorola triac driver

    Abstract: triac driver output motorola triac MLEDC1000 MRDC800 triac Motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA il S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA M R D C 800 P h o to D e te c to r C h ip Triac Driver Output . . d e sig n e d for u se w ith IR E D M L E D C 1 0 0 0 to optically co u p le lo gic s y s t e m s with p o w e r triacs to control e q u ip m e n t p ow ered from 120 V a c a n d 240 V a c lines.

    OCR Scan
    MLEDC1000) motorola triac driver triac driver output motorola triac MLEDC1000 MRDC800 triac Motorola PDF

    moc3041 application note

    Abstract: MOC3042 AN moc3041 MOTOROLA MOC3041 motorola triac MOC3042 motorola triac driver VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833
    Text: MOTOROLA mm SE M IC O N D U C TO R TECHNICAL DATA M O C 3041 M O C 3042 M O C 3043 6-P in D IP O p to is o la to rs T ria c D river O u tp u t These d evices co n s is t o f g a lliu m arsen id e in fra re d e m ittin g d io d e s o p tic a lly c o u p le d to

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    30A-02 moc3041 application note MOC3042 AN moc3041 MOTOROLA MOC3041 motorola triac MOC3042 motorola triac driver VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MRDC800 Photo D etector Chip T ria c D river O utput . . . d e s ig n e d fo r u se w ith IRED M LED C1000 to o p tic a lly c o u p le lo g ic sy s te m s w ith p o w e r tria cs to c o n tro l e q u ip m e n t p o w e re d fro m 120 V a c an d 240 V a c lines.

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    C1000) MRDC800 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICO NDUCTO R TECHNICAL DATA M O C 3031 M O C 3032 M O C 30 33 6-P in D IP O p to is o la to rs Triac Driver Output These d evices co nsist o f g a lliu m arsenide infra re d e m ittin g d io d e s o p tic a lly c o up le d to a m o n o lith ic silico n d e te cto r p e rfo rm in g th e fu n c tio n o f a Zero V oltage cro ssin g b ila te ra l

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